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  • How To Participate

    • Find or create an event that you are passionate about.
    • Add a badge to your blog and help spread the word.
    • On the day of the event, write a blog post.
    • Share your post with the Bloggers Unite community.
  • Link

    I will link 11/02.. on 11/01 I am participating in the global Autism event Communication Shutdown:

    Misleading causes.

    The option to "chip in" is linked to a German Paypal site. I was planning to donate but wasn't sure of the banking address for the credit card on one of the links. People are very…

    Find out about events worldwide for The International Day fo…

    There's a dedicated website hosted by ATD Fourth World where you can find out about events happening worldwide, as well as learn about the background to this Day. Go to http://www.…

    Adoption Awareness

    Adopted children are often referred to as chosen children. People with love to give and none to bestow it upon seek out a child to raise with love. Some parents choose to conceal t…

    A Simple Act Of Kindness Everyday

    Kindness is the quality of being warmhearted and considerate and humane and sympathetic. It is the act of forgivingness, the tendency to be kind and forgiving. People who are kind…

  • Bloggers Unite is an attempt to harness
    the power of the blogosphere to make
    the world a better place. By asking bloggers
    to write about a particular subject,
    a single voice can be joined with thousands
    to help make a difference. Learn More