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AAAS Dialogue on Science, Ethics, and Religion

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AAAS Dialogue on Science, Ethics, and Religion


AAAS Dialogue on Science, Ethics, and Religion (DoSER) facilitates communication between scientific and religious communities. The program builds on AAAS's long-standing commitment to relate scientific knowledge and technological development to the purposes and concerns of society at large.


DoSER Welcomes New Director

On Wednesday, June 16 DoSER hosted an event to welcome Dr. Jennifer Wiseman as the program’s new director and to explore the future of the science and religion dialogue. Read more or watch the video.

Featured Resources

Exploring the Origin, Extent, and Future of Life: Philosphical, Ethical and Theological Perspectives

A volume edited by Constance Bertka, prior director of the DoSER program, will be available in October 2009 from Cambridge University Press. The book grew out of a series of meetings about astrobiology held by AAAS in 2003-4, witih funding from NASA and the John Templeton Foundation, and includes contributions from philosophers, historians, ethicists, and theologians. Topics addressed include the implications of current origin of life research, the possible discovery of extraterrestrial microbial life, and the possibility of altering the environment of Mars.

Web Site

Our science, mathematics, and technology education web site for local school boards is up and running! Visit www.smartschoolboards.org to browse through an array of resources including information addressing common questions, video clips, talking points, training materials and more. The site is a product of our partnership with the National School Boards Association and is supported by a grant from the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation.

Workshop Report
[PHOTOGRAPH] The Workshop Report book in partial profile

DoSER’s Workshop Report on the Philosophical, Ethical, and Theological Implications of Astrobiology summarizes the activities of three meetings held in Washington, DC on the Origin of Life, the Extent of Life, and the Future of Life. These meetings were organized to begin to identify philosophical, ethical, and theological issues associated with astrobiology, and the engage the broader academic and public community around the social implications of new discoveries in the field.

  • To order:

    Call 1-202-326-6727 (9:00 AM-5:00 PM EST)
    Fax: 1-202-289-4950, Attn: DoSER Publications
    Mail: AAAS, Attn: DoSER Publications, 1200 New York Ave. NW, Room 705, Washington, DC 20005

    Price: $20.00 plus shipping and handling
    Add $4.00 (US & Canada) and $8.00 (International) postage & handling. For shipments to CA & DC add applicable sales tax. For shipments to Canada add the GST.
    Please allow 3-4 weeks for delivery.

    Please include the book title, number of copies, your name, billing address, phone number, and credit card number with expiration date with all orders. We regret that we cannot take orders online at this time. If you have problems with your order please email: doser@aaas.org

The Evolution Dialogues: Science, Christianity, and the Quest for Understanding
[PHOTOGRAPH] The Evolution Dialogues cover

This unique and extraordinary resource presents in plain language and in under 200 pages a new conversation on evolution and Chrisitianity:

  • a description of the development
    of evolutionary theory from before
    Darwin to the present.
  • the rich and complex historical
    interaction of evolution and Christianity.
  • accounts of the nature of science
    and of Christian approaches to
  • the history of life as revealed through the evolutionary sciences.

As an introduction to each chapter, the book features a narrative about the personal dilemma of a fictional college student, Angela Rawlett, as she struggles to reconcile her traditional Christian upbringing with her keen interest in biology.

  • Read a preview of Angela's story
  • See the Table of Contents
  • Please leave us your feedback on The Evolution Dialogues and the study guide.
  • The 2nd edition is now available, the 1st edition has been sold out.
  • To order:

    Call 1-202-326-6727 (9:00 AM-5:00 PM EST)
    Fax: 1-202-289-4950, Attn: DoSER Publications
    Mail: AAAS, Attn: DoSER Publications, 1200 New York Ave. NW, Room 705, Washington, DC 20005

    Price: $17.95 plus shipping and handling
    Add $4.00 (US & Canada) and $8.00 (International) postage & handling.
    For shipments to CA & DC add applicable sales tax. For shipments to Canada add the GST.
    Please allow 3-4 weeks for delivery.

    Please include the book title, number of copies, your name, billing address, phone number, and credit card number with expiration date with all orders. We regret that we cannot take orders online at this time. If you have problems with your order please email: doser@aaas.org

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