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Poll workers aggressively approaching voters inside early voting sites. Automated phone calls from disconnected numbers. Is this any way to run a campaign? More...


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A new report finds that U.S. Senate candidates who've helped block action or cast doubt on global warming are getting financial support from European firms with a stake in blocking greenhouse gas regulation. More...

African-American farmers gathered in the historic New Deal resettlement community of Tillery, N.C. over the weekend to draw attention to the continuing decline of black land ownership and to call on the Senate to pay for a long-awaited race discrimination agreement. They also began raising money for a private fund to support black agriculture. More...

Lt. Dwayne Scheuermann has been the target of more than 50 complaints ranging from accusations of brutality, to rape, to improper searches -- yet he was never flagged for entrance into the city's monitoring program for possible problem officers. More...

While some conservatives have distanced themselves from controversial elements of the Tea Party movement, groups in North Carolina backed by influential donor Art Pope continue to embrace them. More...

Big polluters are also big spenders when it comes to efforts to influence next month's mid-term elections -- but fortunately there is a host of resources to help voters figure out who the clean-energy candidates are. More...

Three conservation groups have filed a lawsuit against BP under the federal Endangered Species Act, citing the harm the Deepwater Horizon oil disaster continues to cause Gulf wildlife. More...

"Waiting for 'Superman,'" the controversial new documentary about U.S. public schools, promotes doing away with teachers' unions and creating charters -- but is that really the formula for educational success? More...