Our primary email address and phone number are not currently attended to (though volunteers try to keep the serving schedule up to date). at the moment the best ways to contact sf food not bombs are by:

  • visiting our serving schedule page and emailing contacts for specific days you are interested in
  • joining our email list and posting there
  • showing up at a serving and getting directly involved

if you’d like to take over email or phone administration please join our email list, introduce yourself.

This August 6th-9th, 2010 there will be a Northwest Food Not Bombs gathering in Seattle, Washington.  Everyone encouraged to join!

Invtation from Seattle FNB:

Greetings, Food Not Bombers!

This is an official invitation for your chapter and your friends to attend Cooking for Peace, a Northwest Food Not Bombs gathering August 6-9, 2010 in Seattle, Washington.  We are meeting these specific dates in memory of the victims of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan 65 years ago.  Within the first two to four months of the bombings, the acute effects killed 90,000–166,000 people in Hiroshima and 60,000–80,000 in Nagasaki, with roughly half of the deaths in each city occurring on the first day. Please join us as we remember those lives lost so horribly and as we celebrate our continued struggle for peace and sharing. Specific schedules are still in the works, but here’s what we have planned so far:

Friday August 6th: Welcome to Seattle!  Recipe swap and banjoes. Vigil for the victims in Hiroshima.

Saturday August 7th:  Food Not Bombs co-founder Keith McHenry speaks, workshops, and information tables.

Sunday August 8th: Buffet-style feeding (let’s eat!) and concert.  Bands TBA.

Monday August 9th: Direct Action.  Vigil for the victims in Nagasaki.

***To ask questions or help get this thing together, you can join the
discussion board by e-mailing FNBSeattle@gmail.com Then accept our
request to join the group and POST AWAY!
Thanks so much to all of you who keep Food Not Bombs alive, and we
hope to see you all in August!

Seattle FNB”

On Thursday June 10th, a chapter of Food Not Bombs in the Diablo valley area attempted to serve food at the Concord farmers market in the Todos Santos plaza to the homeless and underprivileged. The Contra Costa Health Department with the assistance of the Concord Police Department ordered the group to cease operations and confiscated all of the group’s food and supplies.  Click here for the Indybay story with more info.

Dangerous peace activists safely quarantined by gentile police in an effort to keep hungry park goers from eating disgustingly tasty homemade food

UPDATE: on 6.17.10 a crew of SF FNB people and supporters rode bart down to the Concord serving to show some solidarity and support.  Apparently the police showed up again to try to intimidate and shut down the food serving.  Fortunately they were too timid to stir up anything with the new numbers of supporters and the serving went through as planned :)

My friends! It is nearing that time of year when Food Not Bombs begins to prepare for the Chez Gay Cafe. This is our third year of serving at the Trans March and we want to do something a little different. We are encouraging everyone to bring something for a picnic/potluck style meal. Please bring vegan or veggie stuff to share. We may have even have a grill for veggie burgers. All friendly people are welcome.

Save the date: Trans March, June 25th, Dolores Park, 3pm ish. By the Palm Grove

Mon ami! C’est le temps de l’année où Food Not Bombs commence à préparer le café Chez Gay. C’est notre troisième année et nous encourageons tout le monde à apporter de la nourriture à partager un pique-nique. S’il vous plaît mettre végétalien ou végétarien alimentaire. Nous pouvons avoir un poêle pour cuire des hamburgers végétariens. Tous les gens sympathiques peuvent assister

Plus de détails à venir. Où: Festival transgenres., le 25 Juin, Dolores Park, 15:00

Keith McHenry, one of the original founders of Food Not Bombs (FNB) returned to SF on April 25th as part of a nation-wide tour to promote the 30th anniversary of Food Not Bombs. Today, people will be celebrating this occasion at Soupstock in Boston, MA.

Kieth McHenry shared many thoughts, ideas, and experiences at the meeting and also showed a video of his work in Nigeria. It was very revitalizing to see how FNB has spread to so many nooks and crannies across the globe.

Some things we talked about that SF FNB could use work on were the following:

  • Developing flyers
  • Having a literature table (to point people to other local happenings)
  • Spreading solidarity among other organizations & groups
  • Manage the phone and email

Keith McHenry getting arrested for serving food in the early says of Food Not Bombs

These things were discussed in connection with attracting new volunteers to help support SF FNB. One useful tip he mentioned for literature and flyers was to tie rubber bands around them (to keep them from blowing away).

People are already working on these projects but if you or anyone you know would be interested in helping out, please give us a holler on our email list.

Food Not Bombs is a loose group of people who turn their personal house kitchens into soup kitchens for the public at least once a week.

We’re holding a Vegan Chili Competition Benefit Fund raiser, Complete with a handcarved FNB medal for the honor of the BEST VEGAN CHILI of SF! We’re going to have Shirts/Zines, Dirty South DJ’s, House Chili (Vegan) Cornbread. Throw on your best Flannel print and throwdown your Best Vegan Chili!!!

The Door is FREE and sliding scale $7 to ENTeR into the Contest. Chili Entries close at 4pm Plz cook @ home and bring it here!!! RSVP an entry spot to get in for sure, but if you BRiNG CHili, you can ENTeR @ the place.

GET READY 4 SOME GOoOoOoD CHILI!!!!! chiheee (did I just say that? really?)

Title: Vegan Chili Showdown Hoedown SF ¡¡Food Not Bombs!! Cookoff Contest
START DATE: Sunday January 10
TIME: 3:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Location Details:
3030B 16th @ mission. Station 40
xxxxxxx Across 16th st. Bart xxxxxx
Event Type: Fundraiser
Contact Name Theo
Email Address Ginjavitus [at] riseup.net

Wednesday food not bombs is organizing a serving for Friday, Dec 25 —  xmas day. Come on out, we’ll have the deep fryer, and hopefully even a projector and movie. the more veg food we can get, the better!

you can RSVP or get more info below: http://www.facebook.com/#/event.php?eid=225901558834&ref=mf

We just received word that, tomorrow night, 12/3, Guest Chef Thomas Martinez’s Mission Street Food serving will be benefiting Food Not Bombs. Proceeds will help us buy the few things we can’t recover or otherwise manage for free — oil, cups, spoons, etc! Thanks!


Starting at 6pm

2234 Mission St
(Lung Shan Restaurant)

Now is also a great time to volunteer with FNB! We’re always looking for people who want to host a kitchen or otherwise coordinate a serving. We can provide you with food hook-ups. You can do it with friends or leave it open to strangers!

From Theo:
We've been working on putting together an SF meeting for FNB on sunday
Oct. 18th starting at 3:30p, Station 40 (3030b 16th St). I've been hearing alot of good ideas from
alot of people and we're interested in hearing more.

Some but not all of the ideas/needs I've heard include;

Bulk orders of food oil, spices, coffee, etc
Bike Carts/Hand Carts
Bulk rice and Beans Distro
Organizing a network of people down to support actions
FNB Merch, like zines, Shirts, and collectable fine china
Cup distro
Financial Transparency
Getting more Markets on our side.
5013c Status j/k

I feel like we got to work on making our Food Not Bombs communal, and
economically/environmentally sustainable.+ I heard the angry fist will
drop the carrot and slap your face if you don't show up, not really don't
worry though it might send curry packs to your front door.

Send stuff to the list or to me if you have ideas for the meeting, and
stay in touch!

SF FNB is going to setup a park near polk and sacremento on parking day, september 18th. Please come join us around noon — -we’ll have a grill, lounge chairs, food, coffee and more!

update: thanks to everyone for coming out to our first parking day! here are some photos (taken by Tami)
