7 AM (that's right AM) 440 King St W Shutting down CSC Regional Headquarters for the morning is meant to send a peaceful but assertive democratic message to our government.  The Conservatives cannot ignore the vast majority ...

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Posted on Jul 22

Kingston Indigenous Solidarity Network fundraises with Two Row Wampum Flags

Throughout the summer, members of the Kingston Indigenous Solidarity Network will be selling Two-Row Wampum flags in and around Kingston to raise money for legal battles resulting from land defense and reclamation of stolen land at Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory. The Two Row Wampum treaty, also known as Guswhenta or Kaswehnta, is an agreement made between representatives of the Five Nations of the Haudenoshaunee peoples and representatives of the Dutch government ...

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Posted on May 4

Speaking Tour Against Prisons Sat July 24th AKA 75 Queen St. Kingston

Tour of Prison Abolition activists bring their viewpoint to Kingston "Prison is the most brutal direct expression of power, and like any hegemonic power it cannot be abolished through progress. Anyone who thinks that they can work on improving it now in order to try and destroy it later will remain a captive of its logic and achieve nothing but to strengthen the very system they oppose."

Posted on Jul 14

Get on the (free) bus to the G20!

Interested in attending the G8/G20 Summit protests in Toronto? Need a ride? There are two FREE buses, one leaving Friday (June 25th) morning, the other leaving Saturday (June 26th) morning, and one returning Saturday afternoon, and the other returning Sunday (June 27th) evening. To secure a space on a bus to and from Toronto you must e-mail by Thursday June 17 with your name and which buses you want to take. For ...

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Posted on Jun 15

G20 Independent Media Workshop

Thursday June 17th 7:00-9:00 PM AKA Autonomous Social Centre, 75 Queen St. (corner of Wellington) Volunteers from our own local campus and community radio station will run this hands-on workshop to develop skills to create independent radio, podcasts and other forms of web-based media. Knowledge is power; come learn how to share both! -- We will be discussing the importance of independent media, focusing on the power of media in protest situations as well as ...

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Posted on Jun 15

Street Medics/Protest Health & Safety Workshop

Wednesday, June 16th, 5pm, AKA Autonomous Social Centre, 75 Queen St. (corner of Wellington) Street Medics/Protest Health & Safety Workshop A local nurse and a local activist team up to present practical techniques for staying out of harm’s way in a protest. Come learn about DIY healthcare that will help you keep you and your friends safe in a demo… and when the apocalypse comes.

Posted on Jun 8

Armour Making Workshop SUN June 13th

***Rescheduled *** to Sunday, June 13th, 2pm, AKA Autonomous Social Centre, 75 Queen St. (corner of Wellington) Armour-Making Workshop A local artist and chain-maille creator extraordinaire will teach a simple and crafty technique for making sturdy protest-worthy armour from recycled materials! Come make some for yourself or someone else! All supplies provided. Bring sturdy scissors if you’ve got them.

Posted on Jun 8

July 2010
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun


Our Mandate

The Ontario Public Interest Research Group (OPIRG) Kingston is dedicated to research, education, and action in the public interest. We are predominantly student-funded and student-run, but strive to maintain a balance of support and direction from the wider Kingston community. OPIRG Kingston exists to serve as a training ground for concerned citizens to recognize and engage the problems of society.

We’ve been in Kingston since 1992. The PIRG movement started in the 1970s and has spread to over 200 PIRGs across North America. PIRGs are democratic, independent, non-partisan, non-profit, and non-governmental organizations.

What Do PIRGs Do?

Since PIRGs are directed by you, the community, the specifics of what PIRGs do depend on the interests of the people who are involved. Most PIRG projects are coordinated by Working Groups. The PIRG provides resources, training, ideas, and staff support. We help to organize individuals into Working Groups that work to translate concern into educated and effective action.\r\n\r\nWhile board members may identify projects and programs for the PIRG, their primary role, along with staff members, is to support the interests of the working groups.\r\n\r\nPIRGs also work with students and community members to organize educational events on public interest issues and coordinate research in collaboration with university departments, professors, and the community. These events include speakers, films, conferences, workshops, festivals and classes.\r\n\r\nPIRGs provide training, support, and opportunities to help people transform social and environmental concerns into effective action. We offer various kinds of support, from information to money, from administrative to technological. We facilitate opportunities for skill development through volunteer opportunities, educational events, public campaigns and partnerships with community organizations. Through involvement with PIRGs, thousands of people have learned skills to act effectively in the public interest, such as consensus decision-making, group facilitation, events organizing, media relations, and community-based research.

How we’re funded

Student fees – OPIRG Kingston is primarily funded by an optional fee for students at Queen’s University. Undergraduate, graduate and professional students can opt to pay $4 to maintain us as a resource on campus.

OPIRG Provincial Network – We also receive funding each year from the Ontario PIRG network. PIRGs in Ontario work in solidarity with each other and have made a commitment to support each other through an equalization agreement.

Grants - Each year we successfully apply for grants for projects

Donations and fundraising – Each year we raise thousands of dollars that mainly go to specific projects and events. We appreciate any donation, big or small!
