Turn the Budget Around!

Sunday 22 May 2011—Members of the Olympia local and Western Washington chapters of the Fellowship of Reconciliation, Veterans for Peace Rachel Corrie Chapter local 109, and many other community members built a wall out of cardboard boxes to represent the Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex, and called to Turn the Budget Around—to re-direct military spending toward mutually uplifting peaceful alternatives, like schools, health care, environmental protection, and full employment.

more! turn the budget around short report olyblog

NW Latin American Solidarity Weekend!

7 May 2011 10:30 am
America/Los Angeles

Saturday May 7th, Seminar 2 E1105: FREE
10:30- 11:00 Coffee and pastries.
11:00- 12:15 James Jordan, from the Alliance For Global Justice, on the US Prison Industrial Complex’s prison networks built in Colombia.
12:15- 1:00 Lunch break.
1:00- 2:30 Power Panel on the decade of refounding. Updates on Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua and Venezuela. Peter Bohmer & guests!
2:45- 3:15 B Media Collective of Portland will be showing how Venezuelan grassroots community media, like the videos they have produced, create open society in Venezuela and how that media model can create a more open, participatory and educated society here.  read more »

Olympia Coalition for a Fair Budget Meeting


We're still working for a fair budget! Come one, come all, come on down! We're here!

Where: Media Island, 816 Adams St SE, Olympia, WA

When: Wednesday 27 April 2011, 7 to 9pm

Police Shut Down Iron Rail Infoshop in New Orleans

On Wednesday the Iron Rail Infoshop was shut down by police under the pretext of permit violations and an inability to produce a business license. The Iron Rail has existed in this location for the past 8 years. The shut down included the entire building known as "The Ark" which also houses the Plan B Community Bike Project and Hasbin Wilby's recycled art supplies, as well as numerous artist's studios which sometimes are used as dwellings. the Iron Rail hosts the Crescent City Anti-Authoritarians meetings and is the hub of anarchist organizing and other alternative projects in the city.  read more »

Peace Works 2011: Solidarity in Action

Rachel Corrie Foundation presents Peace Works 2011: Solidarity in Action, April 8-9, featuring Alice Walker
Olympia, WA – The Rachel Corrie Foundation for Peace & Justice will host its 2011 Peace Works event Friday and Saturday, April 8-9. Solidarity in Action is a weekend conference featuring acclaimed author and activist Alice Walker as keynote presenter. Walker will speak at the Washington Center for the Performing Arts, Friday, April 8, 7:30 p.m. on The Poet/Writer as Activist.  read more »

Children Under Occupation

January 27th, 2011

Ziad Abbas, Palestinian Refugee from Dheisheh Refugee Camp in the West Bank, to Speak at South Puget Sound Community College
Rachel Corrie Foundation Joins Effort to Bring Clean Water to Children in Gaza
Ziad Abbas, Middle East Children’s Alliance, 510-717-6644, ziad@mecaforpeace.org
Rochelle Gause, Rachel Corrie Foundation for Peace and Justice, 360-754-3998, rochelle@rachelcorriefoundation.org  read more »

America's gulag

Stephen Grey
Published 17 May 2004
Stephen Grey uncovers a secret global network of prisons and planes that allows the US to hand over its enemies for interrogation, and sometimes torture, by the agents of its more unsavoury allies  read more »

School of the Americas opposition spreading in Latin America!

14 Countries have movements to shut down School of the Americas. The recent maximum prison sentences in federal court in Georgia (for sweet people who challenge the legitimacy of SOA by crossing a line)
demonstrate denial in action. The US so dislikes talking about the badness of these folks.
Check out this cool video!:


WikiLeaks: US targets EU over GM crops

US embassy cable recommends drawing up list of countries for 'retaliation' over opposition to genetic modification

by John Vidal, environment editor guardian.co.uk, 3 January 2011

The US embassy in Paris wanted to penalise the EU after France moved to ban a Monsanto GM corn variety.
The US embassy in Paris advised Washington to start a military-style trade war against any European Union country which opposed genetically modified (GM) crops, newly released WikiLeaks cables show.

In response to moves by France to ban a Monsanto GM corn variety in late 2007, the ambassador, Craig Stapleton, a friend and business partner of former US president George Bush, asked Washington to penalise the EU and particularly countries which did not support the use of GM crops.  read more »

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