Melbourne Anarchist Club MAC info, events and news


MAC Announce

If you'd like to know about upcoming events at the space, please feel free to join the MAC Announce list at Google Groups here.

The Melbourne Anarchist Club is located at 62 St Georges Rd, Northcote.
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May Day BBQ

MAC may day 2011

4–9pm Sunday May 1 @ 62 St Georges Rd Northcote

Every year we celebrate May 1, the workers' day of international class solidarity. We'll mark the event with a BBQ and bands in the afternoon.

Featuring acoustic sets from:

  • Tom Denton (Sweet Teens)
  • Wil Wagner
  • Jim Power (Ducks in the Mud)
  • A Commoner's Revolt (solo)

For information on the anarchist origins of May Day click here.

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7pm – 9:30pm Wednesday April 20 @ MAC

We're screening this great fictionalised account of Mujeres Libres (Free Women) in the Spanish Revolution. The space will be open at 7pm and the film screening will start at 7:30pm.


Black Light Issue Zero

At the Paris Commune Anniversary event, MAC launched Black Light #0. Black Light will be our new publication, and we did a pilot issue to work out the bugs. You can download it for yourself.

Articles include:

  • Anarchism in Indonesia: a history and update of current struggles, including first-hand info on Kulon Progo
  • Voina / Война: The Russian art group in trouble
  • A Home for the Far Right: An overview of the attempts of the Australian far right to find political acceptance
  • Plus articles confronting common myths of anarchism, a brief history of the Paris Commune and anarcha-feminism

Print-ready PDF
Please note we trimmed 10mm off the creep (right side after it's folded) and 5mm from the top and bottom.
We also printed it on grey paper.

Interactive PDF
Ideal for viewing on screen. Includes bookmarks and hyperlinks. Looks nice.


140th Anniversary Celebration of the Paris Commune

Featuring a dramatic reading from Bertolt Brecht's The Days Of The Commune
An acoustic set of music by Brendan McGloin
A DJ set by Hamburger Lady
The launch of a new anarchist publication
And more.

Melbourne Anarchist Club
7pm–12:30am, Saturday March 19th
62 St Georges Rd, Northcote
Free / Donation

poster for the Paris Commune event

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December 2010

Plans are afoot to hold a wild weekend at some point in December. We think? Otherwise, another meeting of the 'Fantin Reading Group', probably on Sunday, December 19, to discuss the question of violence and social change, with readings to be posted later this week. Also, we will be continuing to clean and paint the front room, while Anarres Books is planning on re-launching early next year.

Stay tuned for more details on all the above.


Is One Day of Democracy Enough?

This Sunday from 5pm some of the comrades have decided to start up the Fantin Reading Group again, with a session on the topic of voting and state elections. Very topical! I'm sure we'll all be ready for a dose of political reality after Saturday's election. The readings aren't on the blog just yet, but can be found on the MARC Announce list (including a funny one by Adam Bandt, check it out). All welcome.

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Coming up in November…

November 6. On Saturday afternoon we'll be showing some films documenting ecological and social struggles in Chile. The films have been produced by the anarchist filmmaking collective Sinapsis from Santiago, and include English subtitles.

November 12—14. Over the weekend, the Latin American Solidarity Network (LASNET) is holding a conference at Trades Hall. The themes of the conference are 'Defending Workers and Indigenous Rights' and 'Building Bridges and Global Resistance against Multinational Corporations' and it will feature many speakers from Australia and overseas.

Later in the month we'll be holding an Open Day at the space.

November 12. There's the End the Housing Crisis! No More Band-Aid Solutions rally presented by City Is Ours on Friday. Meet at Housing Minister Richard Wynne's office, 112 Smith Street, Collingwood at 4:30pm.

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Events Friday/Saturday October 22/23


7:00pm, Friday, October 22
Melbourne Freedom Club presents film screening, performance, talk.


7:00pm, Saturday, October 23
Dutch Squatting Info Night

New anti-squatting law introduced on October 1, 2010. Film and disco re resistances.

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Film screening, Sunday, October 10 @ 5pm

For more details, please see FREEDOM CLUB

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