Greg's blog

"Challenges: Ottawa area sex workers speak out"

Today, December 17, is the International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers.

"Challenges: Ottawa area sex workers speak out" is a report released Dec 2, 2010 by Chris Bruckert and Frédérique Chabot in collaboration with POWER (Prostitutes of Ottawa/Gatineau Work, Educate and Resist).

POWER's website is

The report is linked on their site, or directly at:

From the report's executive summary:

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Announcing the new Anarchist Platform Archive

Announcing the new Anarchist Platform Archive


The Anarchist Platform Archive is an archive of texts relating to the publishing of the Organisational Platform of the General Union of Anarchists (Draft) by the Group of Russian Anarchists Abroad (“Delo Truda” Group) in 1926.

note: this announcement was posted on Infoshop at

Friends and comrades,

We would like to take this opportunity to announce the new Anarchist Platform Archive. The Anarchist Platform Archive is an archive of texts relating to the publishing of the Organisational Platform of the General Union of Anarchists (Draft) by the Group of Russian Anarchists Abroad (“Delo Truda” Group) in 1926.

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Booklet: 'Organized Anarchism in the Anti-Capitalist Struggle'

Members of Common Cause Ottawa have come up with a booklet entitled 'Organized Anarchism in the Anti-Capitalist Struggle: Why we need organization - and principles to follow'

It is based on a presentation given by two CCO members at a conference in March 2010 ('Capitalism and Confrontation')

There are two versions of this booklet in pdf form. Both are on 8.5x11 letter-sized paper, 3 double-sided pages (or 6 single-sided).

One is for straightforward printing ('not folded' version): can be printed single- or double-sided

The other is to create a booklet ('folded' version): needs to be printed double-sided

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Toronto teen beaten to death by police

Please read this article from BASICS news

what it is reporting is that an 18-year old Dominican teenager, Junior Alexander Manon, was beaten to death after running away from police after being randomly pulled over at Founders and Steeles.

the cops and the corporate media both reported that he had dropped dead from a heart attack while running away, but witnesses reported that first two and then five more cops beat him to death. there was a pool of blood at the scene, and the family reported that there was a neck brace on the body and that his face showed signs of injury

Heads up: Cops visiting Ottawa activists

on thurs morning, an ottawa-area activist was visited at their home by two plainclothes police who said they were rcmp from out-of-town

the previous night, after a public event on diversity of tactics, some activists present suspected the event was under surveillance when men in a white van were seeing watching from outside the venue

so perhaps more people will be visited in the future? we've seen these kinds of strategies before, most recently in the lead up to the olympics in vancouver, where activists involved in anti-olympics organizing were visited, followed, and surveilled.

the visits are surely intended to gather intelligence and to intimidate.

Forging a Union of the Party Left and the Social Left

material for the Ottawa branch study group, sunday april 4th 2010 at 1pm ... for info please contact

Forging a Union of the Party Left and the Social Left
Martha Harnecker

TNI Website, January 2002


The globalization model imposed on Latin America has proved itself unable to solve the most pressing problems in our countries and its rejection has become ever more intense. This rejection is expressed through many different resistance practices and struggles.

Left fronts or political processes of the left constructed in opposition to neo-liberalism are consolidating in several Latin American countries. In others, powerful social movements that have become major political actors are now on the front lines of the combat against neo-liberal globalization.