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Fair Trade Advocates for Avocado Producers

Fair Trade Advocates for Avocado Producers

Posted April 26th 2010

The benefits of “fair trade” are many.  Fair prices mean that farmers benefit from pre-financing, have their production costs covered and receive decent wages.  The “fair trade premium” is a bonus that goes to co-operatives and communities to fund such projects as clinics, schools, training courses and needed equipment.  There is no child labour and efforts are made to ensure that women are full partners in any venture.  Environmentally-friendly farm practices are encouraged – for instance, 85% of all fair trade coffee is organic.  Foreign markets are found for fair trade crops and this trade, not aid, helps farmers produce their way out of poverty rather than being victims of predatory trade policies and dependent on aid programs.

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Fair Trade FAQs

What are the standards that products have to meet to be certified as fair trade?

The fair trade standards used by the Fair Trade Labelling Organizations International (FLO) are developed by its Standards & Policy Committee, in close cooperation with relevant stakeholders, including fair trade organizations, producer organizations, traders and external experts.

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Fair Trade Leaders

Fair Trade Manitoba recognizes groups and organizations that have fair trade purchasing policies – not only for one month, but as an ongoing element of their operations.

If your Manitoba-based organization has adopted a fair trade purchasing policy, please contact us and we will gladly add you to the list. We hope it grows by leaps and bounds!

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