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Since 2006 Bristol Radical History Group (BRHG) have organised a bewildering range of history events; staging walks, talks, gigs, reconstructions, films, exhibitions, trips through the archives and fireside story telling. We also publish a range of pamphlets and host an archive on this website.

Bristol Radical History Group events are organised by local people from Bristol and are NOT funded by Universities, Political Parties, Business or Local Government. To break even we rely on donations from the audience at meetings and the sale of books.

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Since 2006 Bristol Radical History Group have staged well over 100 events. The Events Archive contains details of our past events including audio and video footage from many of our lectures. The Events Page has details of our current events.

Find out about the Seven Stars plaque.


Bristol Radical History Group publishes an expanding range of pamphlets. The Publications Page contains details.


Our Archives contain a large collection of files related to the events that we have staged. As well as audio and video footage from many of our lectures, gigs and happenings there is also a collection of galleries and articles with material relating to the subjects that we have covered.

For a full list of past speakers see the Talks Page.

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BRH Quote Generator

“Capitalism is the most barbaric of all religions.”

Mark Stewart

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Read all of the quotes on the Quotes Page.

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