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The internet offers huge potential for artists who want to make music on their own terms. As the old business model crumbles to dust, artists have much to gain from entering into dialogue with their fans, not least from encouraging them to buy their music directly from the farm gate, secure in the knowledge that the money they spend will support the artist in their work.

I want this website to be my main source of communication with the world: songs I record, articles that I write, clips I film on my phone, merchandising I produce, blogs, comments, posts, all will be available here.
Billy Bragg SignatureIt's time to start our own revolution and cut out the middleman....

Billy's doings

BNP show their true colours in hate mail campaign - 2011-01-06 12:03:03

You may have read reports in the press that I have been the target of a hate mail campaign. Some 20 residents of the village in which I live have received letters attacking me and my political views over the Xmas period, addressed randomly to the owner/occupier. It is clear from the content that this anonymous letter has been written by a disgruntled supporter of the British National Party.

Even though I have campaigned against the Tories in West Dorset for the past ten years, they have never stooped so low as to randomly circulate hate mail in the hope of undermining my credibility. This pathetic attempt at intimidation reminds voters that the BNP are not like any other political party – their methods betray them. Anyone who thought that the BNP were just ordinary people concerned about our society can now see them for what they really are.

Fortunately, the BNP are a busted flush, their divisive politics rejected by the electorate at the last election, their organisation now collapsing into in-fighting. This letter is nothing more than the powerless ranting of a bitter individual who is angry that, even in a sleepy village like ours, people reject the politics of racism.

I’m sorry if anyone who received this letter was disturbed by its contents. My advice to any recipients is to throw it in the bin where it belongs. I will continue to campaign against racism wherever I find it, comfortable in the knowledge that, after 11 happy years living in Burton Bradstock, people here have already made up their minds about me, one way or another.

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