Welcome to MonkeyWrench Books Online, your collectively-owned and operated radical bookstore

MonkeyWrench Books is an all volunteer, collectively-run radical bookstore in North Austin. We provide an extensive collection of radical literature and media, prioritizing books, magazines, movies and zines that you won't find at your average corporate bookstore.

MonkeyWrench is more than a bookstore. It's a place for meetings, film screenings, workshops, benefits, book readings and performances. The store facilitates greater interaction among individuals and organizations working toward social and economic justice. It's a place where both experienced organizers and people new to political activism can find support, information, and a range of progressive viewpoints. It's also a relaxed space to network and make connections over a cup of organic coffee or tea.


Rad Readers: "Open Veins of Latin America" Part I

The Radical Readers Book Club welcomes readers, writers and book lovers of all kinds to join us for a discussion of Eduardo Galeano's "Open Veins of Latin America."

"Open Veins of Latin America" has set a new standard for historical scholarship of the continent. Rather than chronology, geography, or political successions, Eduardo Galeano has organized the various facets of Latin American history according to the patterns of five centuries of exploitation. Thus he is concerned with gold and silver, cacao and cotton, rubber and coffee, fruit, hides and wool, petroleum, iron, nickel, manganese, copper, aluminum ore, nitrates, and tin. These are the veins which he traces through the body of the entire continent, up to the Rio Grande and throughout the Caribbean, and all the way to their open ends where they empty into the coffers of wealth in the United States and Europe.

All readers interested in great historical, economic, political, and social writing will find a singular analytical achievement, and an overwhelming narrative that makes history speak, unforgettably.

We will begin meeting to discuss Part I this book on February 28th at 7pm.open veinsopen veins

Save 15% if you buy the book at MonkeyWrench!

"Promised Land" Screening - Jan 13, 6:30pm


MonkeyWrench presents the 2010 documentary "Promised Land," in partnership with the award-winning documentary series P.O.V.

"Promised Land" tells the story of two bellwether legal struggles over land in today’s South Africa. With behind-the-scenes access to landless blacks, white landowners and beleaguered government functionaries, Promised Land is a gripping insider’s account of the social and human stakes in South Africa’s struggle over land. An impoverished community seeks the return of 42,000 acres of rich farmland now in the hands of white farmers and developers; in the other, an extended, middle-class black family claims 3,800 acres owned by a few white farmers.

White landowners, whose deeds and bills of sale buttress their passionate belief that they should not be made to pay individually for the collective crimes of apartheid. The contradiction in government policies, a compromise strategy meant to appease white fears during the transition to democratic rule, has worked out mostly to the disadvantage of black South Africans. A decade and a half after the inauguration of black majority rule, less than 5 percent of the land has been redistributed. Promised Land is a timely alert that the patience of South African blacks, waiting for economic as well as political enfranchisement, is running out — that the hour hand has advanced dramatically on South Africa’s “ticking time bomb.”

This event is is a collaboration with the award-winning PBS documentary series P.O.V. (www.pbs.org/pov).