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Disarm Now Plowshares Indicted by Federal Grand Jury
More on Disarm Now Plowshares

Trial for Y12 Activists Set for January 11, 2011
U.S. District Attorney Offers Motion to Silence Defendants
action-- photo gallery

Catholic Workers, Jonah House, Plowshares
in US Dept. of Justice OIG report on FBI investigations
(full report-pdf)

Three Christian peace activists arrested at
Atomic Weapons Establishment (AWE) Aldermaston after
opening the base for disarmament.

Celebrating Nuclear Resistance!
18 minutes of history and encouragement from the Nuclear Resister

Review of Plowshares Actions Slideshow
high quality version available for download (.ppt and associated .mp3 files)
Abolish Nuclear Weapons
Faith and Resistance Retreat
August 5-6 and August 8-9
St Stephen and the Incarnation, Washington DC

Special Guest Speaker August 8: Frida Berrigan
August 6
Chrissy Nesbitt, Nancy Gowin,
Bill Frankel-Streit, Art Laffin
arrested at Pentagon
35 others vigil in sackcloth and ashes
August 6
Vigil at the White House
Hiroshima and Nagasaki
 photo gallery

Abbey Schumacher and Michael Meyer Reflect on Living at Jonah House

Bri and Alex Come To Jonah House:
A Letter of Introduction from Alex

Jonah House garden used for food pantry and home.
Summer Projects at
Jonah House

Luke Mattson, Nichole Hayden carry diluted urine to fertilize orchard.
Spring Pictures

Map of US Military Bases

Various Video Clips
of actions, talks, and concerns
Photo Gallery

Order DVD
Sacred Earth and Space Plowshares Witness

Micah the llama, our coworker helping to restore St. Peters Cemetery.
Student groups from different universities come to Jonah House for a week to learn about Gospel nonviolence.
Compost Toilet
Animals, our coworkers
Ardeth Platte, OP:
Canner Extrodinaire
Praying Mantis in Garden
Bible Camp

Easy link to all nonviolent actions on this site

Summer Scenes at Jonah House
Pictures of the House and Grounds

St. Peter's Cemetery

Jonah House Brochure
Brothers and Sisters in the Military: "Refuse to Fight! Refuse to Kill!"

Visitors since July 21, 2004