Flash Mob hits Vodafone

WAG @ Anarchist Bookfair 2010

The notorious Whitechapel Anarchist Group (WAG) will be at this years book fair (aka Anarcho Christmas) on Saturday 23rd October 10am-7pm at Queen Marys University (Mile End Road, London E1 4NS) launching our highly anticipated 24page pamphlet.

COME TO THE WAG MEETING – Room EB1 4pm-5pm – to hear our members introduce and talk about the topic. The pamphlet is a collection of reflections upon the events around June 20th 2010 when we had the prospect of the English Defence League coming to Tower Hamlets. The pamphlet tells an honest, warts and all account of our dealings not just with the EDL but religious preachers, the underhanded UAF, dodgy IFE, corrupt local council etc etc. It’s all in their from the number one anarchist group in the uk, personal reflections and honest musings, plenty of slagging off plus ideas and strategies for the way forward not just for WAG but the anarchist movement as a whole.

WAG will be present all day with a stall for old copies of the popular WAG paper, inflammatory stickers, posters etc etc. But most importantly we will be selling the limited edition run of our first ever produced pamphlet for £1.50.

Also at the bookfair we will be taking part in the Radical London Meeting, Room EB4A 3pm-4pm, alongside Haringey Solidarity, Hackney Solidarity, Action East End etc etc, building up a network for local groups across London to co-ordinate and support each other. Come along!!

Following on from the book fair WAG will be hosting a Public Meet and Greet on THURSDAY 4TH NOVEMBER 7-9PM at Larc (London Action Resource Centre) 62 Fieldgate Street E1 1ES for anyone interested! Find out about our regular discussion groups (next one on antifascism), weekly mixed martial arts classes, monthly Red & Black Club, get involved with our new paper / pamphlet / sticker design workshops and find out about our forthcoming strategy with the oncoming cuts and economic crisis.

Whether you’re a fascist, loyalist, trot, leftie, liberal, religious nutter, activista or anarcho-lifestylist – WE ARE the group that EVERYONE just loves to hate…


Death On Wheels

As the Cuts kick in and the Crisis deepens the Whitechapel Anarchist Group, bastions of organised resistance, once again raise the bar entering a state of permanent session with a host of activities coming up!

(1) Saturday 9th October 1-3pm: The Exercise Group meets to take part in mixed martial arts, self defense training and getting healthy and fit. More details to follow on this regular WAG Event.

(2) Sunday 10th October 2-4pm: The Communication Group is holding workshops in graphic design on the groups new spanking Mac Computer writing and designing flyers for upcoming meetings.

(3) Tuesday 12th October 6-8pm: The Discussion Group is meeting in the library to discuss, debate and share ideas, this months topic is “The Cut’s and The Crisis”, where we hope to develop a critical and strategic analysis on the upcoming situation.

(4) Thursday 14th October 7:30pm: Monthly WAG Meeting, every second Thursday of the month, for organising and planning day to day business.

(5) Friday 15th October 8pm till Late: The RED & BLACK CLUB, going from strength to strength, in collaboration with Dissident Island Radio, the number one social event for anarcho’s and radicals across London to gather, drink and meet each other. COME ALONG AND BRING A FRIEND!

ADDRESS: Larc (London Action Resource Centre) 62 Fieldgate Street Whitechapel London E1 1ES

These are all regular weekly/monthly events, if you are interested then get involved, the time for sitting on the sidelines is over. Computer revolutionaries turn off the screen and join us! Or form a local group in your area and get active! If not now, when..?

Brum – the good, the bad and the ugly

By rail and coach the WAGs made their way to Birmingham on Sunday 3rd October to join the anarchist contingent on the Right To Work (sorry, that should read the Right To Be Exploited) protest organised by the usual suspects in the unions and on the left. The anarchist contingent with a reasonably healthy turnout of around 100 was made up of Black Bloccers, the IWW, Hereford Heckler and Class War.

The Right to Work march was the usual predictable gesture of marching from point A to point B along too many backstreets and too few main streets with a decent number of onlookers. There were hardly any Tories to heckle or abuse although the few that did venture past got an ear bashing!

The march simply ended up in a coach park so people could be spirited away as soon as possible to leave the streets of Birmingham safe for the Tory scumbags. The protest was activity of the lowest common denominator in that it gave people the chance to participate in what was essentially a totally futile gesture that on the following day, received hardly any coverage in the mainstream media. Dragging people onto a walk, following a route agreed with the West Midlands Police, through the backstreets of Birmingham on a Sunday afternoon in the autumn rain and drizzle isn’t going to change a thing.

The noisy and combative anarchos did try to make a difference but the overwhelming police presence at certain key points, most notably near the entrance to the Secure Zone and the conference venue ruled out any attempt at large scale disruptive activity. Having said that, the anarchos and a few others stopped at the entrance in an eyeball to eyeball stand off with the police for long enough to make them more than a tad nervous. Moving on from that point we had a line of police dedicated to walking alongside and keep their beady eyes upon us. It was at this point we noticed the deployment of police dog handlers in some of the sidestreets. Cue for one of the funnier chants of the march – ‘keep the animals off the dogs’ – for some strange reason, the plod were not too impressed with this!

Approaching an underpass and an elevation to the ring road, us anarchos seized the opportunity to break from the main march and swiftly make our way up the elevation. Given the overwhelming number of cops, they soon caught up with us and after some pushing and shoving plus a fair bit of verbal going back and forth, kettled us in. Once we’d been kettled in, moral support was offered by a number of other protesters who weren’t going to move until the kettle was lifted. One thing that struck me was how unconfident and nervous a lot of the plod and their commanders were which probably explained their exaggerated reactions to the slightest provocation from our side. On reflection, that’s something that should have been exploited. However, the point is to not get kettled and that means being more flexible and thinking on our feet so we set the agenda.

Once the kettle had been shuffled down to the coach park where all the other marchers were dispersing, it was off to the pub and a fine one it was – a classic back street boozer with no pretensions but a friendly welcome. Also a delighted publican and barman who saw their Sunday takings soar – sterling work from them was rewarded with a whip round for a tip. After sustenance further into the city centre, it was back to the station the slow way to seek out as many Tories as possible to give an ear bashing to. Onto the train and some more ear bashing for the few Tories who were going back to London that night. The really sour note was the train being locked down at Euston, the police coming on to investigate an alleged ‘assault’ on a Tory and then a pointless arrest.

Did the day achieve anything? To be brutally honest, no. The ruling class is set on imposing drastic austerity cuts that will wreck our lives in order to keep their rotten system staggering on through its crisis. They will not notice a few marches, regardless of how large they may be. Direct action on a mass scale is the only thing that will make them pay attention. Suffice to say, when they do start to pay attention, that’s when the battle will really begin!

Workers, claimants, tenants – regardless of who we are or where we are – we all have to fight back in whatever way we can. This means wildcat strikes, occupations, work-to-rules in the workplace supported by solidarity action across the sectors. When the union bureaucrats stand in our way, they have to be swept aside. Evictions from homes have to be resisted by mass community action. Schools threatened with closure have to be occupied. Soaring rents have to be met with rent strikes.

The fightback starts with each and everyone of us. There are many ways in which we can disrupt those in power, starting on our estates, in our communities and workplaces, and taking it onto the streets where they cannot ignore us!

Peter the Painter & his Footballing Legacy.

Great new video by Rob Conway (presumably part 1 of a series) on the origins of mysterious local hero and Anarchist Peter the Painter. Check it out!

Prizes for those who can think of the wittiest WAG-related pun, cause I’m just shite at it.


September 22 · 7:00pm – 9:00pm Unite House, 128 Theobald’s Road, Holborn
Solidarity with Muslim and Black communities, migrants, women and all oppressed groups!

Smash Racism and Fascism – End Immigration Controls!

With guest speakers:

Pragna Patel and Helen Lowe from Women Against Fundamentalism: who have been actively campaigning around the issues of race, religion, sexuality and gender for many years.
The past two years has seen the growth in the visibility and confidence of the far right in Britain. The fascist BNP – the British National Party have been able to stand and gain seats in European and local council elections and despite internal problems and their failure so far to win a seat in Parliament or gain control of a council, they remain a serious threat.
The same period has also witnessed the emergence of the EDL – the English Defence League, who have held a series of street demonstrations ‘against Islamic extremism’, and not, they claim ‘ordinary Muslims’. They claim to ‘protect women’ and fight for women’s rights – But their mobilisations have led to indiscriminate violence against Asian communities. This racism has nothing to do with women’s liberation.
The growth of the far right has not occurred in a vacuum. It has grown alongside the scapegoating of migrants as the cause of bad housing, decaying public services, low wages and unemployment by both the current government – Cameron having promised to ‘cut immigration by 75%’ and the previous New Labour administration. On a daily basis vicious racism is pumped out by the tabloid and broadsheet press. Is it any wonder that the far-right is growing?
The main anti-fascist organisations have so far limited themselves to ‘uniting’ the broadest possible coalitions against the ‘Nazis’. This has often meant the same right-wing politicians who have enforced the policies that have allowed these groups to thrive being put on platforms at events against them! Furthermore, the response to attacks on Black communities has often been to uncritically align with the most conservative self-appointed ‘leaders’ of those communities. One of the clearest examples of this was the counter-mobilisation to the [eventually aborted] EDL demonstration in Tower Hamlets. The EDL were notionally going to march against a conference being held by the Islamic Forum of Europe – a far-right Islamist organisation who themselves promote Jewish-conspiracy theories, condone rape, the killing of homosexuals and have links to the war criminals Jamaat-e-Islami in Bangladesh. Much of the official trade-union and left response was to ally themselves uncritically to these people – ignoring the fact that there are many in the Bangladeshi community in East London engaged in struggle against them.
This clumping together of all ‘Muslims’ in one homogeneous bloc has allowed the EDL to use the language of liberation – against sharia law, for women’s rights, gay rights, against anti-Semitism and conflate it with their Islamophobia – racist hostility towards entire Muslim communities.
We need an anti-racist movement that does not patronise black communities but fights the oppressions within them, that puts the arguments for open borders at the centre of the fight against fascism to tackle the basic premise of the politics of the BNP and EDL head on. The mobilisations against them should be used to help organise a working-class movement against the ‘mainstream’ racism Muslims, and all black and migrant communities face -against police violence, deportations, paper checks and all immigration controls.
Campaign Against Immigration Controls
Contact: noii.london@gmail.com
Whitechapel Anarchist Group are not the authors of the above text, while we agree whole heartedly with the sentiments and will be attending the event with our fullest support, we feel we should point out that the EDL’s proposed mobilisation on June 20th 2010 was against a conference organised by the Federation of Student Islamic Societies (FOSIS) and not the under IFE’s name, despite this minor error the statement is correct in it’s analysis of the anti-EDL mobilisation.

Red & Black Club 80′s Night Special

Going from strength to strength W.A.G proudly presents the 5th monthly Red and Black club social event in collaboration with Dissident Island on FRIDAY 17TH SEPTEMBER 8PM onwards. This time we are gonna stack the furniture, break out the 80′s tunes and dance our way towards the revolution.

Remember this is a benefit for the upkeep of the L.A.R.C social center so please try and buy our dirt cheap high quality wine and reasonably priced cans! Also join the facebook event.

Save Wanstead Flats Community Picnic

Mass Community Picnic

Sun 5th September, 1pm, Wanstead Flats, E7
On the spot to the west of Centre Road, where the police want to site their Olympic operations base in 2012

Sign online Petition

Ever since over 250 people attended a packed public meeting in July, residents living near Wanstead Flats have been demanding answers about plans by the City of London Corporation to allow the metropolitan Police to base its Olympics operational centre on the Flats in 2012.

In order to push this proposal through, the Corporation would need to amend an Act of Parliament that has protected Wanstead Flats for well over a century.

Local people want to know why the proposed site for this police base, west of Centre Road, has been chosen, how that decision was made and why the Olympic stadium site itself cannot be used. There has been no consultation, even though the plans involve locating a fenced, – high security compound – with buildings, parking areas, stables and apparently even police holding cells – for at least 120 days and so close to residential neighbourhoods.

The Save Wanstead Flats campaign is organised by local people and on Sunday 5 of September, we’d like to invite you all to show your opposition to the City of London Corporation’s plans by joining us for a picnic – occupying the very spot where the police operations base would be constructed.


Bring On The Cuts! Public Meeting

Whitechapel Anarchist Group host a Public Meeting including Pete Gold from the Wapping Strikes on upcoming street meetings, a speaker from the RMT (National Union of Rail, Maritime & Transport workers), Martin Wright’s plans on standing in the 2012 Greater London Assembly elections as an independent working class agitator, Action East End on Save Wanstead Flats Campaign community picnic, announcements on WAG’s upcoming programme of regular martial arts / fitness sessions, skill share graphic design workshops and the next discussion group library meeting, plus other guest speakers and plans for the Big Day up in Brum on October 3rd to welcome the Tory Toffs into power.

Come along and get involved. Everyone welcome.

THURSDAY 26TH AUGUST 7pm for 7:30pm start. London Action Resource Centre (Larc) 62 Fieldgate Street Whitechapel London E1 1ES.

The Fourth Red & Black Club

Roll up roll up! The highly popular Red & Black Club returns! FRIDAY 20TH AUGUST 8pm onwards at Larc (London Action Resource Centre) 62 Fieldgate Street Whitechapel E1 1ES. See you there!!