The Sparrows Nest

a Centre for Anarchist Culture and Education

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Welcome to The Sparrows' Nest, Nottingham

New collections of scanned documents - available to view online

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We have been developing the Sparrows' Nest's collections over the past months, in response to donations of important and fascinating material in 2010. We are pleased to announce the online availability of the Ron Marsden collection of material from the Syndicalist Workers' Federation, Direct Action Movement and Solidarity Federation. This is work in progress and more will be added in due course.

We are aiming to organise our collections and scanned material in a better way in the future, maybe a little like Picture the Past does with its searchable photo collection. In the meantime, you can view collection materials by clicking on the link above and downloading a spreadsheet containing links to individual scanned pages of Ron's archive. This works in Excel 2003 and later and maybe other spreadsheet programmes.

You can also find earlier scanned material, here especially the extensive collection of anti-Poll Tax documents and press cuttings.

In parallel to the cataloguing and scanning of collections we have been busy obtaining preservation materials such as acid-free archive boxes. This is of course at significant cost, so if you can help with costs please consider donating to the Nest online or contacting us.


The Third Revolution? - evening event at the Nest on Tuesday 26th October

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We are really pleased to have Nick Heath coming from London to speak about his new pamphlet,

The Third Revolution? Peasant and worker resistance to the Bolshevik government

Venue: The Sparrows' Nest, St. Anns, Nottingham.

Date/time: Tuesday 26th October 2010 at 7.30pm

The Makhnovist movement of the Ukraine is the best known of the revolutionary oppositions to the Bolshevik regime. But it was not the only radical challenge the Bolsheviks faced from below. Numerous peasants revolts occurred in the years 1920-22, aiming not to restore the old regime but to defend themselves from the new one. Nick Heath, author of this new pamphlet on this subject, examines their extent, causes and limitations.


4 events - anti-fascism in 1930s Spain

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July 2010 saw a series of events commemorating the anti-fascists’ fight against General Franco’s coup in the Spanish Civil War of the late 1930s.

DOWNLOAD People's Histreh and Sparrows' Nest & People's leaflet: ¡Alerta Antifascista! War And Revolution In Spain

DOWNLOAD Anarchist Federation leaflet:  Civil War And Revolution: Anarchism In Spain

POST-EVENT 1: Feature on Anarchist exhibition and talks, with photos
POST-EVENT 2: Feature on all the Spanish Civil War events in Nottingham

Earlier this year anarchists and socialists in Nottinghamshire were shocked once again by our ‘elected leaders’. It was discovered that the Nottinghamshire County Council, was removing the explanatory plaque of the International Brigade’s memorial at County Hall, effectively hiding it away. 26 people from Nottinghamshire fought as part of the ‘International Brigades’. They volunteered where no western power took a stance against fascism.

In the context of the re-emergence of the far right on our door steps in the form of the BNP, re-launched NF and the semi-fascist EDL, this desecration is not merely an affront to those brave comrades who volunteered to fight Franco. It stands as a symbol of how British ‘democracy’ tried and still tries to brush (re-)emerging fascist movements under the carpet rather than deal with them. It remains up to anti-fascists everywhere to continue the fight.

4 events were organised in all including an exhibition and talks at the Nest and a special Broadway Cinema showing of Land and Freedom co-sponsored by The Sparrows' Nest, plus the rededication at County Hall and an exhibition in The Council House (click on Read More for details):


May Days: A Class Struggle Retrospective

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On May 1st 1886, during a strike demanding an 8 hour day involving 400,000 workers in Chicago, police broke up a demonstration. Anarchist union organisers were framed on a charge of throwing a bomb at the police. In 1887 four of them were executed. A fifth cheated the hangman by killing himself in prison. Three more were to spend 6 years in prison. In 1893 they were all pardoned. Governor Altgeld made it clear they were innocent of the crime for which they had been tried. They and the hanged men had been the victims of "hysteria, packed juries and a biased judge". They are known as the Haymarket Martyrs, and May 1st is the day on which we remember that first May Day.


Nottingham AF present: Freedom to Organise! Thurs 25th March 2010

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Nottingham AF present the Nottingham leg of a national speaking tour Freedom to Organise! by the current secretary of the International Workers' Association IWA-AIT to highlight ongoing repression of independent worker's associations in Germany and Serbia. The event is at The Sparrows' Nest on Thursday 25th March and starts 7:30pm. This is the last event in a national speaking tour hosted by the Solidarity Federation and the Anarchist Federation (and others) on the recent state repression of independent workers' organisations in Europe. Visit Notts Indymedia for more information about the tour.
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Opening times

Sparrow with bow and arrow

  • First & third MONDAY of the month 11.15am to 2.30pm e.g. Jan 3th & 17th, then Feb and March 7th and 21st etc.
  • Every other THURSDAY 2pm-6pm starting Jan 20th, then in Feb and March 3rd & 17th etc.
  • Please note: Thursday afternoon opening replaces previous Tuesday opening

Just come along if you know where we are, otherwise please call first. Other days/times may be possible by arrangement.

TAKE A LOOK AT OUR Online Catalogue

We very much appreciate your donations to help maintain the library/archive & towards Sparrows' Nest running costs. Please use the button above, or contact us. Many thanks!


The Sparrows' Nest was established by the Anarchist Federation’s Nottingham group with the involvement of other class struggle anarchists. It is a ‘Centre for Anarchist Culture and Education’, in a house, in St. Ann’s. The Library and Archive is our major project. We set it up to inform people about the ideology and history of Anarchism in its many forms, and about working class struggles in our region.