UK Citizens Extradition Fight

Cardinal’s Bid to end Extradition Hell

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  • My wife and I face Extradition from Scotland to the Arizona desert in the US facing a lifetime in prison for selling chemicals that are completely legal in the UK. (Brian Howes and my Wife Kerry Howes)
  • We are in Edinburgh High court in February we have been told, to argue against Extradition, NO EVIDENCE is needed to be Extradited to the US from the UK. My wife Argued a section 91 point back on September 25 2009, “The legal team argued it would be oppressive for my wife to be extradited as she is not well and we have 5 children. This was after the “Key date for others who face Extradition on the 17th September 2009″ it was argued to be Competent to have a section 91 discharge hearing at any time during extradition proceedings or even after all proceeding have finished and extradition is “Granted”  Lord Reed, Lord McKay, and Lord Osborne decided from my little knowledge that the Law Lords would not of precluded the High Court Judges from allowing a section 91 discharge hearing when it was afforded the Magistrate and Sheriff. So after winning this argument the above hearing was set for September 25th 2009 which was delivered on December 9th 2009 in this “KERRY SHANKS OR HOWES v. THE-LORD-ADVOCATE..“  As you can see it failed for reasons that may form an appeal against that decision. The Opinion of the 17th of September has not been published as of this date, I can only hope that it is so that others will be able to use it to allow a section 91 discharge hearing when needed, I will publish the opinion as soon as is available if ever!
  • In Scotland and the rest of the UK the Extradition Act 2003 came into force on January 1st 2004. The treaty or Extradition Act is being used in Scotland differently than in England in the fact that in England there is an appeal process that goes much further than the Scottish appeal process which manifestly makes it more unfair to be extradited from Scotland than the rest of the UK.
  • The unfairness starts from the beginning of the process but here are some examples:
  • Kenny MacAskill is the Justice Minister which is fine, Kenny MacAskill is also the Human Rights Minister and The Minister for Legal Aid and I will name the rest later: What seems obvious is that the posts he holds have opposite priorities that are not compatable with each other. Kenny MacAskill has said the High Court is the Supreme court for Scotland in written answers to Jamie Hepburn MSP, SNP back bencher who has helped with questions but is not allowed to ask the difficult questions that will show the true nature of if the SNP party agree with the UK extradition treaty with the US.

Kenny MacAskill has shown a great deal of compassion for the convicted Terrorist “Abdelbaset Al Megrahi”  Yet has not even give a thought for my Wife Kerry Howes or my 5 young children or even myself. My wife and I have not broken any laws yet Kenny MacAskill will not help our case in any way, he has received many letters of support for my family yet they fall on deaf ears. If I were a terrorist then maybe I would be discharged from

.Abdelbaset Al Megrahi
Terrorist Compassion

Extradition by now! The Terrorist below that received a personnel visit from Kenny MacAskill in prison to discuss his release has not even been bothered enough to look into my Wife and my case that has five children involved. The SNP party and Alex Salmond MP and leader of the SNP party should decide if they agree with the Extradition Treaty with the US or not? and make their position clear to the Scottish public. How dare I make such a suggestion as to ask for a clear possition on the appeal process or the Treaty itself.

Cardinal Keith Patrick O’Brien. wrote to Kenny MacAskill but only received the no comment reply.

Every SNP member I have spoken to has said they do not agree with the UK / US extradition treaty, so why will they not help my family get a fair hearing? The Crown which Kenny MacAskill is in charge of as one of his ministerial positions says they have the evidence to put my wife and I on trial here in the UK, a different position than that of the Gary McKinnon case in that the Crown says they do not have evidence to put him on trial. In effect Gary McKinnon being sent to the US on evidence that was Illegally obtained in the UK but that is a separate matter.

So the question is? Why don’t we get a trial in Scotland? it’s simple! The Lord Advocates office in which Kenny MacAskill is head of does not have evidence to put my wife and I on trial and this is maintained falsely in order to proceed with our extradition. In our case we can only be extradited if the crime can be punished here in Scotland and that is why the Crown or Lord Advocate maintains these lies in order to help the extradition.

What I write is probably not pleasing the Scottish Government who would surely rather me still be remanded for 214 days without evidence and this was upheld in a complaint against the police that false information had been used to remand my wife and I.

Terrorist “Abdelbaset Al Megrahi” above now drinking champaign and burning the Scottish flag long after he was due to die makes a mockery of the Scottish Justice system which is looking like the Scottish injustice system.

I am starting to wonder even if the free speech I am trying to use is free! when I placed complaints against the Police I was threatened several times by Chief Inspector Brian Rennie who was the head of the so called operation against my wife and I in Scotland, and retired just weeks after my complaints with evidence to go with them unlike our extradition. He was reported to the area Fiscals office or Crown as there is a Crown office with every Scottish Fiscals office. after wasting six months all reported charges were dropped and I am told that it is now a internal police complaint. I could of predicted that!

Considine Letter to The Scottish Parliament on rights of appeal

No Compassion from the Scottish Government
No Compassion from the Scottish Government

The same person above who provided false information for our remand also gave a car of ours away while we were on Illegal remand and then stopped two separate investigations getting our car back and made several threats. A third investigation was initiated by DC Boyce and our car was taken back by the police and put in the Falkirk car pound pending the criminal outcome of the Falkirk Fiscal against Colin Anderson my Business partner who I have not had contact with since our arrest in January 2007. I was told he was being reported for car theft, Fraud and Uttering and Embezzlement. It came as no surprise when all charges were dropped as the Crown is using the same person who testified in our case to our innocence in our extradition proceedings is also the Crown witness against my wife and I in the US. I have been advised that very often the person who is a witness for you in the UK is also a witness against you once extradited. To me this is a disgrace and now we wait a court date to determine who owns the car. fiscal-complaint-response-police-complaint

In the Document above you can see on page 2 Paragraph 3 that the Crown accept erroneous information was used to have my wife and I remanded yet no apology has been received even after requested. It is starting to look like the Scottish Justice system even when found to be lacking in justice will not even apologise for its mistakes!

Unfairness in the Extradition arrangement between the US and Scotland and England below!

  • First: in England first there was the House of Lords after the High court, now The Supreme Court of the UK for people in England to appeal to and after that the ECHR “The European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg” after these safeguards that I do not accept should be the only safeguards as evidence is a necessary part of the process which has been set aside for the US extradition process. The point I am making is that The Treaty with the US is manifestly unfair to people in the UK but also even more unfair to people in Scotland.
  • After a closer look at the UK / US Extradition treaty it does in fact become easy to see that it is unfair to UK citizens but the Treaty is being used in Scotland in a different way than in the rest of the UK.
  • In Scotland a mature legal system implementing the same UK / US treaty as the rest of the UK does not comply with the understanding and wording of the extradition act 2003 in that the Appeal process in Scotland stops any appeal to previously “The House of Lords” now ”The Supreme Court of the UK” and even though there is a possibility to appeal to the “ECHR”  The Scottish Government have sent the person being extradited to the requesting state, in this case the US.
  • I need to say that again as it is very important to note if you live in Scotland: “The Scottish Government send people to the US or any other country even when an appeal has been sent to the “ECHR” taking away the right to that appeal by removing the liberty of the person or persons being extradited by making sure the person in Scotland is not in Scotland for the appeal.
  • It gets even worse: After research it can be said with complete surety that after loosing in the High Court of Scotland which is considered the Supreme Court of Scotland a person is remanded into custody even when an appeal is in process as the High Court must be aware that any appeals will never happen as the Scottish Government will grant the person or persons removal from Scotland to the requesting state, the US in this case.
  • A request has been made to the Scottish Government to allow the same appeal route without fear of removal to the US as other people in the UK like Gary McKinnon and Ian Norris and others see Letter to the “Scottish Parliament”.
  • I want to make it quite clear here I do not accept that the safeguards of the Appeal process in the rest of the UK as being adequate or that Gary McKinnon should be Extradited as I believe as many other do, that any Extradition to the US without evidence or a “Prim Fascia Case” should not be allowed. I would also say with certainty that even if a Prima Facia Case was produced in a future Extradition treaty arrangement then if a person has not been to the requesting state or the US then a trial should arise in the UK rather than breaching peoples Human Rights when better Route is to preserve the Human Rights of the UK citizen.
  • The people of the UK must consider as the UK government must have done if it is in the best interests of UK citizens to allow the US to Use it’s long arm laws and to have more ability to get a person in a US court from the UK than a person residing in the US.
  • A person in the UK has little to no chance of stopping their Extradition to the US, but a person indicted in the US can challenge the information in the Indictment before and trial is set or remand considered.
  • The UK / US Extradition treaty is a one way ticket to the US and is being used by prosecutors intent on misusing it by requesting UK citizens that have not commited an Extradition offence or any UK offence in many cases, all the time knowing they can change the indictment once the UK citizen has arrived in the US. Any Government which takes the Human Rights away from it’s Citizens should be held accountable in elections and even in the European Court of Human Rights which the US has no regard for I might add.
  • The UK / US treaty is a simple removal instrument to please the US government as they are of course more superior to UK citizens, Well they must be as thier constitution stops the Extradition of US Citizens to the UK without first showing Probable cause to the US court before an Extradition is granted.
  • Alan Johnson Home Secretary said in a recent emergency committee for Gary McKinnon that no requests had been refused of the UK requesting people in the US. Well it’s what Alan Johnson MP does not say that makes him in my opinion dishonest: What he did not say to that Committee is that all the requests were for people who had committed the crime in the UK or it’s territories. Alan Johnson MP also did not mention that none were US citizens. Alan Johnson MP also failed to mention that there are hundreds of people in the US the UK would like to have extradited but fail to reach the request level as before a request is made the US government must agree to allow the request.
  • Another problem with the UK / US Extradition treaty is that under “MLAT” “The Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty” The UK government must use all it’s agencies and I mean all even the local authority to help with any investigation before a extradition request is made and after the extradition request is made continue to help in ensuring that the Extradition takes place, here is a partial list of who is involved in helping facilitate the Extradition to the US.
  1. Police
  2. The Court
  3. The Crown
  4. MI5
  5. MI6
  6. Special Branch
  7. SOCA “ Serious Organised Crime Agency” formally High Tech Crime and many other departments.
  8. The Home Secretary
  9. Some QC’s Advocates, and Barristers.
  10. Some Solicitors
  11. Social Services
  12. Interpol
  13. Any agency not listed may be called upon to help.
  • Under MLAT the UK police Illegally do searched with and without warrants not obtained through the process that is specified in the MLAT treaty but usually pretending they are undergoing a domestic investigation when it has been a US request the whole time. Then they send the Illegally obtained Computers and other information and property to the US as in the Gary McKinnon case and our case. The reason this can be done with the certainty that no accountability will be needed is in the Extradition treaty: the Fact the person who has had their right violated will not be here to challenge the process as the Extradition court will not!
  • The fact that the Extradition “trial” I call it a trial because that is what it really is a “Trial” it’s not a fair trial but that is exactly what it is! The process below can be different in each case but is close to reality.
  1. Arrest: Service of international Warrant and local Warrant and Indictment: News coverage of a Biased nature as no evidence has ever been produced: The BBC take pleasure in reporting when there is no facts to report and never report the false reporting they do at a later time after it is shown to have reported false information.
  2. Appearance at the local Magistrate or Sheriff to decide on bail and other preliminary matters with a duty solicitor that has no understanding of Extradition and on many occasions with only minutes to see you before you are in front of a Magistrate or Sheriff thus breaching the rights of the person to have a fair bail hearing or even understand what is happening. You are frequently called a Fugitive by the Crown prosecutor even when you by any definition are not a Fugitive.
  3. URGENCY of time is stressed at the next preliminary hearing only about two weeks away.
  4. By this time and earlier you are already considered guilty by US declaration and by the wording of the UK / US Extradition Treaty. The Magistrate or Sheriff in Scotland must read the indictment and read the information included in it as if it was evidence and then accept it as true. This is not my interpretation of the treaty but the wording of the treaty.
  5. So you are in a trial that you are already considered guilty and not allowed any disclosure here or in the US, your life is being destroyed by the very people who are supposed to protect it.
  6. You fight for your “Human Rights” What Human Rights? they are mentioned in the treaty but these Human Rights are walked over by the court at every stage.
  7. The Bar is set so high for Human Rights on any Article to have you discharged that nobody has ever won on Human Rights when facing Extradition to the US.
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  1. Good luck Kerry and Brian.

    My thoughts and prayers are with you all.

    Everyone please email Kenny MacAskill and Alex Salmond asking that this family is not spilt up.

    Comment by Karen Torley — May 4, 2009 @ 4:21 pm | Reply

  2. This case is absolutely shocking, More so since they have committed no crimes at-all.

    This chenical was not an illegal substance it was the purchaser that abused the chemical.

    How can the Americans be allowed to take over a website, Sell material then ask to extradite the original owner of the site.

    Beggars Belief

    Comment by William Beck — May 5, 2009 @ 4:14 am | Reply

  3. Clearly this is a matter for Scots Law and not of one for extradition to the US. Any arguments put forward for extradition, balanced against the fact that no crime has been committed here in Scotland, seem to lack credibility, and Alex Salmond, as First Minister, must intervene and put a stop to this grave injustice.

    Cardinal O’Brien is to be commended for supporting your plight and my thoughts & support are also with you and your family.

    Comment by Peter Cherbi — May 5, 2009 @ 2:28 pm | Reply

  4. I feel so sorry for you, If she is found guilty of drug smuggling, then she gets put in a hot hot hot Arizona Prison. I am ashamed to be a US citizen

    Do you know how hot it gets at the state prison at Yuma, Arizona? Temperatures this week will range from 37C to 40C. There is no air conditioning! Temperatures this summer will go to 125F! GOOD LUCK!

    Comment by Jay Goode — May 13, 2009 @ 2:18 pm | Reply

  5. Just to add my support.

    Our courts/structures are now driven by greed and stupidity.

    It’s called new Labour.

    This whole set of actions is cruel.

    Comment by Chris Close — May 20, 2009 @ 8:03 am | Reply

  6. I really wish you the best and the more exposure you get, the more that the extradition treaty can be exposed for what it is, a sham.

    Lets hope the media exposure will force their shameful hand in giving you a fair, UK trial as it always should have been.

    Comment by Verity — May 25, 2009 @ 1:37 pm | Reply

  7. I have been researching judicial corruption aligned to politically motivated interference in the UK for a number of years. This appears to be yet another case where judicial impartiality is demonstrated to be a myth.

    The US has demonstrated itself on numerous occasions to be out of control, overrun by barbarous fundamentalists who mimic the extremes of some of their Teutonic forebears. Indeeed, we are nearing the point where the question will have to be asked, “What is the world going to do about the US?”

    For Scotland, it is for Alex Salmond and Kenny MacAskill to demonstrate that, in this case, common decency applies equally with compassion.

    Enough is enough.

    Comment by David Gale — August 28, 2009 @ 10:52 pm | Reply

  8. middlesbrough used to be good it isnt anymore we have the biggest criminal as mayor of middlesbrough ,a failed defective detective,cheif officer, operation lancett enquiree is the vain of middlesbrough when good officer take the brunt of the 400 allegations when he admitted 14 offences ,his crb disclosure should have been seen by the council as a deterant to those who abuse the laws,he makes a mockery of “CRIME DOESNT PAY” when obviously if he got away with crimes, anyone can,he should never have been allowed to be a mayor,it cost us 8 million and the rest for his wages is just a total waste

    Comment by neil scott — January 6, 2010 @ 6:16 pm | Reply

  9. Ross Hemsworth is supposed to be speaking there at UFO congress about “his theories” of ET inter dimensional travel. Probably been watching too much stargate on TV while sitting at home cleaning the kitchen and ironing skirts for his very common law partner Penny. What does he know about UFO’s? He is just an ex PC radio speaker and all round non entity who lives off benfits and Penny’s credit card. Maybe a website dedicated to this UFO Congress Conman so all the memebers know who he really his on the internet. After all, I expect he will be trying to create another venture out of this somehow. People should be warned.

    Comment by AFriend — January 13, 2010 @ 6:19 pm | Reply

  10. this is outrageous. But that’s New Labour for you.

    Comment by tempo dulu — February 1, 2010 @ 10:38 am | Reply

  11. Look at this tosh below he put up on UFO Congress site. He wrote it too….

    He will be speaking there too. If he arrives. I’m sure he has maxed Penny card out to pay for it, after all she is going with him.

    Ross is just trying to copy David Icke. And he will never come close to him as at least Icke knows what he is doing. Ross will only be the new “Alan Partridge” AHH HAAAAA

    Ross Hemsworth (UK) – “SEPARATING CONSPIRACY THEORY FROM CONSPIRACY FACT!”Ross will look at some of the big conspiracies of recent years and which ones have legs! It will include Project SERPO, the moon landings, 2012, 9/11, the London 7/7 attacks and more! This will be FUN!!Ross Hemsworth heads The Phantom or Fraud Project which scientifically investigates anomalous phenomena worldwide. His work has been hailed as “advanced”, “visionary” and “groundbreaking” by authors TV personalities and lecturers all over the world and his new book The Dead Are Talking is already shaping up to become a best-seller.

    His “new book a best seller” that’s been out since 2006, well it’s been a flop since then. The phantom or fraud hasn’t done anything for years and is about as scientific as the the taliban’s science policy – They don’t have one. It’s just him and the Fraud project. The speech on Project SERPO is load of tosh, I looked into this years ago and it’s a complete hoax. We know 9/11 was an inside job and 2012 is not going to happen, as for 7/7 well whatever his theory is I wouldn’t bet on it. It’s all everyone elses rubbish re-hashed by him. He doesn’t have a new idea in his brain.

    Ross Hemsworth is a deluded 60 year old waste of space, who lacks moral responsibilty, is jealous of everyone, disowns his children, lives with a neurotic manic depressive very common law girlfriend called Penny Dando, and has been a complete failure all of his life. He pretends to himself he has been a success when he has been on the dole more than a neighbour from the “shameless” housing estate. GET A JOB!!

    Comment by J D Icke — February 12, 2010 @ 7:34 pm | Reply

  12. The case is shocking, it reminds a case in Magaluf a couple of years ago.

    Comment by Jack — April 11, 2010 @ 7:38 am | Reply

  13. If I had a nickel for every time I came to! Superb article.

    Comment by Willie Bryan — May 30, 2010 @ 10:06 pm | Reply

  14. Brian & Kerry Howes, Scotland should NOT be extradited to U.S. We have Same Exact Abuses by Our Cops, Courts, Legal people. They make up Cases for Job Security & Profit! Have Trial in Scotland and Leave the 5 Children out of Lies-Let their Parents raise them! Maybe Someone should let President Obama Know of Abuse of Power, extraditions including Howes Illegal removal-”RENDITION” still going on? Innocent being Abused & U.S. involved? Charge the extraditors, send to HOT desert! One Nation Under Fraud!

    Comment by Jewell Flaherty — June 1, 2010 @ 12:14 am | Reply

  15. I really cant believe that i have met kerry and she is such a nice person,she loves her kids and family they are her life. Im happy to say that i would be a friend to her as my best friend fee is so like her i will not judge as think it is all rubbish. good luck kerry and family and hopefully things will start to look up for you’s. love karen and family x x x x

    Comment by karen cochrane — July 15, 2010 @ 9:38 pm | Reply

  16. Another example of the evergrowing abuse of government power. Just out of curiosity Brian did you label your goods sent to the USA with the actual contents of the package. If you didthat I cant see that any crime has been committed. If you didnt it might not be so clear cut. Id make a point of mentioning it in court if extradition proceeding go ahead. After all if youve declared the goods on the packaging then its up to the US customs service to read the label and decide what is allowable.

    Comment by Scaredof Government — July 24, 2010 @ 5:32 am | Reply

  17. Hemsworth has been spouting rubbish about about how we must try help each other sort out our problems. Well why doesn’t he start with paying back those he ripped off, and saying sorry to those he has hurt.
    Look at this cr@p he said in his blog:

    “We all need to give some serious thought to these problems and not rely on someone else to fix it for us! Albeit on a minor scale, we have our own bikes, our own veg patch and have even considered having chickens etc in an attempt to be as self-sufficient as is possible. But not everyone has the garden or space to do this.”

    Hemsworth, I’m glad you have a bike. Now get on it and “get a job” you scrounger. As for waiting for somebody to fix things, the government and us taxpayers are taking care of you!! If want to help out, start by looking after your family and kids, and grand children.

    Oh, and that picture of you looking like you are strangling a cat, it’s looks like Bloefelt from Dr No.

    p.s. And you won’t finish your Law Course.

    Comment by Jane Way — October 20, 2010 @ 8:39 pm | Reply

    • I see Hemsworth is getting worried after these benefit cut announcements, his housing benefit is being targeted and he is not happy. He talks about us “taxpayers” having to pay for others who abuse the system. Hemsworth is no taxpayer but a big hypocrite on benefits pretending he is now a lawyer, as per usual. Who is paying for his OU Law course, who is paying his rent, and who is paying living expenses? Answer = US TAXPAYERS.

      On one website he has started talking about Britain being in breach of a European Law and he was corrected and shot down a by somebody who “actually knows” the law. What a t@sser.

      And you have to laugh about how he was abused by some old pensioners when he was obviousluy trying get a bargain at the local Lidl store and missed out. LOL See below from his blog…

      I hope he has repaid the money from some of these old people who allegedly paid into his “legal fund” on Glastonbury Radio.

      Biddy Watch!
      Now call me ageist if you wish, but I have a problem with these little old ladies and their wheely shopping trollies, who in the town centres appear so frail and slow, yet if there’s a bargain in a shop, they’ll take your legs off to get to it first!

      I like to browse around charity shops for little nick-nacks and odds and ends, and today I was pushed, barged, run-over and generally abused by this army of OAP’s eager to spend their pension money!

      Recently at Lidl, there were some low price pressure washers on sale from opening time on a Thursday morning. The “biddies” were queuing half and hour or so before the shops opened and all the washers were gone within half and hour of the doors opening!

      So, shall we start a town by town “Biddy Watch”? lol

      Comment by AFriend — October 27, 2010 @ 8:14 pm | Reply

      • Hemsworth is trying a new comeback on the internet, and he is looking for your money again!!!

        Trying to start….wait for it…..a “new TV show” on the web bringing the REAL trutrh to you. TRUTHBOX he calls it. He is looking for 5000 pounds. Avoid this shakedown and give this person a wide bearth.

        The TRUTHBOXTV or TRUTHBOX.TV is another EGO driven waste of time from a serial business failure using other peoples money to fund his lifestyle. Is it a charity, no. Is is a company, no. It’s another sting operation to remove hard earned cash from peoples pockets.

        Google “Ross Hemsworth” – The Truth is out there.

        Comment by Jane Way — November 12, 2010 @ 7:34 pm


        This week is Anti-Bullying Week, and time for us all to give some thought not just to children who are bullied at school, but also those who suffer in the workplace, at home and online.

        ******* You would know all about bullying online and on email, hypocrite!! **************

        But online bullying, and adult bullying in the workplace is also on the increase, and can cause great distress, anxiety and depression, and often goes unnoticed. I feel that the anti-bullying groups should also be concentrating their efforts in this direction.

        ******* The anti-bullying groups should take a trip to your place first, after the abuse you gave to your family, ex-wives, Brian Howes, Mr Snowling, Bulletin Boards, and other former business colleagues including Glastonbury radio employees. Look at yourself first. *****

        I hope you will all give this campaign your support and bring adult bullying to the attention of these campaign groups.

        ******** Why don’t you read some of your old emails first, and blogs, about yourself. *************

        Comment by AFriend — November 18, 2010 @ 8:06 pm

  18. This was an incredibly compelling read, I wish you all the best in your fight. It seems strange that Gary Mckinnon has received more publicity than this when he’s actually committed a crime. The USA are bullies of the worst kind.

    All the best in your fight and try to have a good Christmas.

    Holiday Extras Car Parking

    Comment by James — December 19, 2010 @ 3:32 pm | Reply

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