The Canadian Labour Congress is the largest democratic and popular organization in Canada with over three million members. The Canadian Labour Congress brings together Canada's national and international unions, the provincial and territorial federations of labour and 130 district labour councils.

Speech to the Newfoundland and Labrador Nurses' Union Convention

(Check against delivery) Sisters and Brothers, it’s my pleasure to bring you greetings of solidarity from the Officers and 3.2 million workers who are members of the Canadian Labour Congress. Thanks to your president Debbie Forward for inviting me here … Read More

Carbon Leakage: What is it? Policy Options for Preventing It

Carbon leakage occurs when there is an increase in greenhouse gas emissions in one country as a result of an emissions reduction by a second country with a strict climate policy. When a company is facing increased costs in one country due to emissions pri… Read More

Speech to the Saskatchewan Federation of Labour Convention

(Check against delivery) Sisters and Brothers, it’s my pleasure to bring you greetings of solidarity from Canadian Labour Congress President Ken Georgetti, our other Officers and our 3.2 million members. Thank you to President Larry Hubich and your SFL … Read More

Employer charged in 4 Christmas Eve scaffolding deaths

The CLC commends and thanks the Attorney General of Ontario for using the changes brought to the criminal code under Bill C-45 to press criminal charges against Metron Construction Company, its owner and others associated with the company, for criminal ne… Read More

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