Wednesday, September 22, 2010

W.A.R.S.-"Demo 1"

Thrash never ended in Los Angeles...W.A.R.S. is destroying all mankind...4 brutal ready to slam old school style... posers beware, they survived in the 80's and they'll teach you a lesson in violence!

01. Public Service, My Ass!
02. Human Lives Are Not Bargaining Chips
03. In Hell
04. Imprisoned By Greed

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Vault-"Fuck Off And Die!!!" demo

Malaysia Thrash metal....the title describes everything...fuck off and die!!! brutal is that?

01. Fuck Off And Die!!!
02. Onslaught Of Death
03. Heavy Metal Attack
04. Metal Of Death
05. Vengeance

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Crucifixion Wound-"Profanation Of The Crucified" demo

Another brutal demo...Germany it brings you Crucifixion Wound....aaaaarrrrrrrgggggg total destruction of evil!

01. Blasphemed in Impurity
02. Death Command
03. F.T.C.J.
04. Ritual of Darkness (NunSlaughter)

Zygoatsis-"Warhymns" demo

Thailand Black Metal Zygoatsis, the first thing i"ve heard from them is the "Siamese Warmageddon" ep, it blew me away...hope to see more realeses from them soon...

01. Warhymn
02. Inverted The Crucifix
03. Blasphemic Warfare
04. Zygoatical Epidemic Assassination

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Nuclear Death-"Bride Of Insect/Carrion For Worm" cd

From Arizona, Nuclear Death...I remember seeing these two albums at Wild Rags in the 80's & 90's, but never picked them this cd from my's very brutal with a female i want the vynals...arrggggg!

"Bride Of Insect"

01. Necrobestiality
02. Corpse Of Allegiance
03. Feral Viscera
04. Stygian Tranquility
05. Place Of Skulls
06. Cremation
07. The Colour Of Blood
08. The Beloved Whore Celebration
09. Fetal Lament/ Homesick
10. Bride Of Insect
11. The Misshapen Horror
12. Vultures Feeding

"Carrion For Worm"

13. Spawn Song
14. The Human Seed
15. Proposing To The Impaled
16. Moribund
17. Greenflies
18. Return Of The Feasting Witch
19. A Dark Country
20. Lurker In The Closet/ A "Fairy" Tale
21. Cathedral Of Sleep
22. Homage To Morpheus
23. Carrion For Worm
24. Vampirism

Monday, March 1, 2010

Sickterror-"Peste Católica" cd

Hardcore Crust from Brazil...This is one of the early recording of Sickterror, one of my favorite from them..enjoy and leave comments...

01. Peste Católica
02. O Fim
03. Muletas
04. Ainda Escravos
05. Políticos Malditos, Crentes Facistas
06. Seu Funeral Será Nossa Festa
07. Campos Da Morte
08. Inimigos Por Natureza
09. Só Os Mortos Não Reclamam
10. Só Me Resta O Ódio

Young And Dangerous-"Dangerous Youth And The Life Saving Thrash Punk Tunes" cd

Malaysia Bandana Thrash....yup, fast & furious...thrashcore circle pit!

01. Introduction To The Thrashpunk Definition
02. Inspired, Motivated, Dedicated!
03. Political Corruptical
04. Thrash Your Misery
05. Watch Your Back!
06. Thrashin' Rock N Roll Radio
07. Fierce Mohawks...Lame Attitude
08. Small Room Pack Kids
09. Ride Fast, Die Young...Long Live Play Fast
10. Glory! Glory! Thrash United!
11. Lies + Deception = Mass Medias
12. Young Until I Die (7 Seconds)
13. Some Kinda Business = Marriage
14. Y.A.D. L.O.V.E. T.O.U.R.I.N.G.
15. Your Cliche Minded Make Us Puke
16. Sadisnya Nasib Alam Sekitarku