“hand bound with a hatred of the State infused into every page...”

Welcome to the publishing shack of Rebel Press. Rebel Press was set up in response to the dearth of local radical literature and the overabundence of, particularly, American literature. In an effort to begin talking about issues and conditions unique to Aotearoa and the wider South Pacific we have started encouraging the writing of local content, and publishing it as cheaply as possible. Our print runs are very small (for the moment) — too small for commercial publishers — and so we have created an opportunity for writers who would otherwise find it very difficult to get published.

We are also anarchist revolutionaries, and our choice of what to publish is strongly guided by an ethics and politics of social, economic and political change. We are non-profit, we sell our books at cost, and we make the contents of our books freely available online.

If you would like to get published please contact us.

DIY Publishing

DIY or die! ...so the motto of the crazy anarchists go. Here at Rebel Press we don't have a room full of monkeys on typewriters to make our books, or bags full of cash, so we do things ourselves. To keep costs down, all our books are proofed, laid out and hand bound by our local black bloc.

Against Copyright

Proudhon famously decreed “property is theft!” We struggle for the socialisation of all forms of productive property — including knowledge — and a world without exploitation and wage slavery. While we have little choice under capitalism but to recover costs involved in making books, we do our best to make the contents of these books freely available online.

Everything published by Rebel Press is @nti-copyright; we encourage you to read, print and distribute what you like!

Printed from Rebel Press  ::  www.rebelpress.org.nz  ::  @nti-copyright