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European countries fail to provide adequate migrant support services
  At the Euro-Mediterranean migration conference, held in Malaga, Spain on 21-22 October, affiliates from Public Services International and the European Federation of Public Service Unions highlighted the need for sufficient government funding to protect the rights of migrants.
South Korea: honour your international commitments
  As the G20 gathers in Seoul on November 11 and 12, Public Services International and other global unions are calling on the South Korean government to honour its international commitments and respect workers' rights.
Haiti: Assassination of trade unionist, Jean Louis Filbert
  PSI has written to President René Préval denouncing and condemning the assassination of Professor Jean Louis Filbert outside the offices of the Ministry of Education by a police officer, on Friday 8 October, during a peaceful demonstration in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. PSI asks its affiliated organisations to send similar letters of protest.
Guatemala: Health Services Trade Union Leaders Killed
  PSI is calling on its affiliates to send letters of protest denouncing the recent wave of violence and killings in Guatemala. Three leaders of PSI’s affiliate, the health services workers’ union - Sindicato de Trabajadores de Salud de Guatemala (SNTSG), were assassinated in different parts of the country in September.
French unions plan to continue strikes
  Trade unionists in France have been protesting against the government's cuts in pension rights since September followed by general strikes since October 12. After six days of widespread strikes and demonstrations, union leaders are moving towards another round next week because of the scale of the support for the protests.
Peruvian trade union honoured with Quality Public Services Trade Union Award
  During the international Quality Public Services – Action Now! conference in Geneva, Switzerland, on 14 October 2010, PSI announced the winner of the first annual PSI Quality Public Services Trade Union Award.
Investing in quality public services - the best alternative to austerity cuts
  (Geneva, Switzerland) In the face of widespread cuts to public services, leaders of private and public sector trade unions, municipal governments and civil society groups have made the unprecedented joint commitment to work together to promote investment in quality public services backed by fair taxation policies as the key solution to the economic crisis, and the best way to build peaceful, equitable, democratic and ecologically-sustainable societies.
How Paris regained control of water management
  Since January 2010, Paris water has come back into public hands. Anne Le Strat, deputy-mayor and head of Eau de Paris, has written a chapter for the publication "Reclaiming Public Water", available on the Transnational Institute website.
Quality public services highlighted on World Day for Decent Work - 7 October 2010
  Peter Waldorff, PSI general secretary, says that on 7 October, "PSI affiliates around the world will be marking the World Day for Decent Work by raising their banners for quality public services and decent working conditions. These are the elements that will build the strongest foundation for a world based on justice and equity."
PSI Inter-American Regional Conference
  PSI's Inter-American Regional Conference was held on 11-12 September in Cartagena, Colombia. Over 300 participants debated quality public services in all public sectors in relation to the economic crisis and against a background of trade union rights, international solidarity and the elimination of poverty.

Quality Public Services Conference

Public Services International








Urgent Action!
Guatemala: Health Services Trade Union Leaders Killed


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