<i>"The Name of Our Country is América" - Simon Bolivar</i> The Narco News Bulletin<br><small>Reporting on the War on Drugs and Democracy from Latin America
 English | Español | Portugués | Italiano | Français | Deutsch | Nederlands November 1, 2010 | Issue #67

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Al Giordano

Staff Reporter:
Erin Rosa

Spanish Language Editor:
Fernando León

Cyber Development Director:

Opening Statement, April 18, 2000
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Narco News is supported by:
The Fund for Authentic Journalism

Site Design: Dan Feder

All contents, unless otherwise noted, © 2000-2010 Al Giordano

The trademarks "Narco News," "The Narco News Bulletin," "School of Authentic Journalism," "Narco News TV" and NNTV © 2000-2010 Al Giordano


President’s Terror Alert Is Necessary Wake-Up Call

Narco News Reported on Cargo-Package Security Threat Last Spring

By Bill Conroy
Via the Narcosphere

October 29, 2010

Walmart Corporation Defeated by Two Movements in Mexico

“The victories are a reminder that citizens united can beat the world's largest retail corporation.”

By Fernando León
Special to The Narco News Bulletin

en español... La corporación Wal Mart derrotada por dos movimientos locales en México

October 29, 2010

US Military Unit Tied To New Anti-narcotics Program In Juárez

Northern Command, With Help From State Department's Plan Mexico, Directs Attention Towards Mexico's Most Violent City

By Erin Rosa
Via the Narcosphere

October 27, 2010

Port-au-Prince Fears the Worst As Cholera Spreads in Haiti

“The UN is so top-heavy with bureaucracy that they can’t effectively react to these small outbreaks which quickly snowball and spread across an area.”

By Ansel Herz

October 25, 2010

Sprawling Drug-War Training Complex Planned for U.S-Mexico Border

Massive Facility Would Serve Law Enforcers, Military and Their Drones

By Bill Conroy
Via the Narcosphere

October 23, 2010

The Military Command Behind Mexico's Violent Drug War

The US Northern Command's Work With Mexican Armed Forces Has 'Increased Dramatically' and May Be Expanded

By Erin Rosa
Special to The Narco News Bulletin

en español... Comando militar estadunidense detrás de la violenta guerra contra las drogas en México

October 22, 2010

I Have Seen the Future of US Politics & Its Name is Prop 19

Beyond Legalizing and Taxing Marijuana, the California Referendum Is a Game-Changer for 2012 and All Elections to Come

By Al Giordano
The Field

en español... He visto el futuro de la política de los Estados Unidos y su nombre es la Propuesta 19

October 21, 2010

US Government Attorney Writes Narco News Over CIA Drone-Code Story

Missive Inspires Yet More Intrigue

By Bill Conroy
Via the Narcosphere

en español... Abogado gubernamental estadunidense escribe a Narco News sobre los aviones no tripulados de la CIA

October 20, 2010

Indigenous Group Condemns Release of Prisoners Involved In Acteal Massacre

Mexican Federal Judge Frees 15 People Accused Of Participating In Infamous Killings That Left 45 People Dead

By Erin Rosa
Via The Narcosphere

October 20, 2010

Mexico City Police Clash With Neighborhood Opposing Superhighway

Riot Squad Attacks Nonviolent Blockade That Sought to Negotiate with City Government; Four Injured

By Fernando León and Erin Rosa
Special to The Narco News Bulletin

en español... Policía de la Ciudad de México choca con vecinos opositores a la Supervía

October 20, 2010

The Drug Czar Office's Misleading Claim on Teenage Marijuana Use

Federal Report Cited By Office Contradicts Claims That Young People Are Using Marijuana At Younger Ages

By Erin Rosa
Via the Narcosphere

October 15, 2010

Chief of Mexican Police Appointed Secretary-General of American Police Community

His appointment comes amid controversy over his alleged links to drug traffickers

By Fernando León
Special to The Narco News Bulletin

en español... Jefe de la Policía Mexicana designado como Secretario Ejecutivo de la Comunidad de Policías de América

October 14, 2010

Support the Present and Future of Investigative Journalism

I’ve Been a Witness to Ten Years of History in Mexico, a Story that Narco News Continues to Tell More Truthfully than the Rest

By Bruce Miller Earle
Class of 2010, School of Authentic Journalism

en español... Apoye al presente y futuro del periodismo de investigación

October 14, 2010

Ecuador's CONAIE and Defamation by “Journalism of the State”

Historic Organizers of Latin American Struggles Refute the Distortions Made by a US Lawyer

By Fernando León and Erin Rosa
Special to The Narco News Bulletin

en español... La CONAIE de Ecuador frente a la difamación del “periodismo” de Estado
em português... A CONAIE do Equador contra a difamação do "jornalismo" de Estado.

October 12, 2010

Call for a National Meeting of Organizations and Struggles of The Other Campaign

An Invitation to Atenco on November 13 and 14

By FPDT and The Movement for Justice in El Barrio
Atenco, México and New York, NY

en español... Convocatoria al Encuentro Nacional de Organizaciones y Luchas de La Otra Campaña

October 11, 2010

CIA Drone-Code Scandal Now Has A Big Blue Hue

U.S. Commercial Media Finally Jumps on the Story After British Publication Cribs Narco News’ Coverage

By Bill Conroy
Via the Narcosphere

October 9, 2010

A Statement by Ecuador's Most Important Social Movements

“We Categorically Refute the Claims that the CONAIE Has Had any Relations at all with USAID or NED, not Today, not Ever”

By Marlon Santi
President, Federation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador

en español... El supuesto golpe de estado, la democracia y las organizaciones indígenas

October 6, 2010

US Lawmakers Used Public Funds To Back Honduras Coup

Republican House members used taxpayer money to boost de facto government as it was criminalizing dissent, shutting down media outlets

By Erin Rosa
Via The Narcosphere

en español... Legisladores estadunidenses usaron fondos públicos para apoyar el golpe en Honduras
in italiano... Parlamentari statunitensi hanno utilizzato fondi pubblici per favorire il golpe in Honduras

October 5, 2010

State Department Backing US Troops In Mexico

Contracts show School of the Americas, Special Ops Group, Working Inside The Country

By Erin Rosa
Via the Narcosphere

en español... El Departamento de Estado apoya a tropas estadunidenses en México

October 5, 2010

The Mexican Fuenteovejuna

Residents of Ascensión, Chihuahua Expel the Local Police

By Fernando León
Special to The Narco News Bulletin

en español... El Fuenteovejuna mexicano

October 2, 2010

Statement by the Office of Ecuador President Rafael Correa

President announces that he will be unwavering with his principles

By Office of the Elected President of Ecuador
Translated by Narco News

en español... De la Presidencia de Ecuador en respuesta al intento de golpe de estado

September 30, 2010

Coup Attempt in Ecuador Is a Result of Secretary Clinton's Cowardice in Honduras

Hemispheric Anti-Democracy Forces Are Not Likely to Succeed in Today's Putsch in South America

By Al Giordano
The Field

en español... El intento de Golpe de Estado en Ecuador resultado de la cobardía de la Secretaria Clinton en Honduras

September 30, 2010

Authentic Journalism: Something to Believe In

There Are Many, Like Me, Who Filled a Reporter’s Notebook with Ideas and Now Work to Make Them Reality

By Hugo Ramírez
Class of 2010, School of Authentic Journalism

en español... Periodismo Autentico, algo en que creer

September 28, 2010

Central American Immigrants: Between Survival and Torture

The Nightmare of Central American Immigrants on Mexican Soil

By Fernando León and Mercedes Osuna
Special to The Narco News Bulletin

en español... Migrantes centroamericanos: entre la supervivencia y la tortura

September 27, 2010

Colombian "Democracy" at Work as Government Removes Elected Senator and Human Rights Defender

Attorney General Cites Dubious Evidence to Fire Senator Piedad Cordoba, Opposition Leader

By Erin Rosa
Via the Narcosphere

September 27, 2010

This Week in Narco News

A Summary of Our Online Networks as of September 27, 2010

By Fernando León
Via the Narcosphere

en español... Esta semana en Narco News

September 27, 2010

El Diario’s Hipocrisy on Press Freedom and the Drug War

The Juárez Daily Persecuted Journalist Isabel Arvide in 2002 for Her Reports on Narco-Media in the Border City

By Carlos Ramírez
Indicador Político

en español... El Diario de Juárez tiene su propia historia en contra de la libertad de prensa

September 27, 2010

Lawsuit Against Liquor Makers Illuminates Drug-War Charade

Colombian Government’s RICO Litigation Alleges Global Booze Companies Are Doing Business with Narco-Traffickers

By Bill Conroy
Via the Narcosphere

September 26, 2010

Venezuela Votes Today

What to Look for in Sunday's Congressional Elections

By Charlie Hardy
Via the Narcosphere

September 26, 2010

Four Mexican Journalists in Exile

Case Studies of the Drug War’s Multiple Harms to Press Freedom

By Molly Molloy
Special to The Narco News Bulletin

en español... Cuatro periodistas mexicanos en el exilio

September 23, 2010

Proudly an Authentic Journalist

Narco News’ School of Authentic Journalism Changed My Life; Please Help It Help Others Like Me

By Karina Montserrat González González
Class of 2010, School of Authentic Journalism

en español... Orgullosamente periodista auténtica

September 23, 2010

Journalists Under Fire in Ciudad Juárez

Charles Bowden: “I have no idea why the US press has ignored this. The sole source for covering this is Bill Conroy of Narco News"

By The Brian Lehrer Show
WNYC, New York

September 22, 2010

Spring Breakers Without Borders

Who Could Possibly Defend the US-Imposed War on Drugs in Mexico with all the Violence It Has Wrought? This New NGO, That's Who!

By Gringoyo Productions & NNTV
Narco News TV

en español... Spring Breakers Sin Miedo

September 22, 2010

Telling the Whole Truth About the "Drug War"

Thoughts on the Open Letter by El Diario of Juárez to Narco-Traffickers

By Al Giordano
Publisher, Narco News

en español... Contando la verdad sobre la “Guerra contra las drogas”

September 22, 2010

El Diario Writes to Narcos: What Do You Want from Us?

Translation of the Open Letter Published by a Mexican Daily Newspaper

By El Diario de Juárez

en español... El Diario les escribe a los Narcos: ¿Qué quieren de nosotros?

September 22, 2010

Eye Scanners Being Tested Along US-Mexico Border

The Technology is Reported to Have the Ability to Track Up to 50 People a Minute from Several Feet Away

By Erin Rosa
Via the Narcosphere

September 21, 2010

Support the Newspaper that Encourages and Defends My Freedom to Report

“I don't have to worry about how I'm going to be censored. That nightmare is over.”

By Erin Rosa
Staff Reporter, Narco News

en español... Apoye al periódico que fomenta y defiende mi libertad para reportar

September 21, 2010

Mexico's Monument to the Decapitated?

Watch Video of a Strange and Totally Unreported Event from Wednesday Night's Bicentennial Celebrations

By Mexican National Television
Narco News TV

September 18, 2010

Legal Battle May Force CIA to Return Drone Code to Sender

Tech Firm Wants Faulty Pirated Software Taken Out of Circulation

By Bill Conroy
Via the Narcosphere

en español... Batalla legal podría forzar a la CIA a regresar software de sus aviones no tripulados

September 17, 2010

Enter Narco News TV: Making Cable News Obsolete Since 2010

Advertiser-Free Television, Infused with Authentic Journalism, Now Available Free on Your Internet Screen

By Al Giordano
The Field

September 13, 2010

Mexico's Media Moguls Target Country's Bicentennial

The country's largest media corporation admits to creating the “Mexico Initiative,” a PR extravaganza that critics say is meant to strip the rebel spirit of 1810 and 1910 from this week’s celebrations

By Fernando León and Erin Rosa
Special to The Narco News Bulletin

en español... Bicentenario: Objetivo de los magnates de los medios mexicanos

September 12, 2010

The "New Penitentiary Culture": US Designs for Colombian Jails

How the USAID, Federal Bureau of Prisons and the School of the Americas Have Impacted Colombia's Prison System

By James Jordan
Special to The Narco News Bulletin

en español... La “Nueva Cultura Penitenciaria”: Los diseños estadunidenses para las prisiones colombianas

September 9, 2010

ICE Probe of Retaliation against House of Death Reporter Seriously Flawed

Federal Agency Investigates Itself and, “Surprise,” Finds No Wrongdoing, FOIA Records Show

By Bill Conroy
Via the Narcosphere

en español... Seriamente dañada la investigación de ICE por represalias en contra del reportero de la Casa de la Muerte

September 6, 2010

Coach's Log: The Regular Season of News Begins

Authentic Journalism Is a lot like NFL Football, Our Narco News Publisher Observes

By Al Giordano
The Field

en español... Bitacora del entrenador: Comienza la temporada regular de noticias

September 6, 2010

State Department Withholds Funds For Plan Mexico

Citing Human Rights Concerns, Agency Cuts $26 Million From Drug War Program

By Erin Rosa
Via the Narcosphere

en español... El Departamento de Estado retiene fondos para el Plan México

September 5, 2010

Narco News Seeks Webmaster

“A Better Thing Never Happened to Me” says David B. Briones, Moving On After Four Years at the Tech Helm

By Al Giordano
Publisher, Narco News

en español... Narco News busca webmaster

September 1, 2010

Paging Radical Techies!

Narco News Webmaster Gig Comes with Lots of Work, Terrible Pay and Quite Possibly the Best Experiences of Your Life

By David B. Briones
Cyber Development Director, Narco News

en español... ¡Dirigiéndome a tecnólogos radicales!

September 1, 2010

Journalist At Center Of Bogus Laredo Ranch Story Accused of Plagiarism

Kimberly Dvorak's Lapses in Journalistic Ethics First Surfaced when She Plagiarized Bill Conroy's House of Death Reports from Narco News

By Ryan Grim and Jason Linkins
Eat the Press, The Huffington Post

September 1, 2010

Six American Zeroes: Reason Enough to Support California's Prop 19

The Drug Czars Want to Stop Marijuana Legalization Because Their Own Policies Have, um, Succeeded?

By Al Giordano
The Field

August 30, 2010

Dead End for the Mexico City Superhighway?

One Neighborhood's Resistance Has Stopped the Bulldozers for 35 Days

By Fernando León and Erin Rosa
Special to The Narco News Bulletin

en español... ¿Callejón sin salida para la Supervía de la Ciudad de México?

August 30, 2010

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Click here for Issue #66

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Top Reporters' Notes

President's Terror Alert Is Necessary Wake-Up Call by Bill Conroy (6 Comments)

US Military Unit Tied To New Anti-narcotics Program In Juárez by Erin Rosa (4 Comments)

Sprawling Drug-War Training Complex Planned for U.S-Mexico Border by Bill Conroy (2 Comments)

US Government Attorney Writes Narco News Over CIA Drone-Code Story by Bill Conroy (2 Comments)

Indigenous Group Condemns Release of Prisoners Involved In Acteal Massacre by Erin Rosa

The Drug Czar Office's Misleading Claim on Teenage Marijuana Use by Erin Rosa (1 Comment)

2 Years of $upport for Authenticity by Lorie Cavin (1 Comment)

Jefe de la Policía Mexicana designado como Secretario Ejecutivo de la Comunidad de Policías de América by Fernando León

CIA Drone-Code Scandal Now Has A Big Blue Hue by Bill Conroy (1 Comment)

US Lawmakers Used Public Funds To Back Honduras Coup by Erin Rosa (4 Comments)

Narco News Features

Dark Alliance: The Story Behind the Crack Explosion

The Bogotá Connection: Narco News Investigates DEA Corruption and Cover-Up in Colombia

The House of Death: U.S. Law Enforcement Complicity with Murder in Ciudad Juárez

Banamex vs. Narco News: The Drug War on Trial

The Other Journalism with the Other Campaign

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