Demonstration at the Serbian Embassy in Budapest

In the evening of 29 September the coalition of anarchist movements of Budapest represented by comrades from Serbia, Slovenia, Croatia and Ukraine, as well as LGBT

Political Arrests in Belgrade: Call for Solidarity

Political Arrests in Belgrade: Call for Solidarity


On September, 4th 2009 District Court in Belgrade decided that arrested members of ASI will be held for thirty days in detention. Our comrades are accused of an act of international terrorism.
Union Confederation “Anarcho-syndicalist Initiative” found out about the attack on Greek embassy, and of the organisation that took the responsibility for this act, through media.

Greece to set up internment camps for immigrants

Greece to set up internment camps for immigrants

The Greek daily Nea newspaper reported that the government was in the process of setting up internment camps for illegal immigrants throughout the country. Eleven disused army bases have been chosen in order to house those found without legal residency documents.

Stung by their losses in the recent European elections the ruling conservative New Democracy party has taken a sharp turn to the right in order to win back dissatisfied voters who’s defected to the far right LAOS party in last week’s elections.

video reports from the LGBTIQ Prides in Athens and Zagreb

Gay Pride Zagreb Croatia

Athens Gay Pride

Solidarity with Queer Bulgaria: 27 June 2009

Solidarity with Queer Bulgaria: 27 June 2009

The International Queer Solidarity Network calls for a European mobilization, with support from the United States, that will stand in solidarity with Queer Bulgaria.

4th Balkan Anarchist Bookfair

4th Balkan Anarchist Bookfair

As decided at the general assembly of the participants at the 3rd Balkan Anarchist Bookfair in Sofia,

we are glad to announce the

(27-31 May 2009)

in THESSALONIKI, on Wednesday the 27th and Thursday the 28th of MAY
and ATHENS from Friday 29th to Sunday the 31st of MAY

We are inviting libertarian and anarchist publishers
and comrades from all over the Balkans and beyond

The general theme of the presentations during the bookfair will be:

"NO" to oil pipe-line "Bourgas-Alexandroupolis"

"NO" to oil pipe-line "Bourgas-Alexandroupolis"

98.97 % out of the 14 900 people who voted in the Pomorie municipality
voted "NO" on the referendum about the oil pipe-line

This became clear once 100% of the votes had been counted. The ones that
voted "Yes" are 1,03%, and the turnout is 50,12%, this had been stated by
the chair of the election commission - Luba Stravolevoma, as quoted in
Focus information agency. Such a turnout means that the locals had managed
to pass the 51% and that the referendum is legitimate. The Pomorian
referendum is the first legitimate referendum out of the three that had

Republic of Moldavia - revolution or rebelion? [Will be updated when new things happen]

Republic of Moldavia - revolution or rebelion? [Will be updated when new things happen]

5th of April. People went to vote the parties for the seats in the Parliament. The Communist Party won for the third time with 61 seats (there are 101 seats in total) in the Parliament. The people say the election result was fraudulent. Some 200.000 dead people voted and some other 500.000 people that live no more in Moldavia, voted also. Because of their large number of seats won in the Parliament, Vladimir Voronin is, again, for the third time President of the country, without being voted by the people.

February 14, Saturday at 13.00 at the Kodaly Korond AntiNazi Carnival Demo!!!

February 14, Saturday at 13.00 at the Kodaly Korond  AntiNazi Carnival Demo!!!

with you flags, banners, tools to make noise (drums, whispers,pots, etc),

dress in, mask yourself, lets make the exclusion ridiculous!

There will be soundsystem, music, dance, clowning! We ask you during the demo hold on the legal marching rights, do not throwing, do not let yourself to provoke!

Together we are strong, divided we will fall! Down with racism, down with capitalism!

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