Notes from the WRI office

From the Office / WRI Event

01 Dec 2010


  • On 1 December, put aside at least one hour and write at least four cards to prisoners;
  • Get your peace group or class or meeting place to organise a card-writing session;
  • Set up a stall in your town centre, perform a bit of street theatre, or do whatever else it takes to attract attention and interest.

Sending cards and letters

  • Always send your card in an envelope;
  • Include a return name and address on the envelope;
01 Dec 2010

It is in Europe where War Resisters' International (WRI) was founded. It is also there and in the USA where it has its bigger number of members and supporters. Clearly this is reflected in the way it functions as also in the issues that takes on. For the same reasons the groups that identify most strongly with the international are those in Europe plus War Resisters League in the USA. Through the years WRI has worked to become - as its name says - truly international, by adding groups and having activities with groups in other regions of the world.

24 Nov 2010

Muchas personas vieron o escucharon los sucesos del 30 de septiembre en Ecuador, un día donde simplemente el mundo se puso al revés. Policías quemando llantas y lanzando piedras tomando el hospital donde supuestamente el presidente estaba “Secuestrado”.

¿Qué pasó en este día?

22 Nov 2010

Press Release - 20 November 2010

NATO GAME OVER! With this message peace activists from all over Europe are today blocking the NATO summit in Lisbon.

About 50 activists from Portugal, Spain, Finland, Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, the Netherlands and Poland blocked one of the access roads for participating delegates and government officials to the summit. With chains and locks attached to their bodies they try to delay the summit from taking place in order to disturb NATO' s future planning.

18 Nov 2010

The coalition of nonviolent activist based in Lisbon denounce the blocking of their European comrades at the border of the Portugese territory during these last days.

18 Nov 2010

Press release 18.11.2010 at 09.15

Portuguese border guard denied entry of 35 Finnish antimilitarists to Portugal early on Thursday morning. The group was on it's way to NATO summit's non-violent counter event in Lisbon, Portugal. The bus trip is organized Aseistakieltäytyjäliitto (Union of COs, Finland).

Aseistakieltäytyjäliitto believes that the right to demonstrate should be part of every democracy in any situation. "Is NATO so much afraid of non-violent demonstrators, that they can't even be allowed in the same country?" Aseistakieltäytyjäliitto wonders.

17 Nov 2010

Press Release/Invitation 17 November 2010

Nonviolent Civil Disobedience Training in Lisbon

Place and hour: Praça do Rossio: Thursday 18 November : 16:00

Between 19 and 21 of November, NATO will meet to discuss it's future by approval of it's new strategic concept in Lisbon. Portuguese and European activists are preparing for non-violent actions against this summit.

14 Nov 2010

From 19 to 21 November the NATO summit will take place in Lisbon, with Obama, the best known of the leaders, present.

The stated objective of the summit is the adoption of a new Strategic Concept – the seventh this the foundation of NATO – and with it, the ratification of the actions of NATO in the last years, especially in Afghanistan and Somalia; the more precise definition of NATO's actions in the coming years, especially in relation to Iran; and to guarantee the cohesion of its member states under the strict obedience to the decisions of the Pentagon.

03 Nov 2010

NATO was founded ostensibly to defend the “free” West against Soviet expansion. Why then did not NATO dissolve when the Soviet Union disintegrated and Warsaw Pact dissolved? The reason is quite simple: because it had become the main vehicle for the coordination of Western military strategy. What follows is a call for peace activists to commit ourselves to raise the demand for the dissolution of NATO.

03 Nov 2010


  • On 1 December, put aside at least one hour and write at least four cards to prisoners;

  • Get your peace group or class or meeting place to organise a card-writing session;

  • Set up a stall in your town centre, perform a bit of street theatre, or do whatever else it takes to attract attention and interest.

27 Oct 2010

War Resisters' International sends greetings of solidarity to the conference Action to Close the Diego Garcia Military Base, to end the Illegal Occupation of the Chagos Islands, and for the right to Return & Full Reparations for Chagossians. As we oppose all war, and also the preparations for war, we clearly oppose military bases. Diego Garcia itself is the supreme example of a military alliance sweeping aside all considerations of international law and natural justice in the spurious name of "strategic necessity".

The Right to Refuse to Kill

08 Nov 2010

A batida in MedellinA batida in MedellinWar Resisters' International received reports from several of its partners in Colombia that batidas - the recruitment of young men in raids on the streets - are continueing. Some of those recruited during recent batidas declared their conscientious objection, and two are listed on WRI's Prisoners for Peace Honour Roll 2010.


24 Nov 2010

Empecemos con la ubicación en los departamentos del país de las brigadas del ejército colombiano que reciben asistencia o ayuda militar de EE.UU. Lo que se nos muestra es que la mayoría de las brigadas tienen algún tipo de vínculo con la cooperación militar, exceptuando según las fuentes oficiales la brigada 1, 5, 17 y 30.

24 Nov 2010

A pesar de lo que se pretende mostrar, Sudamérica no es la excepción cuando hablamos del complejo industrial - militar (la relación entre gobiernos y la industria armamentista en favor de esta última y con claras consecuencias de una carrera armamentística sin final), aunque no se manifieste tan brutalmente como en los Estados Unidos, la presión de la industria bélica en la política es incuestionable, sino ¿cuál sería la justificación para todo el derroche en armas?

23 Nov 2010

“Puede haber agua sin peces y Pueblos sin tiranos,
pero no puede haber Peces sin Agua ni tiranos sin Pueblos”

Periódico Anarquista Regeneración, 5 de nov. 1910 California, Revolución

Hace poco tiempo que terminó la huelga de hambre de los Presos Políticos Mapuche (PPM) en el sur de las tierras administradas por el estado Chileno, que desde el 12 de Julio alcanzó los 90 días, adhiriéndose un total de 34 comuneros mapuche encerrados en 6 diferentes cárceles del sur, entre ellos un menor de edad, también juzgado bajo la Ley Anti-Terrorista (LAT).

23 Nov 2010

El uniforme militar esconde bajo el camuflaje verdeolivo, caqui pálido, azul marino o blanco nieve un otro uniforme desplegado en el mismísimo cuerpo que sostiene el ropaje guerrero. Allí, bajo la forma de piel y pelos se encuentra el uniforme sexual: ese acto de fe que nos convierte en hombres a los hombres y en mujeres a las mujeres, sea cual sea nuestra identidad, deseo o práctica. Para lo militar (y los diversos militarismos) el sexo vendría a ser la última certeza y el último orden.

02 Nov 2010
This action is part of the protests against the Lisbon NATO summit in November
Saturday, Oct. 30th 2010


22 Oct 2010

I have never been a person who is attracted by technology so really I am not interested in the latest gadgets of the arms trade from a geeky point of view. I am, however, interested in drones as the latest expression of warfare, specially with unthinkable consequences in distancing the perpetrator from the victim, making battle feel more like a computer game than a war where people are dying because of your actions. Drones are being used more and more for surveillance and for military attacks, and it is scary to think how far this robotisation of war can go.

22 Oct 2010

During apartheid, the South African regime desperately needed arms to suppress resistance within the country and to destabilise neighbouring countries opposed to its rule. To curb the Pretoria desperados, the United Nations imposed an arms embargo in 1963. Pretoria’s response was the development of its own arms production industry (now Denel) coupled with a cloak-and-dagger sanctions-busting procurement agency (now Armscor).

22 Oct 2010

Work against war profiteering has emerged in South Korea in recent years. An important step in its development was the 2010 Peace and Disarmament Fair, which took place between the 2nd and 3rd of October, organised by the Peace and Disarmament Fair Preparatory Committee.