Because going to work shouldn't be a grave mistake!

Global Community





Standing FACE to FACE and getting the full picture.

NIOSH provides grants to nine State agencies for its Fatality Assessment and Control Evaluation Program (FACE), which provides in-depth investigation reports for a small number of work-related fatality incidents. USMWF will be aligning the photos and tributes from our Faces campaign with these State-FACE reports. Although only a small fraction of all work-related fatalities are assessed through this FACE program, we do want to make the connections to give an identity to the deceased worker and to increase the opportunity to learn lessons from a family's loss.

  • Not on My Watch
  • to educate patients and health care professionals. Their goal is to eliminate these preventable illnesses and their often tragic consequences.
  • Not on My Watch, News


    Current News


    News and Updates

    Stay informed and up to date with news, events and opinions with just a quick look. We now have a Twitter, Facebook Fan Page and Facebook Causes Page and we continue to list our lost loves on the Weekly Toll.






    When: Monday, July 26 – Thursday, July 29, 2010 Where: George Washington University School of Public Health and Health Services How: Travel, shared accommodations, and meals will be provided Why: To become advocates for your family and others dealing with workplace health and safety issues. Details here.

    Facilitators/Instructors: Peter Dooley and Dr. Celeste Monforton

    Bring the family on us!



    Welcome To USMWF



    Families who have a loss need to be acknowledged. We will not allow others to discount us any longer. We are the brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers and children of America. Families and their losses are not a number or a statistic. Our lost loved ones were the very ones making your profit. We are not asking for more than we are entitled to, Our Right, The Right to a Safe and Healthful Workplace. We need leaders to restore our faith in governmental humanity. We cannot thank the Public Welfare Foundation enough for having faith in our efforts and awarding us a 2-year grant to support this website, our advocacy efforts and travel support for family members to fight for safety and health reforms.

    The Faces Campaign

    Fred R. Barnard said, “One picture is worth a thousand words.”

    How many words does it take to peer into the eyes of tragedy or feel the heartache and pain that is set in motion after our loved one was lost. The Faces Campaign is intended to give workplace fatalities a face, gain awareness and educate workers, employees, organizations and our government. We invite you to add a face of someone lost due to a workplace incident to or (if you use Microsoft outlook sometimes i do not receive your information so if you don't have a reply in a timely manner please try my alt email). We would love to get the following information:

    • Photo of Worker
    • Name
    • Age
    • Birth date
    • Loss date
    • Place of employment
    • Your name
    • Your relationship with lost worker

    All is not required however we do need a name of both your loss and you in order to post a face.

    Have you lost a loved one and want to get involved? Take the survey here for pdf and here for word then send it to Debi Fergen

    *Please note if you send in your loved ones photo it may be featured in print and/or online.

    Family Victims Rights

    Many family members united in 2006 and put together a number of basic rights we felt was necessary for healing, functionality and a truly transparent investigative system.

    You can only imagine how exciting it was for us when some elements of Family Bill of Rights were included in H.R. 2067/S. 1580 (Protecting America's Workers Act) and later to H.R. 5663 Miner Safety and Health Act of 2010/S.3671 (The Robert C. Byrd Mine and Workplace Safety and Health Act of 2010).

    H.R. 2067/S. 1580 will change the penalties and prosecution process and evaluate the penalties every four years, the employer must notify OSHA is there is an incident that causes a serious injury or death, OSHA may not classify any violation as unclassified, along with informing the families of their rights in the process, giving the injured and killed worker a voice by giving the family the right to a representative that will have the opportunity to meet with the secretary and right to participate in proceedings, be notified of all correspondences between the employer and OSHA, and the families will gain the citation report without cost.

    Whether they have worked on this particular goal or other rights for the families you should raise your head with pride that your voice and the voice of your loved one has been heard loud and clear. You are history in the making and have much more work to come. H.R. 5663 and S.3671 did not make it to the floor before recess which means you have until September 14th to tell you stories to anyone who will listen. If you really believe in H.R. 5663 and S.3671 the period between now and September 14th is crucial so if you need help or guidance please contact someone at USMWF and we would be happy to help you understand the bills and how to contact who is needed.

    The Waiting List

    The Waiting List is a Multimedia story-telling project which tells the story of individuals waiting for organ transplants.

    FACE State Web Sites

    New NIOSH Reports

    • Chemist dies from burns caused by mixing chemicals. (pdf)
    • Maintenance worker dies when he falls into a baling machine that bales cardboard for recycling. (pdf)
    • Print machine operator is strangled when his shirt is caught on a rotating knob. (pdf)
    • Warehouse worker dies when he falls through a skylight. (pdf)
    • Janitor dies when he falls into a baling machine that bales cardboard for recycling. (pdf)
    • Solar Energy Technician Electrocuted. (pdf)

    Site Music

    The music used on site is complements of Krittybean an amazingly talented singer. You can view a large array (from country to opera) of Krittybean's  music is located here.

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