London Coalition Against Poverty

Benefit Night – 27 November

Posted on | November 11, 2010 | No Comments

Poster for the event

Poster for the event

Hackney Benefits Collective presents…

Saturday 27th November, 8pm-2am, Victoria pub in Dalston (435 Queensbridge Road London E8 3AS)
Hip-hop poetry, Bands and DJs
Entry is £3 although extra donations are welcome if you can afford it.

It’s going to be a great night with some brilliant acts: The Dublo, Suburban Mousewife and Brotherman (read more below!)

Kids’ party 4-6pm, £1

If you have kids then please come along to our kid’s party first starting at 4 PM in the hall at the Victoria pub. There will be party games including pass the parcel and musical bumps. If you know that you are coming in advance then let us know so we have an idea of how many kids we will be entertaining!

The bands are great and are as follows:

Suburban Mousewife

New all-female five-piece from London playing a lo-fi punked up cross between The Fall/ Slits/ Crass/ R Dean Taylor/ Shangri-Las and Kraftwerk
“Funny as well as catchy…” – Artrocker
“AMAZING” – Tatty Devine
I really like this band – think they can totally deliver live and I like their vibe.The stand out ‘singles in waiting’ are Botox Skin, Gulags for Slags (great name by the way), and Shop Shop.” The Girls Are “Unique sounding vocals and scuzzy dark post punk backing, the discordant scratchy guitars remind me of The Yummy Fur which is a very
good thing”
- Camilla Pia (BBC)
“Distinctive. Got some real life to it” - Viv Albertine (The Slits)
“An incredible night with Eel Zine, Suburban Mousewife!!! Yes!!! and position normal – a bunch of happy people, entirely independent and punky and a total triumph of what can be achieved through hanging out and having fun with no ulterior motive- i can’t honestly think of anything more radical- absolutely bloody brilliant.” – Jonny Mugwump, Resonance FM

Hip-hop poet Brotherman

“A refreshing slice of heavyweight homegrown hip hop with an infectious hook, crisp production and next level conscious vocals from one of my favourite new mcs on the block. This ones the new generation and staying in my box for a while….Brotherman…Blaoooowww!!!” DaddySkitz (BBC 1Xtra)

The Dublo

“The Dublo make their long-awaited debut, with double-bass, accordian, harmonica and a variety of other fine instruments channeling their strange, infectious but always hip-swinging RnR anthems.”

” Anarchist hymns.. filthy RnR boogie!”

And then we will have some great DJs between 12-2 PM.

Please help spread the word!

Jumble sale – 2nd October

Posted on | September 16, 2010 | No Comments

11 am – 2 pm at St John – at – Hackney Church on Lower Clapton Rd, E5!

To raise money Hackney Housing Group will be selling high quality jumble – clothes, books, household items, DVDs, music, bric – a – brac all at amazingly cheap prices. There will be African & Turkish food on sale as well as tea, coffee and cake. There will be children’s activities going on all day including face painting.

All money raised will go towards London Coalition Against Poverty activities such as securing good housing for our members and campaigning against poverty.

We need your help! Please collect jumble and ask your friends to collect jumble and come along on the day. Jumble can be stored at the LCAP office before hand or if you have a lot and want us to pick it up call us on – 07931 698 438 . We also need lots of people to help out on the day as well as come and buy things. Contact us for more information.

We respond to David Cameron’s threat to end life long council tenancies

Posted on | August 5, 2010 | No Comments

A spokesperson from Hackney Housing Group, part of London Coalition Against Poverty (LCAP), said:

“Hackney Housing Group urges the coalition government to strongly reconsider David Cameron’s plan to end lifetime council tenancies. This plan, if put into action, will intimidate thousands of people who will never know whether their future in their own homes is secure. Mr Cameron has avoided tackling the fundamental issue of there simply not being nearly enough affordable housing in this country.

Council housing was not originally created for “people in need”, it was created simply to house people and it should be for everyone. We need affordable and secure rented accommodation to be able to work, raise our families and not fall into debt.

David Cameron does not take into account that our financial, family and work situations change. We might have a good wage one month and no job the next. Insecure work coupled with insecure and unaffordable housing puts us at risk of debt and homelessness.”

This is a deliberate attempt to scapegoat people who earn a wage and who stay in their council homes. Council tenants are not to blame for a lack of available social housing. This is a result of the failure of the Labour and Conservative governments to invest in building new social housing and the ideologically driven policy of selling off council estates.

Hackney Housing Group proposes that people living in council housing should pay a fixed percentage of their income towards their rent, a maximum of 25%, across the board, making it easier for everyone to have affordable housing.”
LCAP is a voluntary coalition of co-operative groups which are based on the idea that through solidarity and direct action, ordinary people have the power to change our own lives. For more information please call 07931 698 438, email or visit

Hackney Housing Group Speak Out

Posted on | July 21, 2010 | 5 Comments

… as locally money is left unspent and nationally there are cuts to housing benefit.

Where is our £15 million worth of housing?

Hackney Council’s response to the housing crisis ­is to not bother spending the housing budget!

In the Hackney Gazette on the 15th July it was reported that Hackney Council failed to spend £3 million pounds of its Housing Revenue Account on repairs and maintenance to its housing stock while almost £12 million of its budget which could have been used to increase housing was left unspent. The need for housing in Hackney is huge. Nearly 19% of people in Hackney live in unsuitable conditions, around 2,000 households including 2,000 children are living in temporary accommodation (2008 figures, Shelter) and 9,000 households are overcrowded. Hackney Housing Group demand that the unspent money in the Council’s housing budget be spent where it is desperately needed; on providing us good quality housing and that the Council tell us immediately what has happened to the unspent money in their housing budgets.

We are often told that there is not enough money to house us in decent conditions. An example is the terrible conditions found in many of the flats that are, after a long process awarded to households in severe need. One mother recently visited a flat that had clearly been used to house several dogs. If she had accepted the disgusting flat she would have had to spend her own money to make it liveable for her toddler, including replacing the floor. Some of the unspent £3 million could have been used to make vacant properties decent before they are offered to homeless families, who do not have the resources to refurbish themselves and are forced into debt to do so.

While many of us spend years raising our children in temporary housing or trying to move from unsuitable properties Hackney council leaves properties empty. Some whole estates like Haggerston estate (waiting to be demolished and partly replaced with housing for sale) have been left unused for years. If money had been spent in the first place on maintaining those estates then we would have more housing now.

The Hackney Housing Group (part of the London Coalition Against Poverty) campaigns for good housing we can afford for everyone. We say the Council must, at minimum, spend the money that they have on increasing the amount of social housing. Hackney Council must scrap their current housing policy that does not prioritise social housing.

Statement Against Cuts to Housing Benefit:

Hackney Housing Group condemns the cuts to local housing allowance included in the June budget. These will mean many more people made homeless, who if eligible to be housed will join the 2,000 households already in Hackney’s temporary accommodation, and if not may end up on the streets. Those of us on the waiting list for housing will have even less chance of being housed. Recently several members of Hackney Housing Group have ‘bid’ successfully for social housing but discovered that the flat offered was a housing association property with market level rent of up to £400 a week. If we had accepted these properties then we would soon not be able to pay the rent under the new benefit rules and would be homeless again soon.

Some of us are on benefits but our situations do change. We may find work and we may lose our work. We need affordable housing that is actually affordable, where we will not be immediately made homeless when our situation changes. Mayor of Hackney, Jules Pipe, has spoken out about the cuts to housing benefit as chair of London Councils [], but his own Council’s housing strategy is to push us into private housing that we can not afford. We demand more social housing and that Hackney Council scrap their housing strategy which does not prioritise social housing.

Contact Hackney Housing Group on 07931 698 438

Defend Welfare National Day of Action – 16 June

Posted on | June 5, 2010 | 2 Comments

Benefits are our right, not charity!
No to workfare “Work for your benefits” schemes
Working Links doesn’t work!

Wed 16th June, 11am, outside Working Links on Mare St
Join Hackney Unemployed Workers group for the Defend Welfare network’s national day of action. We will be outside Working Links on Mare Street, exposing the private company that makes money while letting us down. Working Links does not work! We are forced to do pointless job searches, we are not given the training we want, and even when they find us jobs, they are temporary, low-paid and don’t reflect our interests.

The Coalition Government is talking about more use of private companies like this to “help us into work” (work that doesn’t exist: there are 43 JSA claimants for every job in Hackney). They want to penalise us into work, when their cuts mean there are even fewer jobs to go around.

Take part in the day of action with us:
11am-1pm Expose Working Links!
Write your own placard saying what you think Working Links is good at… e.g. wasting tax payers’ money, wasting our time….
Contribute to our “Welfare for all statement”: we are collecting messages which set out what is wrong with the way things work now and the changes people want to see that would help us. Add your message on the day, on our website, or at our stalls on 14th (Dalston) and 15th June (Mare St)

1pm-3pm Join the delegation to The Department for Work and Pensions
Cuts are in the air: job cuts, welfare cuts, wage cuts. But we want to put our alternative to the new Secretary of State. Forcing people to work for their benefits reduces the number of jobs, making people redundant does too, and wasting money on private companies like Working Links gets us nowhere. We want a fair benefit system that recognises our right to live – not just to survive!
(London Coalition Against Poverty can pay your bus fare if you want to come along)

Add your message on our website:
Come along to one of our drop-in sessions, every Thursday at noon at Cafe Bohemia by Hackney Central.
See the National Network website:

keep looking »
  • About LCAP

    London Coalition Against Poverty is a coalition of groups which are based on the idea that through solidarity and direct action, ordinary people have the power to change our own lives. See details of group meetings below. More about LCAP
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  • Regular Events

    Welfare Action Hackney meeting every Thursday from 12pm in Cafe Bohemia, 2 Bohemia Place, off Mare St, Hackney. Tea and coffee provided. (google map)

    Hackney Housing Group meeting at Navarino Mansions on Dalston Lane, to give and receive support on housing problems and campaign for better housing near Hackney Downs station every second Saturday, 12 pm to 2 pm, please contact 07931 698 438 for more details.

    Islington Poverty Action Group Meeting about problems with the benefits system and anti poverty campaigns every second and fourth Wednesday of the month at 12.30pm at HNG Old Fire Station, 85 Mayton St, N7 6QT. Contact for more details.
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