Showing newest 15 of 74 posts from May 2008. Show older posts
Showing newest 15 of 74 posts from May 2008. Show older posts

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Eric McDavid Begins His Next Journey

Date: Fri, May 30, 2008

Dear Friends,

Yesterday Eric was moved from the Sacramento County Main Jail by the US
Marshals. This is the beginning of what could be a long journey. We
still have no idea where Eric is headed, or how long it will take him to
get there. As far as we know, he is currently at the county jail in
Fresno, CA. We will keep everyone updated as we get more information.

If you recently sent Eric a letter it may get returned. Please hold onto
it and send it to him once he reaches his final destination. Your love
and support will be much needed and welcomed at that time.


Friday, May 30, 2008

More Italian 'Il Silvstre' Raids & Other News

Urgent ELP! Bulletin (30th May 2008)

Dear friends

ELP has three lots of news for you today:

1) Raids in Italy - New Il Silvestre prisoner
2) Sean Kirtley Sentenced to four and a half years imprisonment
3) Rod's mail is too radical

1) On the 29th of May 2008 the Italian police raided a number of houses whose occupants are connected to the eco-anarchist group Il Silvestre (most ELP supporters will be aware the police are constantly harrassing and bringing false prosecutions against the group Il Silvestre). The charge against those raided this time is "subversive conspiracy". It is alleged that Il Silvestre activists robbed a post office to help fund their alleged direct action activities and publish their literature.

One of the people raided yesterday is vegan activist Paola Gori who is linked to the Italian prisoner support group Senza Gabbie. As a result of these latest raids Paola has been remanded into custody.

Paola is known to ELP as a dedicated prisoner support activist and we encourage everyone to support her.

Please send urgent letters of support to:

Paola Gori
Via delle Macchie 9
57124 Livorno

Paola can read English as well as Italian, so please send her a letter of support today.

2) Today, British vegan animal rights activist, Sean Kirtly, was sentenced to four and a half years imprisonment for running a website which encouraged LAWFUL protest against the vivisection company Sequani Ltd.

Please send urgent letters of support to:

Sean Kirtley WC6977
HMP Birmingham Prison
Winson Green Road
B18 4AS

For more info on Sean check out the following websites

For more info on the campaign against Sequani visit

3) American vegetarian animal/earth lib prisoner, Rod Coronado, has been told that some of his mail is "too radical" and consequently it is not being passed onto Rod.

It is not yet clear what mail is and isn't getting through to Rod, but for the time being his support campaign are asking "Please no materials regarding ALF, ELF, animal liberation, um…. what else, radical anything. Until further notification, I would suggest these guidelines be followed".

Unradical letters of support should be sent to:

Rodney Coronado #03895-000
FCI El Reno
Federal Correctional Institution
P.O. BOX 1500
El Reno, OK 73036


Earth Liberation Prisoners Support Network
BM Box 2407

Austrian Update and Global Day of Action

ELP Information Bulletin (29th of May 2008)

Dear friends

The news from Austria is getting worse. Five of the people wrongly arrested are now on hungerstrike. ELP has just received the following update......

Support the imprisoned animal right activists in Austria

14 persons charged, 10 arrested, 5 in hunger strike

On May 21st special forces of the Austrian police forced entry to 23 homes of animal right activists across Austria. 14 persons were charged with suspected forming of a criminal organisation (§278a of the Austrian penal code) in connection with direct animal right actions. Ten persons were arrested and are in prison as suspects. At first nine were sent to the Vienna Neustadt prison and one to Innsbruck who has been brought to Vienna Neustadt on 28.05. Five prisoners are in hungerstrike at the moment, at least one since the 21.05. (date today: 29.05.). The organisation die tierbefreier e.V. is also affected by this wave of repression.

The way searching was done is indescribable. The homes and apartments were entered with pulled weapons; doors were smashed, despite tenants inside, sleeping. A complete chaos was left, PCs, files and other papers confiscated. No evidence of any criminal offence could be proved against the 14 persons; they were arrested purely on suspicion. Apparently only being engaged in animal right activities for some years was enough reason to arrest them.

Since the files handed to the lawyers could not prove any criminal offence, application for immediate release was filed. Imposing remand under these circumstances is absolutely against human rights.

Vegan diet

The vegan diet of the prisoners in Vienna Neustadt was totally insufficient at first. To provide vegan prisoners with animal exploitation products is not only a deep insult; it is far from their liability to take proper care. After intervention it has since improved. However on 28.05. four prisoners were brought to the prison in Wien Josefstadt and two were brought to Eisenstadt. It is not clear yet how the vegan catering is handled there.

Send mails and letters concerning the vegan issue to the prisons in Wiener Neustadt, Wien Josefstadt and Eisenstadt. Anyone living vegan for deep moral and ethical reasons has the right to receive vegan products!!

Justizanstalt Wiener Neustadt
Maximiliangasse 3
2700 Wiener Neustadt

Justizanstalt Wien Josefstadt
Wickenburggasse 18 - 22
1080 Wien

Justizanstalt Eisenstadt
Wienerstraße 9
7001 Eisenstadt

Support demos

We can and will not accept this suspected unlawful and unreasonable way, the searchings and the arrests were handled. Arrange support demos in front of Austrian consulates and embassies.
Just as important: Engage in animal rights activities! Some of the persons arrested have been engaged in animal rights for years, this fully aware. It is not only important to protest against the repression and the arrests, also protest against the daily exploitation und misuse of animals.


Write letters to morally support them. Letters help!

Do not write anything that could be used against them sooner or later. Please address letters as follows:

First name, Name
Date of birth:
Address of prison
Anyone not knowing above details, like date of birth, send the letters to:
Antirep 2008
Postfach 101
A - 1070 Wien.

And only mention the name or first name, the letters will then be readdressed. Without a name the letter will be copied and will be sent to all prisoners if that is possible.

Legal aid

Tremendous costs will arise for lawyers. Any penny you can spare is welcome. A special account was set up in Austria for this cause, transparency guaranteed.

Account Austria:
Holder: Grünalternative Jugend Wien
Acc.No: 01920013682
Bank-Code: 14000
Use: Antirep 2008
IBAN: AT551400001920013682

More info:
Backgroundinfos, up-to-date news and demo dates, see: or

Also ELP has been told that there will be a Global Day of Action in support of those arrested. Below is the information ELP has been sent regarding this Day of Action.

> 4th of june: Global solidarity action day!
> The wave of repression which took place last week in Austria was a shock
> for everybody. Anger, fear and consternation is what most of us might
> feel.
> The arbitrary behaviour of the austrian police, the criminalization of
> people dedicated to animal liberation and the imprisonment of them screams
> out for
> action! We must show the responsible people and those connected with them
> our solidary resistance. What happened in Austria is not only a problem of
> austrian people and also not only of animal liberation activists! It is an
> alarming strike against inconvenient opponents, which last week affected
> austrian animal rights activists and could affect any left person in any
> country soon!
> Our response has to be a global solidarity throughout the left! That is
> why we call out for a global day of action on june 4th, dedicated to the
> austrian
> prisoners. Do anything to show your support and solidarity. Send e-mails
> to austrian embassies, phone the embassies and tell them how you feel
> about the
> repression wave in austria, do demos in front of the embassies, organize
> events to collect money for the legal support of the activists... support
> the anti
> fur campaign against "Kleider Bauer", which seems to be the main reason
> for the disproportional state repression and which must carry on!
> Please use your energy and creativity on the 4th of june to show your
> solidarity with the austrian animal liberation prisoners!
> We can give you the following information:
> - a sample letter which you can e-mail (in german and english)
> - a homepage of austrian embassies and consulats
> - a list of e-mail addresses
> - a list of phone and fax numbers
> Sample letter in german and english:
> Sehr geehrte Herr/Frau xy,
> am 21.05.2008 wurden in Österreich zahlreiche Hausdurchsuchungen bei
> Tierschutz- und Tierrechtsaktivist_innen durchgeführt sowie
> Räumlichkeiten von Tierschutzorganisationen durchsucht. Des Weiteren
> wurden 10 Aktivist_innen verhaftet und befinden sich nun auf Grund des
> Vorwurfs der Bildung einer kriminellen Vereinigung in Untersuchungshaft.
> Es ist meiner Meinung nach an Absurdität kaum zu überbieten, dass
> bewaffnete Spezialeinheiten der österreichischen Polizei einen
> derartigen Rundumschlag gegen eine soziale Bewegung durchführen. Dieser
> Willkürakt ist demokratiepolitisch gesehen ein Armutszeugnis.
> Ich schreibe Ihnen, um meine entschiedene Ablehnung gegenüber den gegen
> Tierrechtler_innen ausgeführten Hausdurchsuchungen und Inhaftierungen
> zum Ausdruck zu bringen! Ich fordere Sie, stellvertretend für die
> Regierung Österreichs, auf, die betroffenen Aktivist_innen unverzüglich
> frei zu lassen. Ich verstehe die Durchsuchungs- und Verhaftungswelle als
> Versuch, legitimen Protest zu illegalisieren und spreche mich vehement
> gegen diese Repression aus!
> Die Konstruktion des §287a über die mutmaßliche Bildung einer
> kriminellen Vereinigung lehne ich ab und verurteile die Versuche, die
> österreichische Tierrechtsbewegung durch derartige Gewaltaktionen zu
> schwächen, entschieden. Die Befreiung der Tiere aus ihrem Zustand
> gesellschaftlich vermittelter Ausbeutung und Unterdrückung ist weder
> „kriminell“ noch in irgendeiner anderen Form abzulehnen, sondern
> notwendige Bedingung einer freien Gesellschaft. Der Kampf unserer
> Genoss_innen ist ein Kampf, der die tierlichen Opfer vor weiterer Gewalt
> und Ausbeutung bewahren soll. Es ist mir unverständlich, warum der
> österreichische Staat diese Menschen bekämpft, anstatt mit daran zu
> arbeiten, die Ausbeutung der Tiere zu beenden!
> Aus diesem Grund fordere ich:
> Sofortige Freilassung der Betroffenen österreichischen Tierrechtler_innen!
> Sofortige Einstellung aller eventueller Verfahren!
> Dear Mr./Mrs. Xy
> On the 21st of May there have been a lot of raids against animal rights
> and animal welfare activists and groups. Furthermore, 10 activists have
> been arrested and are now blamed to be part of a criminal organization.
> In my opinion, it is more than absurd, that armed special forces of the
> Austrian police carried our such a big strike against a social movement.
> This act of arbitrariness
> is an evidence of incapacity for a democratic society.
> I`m writing you to express that i´m totally opposed to the raids and
> arrests of the animal rights activists. I demand of you - in place of
> the Austrian government – to release the animal rights activists
> immediately. I understand this amount of raids and arrests as an attempt
> to criminalize legitimate protest and I condemn this repression in every
> way.
> I reject the construct of §287a concerning the suspected formation of a
> criminal organisation and condemn the attempt to weaken the Austrian
> animal rights movement with such acts of violence. The liberation of
> animals from their state of socially institutionalized exploitation and
> oppression is neither „criminal“ nor to reject in any other way but a
> necessary condition for a free society. The fight of our comrades is a
> fight to safe the animal victims from further violence and oppression. I
> don`t understand why the Austrian state fights against those human
> beings instead of working for the abolition of animal exploitation .
> Therefore I demand:
> Immediate release of the Austrain animal rights activists!
> Immediate dismissal of all prosecutions!
> Find austrian embassies / consulats here:
> E-Mail addresses:
> Phone numbers of some embassies / consulats in some countries:
> Belgium:
> Antwerpen: phone (+32/3) 201 70 60 fax (+32/3) 212 41 00
> Bruxelles: phone (+32/2) 2890-700 fax (+32/2) 513 66 41
> phone (+32/2) 2345-370 fax (+32/2) 2356-370
> phone (+32/2) 2345-351 fax (+32/2) 2356-351
> phone (+32/2) 2345-363 fax (+32/2) 2356-363
> phone (+32/2) 2345-380 fax (+32/2) 2345-308
> Eupen: phone (+32/87) 55 71 81 fax (+32/87) 55 71 04
> Gent: phone (+32/52) 26 19 14 fax (+32/52) 22 00 64
> Lüttich: phone (+32/4) 239 67 50 fax (+32/4) 239 67 51
> Namur: phone (+32/81) 24 88 09 fax (+32/81) 23 16 00
> Ostende: phone (+32/59) 80 70 60 fax (+32/59) 80 90 60
> Denmark:
> Aarhus: phone (+45) 72 25 80 00 fax (+45) 72 25 80 01
> Apenrade: phone (+45) 74 62 74 29 fax (+45) 74 62 74 20
> Kopenhagen: phone (+45) 39 29 41 41 fax (+45) 39 29 20 86
> Odense: phone (+45) 66 19 00 66 fax (+45) 66 19 01 71
> Estland:
> Tallinn: phone (+372) 627 87 40 fax (+372) 631 43 65
> Finland:
> Helsinki: phone (+358/9) 68 18 60-0 fax (+358/9) 66 50 84
> Kajaani: phone (+358/8) 625 945 fax (+358/8) 629 975
> Mikkeli: phone (+358/15) 66 14 86 fax (+358/15) 66 14 86
> Oulu: phone (+358/8) 55 53 419 fax (+358/8) 55 53 450
> Tampere: phone (+358) 207 710 211 fax (+358) 207 710 314
> Turku: phone (+358/2) 232 39 48 fax (+358/2) 275 14 14
> Vaasa: phone (+358/6) 3121 551 fax (+358/6) 3121 551
> France:
> Bordeaux: phone (+33/5) 556 00 00 70 fax (+33/5) 557 87 60 30
> Lille: phone (+33) 320 22 75 00 fax (+33) 320 93 16 70
> Lyon: phone (+33) 630 93 92 74 fax (+33) 630 93 92 74
> Marseille: phone (+33) 491 53 02 08 fax (+33) 491 53 71 51
> Nice: phone (+33) 493 87 01 31 fax (+33) 493 87 59 92
> Paris: phone (+33/1) 40 63 30 63 fax (+33/1) 45 55 63 65
> phone (+33/1) 40 63 30 69
> Strasbourg: phone (+33) 388 35 13 94
> Toulouse: phone (+33/5) 61 20 82 50 fax (+33/5) 61 16 13 62
> Germany:
> Berlin: phone (+49/30) 202 87-0 fax (+49/30) 229 05 69
> Bremen: phone (+49/421) 536 86 79 fax (+49/421) 536 86 78
> Dresden: phone (+49/351) 481 704 0 fax (+49/351) 481 704 1
> Hamburg: phone (+49/40) 41 32 95-0 fax (+49/40) 45 29 07
> Hannover: phone (+49/511) 90 74 870 fax (+49/511) 90 74 812
> Kiel: phone (+49/431) 55 25 05 fax (+49/431) 519 27 36
> Lübeck: phone (+49/451) 31 00 150 fax (+49/451) 31 00 142
> München: phone (+49/89) 99 815-0 fax (+49/89) 98 10 225
> Nürnberg: phone (+49/911) 9747-333 fax (+49/911) 9747-365
> Rostock: phone (+49/381) 64 91 22 fax (+49/381) 64 91 49
> Saarbrücken: phone (+49/681) 9 58 15-0 fax (+49/681) 9 58 15-19
> Stuttgart: phone (+49/711) 62 62 60 fax (+49/711) 62 82 64
> Ireland:
> Dublin: phone (+353/1) 269 45 77 fax (+353/1) 283 08 60
> Italy:
> Bari: phone (+39) 080 562 61 11 fax (+39) 080 562 66 00
> Bologna: phone (+39) 051 26 87 11 fax (+39) 051 26 87 11
> Florence: phone (+39) 055 26 54 222 fax (+39) 055 29 54 57
> Genova: phone (+39) 010 83 93 983 fax (+39) 010 83 93 983
> Milano: phone (+39) 02 78 37 43 fax (+39) 02 78 36 25
> Napoli: phone (+39) 081 28 77 24 fax (+39) 081 28 77 24
> Palermo: phone (+39) 091 68 25 696 fax (+39) 091 68 23 956
> Rom: phone (+39) 06 844 014-1 fax (+39) 06 854 32 86
> Triest: phone (+39) 040 63 37 12 fax (+39) 040 63 37 12
> Torino: phone (+39) 011 440 78 20 fax (+39) 011 563 41 94
> Venice: phone (+39) 041 52 40 556 fax (+39) 041 52 42 151
> Verona: phone (+39) 045 80 10 292 fax (+39) 045 59 67 29
> Netherlands:
> Amsterdam: phone (+31/20) 471 24 38 fax (+31/20) 471 24 39
> Den Haag: phone (+31/70) 324 54 70 fax (+31/70) 328 20 66
> Rotterdam: phone (+31/10) 404 21 11 fax (+31/10) 404 24 85
> Norway:
> Bergen: phone (+47) 55 33 61 41 fax (+47) 55 32 66 39
> Kristiansand: phone (+47) 38 00 05 55 fax (+47) 38 00 05 51
> Oslo: phone (+47) 22 54 02-00 fax (+47) 22 55 43 61
> Stavanger: phone (+47) 51 58 52 08
> Tromsö: phone (+47) 77 68 26 63 fax (+47) 77 63 41 50
> Trondheim: phone (+47) 73 98 01 00
> Poland:
> Wroclaw: phone (+48/71) 361 75 60 fax (+48/71) 361 75 60
> Gdynia: phone (+48/58) 620 19 93 fax (+48/58) 661 19 12
> Krakau: phone (+48/12) 424 99 30 fax (+48/12) 421 67 37
> Lodz: phone (+48/42) 652 72 12 fax (+48/42) 652 72 12
> Warsaw: phone (+48/22) 841 00 81 fax (+48/22) 841 00 85
> Russia:
> Moskau: phone (+7/495) 502 95 12 fax (+7/495) 413398
> St. Petersburg: phone (+7/812) 275 05 02 fax (+7/812) 275 11 70
> Spain:
> Barcelona: phone (+34) 93 368 60 03 fax (+34) 93 415 16 25
> Bilbao: phone (+34) 94-46 40 763 fax (+34) 94-46 37 432
> Madrid: phone (+34) 91 55 65 315 fax (+34) 91 59 73 579
> phone (+34) 91 55 65 403
> Malaga: phone (+34) 95 26 00 267 fax (+34) 95 22 29 089
> Mallorca: phone (+34) 971 72 80 99 fax (+34) 971 72 84 27
> Sevilla: phone (+34) 954 98 74 76 fax (+34) 954 98 74 76
> Valencia: phone (+34) 96 35 22 212 fax (+34) 96 35 11 220
> Sweden:
> Göteborg: phone (+46/31) 16 10 78 fax (+46/31) 104 505 001
> Lulea: phone (+46/920) 22 51 91
> Malmö: phone (+46/40) 79 945 fax (+46/40) 44 72 79
> Stockholm: phone (+46/8) 665 17 70 fax (+46/8) 662 69 28
> phone (+46/8) 29 09 70
> Switzerland:
> Basel: phone (+41/61) 271 35 35 fax (+41/61) 280 29 10
> Bern: phone (+41/31) 3565 252 fax (+41/31) 3515 664
> phone (+41/31) 3565 251
> Chur: phone (+41/81) 25 70 195 fax (+41/81) 25 70 191
> Geneve: phone (+41/22) 748 20-48 fax (+41/22) 748 20-40
> Lausanne: phone (+41/21) 617 28 94 fax (+41/21) 613 10 05
> Lugano: phone (+41/91) 913 40 07 fax (+41/91) 913 40 09
> Luzern: phone (+41/41) 210 41 82 fax (+41/41) 210 62 26
> St. Gallen: phone (+41/71) 230 19 70 fax (+41/71) 230 19 71
> Zürich: phone (+41/44) 283 27 00 fax (+41/44) 280 37 65
> United Kingdom:
> Birmingham: phone (+44/121) 45 41 197 fax (+44/121) 45 41 197
> Edinburgh: phone (+44/131) 5581955 fax (+44/131) 5581802
> Grand Cayman: phone (+1345) 949 9333 fax (+1345) 949 0635
> London: phone (+44/20) 7344 3250 fax (+44/20) 7344 0292
> USA:
> Anchorage: phone (+1/907) 276 6000-2215 fax (+1/907) 343 2211
> Atlanta: phone (+1/404) 264 98 58 fax (+1/404) 266 38 64
> Boston: phone (+1/617) 227 31 31 fax (+1/617) 227 84 20
> Charlotte: phone (+1/704) 827 72 46 fax (+1/704) 827 72 48
> Chicago: phone (+1/312) 22 21 515 fax (+1/312) 22 24 113
> Columbus: phone (+1/614) 224 54 64 fax (+1/614) 224 66 03
> Denver: phone (+1/303) 292 90 00 fax (+1/303) 292 54 45
> Detroit: phone (+1/248) 645 14 44 fax (+1/248) 645 14 82
> Honolulu: phone (+1/808) 923 85 85 fax (+1/808) 597 12 33
> Houston: phone (+1/713) 723 99 79 fax (+1/713) 728 18 96
> Kansas city: phone (+1/816) 474 30 00 fax (+1/816) 474 55 33
> Las Vegas: phone (+1/702) 314 9615 fax (+1/702) 258 1527
> Los Angeles: phone (+1/310) 44 49 310 fax (+1/310) 47 79 897
> Miami: phone (+1/305) 325 15 61 fax (+1/305) 325 15 63
> New Orleans: phone (+1/504) 58 15 141 fax (+1/504) 56 61 201
> New York: phone (+1/212) 737 6400 fax (+1/212) 772 8926
> Orlando: phone (+1/407) 924 38 77 fax (+1/407) 540 96 46
> Pittsburgh: phone (+1/724) 745 75 99 fax (+1/724) 745 95 70
> Portland: phone (+1/503) 552-9733 fax (+1/503) 220-2480
> Richmond: phone (+1/804) 364 86 14 fax (+1/804) 364 86 15
> San Francisco: phone (+1/415) 765 95 76 fax (+1/415) 727 50 00
> San Juan: phone (+1/787) 767 13 81 fax (+1/787) 767 21 63
> Scottsdale: phone (+1/480) 502 85 10 fax (+1/480) 502 24 97
> Seattle: phone (+1/360) 466 02 52 fax (+1/360) 466 11 01
> St. Louis: phone (+1/636) 688 20 00 fax (+1/636) 688 32 67
> Washington DC: phone (+1/202) 895 67 00 fax (+1/202) 895 67 50
> phone (+1/202) 895 67 20 fax (+1/202) 895 67 73
> phone (+1/202) 895 67 75


Earth Liberation Prisoners Support Network
BM Box 2407


The Criminalization of Dissent in the United States

Thursday, June 5, 2008
6:30 p.m.

(More details below)


Join the Center for Constitutional Rights and the
National Lawyers Guild - San Francisco Chapter
for an engaging and important discussion
exploring the criminalization of dissent both
historically and in today's era of the so-called "war on terror."

The government has a long and sordid history of
criminalizing and targeting oppressed communities
and social justice activists and organizations
that challenge its abuse of power - from the "Red
Scare" of the 1920s, to the internment of
Japanese Americans, to the targeting of the Black
liberation struggle and other movements.

And today, under the guise of "anti-terrorist"
legislation, the government is again attempting
to target and intimidate a wide range of
communities and movements, from former Black
Panthers to environmental and animal rights
groups to Muslim, Arab, and South Asian communities.

On Thursday, June 5, hear from directly impacted
communities as well as attorneys and grassroots
organizers struggling against repression.

Featured speakers:

SHAYANA KADIDAL, Center for Constitutional
Rights, Managing attorney of the Guantànamo Global Justice Initiative.

RICHARD BROWN, Committee for the Defense of Human
Rights and one of the "San Francisco 8," former
Black Panthers facing renewed charges based on torture evidence

MICHEL SHEHADEH, Palestinian activist and one of
the "Los Angeles 8," Palestinian and Kenyan
immigrants targeted for their political activity
who won a historic victory in November 2007 after a 20-year struggle

ANDREA LINDSAY, SHAC 7 Support Committee and an
activist involved in combating the "Green Scare"
against environmental and animal rights activists

LAUREN ORNELAS, Food Empowerment Project and an environmental and animal

The Women's Building
Audre Lorde Room
3543 18th St., #8
San Francisco, CA 94110

Contact 212-614-6466 with any questions. No RSVPs are required.

Rod Coronado Threatened with the Hole for Receiving Radical Literature

From:    "Support for Rod Coronado" <>

I have yet to speak with Rod about this, but he called a friend of ours to
report that he is having some trouble due to materials that were sent to

They will not tell him who sent it, what it is, or any details. The point
is: it is too radical.

Too radical? What does that mean? We are not sure. But, the guards have
made it clear that Rod will be back in the hole if he receives more
radical information.

We don’t want to see Rod be put back in the hole. This has negative
consequences for his receiving mail, books, and phone calls. He will not
be allowed visitors, either.

To abide with the conditions, I urge everyone to be extremely considerate
of what you send him. Please no materials regarding ALF, ELF, animal
liberation, um…. what else, radical anything. Until further notification,
I would suggest these guidelines be followed.

I sent him articles on Bio-dynamic farming, and new organizing tactics in
Holland and here (regarding the Yes! men, and etc….) I may be the culprit,
but I may not be.

Thanks for being careful….. they really are keeping a type rope around his
neck. It’s not fair that he would be targeted for our actions, but we know
that prison is far from designed to be fair!

Thank you,


Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Info on animal rights arrests in Austria

ELP Information Bulletin (28th May 2008)

Dear friends

ELP has some further information about the recent animal rights raids & arrests in Austria.

First off, a solidarity network is being set up for the defendants. The solidarity network have launched a website which although mainly written in German does have some English language information on it. For more information on the solidarity network check out

Secondly, the following update about the arrests was circulated yesterday:

Several Austrian animal rights organizations raided
and 10 activists arrested.

On Wednesday morning, May 21, 2008 at 6.00 a.m. the
police with battering rams demanded the doors to be
opened of several animal rights activists' homes,
appartments and offices in different towns of Austria.
The places were intensely searched, computers, mobile
phones, videos, cameras, photos,
video tapes, papers, records, databases, and much more
have been confiscated.

Ten animal rights activists have been arrested and
are being held in custody. According to the state
prosecution service their first hearing will be in 2

Members of the organizations BAT, VGT, VGÖ, WTV, Vier
Pfoten, and other private persons are amongst the

The organisations BAT, VGT, RespekTiere and TierWege
have been left without basic means to continue their
legal work. They cannot communicate, because all phone
numbers were in the confiscated mobile phones, and
email addresses were in the computers, as well as data
to update their websites. It is not even possible for
them, at this point, to collect donations from their
members to set up new technical infrastructure,
because even the members' database were taken with the
seized materials.

The police have stated that the examination of the
computers will probably only start next year, because
they are very busy.

Official reason for this is the dubious Austrian Law ?
278a StGB that describes the ?Formation of a criminal
body?. In the newspapers rumors are spread about
butyric-acid and arson attacks in the ongoing legal
campaign against fur-selling fashion-chain Kleider
Bauer. Apart from general unclear suspicions the state
prosecution has not given any concrete evidence
against the detainees.

The Austrian animal rights scene has gained in
reputation during the last years. Quite a number of
animal protection scandals have been uncovered,
where people up to the highest positions in politics
and media were involved.

Cause and effect of these sudden events can be
questioned. It is clear that actions performed by all
groups disturb several powerful people, Kleider Bauer
directly, but also others who want to
maintain their profits in businesses or political
positions, be this in the fur or circus industry,
factory farming, hunting lobby, etc.

Aganist their will and contrary to Austrian law DNA
samples have been taken from at least 2 of the
detainees. In both cases these samples were taken

In various countries and in varios cities 'Solidarity
Demos' have been taking place and are likely to

Not only Austrian organisations are alarmed. Democracy
once more has been abused, and those fighting for the
rights of those, who themselves have no voice to
raise, again endure character assassination, being
called criminals and terrorists, instead of what they
really are ? animal rights activists, people who try
to be a voice for the voiceless.

May 27, 2008

Finally, the below Press Release was circulated today about the arrests.

Press Release, 28 May, 2008:

Austria. Indefensible Attack against Animal Welfare

Twenty-four House and Office Raids, Ten Arrests, No
Concrete Charges, and a String of Human Rights
Violations result in Seven People on Hungerstrike

The morning of 21st May saw the first massive raid
from police against the animal welfare movement
through out the whole of Austria.

A total of twenty-four homes and offices of animal
welfare activists and organisations were raided by
police at 6.15 a.m., Harald Balluch, managing director
of the VGT (Association against Animal Factories)
described the scene in his flat. “I awoke to the sound
of the door being broken in, immediately a group of
armed and masked people surrounded my bed where my
girlfriend and I were sleeping and aimed their weapons
at us. They screamed at me that they would shoot me in
the head if I moved. We have two elderly rescued dogs,
who were brutally manhandled. As you can imagine, all
four of us were absolutely terrified.

Seven organisations have been affected and ten people
were taken into custody. Police have justified this
action by saying that the campaigners are suspected of
belonging to a criminal organisation §278a of the
Austrian criminal code. However, after a week of
keeping these people in custody no charges have been
made against them.

Improvements for animals achieved by the Austrian
movement have set a world wide example

The animal welfare movement in Austria has achieved a
great deal for animals in the last years. The success
list includes a ban on fur farms, a ban on wild
animals in circuses, a ban on caged rabbits used for
meat and a ban on battery cages for chickens. Austria
is regarded world wide as one of, if not the most
impressive country in terms of animal welfare.These
successes are entirely down to researching the
conditions that animals are kept in, giving the public
access to this information and political lobbying.
Harald Balluch distances himself and the VGT from any
illegal activities.” This police action is designed to
discredit the work being done for animals. The
intention is to damage the reputation of animal
campaigners and campaign work. Through the police
raids, our office along with four others, has been
brought to a stand still. Our computers with our
complete data bank have been taken along with all our
mobile phones and years of research material. We have
no possibility of contacting our supporters. Our phone
and fax lines were also out of order for sometime
after the raid making contact with media impossible.”

A String of human rights violations

Lawyers representing the ten campaigners have issued
formal complaints against the police concerning a
string of human rights violations. These include
detention without being charged for all those on
remand, unnecessary force used by the police during
the house raids and DNA samples being taken from two
of the detainees against their will using force.

Hunger Strike

In an effort to protest against this injustice, seven
of the people on remand are on hunger strike. Their
request for diluted fruit juice was denied, so they
are just drinking water

Martin Balluch’s family and girlfriend, who were
allowed to visit him for the first time on 27th May,
on the seventh day after his arrest, commented after
seeing Martin “We were absolutely horrified by
Martin’s condition. This is now his seventh day on
hunger strike and his movements and speech are
extremely weak and slow.”

Please show your support for human rights by writing
protest mails to the following Austrian politicians.
These random acts of police repression could happen to
any one of us, who cares about how animals are

Home Secretary; Dr Günter Platter
Minister for Justice; Frau Dr Berger
Federal President; Dr Heinz Fischer
Federal Chancellor; Dr Alfred Gusenbauer


Earth Liberation Prisoners Support Network
BM Box 2407

Briana Waters Sentencing 6/2

Date: Wed, May 28, 2008 12:20 am

This is a public list for announcements and discussion regarding civil
liberties issues in Olympia. List membership is not restricted. To reply
off-list directly to Olympia Civil Liberties Resource, send mail to .

Briana Waters sentencing is June 2nd at 9am at the Tacoma Federal
Courthouse with Judge Burgess presiding. Please come and bear witness to
this process. It is important for us to continue our support in this
politically motivated case.

Carpools leave Olympia Grovery Outlet at 7:30 am on June 2nd.
1717 Pacific Ave, Tacoma, WA.


Two bits of American news

ELP Information Bulletin (28th of May 2008)

Dear friends

On the 3rd of June 2008, American eco-activist, Tre Arrow, is due in court due to his non-cooperation plea bargain, where he is admitting his own involvement in ELF activity but refusing to name anyone else as part of his plea.

The hearing is at 11am and Tre's support campaign are asking that people show their support for Tre by attending the hearing. The address of the court is:

1000 S.W. 3rd, Portland, courtroom #1527

Secondly, Rod Coronado's support campaign have told ELP that they are trying to raise funds to help Rod's partner pay a surprise visit to Rod (please do not mention this to Rod in any letters of support as it is a surprise visit). Rod's support campaign is therefore desparately trying to raise funds for Rod & his family to make this trip happen. If you can help in any way, either by doing a fund raising event or by making a small donation, please contact either Rod's support campaign directly (details at or if you prefer, contact ELP and we will forward on any mail we receive.


Earth Liberation Prisoners Support Network
BM Box 2407

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

6/14-Cuban 5 Working Conference Bronx

FREE THE CUBAN 5! Saturday June 14, 2008
NY/Tri-State Area WORKING CONFERENCE on the Cuban 5 @ Hostos Community College 149th St. and Grand Concourse in the Bronx
Take the 4,5,or 2 train to 149th and Grand Concourse
Plenary Speakers:
  • Leonard Weinglass, Cuban 5 Legal Team
  • A Representative of the Cuban Mission to the United Nations

pre register:


September 12, 2008 marks the 10th year of the arrest of five Cuban citizens – Fernando Gonzales, Rene Gonzalez, Antonio Guerrero, Ramon Labanino, Gerardo Hernandezwho were portrayed as "spies" and "murderers" in the service of "Castro's Cuba." They were tried and convicted in an atmosphere of hype and hysteria in Miami, Florida. The verdict was goaded by ultra-right politicians and a highly orchestrated media campaign of disinformation with the tone of a lynch mob.

At the trial there was not a single page of classified information produced showing evidence of espionage or any action directed against the US government. The frame-up charges were packaged as a necessarily vague "conspiracy" to, as the prosecutor actually put it to the jury, "destroy the United States of America." In the period of 17 months between arrest and trial, the five Cubans were subjected to brutal conditions of solitary confinement and near-total isolation to hinder the preparation of their defense. This psychological torture was aimed at breaking their will, in blatant violation of their rights under US law. The hope was to break their spirit and force "confessions" to the trumped-up "conspiracy" charges. But this failed and the trial was finally held in November 2000. They were convicted in June 2001.

The truth is that the Cuban Five infiltrated ultra-right Cuban-American organizations, with a clear history of terrorist attacks organized on US soil against the sovereign Cuban state in violation of US law. Over 3,500 Cuban citizens have died in such attacks since the Cuban Revolution triumphed against the Batista dictatorship in 1959. Many tens of billions of dollars worth of damage have been done to the Cuban economy. These attacks stepped up in the mid-1990s as the Cuban economy reeled from an economic depression. Tourist hotels were bombed resulting in death and destruction. Low flying planes – originating from US territory in violation of US law – repeatedly violated Cuban airspace. Only after the Cuban government presented clear evidence of such terrorist and criminal activities and repeatedly implored, to no avail, the Clinton Administration to do something about it did the Cuban Five carry out its courageous and dangerous work which the record shows saved lives in Cuba.

Today, a panel of the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals is considering the range of egregious violations committed by the prosecution in the original trial. In August 2005 a panel from the same Appeals Court ruled, in a stunning decision with virtually no precedent, to overturn the original trial verdict on the grounds that there could not be a fair and impartial hearing in the hostile climate of Miami, Florida. This ruling was subsequently reversed by the full court under heavy pressure from the Bush Administration's Justice Department.

Around the world, and increasingly inside the United States, the case of the Cuban Five, stands as one of the most brutal and outrageous injustices in modern history. As the facts have emerged and the truth about the Cuban Five becomes more known and publicized, Committees to support the Cuban Five have spread all over the world. Their incarceration continues under brutal conditions that have included solitary confinement and denial of family visitations and other violations of formal US laws.

Washington is paying an increasing political price as this ongoing travesty of justice enters its second decade. On May 2005, the Working Group on Arbitrary Detentions of the Human Rights Commission of the United Nations issued a stinging exposure of the arbitrary and iniquitous nature of the trial and conviction. The UN body emphasized that the Cuban Five were held in solitary confinement for 17 months, weakening their ability to mount an adequate defense; that most of the evidence against them was withheld from their attorneys, undermining an equal balance between the prosecution and the defense; and that the trial was held in Miami where it was impossible to select an impartial jury in a case linked with Cuba.

On January 2006 Amnesty International condemned the Bush Administration and US authorities for the treatment of the Cuban Five, specifically for the denials of family visitation rights for some of the Cuban Five prisoners.

An international call for world protests in solidarity with the Cuban Five in September and October 2008 has been issued. Now is the time for all supporters of the Cuban Five and all supporters of civil liberties and justice to step up our work on their behalf. Now is the time to reach out to broad layers of the US population, whatever their political views in general and on the Cuban Revolution in particular. Supporters of the Cuban Five begin by demanding that US authorities comply with US law and allow family members to visit their loved ones. In this Presidential and Congressional election year we aim to raise the issue of the Cuban Five and to reach out and win support from elected officials. To mark the 10th anniversary of their arrests there will be organized public protests on Saturday, September 13. Out of this activity we aim to build support for a National Conference in October 2008 in New York City to support of the Cuban Five.

In this spirit, activists in New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut are issuing this Appeal to Organize a Working Conference in Solidarity With the Cuban Five on Saturday, June 14, 2008. The Working Conference will be just that, a Working Conference, not a political rally or solely a gathering of already engaged and committed activists. We want this Working Conference to generate activity and concrete campaigns from the grass roots – from religious communities and organizations; from the trade union movement; from young people, students and the broader academic community; from African-American and Latino communities; from fighters for women's rights; from gay and lesbian rights organizations; from consistent advocates for civil liberties and constitutional rights; from artists and cultural workers.

This is our challenge. This is our appeal. Now is the time. Please Join Us June 14!

The Free the Cuban 5 Conference Committee: Casa de las Americas, The Popular Education Project to Free the Cuban 5, Cuba Solidarity New York, National Committee to Free the Cuban 5, IFCO-Pastors for Peace, Venceremos Brigade, Bolivarian Circles, Peoples Organization for Progress, Fuerzas de la Revolucion Dominicana, La Igelsia San Romero de las Americas, El Partido Nacionalista de Puerto Rico, International Action Center, New York Jericho, The ProLibertad Freedom Campagn, Young Socialists, Socialist Workers Party, Workers World Party, Frente Socialista de Puerto Rico


Monday, May 26, 2008

Ramon Labanino is moved to Kentucky prison

Cuban Five 2008
May 26, 2008

National Committee To Free The Cuban Five Bulletin

Ramón Labañino has been moved
to a Kentucky prison
Ramón Labañino, one of the Cuban Five heroes, has been transferred to McCreary federal prison in the state of Kentucky. He was moved last week as part of a general transfer of inmates from the Beaumont Texas prison to other facilities. Kentucky is in the eastern part of the United States, surrounded by the states of Tennessee, Indiana, Illinois, Ohio, Virginia, West Virginia, and Missouri. The prison is near the Tennessee border.

Ramón's wife, Elizabeth Palmeiro, says he is doing fine, and is in good health and spirits, but the family is anxious to visit him. It has been two years since Elizabeth and Ramón's three daughters have been able to see him, due to the U.S. government's delays in granting visas. Ramón's oldest daughter Aili received a visa for January but when she traveled to Beaumont, she could not visit her father due to a lockdown of all the prisoners.

Meanwhile, the U.S. government continues to defy international law and commit an outrageous violation of human rights by continuing to deny visas to Adriana Pérez, wife of Gerardo Hernández, and Olga Salanueva, wife of René González, who have not seen their husbands for more than ten and eight years, respectively.

Elizabeth has been waiting 9 months for an interview with U.S. officials in Cuba, to be granted a visa. She says, "Laura was 13 when she last saw her father, now she is going to be 16 in August. Lisbet was 8 and she is going to be 11.

"Please let all our friends and supporters of the Cuban Five know that Ramón sends his love and appreciation for all the support that the Cuban Five receive. I thank everyone on behalf of Ramón, all our families and the Cuban people."

Send Ramón and Gerardo Hernández birthday greetings!
Gerardo Ramon 2007 B-day fotos There is still time to send birthday greetings to Gerardo and Ramón by direct mail. And if you live in a distant country, you can write to them also at:
We will mail them your email greetings as well.

Ramón Labañino was born June 9, 1963.
He is registered in prison as Luis Medina,
so you have to address the envelope as:
Luis Medina, #58734-004
U.S.P. McCreary
P.O. Box 3000
Pine Knot, KY 42635
Then inside the cards and letters,
you can write to him as Ramón.

Gerardo Hernández was born June 4, 1965.
His address is:
Gerardo Hernández, #58739-004
U.S.P. Victorville
P.O. Box 5500
Adelanto, CA 92301

Contact us:
Or call: 415-312-6042

Free the Cuban Five Now!
Allow the families' visits!
Grant entry visas to
Adriana Pérez and Olga Salanueva!

Forward email

From the H-Blocks to a Texas Jail: The Long Incarceration of Pol Brennan

May 23, 2008
www. counterpunch. org


TWENTY-SIX years ago, Pol Brennan was an Irish Republican Army (IRA) prisoner in the H-Blocks of Long Kesh, watching his friends die on hunger strike. Today, he is in solitary confinement in a Texas immigration holding center.

His story reveals a great deal about the evolving Anglo-American attitude toward the IRA wrought by the Northern Ireland Peace Process. It is also where the war on "terrorism" meets the war on immigrants in the United States.

Pol Brennan was born in 1953 in one of the poorest neighborhoods of Belfast, Northern Ireland. While growing up, being detained and beaten by British soldiers or the pro-British police force was almost routine. By 1972, when he was 19, like many of his generation, he joined the IRA to end British rule in Northern Ireland.

In 1976, Brennan was convicted of possessing explosives and immediately joined the blanket protest in the H-Blocks of Long Kesh prison. Here, IRA men refused to wear the prison uniform, demanding to be recognized, rightly, as political prisoners. They lived for years in cold prison cells, covered in nothing but a blanket.

Brennan shared a cell with Bobby Sands, the first man to die on the 1981 hunger strike for political status. As 10 men died, he lost several other friends. Along with British miners, Irish hunger strikers were on the vicious cutting edge of the Thatcher regime's attack on working people everywhere.

In 1983, two years after the hunger strike ended, Brennan was one of 38 IRA prisoners who escaped from the H-Blocks. It was the largest prison break in British history from Her Majesty's Prison Maze, considered one of the most secure prisons in Europe.

Pol made his way to the Bay Area, where he met and married Joanna Volz, a U.S. citizen. They lived quietly until January 1993, when federal agents arrested Brennan on a British extradition warrant. He was forced to spend more than seven years fighting extradition, and was imprisoned for three of those years, half the time in a building with no windows. A campaign to block his extradition received wide support, with Noam Chomsky, Christy Moore and Alexander Cockburn among the many who spoke out on his behalf.

The British government finally withdrew its extradition request in October 2000. By that time, Northern Ireland had changed dramatically. The IRA had ended its war. Sinn Fein, the main Republican political party, had agreed to govern Northern Ireland in coalition with Unionist political parties whose bottom line has always been preserving British rule in Ireland. In this new environment, Britain released IRA prisoners and withdrew its extradition requests.

The U.S. government also dramatically changed its attitude toward the IRA. In response to the 1994 IRA ceasefire, it suspended deportation proceedings against some former Republican prisoners. However, even after the extradition request was withdrawn, Pol Brennan still faced deportation proceedings. But they were put on hold while his application for political asylum was pending.

Pol, Joanna and her daughter Molly were able to live a peaceful and relatively normal life in the Bay Area. He worked legally as a carpenter, she as a legal clerk with the public defender's office. Brennan was able to indulge his passion for astronomy by volunteering at the local planetarium. The couple adopted two whippets. They named one Marley, after Pol's late friend Larry Marley, the architect of the escape from Long Kesh.

* * *

THEIR NORMAL life was suddenly interrupted on January 26. Brennan and Volz were driving from Oakland to Texas to visit her relatives when they were stopped at an immigration checkpoint, 100 miles inside the U.S. border. Brennan produced his work authorization, but the two were detained because it had expired. Brennan was able to reach his lawyer, who faxed the Border Patrol agents documentation that he had an asylum case pending and had applied to renew the work permit.

But the agents ran Brennan's name through their computers and came up with the 1983 escape from Long Kesh. Brennan says, "They acted as if they had caught the terrorist al-Zarqawi, as they as they huddled around their computer screens. Their little eyes were jiggling in their heads with excitement.

The Border Patrol agents ignored the evidence faxed to them by Brennan's lawyer. As Brennan describes it, "They said, 'Well, just because you have an application pending doesn't mean you have a legal right to be in the United States. So we are going to detain you.

Pol Brennan was taken to the Port Isabel Detention Center in Los Fresnos in southern Texas. He was initially placed in the general population with men from Central and South America, Trinidad and Jamaica, and even Palestine.

Brennan was soon moved to solitary confinement, because, apparently, he was considered an escape risk since he broke out of Long Kesh 25 years earlier. It was as if they expected the IRA to invade South Texas to free him.

Today, Pol is locked in a cell 23 hours a day. He spends the other hour in the TV room. He sustains himself with books and phone calls to the outside world. When it is his turn to use the phone, the guards bring it on a trolley and hand it to him through the cell door. Brennan then has to hold the phone at an angle and punch in the 10-digit code for the prison phone system. He can only make collect calls or use a phone card.

Joanna Volz has moved to Texas, where she can be near Pol. She visits for half an hour once a week. They talk through a telephone, separated by a plastic wall. Sometimes, he has been handcuffed throughout the visit.

An immigration judge denied Brennan bail, saying he is a "flight risk" and "a danger to the community." The judge, who is notoriously anti-immigrant, ignored numerous letters of support from the Bay Area, including one from Brennan's employer saying his job was being held open for him. Brennan was deemed a "flight risk" despite the fact that he had twice reported back to prison in California after his bail was revoked.

Now Brennan will have to go through a pro-forma hearing before the same judge on his political asylum application. From there, he will go to the Board of Immigration Appeals and, if necessary, to the Court of Appeals. He will almost certainly remain in prison at least through September.

* * *

POL BRENNAN is collateral damage in the war on "terrorism." His 32-year-old IRA conviction and the escape from Long Kesh are keeping him from receiving a green card or U.S. citizenship. In the present political climate, unlike when the IRA declared its ceasefire, there is no great urgency to helping former Republican prisoners.

Brennan is also a victim, like many millions of others, of the U.S. government's anti-immigrant dragnet. Pol was stopped at the immigration checkpoint because the Department of Homeland Security hadn't renewed his work authorization. His bail application was refused by an immigration judge so biased that he routinely rules against all immigrants, even Cubans.

Now, Brennan's asylum application will almost certainly be decided by the Board of Immigration Appeals.
Pol describes what's happening to immigrants in this situation:

Regretfully, current policy has been shaped by post-9/11 paranoia, and to some extent xenophobia that we can see in such actions as the USA PATRIOT Act and the hundreds of miles of border fencing and walls now under construction along the U.S.-Mexico border.

The vast majority of detainees here are from Central and South America (Mexico included). who suffer the ill effects of U.S. trade, industrial and agricultural policies that undercut key sectors of their home economies and directly necessitate their seeking greener pastures to survive. Meanwhile, my case inches along.

Joanna Volz sums up Pol's situation: "This is just old news. The war is over. It's time this was over. The incident Pol was involved in happened 30-odd years ago. But this all keeps repeating itself. It's like a roundabout. Everybody else is trying to move on, but he's held back. It's just not fair.

The Irish government can certainly demand Brennan's release and call for an end to deportations proceedings. Born in Belfast, under the Irish Constitution, he is as much an Irish citizen as if he was born in Dublin. The then-Taoiseach (Prime Minister) Albert Reynolds convinced Bill Clinton to let Gerry Adams visit the U.S. over the heated objections of the British government. On April 30, the outgoing Taoiseach, Bertie Ahern, was given the unusual honor of addressing a joint session of Congress.

Ireland's economic importance to the U.S. should guarantee a hearing. U.S. companies have invested $84 billion in Ireland, more than double the total for China and India combined. In 2005, U.S. exports to Ireland were valued at $9 billion, while Irish exports to the U.S. totaled $28 billion. Unfortunately, the Irish government has shown no interest in fighting for Pol Brennan, and it will require political pressure at home to change their minds.

Popular mobilization and political pressure aimed at both the U.S. and Irish government is the best way to fight for Pol's release. The California Ancient Order of Hibernians, the largest Irish organization in the U.S., has passed a resolution urging the "Department of Homeland Security to withdraw its opposition to bail and allow Pol Brennan to live and work legally in the U.S, until his political asylum case is adjudicated." His neighbors in Oakland are pressing his Congresswoman, Barbara Lee, to intervene.

* * *

What you can do

For more information on Pol Brennan's case and to find out how you can show your support, go to the Pol Brennan Support Web site. Supporters are circulating an online petition demanding that Pol not be deported from the U.S.

Sandy Boyer is the co-host of Radio Free Eireann on WBAI in New York City and a veteran organizer for Irish political prisoners.

Shaun Harkin is an immigrant rights activist in Chicago and contributor to SocialistWorker. org.

Tre Arrow's Plea Hearing Date

Following the announcement yesterday that Tre has agreed to a non-cooperation plea bargain, ELP has learnt that Tre's plea hearing has been set for 11am on th 3rd of June, at the Federal
Courthouse in downtown Portland (620 SW Main). "All are welcome to attend!"

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Tre Arrow update

ELP Information Bulletin (25th of May 2008)

Dear friends

ELP has just learnt that American eco-activist, Tre Arrow, has reached a non-cooperation plea agreement with the authorities concerning the ELF charges against him. Below is a statement which his support campaign has circulated.

At this momenet, no further details are held by ELP about this plea agreement. As everyone knows Tre is a raw energy vegan who asks that letters of support are sent on either the re-used scrap paper or on tree-free paper.

Once ELP has more news we will circulate it.

Forwarded message from

apologies, if you are on more than one list, you will get this more than

From Tre Arrow:

Blessings to all of you.

Perhaps you've heard that I'm set to take a plea bargain on June 3rd. In
the aftermath of Briana Waters' and Eric McDavid's trials, I have
weighed the options and decided that i don't want to take the risk of
potentially being convicted and spending the rest of my life in prison.

I want you all to know that this is a non cooperation plea agreement: I
am in no way selling my soul just to receive a sweet deal from the
prosecution. By this I mean I am not giving them any information about
anyone or any thing which could lead to others being prosecuted. They
offered me a deal I couldn't refuse, which takes into account the time I
served in Canada. For those who supported me through all of this, I
thank you deeply.

I continue to stand firm in my commitment to being a voice for the
Earth. I speak for the trees, for our fellow co inhabitants, and for the
voices commonly ignored. This is our home, our one and only Earth
Mother. Just as I will protect my birth mother from violation and harm,
I am dedicated to being a force to stop the unnecessary and egregious
assault on this precious planet. To this end I devote my music, my
passion, my life. I look forward to seeing everyone on June 3rd.


Tre Arrow Defense Committee

Environmentalist and refugee hopeful, Tre Arrow has been incarcerated in Canada since March 2004.
"I am innocent of the charges the U.S. government is trying to pin on me. Just As many activists have experienced, I am being targeted by the U.S. government and the FBI, not because I am guilty, but because I have chosen to challenge the status quo."
-Political Prisoner Tre Arrow-


Earth Liberation Prisoners Support Network
BM Box 2407

Saturday, May 24, 2008

press release about raids in austria

Press Release from the Legal Defense about the Wave of Repression against Activists in Austria

(Austria) – Around 7:00 am on Wednesday May 21 members of the Viennese elite police force (WEGA) stormed several apartments in Vienna. Some of the residents were woken up in their beds with guns drawn on them. A total of twenty-three (23) apartments, houses and offices were searches in Vienna, Lower Austria, Styria and Tirol.

In many of the apartments the WEGA kicked in the doors. The officers stormed the apartments like in bad Hollywood movies. Only after the residents had been intimidated, “secured” on the wall and/or put in handcuffs did the police start the searches.

The grounds for the searches was the accusation Formation of a Criminal Organization according to §278a of the criminal code. There were arrest warrants for 10 of the people targeted by the searches. The basis of the arrest warrants was the accusation of Danger of the Destruction of Evidence (because, for example, the targeted people communicated via encrypted e-mails) as well as Danger of Committing a Crime (partially because the targeted people have been active in the animal rights scene for a long time). Both lines of argumentation stand in blatant opposition to the presumption of innocence. A criminal organization is completely arbitrarily constructed to be made responsible for all unsolved criminal offenses of the last few years. The accusations are not substantiated by any evidence; on the contrary – the authorities apparently hope to find evidence which confirms their suspicions through the house searches. Up til now and also in the future the suspicion of Forming a Criminal Organization can not be corroborated either by evidence or vague assumptions.

The targeted persons were brought directly from their apartments to the police detention center at Rossauer Lände and will be brought before a custodial judge within 48 hours. (Update: the targeted persons are being remanded to Wiener Neustadt, where they will face the above-mentioned custodial judge.) During the house searches a large part of the targeted persons were denied the ability to call a person of their confidence or legal representatives. Friends who wanted to observe the legality of the actions were also denied the possibility to speak to the targeted persons.

The actions of the authorities were out of proportion. The early morning storming of the apartments by masked WEGA officers with drawn weapons can only be described as completely excessive.

It remains unclear what the specific motive for these operations was. It can be assumed that the time and realization of these operations have a political background. In any case unpopular political actions are being criminalized and made impossible. Should this wave of repression which obviously was decreed from those in power remain unquestioned, this wave will certainly hit other forms of resistance and areas of activism.

The repression of leftist structures reached a new high point today with the wave of house searches and arrests. House searches by masked WEGA officers who kick down doors and and wake sleeping persons with drawn weapons have not been employed against the radical left in the past several years. The last time that a similar house search was made was after the Opera Ball Protest in 2001 directed against the EKH (a squat and autonomous center in Vienna).

This sort of action from the officials does not only ignite fear in the targeted persons. Friends and other activists are intended to be frightened by such actions as well. The excessive and sometimes brutal police operations try to communicate that resistance is not worth it. We can not allow ourselves to be isolated from one another. Together we can talk about our fears and develop strategies for dealing with them.

We are asking for solidarity for those targeted by the wave of repression. It does not matter if you are vegan, feminist, antifascist, against surveillance, atomic energy or police brutality – we are all targeted, even if only a few are directly affected at the moment!

Organize benefit parties, donate money for the legal help, network with each other, inform yourself about your rights, learn about and use your right to remain silent and learn about your rights in the case of a house search!

Info hotline for targeted people, friends, and family: + 43 650/5926791

On Monday, May 26 at 10:00 am there will be a press conference from the legal assistance at the press room of the Green Parlamentary Club, located Löwelstraße 12, on the second floor.

(Original text from Wednesday, May 21 2008, translation from Thursday, May 22 2008 ca. 23:00.)

Legal Defense

From: (originally from IMC-austria)

Note: An updated statement was released today, you might be able to work a translation out of it from this link:

link to more news (its from IMC-austria again)

Solidarity demonstrations were in Vienna, Wiener Neustadt, Graz, Bregenz, Hamburg, Berlin, Stockholm and Munich. Demos also planned in Romania and Italy.

ELP Information Bulletin (24th May 2008)

ELP Information Bulletin (24th May 2008)

Dear friends

Has has two lots of news for you:

1) Austrian raids/arrests
2) News from Rod's support campaign

1) As people may be aware, earlier in the week Austrian police raided and arrested ten Austrian animal rights campaigners. ELP has been trying to gather as much news on these raids/arrests as possible and if anyone has any further information about these raids please let ELP know. However, here is an Associated Press article about the raids.....
The Associated Press
Published: May 24, 2008

Austrian police question 10 'militant' animal rights activists suspected
of arson, sabotage

VIENNA, Austria: Austrian authorities say they are questioning 10 animal
rights activists suspected of arson, sabotage and other crimes.

Investigators said six of the suspects have been placed in pretrial
detention for their alleged involvement in "militant" animal rights
groups. Officials allege that the suspects are behind numerous arson fires
and vandalism targeting food, clothing, pharmaceutical and agricultural

Prosecutors said the 10 were arrested earlier this week after a months
long investigation into radical animal rights groups.

Austrian media reported Saturday that one of the suspects has begun a
hunger strike while in custody.

Investigators said the suspects used various aliases and allegedly had
links to an international network.

2) Below is a mailout from Chrysta, the partner of American vegetarian animal/earth liberation activist Rod Coronado. True to the compassion so characteristic of Rod, he has asked that we, the international prisoner support movement, support his family whilst he is locked away, therefore if you can help Rod and his family please do. For more information about Rod please check out

> ” the lonely path,
> through dust and fog-
> sweet home!”
> It’s been two weeks now that Rod has been up in Oklahoma, a place that will serve as a residence to him for the next 10 months. It, like the above haiku, is a lonely path, but what awaits is the beacon of inner strength.
> He says it is really not so bad; the yard is nice and actually has vegetation, the other prisoners have been very helpful, and it seems as he may navigate his way through there alright. He said he could sit in the afternoons, alone in the soccer yard, leaning on a goal post, reading undisturbed. He said there are spaces of peace there.
> The first week went as anticipated~ he being put in the whole as the incoming terrorist……. They needed to make sure he wasn’t going to make any trouble. Once he met with the “captain”, he was allowed to join general population but he would be monitored very closely. That is for certain, as I have only received one letter and he says he is sending one daily. I think that is due to the regulations that every letter must be personally read before it goes out. This is not standard procedure. Also, Rod can call me between the hours of 1-4 pm his time, so that every call is live monitored, as well. This means I can talk to him at 1pm my time, if I am off of work. Such is the game.
> At first I was not as disturbed by these limits, understanding the system of hierarchy and what it aims to do. But as I think more on it, I become more concerned. The reasoning on the part of FCI to monitor Rod is that they want to make sure that Rod is not recruiting from within prison. That is heavy. At first I laughed, I know it seems almost silly to think in their terms. But, what it means is that they perceive Rod as a serious threat to National Security, a recruiter who must be monitored from even within his confinement!
> I hear in Rod’s voice that he knows he has to be very careful. There is a line in our conversations that we cannot cross. They seem to be looking for something, and that makes me cautious. I have felt how power-hungry and tyrannical this system is, and I have no doubt that once they are able to find a reason to punish Rod, they would. It makes me hesitate to believe that the end of a battle with the government is near.
> Sweet Home!
> On a lighter note, I am trying to get myself out to Oklahoma, in June to surprise Rod with a visit! It is intended to be a surprise, so if you write him please don’t mention it! At this point, I charged the ticket to his credit card, and I am not sure how I will pay for a hotel and rental car! But, I am determined to make it happen! I know he needs me, I hear it in his voice!
> If you could assist in any way, it would be appreciated! We have always considered the community support such a honor to have! I again would be so appreciative of any help in this direction. If you please use the paypal option , that is always easiest for us, as well.
> Thanks for keeping us in your hearts on the path through dust and fog-
> Chrysta
> --


Earth Liberation Prisoners Support Network
BM Box 2407