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Justice for Brad Will

Published by Akilah Oliver on Oct 30, 2006
627 Signatures 
Target: U.S. Embassy in Mexico, Consular Agent in Oaxaca, Mark A. Leyes
Background (Preamble):
Brad Will, aka William Bradley Roland, an American citizen and journalist associated with Indymedia New York, was shot and killed in Oaxaca.
Dear Friends:

We, the Undesigned, call on the U.S. Embassy in Mexico, Consular Agent in
Oaxaca, Mark A. Leyes, to call for an immediate criminal investigation into the tragic and untimely death of our friend Brad Will, aka as Bradley Roland Will.

Brad was brutally shot and killed reportedly by local police in Santa Lucia del Camino on Friday, October 27th, 2006.

Brad worked as an independent journalist for the New York based Indymedia news organization. Brad was a fearless journalist, activist, and transnational investigator into civil rights issues and abuses around the world. Brad was in Oaxaca covering the civil unrest there which began with a teacher's strike and has grown into civil unrest between the citizens of Oaxaca, the Mexican government, and Ulises Ruiz, the governor of Oaxaca State.

Brad's death was unprovoked. He was shot in cold blood and did nothing to
provoke this attack.

We, the undersigned friends of Brad Will, demand that Mark A. Leyes, consular agent in Oaxaca, and Antonio O. Garza, Jr. U.S. Ambassador to Mexico, immediately investigate Brad's assasination.

We urge you to bring justice for Brad. We demand no less than a full
investigation that leads to criminal charges brought against those who are
responsible for Brad's death.

Brad exemplified the spirit of love, justice and empathy for all people around the world. We, his, friends, demand the same for Brad.

The Justice for Brad Will petition to U.S. Embassy in Mexico, Consular Agent in Oaxaca, Mark A. Leyes was written by Akilah Oliver and is in the category Human Rights at GoPetition. Contact author here. Petition tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

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