Sunday, December 10, 2006

Mumia Supporters Rally In Philadelphia

December 9, 2006


Mumia Supporters Rally In Philadelphia

Associated Press

PHILADELPHIA Several hundred people who support celebrated death-row inmate
Mumia Abu-Jamal are demonstrating in Philadelphia today, the 25th
anniversary of the death of slain police officer Daniel Faulkner.

Some marchers say Abu-Jamal, who was convicted of killing Faulkner, did not
get a fair trial. Others oppose the death penalty, or say it's applied in a
racist manner.

Karl Swinehart, a 30-year-old graduate student, says he believes Abu-Jamal
was targetted because he was an outspoken black radio personality.

The demonstration comes a day after widow Maureen Faulkner gathered with
prosecutors and other supporters to mark the anniversary.

Abu-Jamal was convicted of shooting the 25-year-old Faulkner after the white
police officer pulled over Abu-Jamal's brother in 1981.

In 2001, a judge overturned the death sentence but not the conviction. Both
sides are appealing, with arguments expected early next year.


Source : The Associated Press