Sunday, December 03, 2006

ABCF Warchest- A Gift That Truly Means Something

While you can spend your money on gift cards,
stocking-stuffers and presents, consider for second
that your money can also ensure consistent support for
those who really need your help. This year rather than
spending your money at the malls, give in to the
holiday spirit by supporting U.S Political Prisoners
and Prisoners of War (PP/POWs).

For the last thirteen years, the ABCF financially
assisted PP/POWs through the Warchest program. This
program is designed to send monthly checks to PP/POWs
who have been receiving insufficient, little, or no
financial support during their imprisonment. Since
its inception this program has raised nearly $46,000
for those prisoners in need. All funds raised go
directly to the political prisoners for which the
program is designed.

Do more than just say you support Political Prisoners.
This holiday season support the ABCF Warchest program.
Help us assist those who have struggled for you!

To donate or get more information about the ABCF
Warchest program, contact:

Philadelphia ABCF
P.O Box 42129
Philadelphia, PA 19101
