Thursday, October 21, 2010

Two Detainees Start Their Twenty-Fifth Year in Israeli Jails

October 20, 2010 by Mays Al-Azza - IMEMC & Agencies
The Palestinian national committee for supporting detainees stated, on Wednesday, that two detainees, Ibraheeb A’layan, 45, detained on October 10th,1986 and Sameer Abu Ne’mehn, 50, detained on October 20th,1986, both from Jerusalem, have entered their twenty-fifth year in Israeli jails.


The media chairman of the committee pointed out that A’layan was sentenced to life imprisonment after the Israeli military court accused him of participation in throwing grenades at a group of settlers in Jerusalem, killing some of them.

The detainee suffered from many serious problems caused by the bad conditions in jails and medical negligence. The most dangerous problem was a cardiovascular blockage for which he was transferred to Shiba hospital in Tel Aviv for surgery.

Abu-Ne’meh was detained after he stabbed a settler in Jerusalem. He also was sentenced to life imprisonment although he still does not know the specific charges against him. This detainee is suffering from disc damage in his back and neck which causes serious pain. He has had six unsuccessful surgeries.

Both of the detainees have been mentioned in detainee exchange agreements between the Palestinian and Israeli sides but were not released.

The committee pointed out that 123 detainees have spent more than 20 years in Israeli prisons, including 24 who have spent more than 25 years and 3 more than 30 years. One of them is Na’el Barghouti.