Monday, December 03, 2007

Peace Protest Art wins Turner Prize

The artist, Mark Willinger, who recreated the anti-war protest boards of Brian Haw, has won Britain's £25,000 "Turner" art prize.

For those who don't know, Brain is an anti-war protesters who, for the past six years, has staged a one man protest outside the British Parliament in protest at the wars in Iraq and Afganistan.

To try and silence Brain, a couple of years ago the New Labour Government actually created an entire new law (!!!) to try and stop Brian's one-man protest (only they totally cocked up on their law by not back dating it to 2001 and rather than stopping Brian, he became the ONLY person in Britain who can now LEGALLY protest outside Parliament - Other Government tactics have included putting a police caudon around Brian and then arresting him for refusing to leave a police caudon!)

Brian has also alledgedly commited a Serious & Organised Crime by...... joining others and singing Christmas Carols within one mile of Parliament, when the Serious & Organised Crime Act specifically makes it clear any unauthorised gathering (including unauthorised Carol singing) within one mile of parliament is a SERIOUS and ORGANISED crime!!!

However it appears one persons crime is another persons art and the artist Mark Willinger recreated all of Brian's anti-war placards and boards and entered them into Britains famous art competition. AND HE WON!!!!

Another smack in the face for New Labour and their pro-war buddies......

For more info on this story check out

Mark Wallinger wins Turner Prize

Mark Wallinger has been named the winner of the Turner Prize for his replica of the one-man anti-war protest in Parliament Square, State Britain.

Actor and director Dennis Hopper presented the £25,000 award at a ceremony at the Tate Liverpool gallery.

"I am indebted to all those people who contributed to the making of State Britain," said Wallinger.

For the exhibition he chose to display a film of him roaming the National Gallery in Berlin in a bear suit.

'Tireless campaign'

It was the first time since the award was founded 23 years ago that the event took place outside London.

Around 45,000 people have seen the exhibition of the nominees' work, which has been on display since October.

Wallinger first made the shortlist in 1995, but lost out to Damien Hirst.

He was favourite to win the prize for his £90,000 installation, which recreates everything from Brian Haw's protest in Parliament Square in 2001.

Every detail was copied from his tarpaulin shelter and tea-making area to the messages of support and hand-painted placards.

It is said he employed 15 people for six months to make State Britain.

'Historic importance'

"Brian Haw is a remarkable man who has waged a tireless campaign against the folly and hubris of our government's foreign policy," Wallinger said.

"For six-and-a-half years he has remained steadfast in Parliament Square, the last dissenting voice in Britain. Bring home the troops, give us back our rights, trust the people," he added.

The jury commended Wallinger, 48, for its "immediacy, visceral intensity and historic importance".

They said: "The work combines a bold political statement with art's ability to articulate fundamental human truths."

The other artists on the shortlist, Zarina Bhimji, Mike Nelson and Nathan Coley, each received £5,000 for their "outstanding presentations" at the show.

Nelson was shortlisted for Amnesiac Shrine, which features a maze of mirrors, while Bhimji's photographs of Uganda included a picture of automatic guns lined up against a wall.

Coley's work is a scaffold with the phrase "there will be no miracles here" spelt out in lightbulbs.

The Turner Prize, established in 1984, is awarded to a British artist under 50 for an outstanding exhibition or other presentation of his or her work in the 12 months before May this year.

Last year German-born artist Tomma Abts became the first woman painter to win the prize.

Date: Mon, 3 Dec 2007 20:02:54 +0000
Subject: mark wallinger wins the Turner Prize

Mark Wallinger has won the 2007 Turner Prize at Tate Liverpool. His
piece of work reflecting Brian Hoare's Parliament Square protest, his
anti-war stance is obviously the reason he has won and this piece of
work stands up for the right to protest in Britain today, something
which Mark Wallinger highlighted when receiving the award thanking
Brian Hoare for the importance of his stand.