Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Jeff "Free" Luers Resentencing

Dear Friends,

We finally have some news about Jeff's re-sentencing!

A hearing is scheduled for January 8, 2008 in Lane County Circuit Court in Eugene, Oregon. The date could very well change, but this is what we have been told so far.

Circuit Court space is very limited and we want to be sure Jeff's family has plenty of space available, so at this time we are requesting that only Jeff's family and close friends attend the hearing. We are also requesting that things are kept low-key--any protest or similar activity would be acting against the wishes of Jeff and his family.

We hope that everyone can understand our request and continue to be supportive during this very crucial time for Jeff. We will certainly continue to keep everyone updated and share information with you all right away. Stay tuned for updates and reports.

Jeff's attorneys have been working very hard over the past few weeks and our hopes remain high. If you are able and haven't done so already, please contribute to Jeff's growing legal debt: and continue to write to Jeff at:

Jeffrey Luers #1306729
Lane County Adult Corrections
101 West 5th Ave
Eugene, OR 97401-2695

We wish everyone the happiest of holidays. Let's all hope for good news in 2008!

Thank you all for your continued support!

-Friends of Jeffrey "Free" Luers