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Infoshop News Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth
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Tuesday, December 16 2008 @ 05:56 AM CST

Minneapolis: Dave Mahoney Has a Posse

DNC / RNC 2008

RNC arrestee Dave Mahoney is currently being charged with 3 counts of terroristic threats and 3 counts of assault. These 6 felony counts translate into the possibility of 21 years in prison. It's become blatantly clear the state prosecution has made Dave a priority in their sick fucking game they play with people's lives on a daily basis. Some Twin Cities folks have decided its about time we make Dave one of our top priorities as well!

We suggest you do the same. Every time the "RNC8" is mentioned, Dave Mahoney should be as well. Every time folks consider doing a "RNC8" solidarity demo/fundraiser/ect. Dave should be considered as well.

This support propaganda is just the first of our efforts to turn the fucking heat up on those attempting to steal Dave's life via malicious, self serving, political manipulation.

Post/Pin up/Paste liberally! (minus the negative connotations that follow the word liberal of course.)



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