Sunday, October 17, 2010

India: Over 500 workers jailed in dispute with Foxconn

October 15, 2010

UPDATE: LabourStart has just launched an online campaign - please click to
send your message of protest today!

We have received the following extraordinary account from Indian trade
unionists. Foxconn was the target of an earlier LabourStart campaign -- at
its factory in China, where the Apple iPhone is produced, there was a rash
of worker suicides. Now the same company is employing ruthless
union-bashing tactics in India.

Here is the text of the report we have received:

Foxconn is having three units in Kancheepuram district in Tamil Nadu.

Around 7500 workers are employed in these 3 units out of which only 1400
are regular; others are designated as 'probationers', 'trainees' and
'contractor workers'.

Workers joined a union affiliated to CITU and submitted their charter of
demands; management refused to talk to the union and threatened the
workers to leave the CITU union; on 22nd September 2010, workers went on
strike en masse demanding the right to join the organisation of their
choice and the right to collective bargaining; the state labour department
assured the union of discussions on 27th September; workers resumed work
on 23rd; however, on that day, 23 office bearers and leaders of the union
were suspended and penal wage cut of 8 days' wages, was imposed for the
strike on 22nd; the management announced that they have come to a
settlement with a union belonging to the ruling party in the state which
had no support at all among the workers.

Protesting against this all the workers went on strike from 24th September.

On 9th October around 500 workers along with A Soundararajan, general
secretary of Tamil Nadu state committee of CITU, E Muthukumar, secretary
of the Kancheepuram district committee of CITU were arrested and put in

They have been charged under non bailable sections of the Criminal
Proceeding Code.

The strike is continuing.

Solidarity demonstrations and rallies are being held all over the state by
the CITU state committee and other fraternal organisation.