Showing newest 22 of 39 posts from August 2009. Show older posts
Showing newest 22 of 39 posts from August 2009. Show older posts

Monday, August 31, 2009

Political Prisoners database

From Denver Anarchist Black Cross:

We have collected many different political prisoner lists and followed up
with each one to ensure that all of this information is accurate and up to
date. Publications, websites and other media outlets are encouraged to use
and refer to this list. If you don’t see a prisoner on here, email us at and we will look into adding it.

Celebrate the 10th anniversary of the release of the PRican PPs

Come and Celebrate with us* the 10th Annual Anniversary of the release of the Puerto Rican Political Prisoners

WHEN: Thursday, September 3rd, 2009 @ 7PM

WHERE: Julia de Burgos Cultural Center,1680 Lexington Ave, New York, NY , between 105th and106th streets

Some former political prisoners will be attending.


Happy 65th Birthday Leonard Peltier!



Saturday, September 12, 2009 • 7 to 9 p.m.

Judson Memorial Church Assembly Hall

239 Thompson St., NY, NY (Wheelchair Accessible)

$5-10 DONATION (no one will be turned away due to lack of funds)



Representative from the Cuban Mission to the U.N.

Mahina Movement

Attorney Mike Kuzma

Dylcia Pagan, former Puerto Rican Political Prisoner

and other Special Guests

For more information: • • 718-853-0893

Co-Sponsored by: NYC Leonard Peltier Support Group, NYC Jericho Movement, Iglesia San Romero de las Américas, The ProLibertad Freedom Campaign, The Popular Education Project to Free the Cuban 5

Sunday, August 30, 2009

In the Shadow of Victory and Defeat

In the last few weeks, the political prisoner support community has received both a huge defeat and a substantial victory. On August 21, our community learned that Leonard Peltier was not only denied parole but received a 15-year hit. As voices of rage and anger filled the air in protest of this injustice, we received news- six days later- that Ojore Lutalo, New Afrikan Anarchist Political Prisoner, was released from the New Jersey prison system after 27 years.

While these two events have left us with mixed emotions, what is clear is that we must renew our commitment to the liberation of political prisoners and prisoners of war.

In little more than a decade, while we have seen the liberation of many of our comrades, we have also seen several pass away. The deaths of Albert ‘Nuh’ Washington and Richard Williams; the death of Merle Africa under questionable circumstances; and the suicide of Thomas Warner – have left us with the realization that some of our brothers and sisters will die behind the prison walls. Unless we mobilize behind the banner of liberation and freedom for these comrades, most may find themselves in that situation.

It is time that we as a movement must make a decision – shall we continue to shed tears of sorrow as our dear comrades whither away or shall begin to build a movement to free our friends and once again shed tears of joy? We hope to move in the direction of the latter.

On September 12th, Anarchist Black Cross Federation – in conjunction with friends and allies throughout the U.S. – will be organizing Running Down the Walls, a 5k run to support political prisoners. As part of this event, twelve (12) solidarity runs will take place throughout various prisons and cities.

While this event may not liberate our dear comrades, it will let them know that there is a movement that cares about their wellbeing and future. It will let them know that we stand beside them and will continue to do so until they are free.

We would be remised if we did not mention that September 12th is Leonard Peltier’s birthday and will be his 33rd birthday behind bars. We also believe that it is imperative to mention that money raised for this event will go to the following:

Chip Fitzgerald Homecoming Fund – Chip, a former LA Black Panther, is the longest held political prisoner in the United States. There has been a growing movement building around a parole campaign for Chip. For more information, check out

ABCF Warchest – Provides monthly stipends to political prisoners in the North America who received little or no financial assistance. For more information, check out:

Below is a list of the locations where runs will take place. If you are interested in joining one of these events or creating your own, please contact us at:

Ashland, OR; Albuquerque, NM; Arcata, CA; Denver, CO; Elmore, AL; Los Angeles, CA; Marion, IL; New York. NY; Phoenix, AZ; Portland, OR; Tucson, AZ; and Western Massachusetts.

For more information check out the following sites: - Anarchist Black Cross Federation (ABCF) site - Los Angeles ABCF site - Denver ABC site

Sundance Chief Fasts at White House for Leonard Peltier


As a result of Peltier’s recent parole denial, Ben Carnes, Choctaw Nation, and a Sun Dance Chief, states he will go to Washington, D.C. to stand and fast in front of the White House between September 5th – 12th, in hopes of securing a meeting with President Obama.

Earlier this year, the LP-DOC sent a letter to President Obama to discuss the case of Leonard Peltier, but the reply from the White House declined to invite members of the committee for a meeting.

Leonard Peltier has been an international symbol of American injustice based upon critical questions surrounding his conviction in 1977 in the deaths of two FBI agents. Amnesty International has designated Peltier as a political prisoner and a U.S. prosecutor has admitted in court during an appeal hearing that he did not know who killed the agents and cannot prove who did. A federal judge who heard this statement was unable to afford any relief wrote a letter to Sen. Inouye to ask the president to grant clemency.

Carnes is a recipient of the 1987 Oklahoma Human Rights Award for his stand against forced hair cutting of Native prisoners. He has been asked to speak before congressional committees and has served with numerous human rights, interfaith and Native organizations. He has worked tirelessly on behalf of Peltier for over 28 years, and first became a national spokesperson in 1991. He is also national support group coordinator and advisory board member for the Leonard Peltier Defense Offense Committee.

“The basis of Peltier’s denial by the parole commission is one of hypocrisy. It is also beyond belief that the chair of the US Parole Commission, Issac Fullwood, who is lectures on ethics in law enforcement, would turn a blind eye to the FBI’s abuse of the investigative process. And Ms. Patricia Cushwa, commission member, and Chair of the Maryland parole commission recently supported a pardon for a man who had been executed, because there were questions about the case.” said Carnes. He said that there are questions about Peltier case that remains unanswered, and with this denial, the parole commission have made Peltiers life sentence a sentence of death as he won’t be eligible for parole for 15 years when he is 79 years old. Peltier will observe his next birthday on September 12 when he will turn 65. He has already served 33 years in prison.

Supporters are calling for a world wide 24 vigils on September 11th – 12th to begin at 8:45 AM.



We call upon all supporters to organize solidarity events and actions in conjunction with Ben’s solitary prayer fast in DC on September 12th.

Message from Ben Carnes of LPDOC

This message is from Ben Carnes, Support Group Coordinator and National Spokesperson

I wish to offer my personal thanks to everyone for your continuous work and dedication. I was at my computer Friday morning when my google alert brought me the first news of the denial, and then I received an email from Wanbli containing the same news. It was like the dam busted, I received several hundred within the first hour and a half from many of you expressing your sense of outrage at the injustice done to Leonard.

One of my friends wrote something to the effect that a new movement was born today. I really want to see this and so does Leonard, I know we can all agree the White House needs to feel it.

So what is it going to take? It is going to take everything we got - 101%! And trust me - this kind of commitment demands sacrifices and you will be challenged for your stand on this principle. When Leonard was convicted, the late Lew Gurwitz stated, "This is a case that is not going to go away!" Lew lived his words traveling and sleeping in his car to create the awareness of this case. When he passed on, his brother Shep took up the cause. There are many of us who have been here supporting Leonard for years.

Last year, we made a commitment to do what we can to bring Leonard home before his birthday next month. We have less than three weeks to really put our hearts into this, and some of us have personal responsibilities and burdens to overcome and it comes down to making some hard decisions. It isn't going to be easy. So as a National Branch Support Group Coordinator, I want to ask everyone if they would consider again forming a branch support group in your area. We have a lot of organizing and networking to do with the clock ticking.

We have to overcome the media turning a blind eye to Leonard’s plight. They are more than happy to spread detrimental news of his parole, as you have noticed recently. Let’s turn this into something positive for us, each of you can write letters to the editor in your local respective paper. Sit down and write a letter expressing your disgust and outrage.

As most everyone has heard, the White House phone lines were shut down today immediately after the news came out. The fact they shut down the lines is proof of how they were overwhelmed. You know that was brought to the presidents’ attention. I hope he leaned back in his chair and looked out the window of the Oval Office, and really thought that day about Leonard Peltier. And how much he obviously means to the people to shut down his hi-tech phone system.

And relatives, we only flinch! We’ve known the system has not treated Peltier fairly in the 33 years of his imprisonment. Imagined what would happened if we shouted? So yes, we need a revitalized and disciplined movement, not only for Peltier or other native prisoners, but also for all of us.

Once, we were a movement of people who traveled around the country to help put out fires of racism, greed and abuse. We have learned a lot from those days of protesting, civil disobedience or conducting roadblocks and occupations of government offices some valuable lessons. We also know that we are now in the day of hi-tech surveillance capabilities and out of control police powers. We don’t need more people going to jail. The government is doing a good job as it is, so be mindful of what you do and say, but always speak from the heart and act with your conscience. Don’t allow oppression to silence your voice of dissent – not now.

When there is a call to action, we can be more effective in organizing in our own communities, you know what resources are available to you there and it is going to take solidarity actions across this country, including developing media contacts, mainstream/alternative, in your locale. That is a good place to start because we will grow in numbers quickly, whereas, if we attempted to travel across country at great expense, then we may cut our participating numbers down dramatically.

Those of us who have been doing the work had to start alone or we might have had help, but we all started somewhere. We had to, just as we have to keep building this up. So for now, go to and fill out the application to form a Leonard Peltier Branch Support Group (city or state), and then Monday morning, your first action is to ring the phone off the hooks at the White House, and start recruiting your friends and other organizations to follow this course of action. Do this as often as possible throughout the day, everyday.

We’ve been saying that we wanted to start a prairie fire of outrage to the Oval Office of the White House for Peltier, and now we have cause. Leonard Peltier should not have to spend one more birthday in prison for something the government admits they cannot prove.

Offer your prayers to the Creator to give you guidance, then join this international movement for our brother and lets bring him home.

Email completed application: &

We've got some work to do now.

In the Spirit of Crazy Horse and Leonard Peltier,
Ben Carnes

Friday, August 28, 2009

Hunger striker Thodoris Iliopoulos released from Greek prisons Aug 28 2009

The last person remaining in prison pending trial for the December uprising in Greece, Theodoris Iliopoulos, was released after 49 days of hunger strike

Theodoris Iliopoulos the last remaining person in jail pending trial for the December uprising that rocked Greece last year after the police assassination of Alexandros Grigoropoulos was released on Thursday 27 August, after 49 days of hunger strike that nearly cost his life. The release came in the midst of a climax of struggle for his liberation, that has seen many mid-summer protest marches and demos across the country.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Locked Out 2009

The 2009 LockedOut resource list for queer prisoners

Can be downloaded here

New Afrikan Anarchist POW Ojore N. Lutalo is free

The Anarchist Black Cross Federation is pleased to announce the following:

New Afrikan Anarchist Political Prisoners- Ojore Lutalo - was released from New Jersey State Prison at 4pm on August 26th. Ojore is currently in Philadelphia getting reoriented to being on the streets. He will eventually be moving to New Jersey once he finds a space.

In the meantime, if anyone would like to donate funds to Ojore to help him get reoriented quicker, please contact Tim Fasnacht from the Philly chapter of the Anarchist Black Cross Federation. You can contact him at

In Solidarity

'Skip', Nadra and the Philadelphia Grand Jury

[col. writ. 8/13/09] (c) '09 Mumia Abu-Jamal
As the contretemps surrounding Dr. Henry Louis Gates and the Cambridge Police Dept. recedes into the roiling news flood to become fodder for the late night comedians, we learn, if anything, that even a president has limits when it comes to a "teachable moment."
For, as any schoolteacher could have taught him, learning is a two-way street. When the student is closed to the lesson, ain't nothing getting in. (And America ain't trying to hear nothing about it's racist present!).
"Skip" Gates, a man possessed of a healthy sense of humor, has even joked about the incident publicly, and in my imagination, I can even hear his distinctive chortle as he answers the questions, "Are you alright?", with the quip, "Yeah - I'm ok; the only thing hurting is my dignity."
Dr. Gates, a prolific writer, acclaimed academic and PBS broadcaster, was, precisely because of his known identity and status, spared the indignity of being beaten, or worse.
Most African-Americans are not so privileged, as shown by the beating administered to Nadra Foster, a KPFA radio producer, who was attacked, kicked in the head, handcuffed and arrested, after a station staffer called police, and told them (incorrectly) that Foster was banned from KPFA. According to witness accounts, Nadra was bum-rushed by at least eight cops.
This happened a year ago, Aug. 2008, and no network chatmeister put Nadra's story on the tube; nor did the then -Black presidential candidate announce he was a 'friend' of this Black mother, who worked for over a decade at the station as a volunteer producer, nor that her beating, kicking, handcuffing and arrest were handled 'stupidly' (as, of course, it was!) She still faces numerous charges including assault and trespass!
That's because, in America, it ain't nothing new.
Just recently, a Phila. grand jury, expertly led by a local DA, refused to indict half a dozen cops who brutally beat, kicked, bludgeoned and stomped three young Black men who were allegedly suspects in a local shooting (the 3 were later acquitted). The grand jury refused to return indictments despite videotapes from a hovering helicopter showing the men struck repeatedly by over a dozen cops as they lay face down in the street.
To add insult to injury, the grand jury report (scripted by prosecutors) insisted that the beatings were "helpful" rather than "harmful". I don't think the initial Rodney King grand jury, which cleared members of the LAPD, went that far!
But news is 'man bites dog.' It is that which is unusual. And Black people, men, women, and juveniles, being beaten by cops isn't unusual -- even if on tape.
There'll be no beer for the 3 young men beaten and battered in Phila. streets: nor for a Black Mom beaten at her radio station.
Their brutalization, it seems, isn't a 'teachable moment'.

Filiberto Ojeda Rios - US agents altered scene of assassination

Jes?s D?vila (Translation by Jan Susler)
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico, August 19, 2009 (NCM) ?
Agents of the United States altered the scene of
the death of the Macheteros commander Filiberto
Ojeda on September 24, 2005, in the presence of
functionaries of the government of Puerto Rico ,
according to newly available statements from witnesses to the bloody event.
The revelations are not limited to the manner in
which they removed objects from the home on the
day after they killed the commander of the
Boricua Popular Army?Macheteros, with the
forensic investigators doing nothing to avoid it
or include it in the final report. In addition,
an expert witness said that the flow of blood
indicated that the body was moved before taking
photographs de rigueur prior to removing the body.

The new information emerges, however, in moments
when the thorny topic has become a sort of taboo
for various sectors of the country. The lack of
interest is illustrated by the Bar Association?
which at one point conducted its own
investigation into the event? and which has
maintained silence in the face of a request for a
reaction to the verified fact that the Department
of Justice altered the final investigation report
to eliminate the part where its attorneys affirmed that it was a murder case.
But the new revelations, as well as the silences,
indicate that the case of Ojeda?s death is a very
volatile matter, the evocation of which continues
to inflame passions among many people in this
island nation which has been a colony of the U.S.
since 1898. These passions also emerge when the
White House maintains contacts with the pro U.S.
parties to review the political condition of
Puerto Rico, and there are no indications that
independentistas are included in the consults taking place in Washington .
All this contrasts with the Latin American scene,
where the figure of Filiberto Ojeda continues to
be a convening force, and as recently as this
month served as one of the motives for the
emergence of the first committee to support the
independence of Puerto Rico by citizens of
Nicaragua. This marks a change, as normally such
independentista committees outside of Puerto Rico
are formed mainly by Puerto Ricans in the diaspora.
Currently, the only official investigation in
progress into Ojeda?s death is the one being
conducted by the governmental Civil Rights
Commission, but this entity has made no
announcement to indicate whether it has had
access to new witnesses. What little is known is
that the CRC continues making efforts to bring to
Puerto Rico an expert in ballistics, which would
indicate that they are still trying to figure out
the trajectory of the fatal bullet shot by the
agent identified only as ?Brian,? of the commando
group that assaulted Ojeda?s house on September 23, 2005.
One of the key pieces for the prosecutors to be
able to determine that it was an assassination
was the decision that from the beginning of the
operation, Brian was seeking the angle for the
fatal shot, and that he fired the three shots
into the front door of the house during the first
shooting. Establishing with certainty the
trajectory of the last shots could clarify many
of the aspects which still remain unexplained.

The attack of the Federal Bureau of
Investigation?s HRT (Hostage Rescue Team)
commando group aborted a process of dialogue
which Ojeda had been having for several years
through the Catholic church, in which he was
exploring the possibility of a pacific procedure
for the U.S. to concede independence to Puerto
Rico . The Catholic prelate responsible for the
dialogue made this known to the FBI.
Ojeda suffered a slow agony and bled to death,
while the agents who surrounded his house refused
to allow assistance. His body was found by Puerto
Rican forensic experts who entered the house the
next day, accompanied by FBI agents. At that
time, photos were taken of Ojeda, face down with
his head next to the living room door.

The new expert testimony reveals the detection of
significant blood flow toward the back, instead
of toward the chest, which indicates that during
his agony he could have been face up, and not how
he was found when the FBI allowed the forensic photographer to enter.

The second testimony is equally if not more
serious. According to the source who had direct
access to the statements, the witnesses said that
when it was already assumed that the scene was
sealed for forensic examination, members of the
U.S. ERT (Evidence Recovery Team) began to remove
objects from inside the house, right in front of
the Puerto Rican investigators.

There were so many objects removed that,
according to the source, it has become virtually
impossible to determine where the shots landed inside the house.

The preservation of a crime scene is a basic,
routine procedure of forensic investigation, and
even more so if police agents are the object of
the investigation of the case. In fact, the
Puerto Rico Department of Justice took
responsibility for assuring, in presenting its
final report on the case, that it had been
determined that the scene was not altered by U.S. agents.

One of the most delicate aspects in the entire
affair is determining exactly what was the Puerto
Rico government?s participation in the whole
case, as in February of 2005, it delivered to the
FBI the investigative file, which noted the exact
coordinates of the place where Ojeda?s house was
located. During the assault, the Puerto Rican
government used its police forces to set up a
perimeter of protection for the FBI agents, and
cut the electricity to the sector, among other logistical support.


SF - A Benefit for the AETA4

Please join us for a night of decadent vegan desserts, drinks, silent
auction and a raffle to raise much needed defense funds for 4 local
individuals who are facing Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act charges.
Check the websites below for information about this ongoing and important case.

Friday August 28th, 8pm
1884 Market Street @ Laguna
San Francisco
Auction/Raffle - Desserts/Drinks
$5 - $20 sliding scale

Please contact us if you have anything you would like to donate for this
event at

We will have some amazing items up for silent auction and raffle from
vegan companies, artists, bakeries, restaurants, and more!

More information is available at <>
and <>

The serious nature of the offense: the ongoing kidnapping of Leonard Peltier

The serious nature of the offense: the ongoing kidnapping of Leonard Peltier

by Carolina Salda?a
Tuesday Aug 25th, 2009 9:47 PM

The United States Parole Board denies Native
American political prisoner Leonard Peltier the
right to spend the last years of his life in freedom.

In violation of the law, ethical standards, and
human rights norms, and in the tradition of
genocide against the original peoples of the
Americas, the United States Parole Board has
denied Native American political prisoner Leonard
Peltier the right to spend the last years of his
life in freedom. The Board?s shameful decision
was announced by federal prosecutor Drew Wrigley
on August 21. There won?t be another review of
his case until 2024, when Leonard is 79 years old.

As a member of the American Indian Movement
(AIM), Leonard Peltier was unjustly sentenced to
two life sentences for the deaths of two FBI
agents on the Pine Ridge Reservation in the
Lakota nation (state of South Dakota) on June 26,
1975. ?How long has this kidnapping gone on? 72
hours? A week? Several months? No. It?s been in progress for 33 ? years!

The Parole Board?s pretexts?
--that his release would diminish the serious nature of the offense
--that his release would promote disrespect for the law
--that he hasn?t expressed remorse
--that he?s had several write-ups in prison, including an escape attempt.

Like a parrot, the Associated Press reporter
repeats FBI lies spread by Wrigley: "Leonard
Peltier is an unrepentant, cold-blooded murderer
who executed FBI special agents Williams and
Coler, and in doing that he tore them from their
families and from their communities forever,"
Wrigley said. "Leonard Peltier is exactly where
he belongs ? federal prison, serving two life

The following statement was made by Leonard?s
Defense Offense Committee on August 22:
?The Leonard Peltier Defense Offense Committee
acknowledges the receipt of the decision of the
United States Parole Commission to deny parole
for American Indian Political Prisoner Leonard
Peltier. We wish to thank our thousands of
supporters for their tenacious efforts, in
particular during the months leading to Leonard's
recent hearing. Currently we are in the process
of finalizing plans for efforts around exercising
our right to challenge this decision, advocate
for intervention by President Obama, and
succeeding in getting both proper medical
attention for Leonard and a transfer to a federal
prison closer to home. We will be issuing
directives within the near future.?

Amnesty Internacional expressed its
disappointment over the Board?s decision and
called for the immediate release of Leonard

Leonard Peltier is widely recognized as a
spiritual warrior who struggles for his people In
his autobiographical prison writings, My Life is
My Sundance he writes: ?I?ve often wondered what
the FBI boys got out of all this, except the
hatred of Native Americans and the disrespect of
their own people. And what must they think of
themselves, those who partook of all these
manipulations and fabrications, when they look at
their face in the mirror each morning? They must
shudder at the sight of themselves, avert their
eyes from their own gaze in the mirror. So they
have to live the lie they created in order to
maintain an aura of pride and self-respect. Or
perhaps their arrogance builds an impregnable wall of delusion.? (p. 119).

Kidnapping is a serious crime and it is
aggravated every day, every week, every year. The
FBI, prosecuting attorneys, judges, jailers, and
Parole Board members all know Leonard Peltier was
condemned on fabricated evidence. His brothers
Dino Butler and Bob Robideau, also charged with
the same killings, were acquitted on grounds of
self-defense, justifiable in the reign of terror
existing on the Pine Ridge Reservation following
AIM?s daring occupation of Wounded Knee in 1973.
One of them has said he fired the bullets that killed the agents.


The Board?s pretexts are the same ones used in many cases:

The serious nature of the offense? In the
campaign to gain the release of the MOVE 9,
Ramona Africa said: ?Historically, with political
prisoners especially, parole boards have just
basically thumbed their nose at their own laws to
keep prisoners in prison. They?ve said things
like ?the serious nature of the offense? as an
excuse to deny prisoners parole, especially
political prisoners. And that is absolutely
illegal. It makes no sense at all. Because when a
judge sentences a person..., he?s already taken
into account the ?serious nature of the offense?.
That?s what the judge is sentencing them on?the
offense they were convicted of. So to come back
later and say we?re not releasing you...because
of the serious nature of the offense is
completely illegal because that was already taken
into account. And what it amounts to is
re-sentencing a person.?

Promote disrespect for the law? Leonard has
something to say about the United States
government?s respect for the law in its war
against AIM: ?They hid behind their usual cloak
of ?national security? do their dirty work. Their
first tactic: Forget the law, the law?s for
suckers, subvert the law at will to get your man,
however innocent he may be...; lie whenever and
wherever you have to to keep the focus of inquiry
on your victims, not on your own crimes. I have
to admit, they succeeded brilliantly. In the name
of the Law, they violated every law on the books,
and in their deliberate strategy of putting
me??and how many other innocents???away in a cell
or a grave, they turned the Constitution of the
United States into pulp fiction. (My Life is my Sun Dance, p. 95-6)

Express remorse? As a matter of fact, Leonard has
said that he regrets the deaths of the agents,
but he has no remorse for having defending his
people under attack at the Jumping Bull ranch,
and he refuses to accept responsibility for
something he didn?t do, executing the two agents.

Infractions of the rules? The Board knows that
this man who is respected by hundreds of
thousands of people in the world has not had a
single infraction in the last ten years and that
his record of promoting peace in the world is so
distinguished that he has received six nominations for the Nobel Peace Prize.

An escape attempt? Nobody remembers the
circumstances better than the FBI itself. Leonard
relates that Standing Deer (El Venado) was
recruited to kill him in prison, but was
courageous enough to warn him. Leonard then fled
because he believed his life was in danger. In
retrospect, he thinks that this was all part of a
plot by the federal agents to kill him while he
was trying to escape. Now he must live ?forever
stricken? with his grief for the deaths of the
prisoners who died due to the attempt: Dallas
Thundershield, shot in the back during the
escape; Bobby Garc?a, said to have hanged himself
in his cell; and Standing Deer, ?dumped back into
an iron hole? (Mi Vida es mi Danza al Sol, p?g.
164-167) only to be executed after he served his sentence.

The serious nature of the offense. The serious nature of countless offenses.

China moves to cut use of executed inmates' organs

AP Aug. 26, 2009

BEIJING – China has launched a national organ donation system to try
to reduce its dependence on body parts harvested from executed
prisoners, who make up the majority of donors, state media reported

Organ transplantation in China has long been criticized as
profit-driven and unethical, with critics arguing death row inmates
may feel pressured to become donors, violating personal, religious or
cultural beliefs.

The World Health Organization and international human rights groups
welcomed the new system, saying it was in line with best practices in
other countries and would likely help meet the needs of all patients.

The move is China's latest step to better regulate organ transplants.
Medical officials agreed in 2007 not to transplant organs from
prisoners or others in custody, except into members of their
immediate families.

But in a rare disclosure about an industry often criticized for being
opaque, the China Daily newspaper said Wednesday that more than 65
percent of organ donors come from death row.

Though the figure could not be confirmed with the government, Vice
Health Minister Huang Jiefu has publicly acknowledged in recent years
that most organs used for transplants are taken from executed
prisoners, though only with prior consent.

Condemned prisoners are "definitely not a proper source for organ
transplants," the China Daily quoted Huang as saying.

With the new donor system, launched Tuesday, the Health Ministry and
Red Cross Society of China want to reduce that proportion by
encouraging the normally hesitant general public to donate organs
after they die.

WHO's top transplantation official in Geneva, Dr. Luc Noel, praised
the Chinese move, saying: "We're eager to see the results and are
very supportive."

Noel said a few other countries occasionally extract organs from
executed prisoners, though he did not specify which. China's
"reliance on organs from executed convicts was certainly not an
option that could withstand time" and opened the way for abuses, he

Nicholas Bequelin, Asia researcher for New York-based Human Rights
Watch, said China's dependence on death row inmates for organs was so
high because there has been no system in place for organ donations.

"All organ transplants had to come from somewhere," Bequelin said,
noting the practice was riddled with problems. "If you're a prisoner
and you're about to be executed, you do not have a real choice,
especially in a system ... (that) is completely untransparent and
notorious for abuses against prisoners, as the Chinese system is."

The new donor system will link potential donors with recipients and
make public a waiting list of patients to increase transparency and
fairness in allocating organs.

The system was initially being launched in 10 provinces and cities,
including Shanghai, Tianjin and Xiamen and will eventually be rolled
out across the country.

Voluntary donations remain far below demand, partly because of
cultural biases against organ removal before burial. Only about 130
people have pledged to donate their organs since 2003, the China
Daily said, citing research by Chen Zhonghua, an organ transplant
expert with Tongji Hospital in Shanghai. Chen declined to comment
when contacted.

The Health Ministry said it could not provide more information on the
new donor system. The Red Cross Society of China would not take
questions by phone and did not immediately respond to a faxed request
for comment.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

NYC Rolling Down the Walls 2009!!!

Rolling Down the Walls!

When: Saturday, September 12th, 2009, 5 pm - late

Where: Grand Army Plaza to Ft. Tilden Beach

On Saturday, September 12, 2009 at 5 p.m., New York City Anarchist Black
Cross will host the second annual NYC off-shoot of the continental
Anarchist Black Cross Federation Running Down the Walls. The 8-mile bike
ride to Ft Tilden beach is to celebrate the end of summer while raising
much-needed funds for the ABCF's Warchest program and the NY Malcolm X
Grassroots Movement.

ABCF Warchest:
The Warchest program was created in November of 1994. Funds
for the Warchest are divided and distributed through monthly stipends to
political prisoners who receive little or no financial aid. Prisoners use
this money to cover the basic necessities of everyday living. Funds have
been used by prisoners to pay for shoes, clothes, as well as assisting
their families with what little they can.

The Malcolm X Grassroots Movement is an organization of Afrikans in
America/New Afrikans whose mission is to defend the human rights of our
people and promote self-determination in our community. We understand that
the collective institutions of white-supremacy, patriarchy and capitalism
have been at the root of our people's oppression. We understand that
without community control and without the power to determine our own
lives, we will continue to fall victim to genocide. Therefore, we seek to
heighten our consciousness about self-determination as a human right and a
solution to our colonization. While organizing around our principles of
unity, we are building a network of Black/New Afrikan activists and
organizers committed to the protracted struggle for the liberation of the
New Afrikan Nation - By Any Means Necessary!

Solidarity Runs:

Every year, prisoners and supporters of political prisoners organize
solidarity runs. This year there are runs at the following
locations: Arcata, CA; Ashland, OR; Los Angeles, CA; Marion, IL; Phoenix,
AZ; Tucson, AZ; and West Massachusetts.

Support the Struggle:

We must remember that many of those arrested in the past or present are
not far from us. Many of them were and are community and labor
activists, queer, and environmental activists; people who decided to speak
out against various forms of oppression and paid the price of their
freedom for their actions. We must remember that anyone of these people
could have at one time stood beside us in a demonstration, at a speak- out,
or even at an organizing meeting. At any given moment it could be us who
finds ourselves in this situation, so it is imperative that we ensure that
a strong enough community of support exists for these people as well as
ourselves. The strength of our movement is determined by how much we
support our fallen comrades. As the Anarchist POW Ojore Lutalo says it,
"Any Movement that does not support its
political internees, is a shame movement." So please help us, help them!
Help us, help you!

We encourage people to participate in raising funds for the Warchest,
which can be done in the following ways:

Be a Rider: Join us at 5 p.m. at Grand Army Plaza. We are asking a $5-$15
sliding scale donation for the event. Refreshments and beverages will be
served at the beach after-party, and we will be riding by the Books
Through Bars bake sale at Park Slope Food Co-op to pick up some treats for
the ride.

Join us for the After-party: To get to Ft. Tilden beach via transit, take
the 2 (also 5 at rush hours) to Flatbush Avenue. Transfer to the Q35 bus
from Flatbush Avenue at the corner of Nostrand, Kings Highway, Fillmore
Avenue or Avenue U ( Kings Plaza). After the bridge, ask the driver to let
you off at Fort Tilden. Alternate: Take the A to Rockaway Park then Q35
or Q22 bus to the park. Walk south along the beach until you see us! We´ll
be there from about 6 p.m. until after the sun sets.

Sponsor a Runner: This can be done through a flat donation to the
runner of your choice. We ask from those who wish not to run to
actively support those who are running in hopes of collecting as much for
our comrades as possible.

Sponsor Rolling Down the Walls: Any amount helps. Contact us if you wish
to simply donate money to the cause.

-Jaan Laaman, UFF Political Prisoner Statement of Solidarity

October 19th 2002 My Brothers,

"Thank you for running at this special event that means so much to many of
us all over the world, both free and imprisoned. In a relative way, we are
all political prisoners because it is the politics of this
system of things that is exploiting, crushing, imprisoning, and
destroying the masses all over the world and the earth itself. Then there
are those who know this and take actions against those who seek to deny us
our rightful place on earth as common human brethren. Those are the ones
we run for and seek to help... whom sacrificed their family, freedom and
lives, so that our lives may be better! The fact that you ran with us is a
sign that when the red-hour comes, you will not be caught asleep. You are
conscious and you too are willing to represent. The potential in you is
great. Thank you for running for the cause!"

"As we ran we were thinking and talking about all the runners in Los
Angeles and how we'd love to be out there running with them. We also spoke
about the other political prisoners who were running with us in at least
some other prisons."

-- *Save the 1-2-3 Community Space!
123 Tompkins Ave btw Myrtle and Vernon, Bedstuy BK

Follow us on twitter:

Post Office Box 110034
Brooklyn, New York 11211


Free all Political Prisoners and Prisoners of War!
For the Abolition of State Repression and Domination!

This is the announcement list for the NYC Anarchist Black Cross
Federation. You are receiving these emails because you've at some
point demonstrated or expressed interest in the ABC, Political
Prisoner Letter-Writing Dinners, or Political Prisoner and POW
support in general. If you do not wish to receive these emails, just
let us know. Email nycabc[at]riseup[dot]net.

Democracy Now Interview with Peltier's lawyer

AMY GOODMAN: The imprisoned Native American activist Leonard Peltier has been denied parole again. The US Parole Commission told the sixty-four-year-old Peltier Friday his release would, quote, “depreciate the seriousness of [his] offenses” and, quote, “promote disrespect for the law.” It was Peltier’s first full parole hearing in fifteen years. He will not be eligible again for parole until July 2024 at the age of seventy-nine.

Leonard Peltier has been in prison for thirty-three years, convicted of killing two police—two FBI agents during a shootout on South Dakota’s Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in 1975. Peltier has long maintained his innocence and has been widely considered a political prisoner who was not granted a fair trial. He is now being held at the Lewisburg prison in Pennsylvania.

I’m joined on the phone by his attorney, Eric Seitz. He represented Peltier at his parole hearing, joining us on the phone from his home in Hawaii.

Welcome to Democracy Now! Thank you for waking up very early, Eric. Describe what happened, what you learned on Friday.

ERIC SEITZ: Well, what we learned was that the Parole Commission, which is a holdover group of people from the Bush administration and an agency of the Justice Department, is never going to parole Leonard Peltier. They adopted in full the position of the FBI that if you kill an FBI agent, you should spend the rest of your life in jail, even if there are serious questions about the conduct of the FBI itself and of the government in prosecuting him.

AMY GOODMAN: Talk about the questions in this case and the other men who were tried separately who were acquitted years ago.

ERIC SEITZ: There was a trial of two people who were indicted with Leonard. It was held in Cedar Rapids, Iowa before a jury that acquitted them on grounds of self-defense.

The FBI, after that case, decided they couldn’t risk a reoccurrence of the same outcome, so they came up with some ballistics evidence, which purported to link Leonard to the fatal shots by which the FBI agents were killed after this shootout had occurred for some period of time and the two agents had been fatally wounded. So they convicted Leonard of firing the fatal shots, according to the jury.

And afterwards, it turned out that the ballistics evidence was questionable, at best. But the courts have refused to set aside or disturb the outcome since then. So Leonard has actually been in prison now for more than thirty-three years for a crime of which the only other two people who were actually put on trial were acquitted, and that raises all kinds of questions about the fairness of the proceedings and of, in particular, the fairness of the judgment in his case.

AMY GOODMAN: Now, in Leonard Peltier’s case, he would have been tried with these men, but he, fearing he would not get a fair trial, had fled to Canada, so he was not tried and then tried separately.

ERIC SEITZ: That’s right. And then there were all kinds of questions about the proceedings by which he was returned to this country from Canada. It is an admitted fact that in the extradition proceedings, the FBI used a series of affidavits that they themselves wrote, purporting to be from a witness who was an eyewitness who wasn’t even there. So the affidavits were perjured, and yet the Canadian government readily agreed at some point to send Leonard back. And after that evidence about the perjury came out, the United States government refused to take any action to correct the situation.

So there have been all kinds of issues about this case which have percolated for more than thirty-four, thirty-five years. And we were hoping at this point in time that we could get a fair consideration from the Parole Commission. We had a very good six-hour hearing before an examiner, not the commission itself, but on their review of the examiner’s recommendations, which we still have never even seen, the Parole Commission basically adopted the position of the FBI. And in some sense, that’s actually helpful to us, because it makes it clear that they are violating the law and the guidelines, and they are basically succumbing to this whole theory that if you kill an FBI agent, you should never be paroled, and that’s not what the law requires.

AMY GOODMAN: The documents that have not been released in Leonard Peltier’s case, how many are there?

ERIC SEITZ: Well, there are thousands of documents from the investigation itself going back to the mid-1970s and beyond that. And a lot of those documents have been shrouded in various levels of secrecy, and there have been Freedom of Information Act cases that have been filed. And many of them have been flushed out, and at various times that’s how we learned about the ballistics evidence that was fraudulent, and that’s how we also learned about the nature of the FBI’s investigation and the fact that they focused on Leonard and the way in which they did after losing the first trial.

Now we’re going to try to get some more of those documents and, in particular, the documents at the Parole Commission, and we’re contemplating the possibility of further litigation, although I think probably much more fruitful at this point is going to be an effort to try to get clemency for Leonard, in terms of his advanced age, in consideration of his health, and because of the fact that this just simply is a case that needs to be brought to resolution properly.

AMY GOODMAN: Have you spoken to Leonard? And what is his response?

ERIC SEITZ: I have not been able to speak with him, because I can’t get calls in to him over the weekend. Other people have talked to him. And I have not yet really found out from them what the results of their visits were over the weekend. But I am hoping to speak with him either today or tomorrow.

AMY GOODMAN: And again, while we reported that he doesn’t have—he’s not eligible for parole again until July 2024, when he’s seventy-nine, his chances before then?

ERIC SEITZ: Well, as far as the parole board is concerned, there are no chances, because they’re not going to change their position unless the personnel of the parole board changes dramatically.

Basically they have taken a hard-line position. He qualifies for parole, which was the difference this time around. He’s served the minimum time that’s necessary. He’s done everything in prison that he needs to do to make himself qualified. He came up with a parole plan prospectively for where he’s going to live and work for the rest of his life, with people to take care of him. All of those things are requirements, which he met. The only requirement he didn’t meet, according to them, which he can’t change, is the fact that he committed a crime that they regard as so heinous that he should never be released from prison. So, as far as the parole board is concerned, we will file a mandatory appeal to exhaust the channels there, but we have virtually no sense that they are going to change their position ever.

AMY GOODMAN: Eric Seitz, we’re going to leave it there, because we have to move quickly on to our last segment. Again, commenting on Leonard Peltier, who was denied parole once again, Eric Seitz, his attorney.

Monday, August 24, 2009

9/12: Celebrate Leonard P/Cuban 5/Puerto Rican PPs

Happy 65th Birthday Leonard Peltier!



Saturday, September 12, 2009 • 7 to 9 p.m.

Judson Memorial Church Assembly Hall

239 Thompson St., NY, NY (Wheelchair Accessible)

$5-10 DONATION (no one will be turned away due to lack of funds)



Representative from the Cuban Mission to the U.N.

Mahina Movement

Attorney Mike Kuzma

Dylcia Pagan, former Puerto Rican Political Prisoner

and other Special Guests

For more information: • • 718-853-0893

Co-Sponsored by: NYC Leonard Peltier Support Group, NYC Jericho Movement, Iglesia San Romero de las Américas, The ProLibertad Freedom Campaign, The Popular Education Project to Free the Cuban 5

Sunday, August 23, 2009

8/29 100 Blacks in Black for Mumia & All POWs

On August 29, people of color will convergence in North Philadelphia in a united militant force to declare freedom for ALL Prisoners of War and Political Prisoners. Community organizations of color are joining forces to bring the community together to recognize who our prisoners of war and political prisoners are in order to have social movements to free them all. We are building towards eliminating the barrier between the political organizers and general community members. We need you!
There will be tabling and flyering at an abandoned city lot. There will be outreach in the hood of Broad and Erie. There will be a rally with speakers from families of prisoners of war, former prisoners of war, survivors of police brutality and organizations of color working towards abolishing the prison industrial complex. There will be an unpermitted march. There will be autonomous actions.
When – Saturday, August 29, 2009
Where – Broad and Erie, North Philadelphia
Time – 12 PM – 4 PM
To APOC… come rep your colors. Come rep your local political prisoners. Come build a united front to free all prisoners of war and political prisoners.
Free the MOVE 9!
Free the New Jersey 4!
Free Mumia Abu-Jamal!
Free Russell Maroon Shoatz!
Free Leonard Peltier!
Free Oso Blanco!
Free Ramiro “Ramsey” Muniz!
Amnesty for Assata Shakur!
Free all Prisoners of War and Political Prisoners!

Participants: Autonomous/Anarchist People of Color of Philadelphia (APOC Philly), New Afrikan Liberation Front (NALF), Poor Righteous Party of the Black Nation, International Concerned Family and Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal (ICFFMAJ), Philly Jericho Movement

*** If you are APOC and need travel funds assistance email : ***


Saturday, August 22, 2009

AP sources: Report reveals CIA interrogation methods

By PAMELA HESS, Associated Press Writer Pamela Hess

WASHINGTON – As the Justice Department considers whether to
investigate alleged harsh interrogation practices sanctioned by the
Bush administration, sources say a soon-to-be-released report by the
CIA's inspector general reveals that agency interrogators conducted
mock executions of terror suspects.

These latest allegations are contained in a 2004 report that has been
kept secret and is to be released next week, two congressional
officials told The Associated Press. They spoke late Friday on
condition of anonymity because the report has not yet been cleared
for release.

Threatening a prisoner with death violates U.S. anti-torture laws.

In one case, interrogators brought a gun and power drill into a
session with suspected Cole bomber Abd al Rahim al-Nashiri, the
report says. The suicide bombing of the warship USS Cole killed 17
U.S. sailors in Yemen in 2000.

In another episode, a gunshot was fired in a room next to a detainee
to make the prisoner believe another suspect had been killed,
according to the report, which a federal judge has ordered to be made
public Monday in response to a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit
filed by the American Civil Liberties Union.

The IG report's findings were first reported by Newsweek on its Web site.

Nashiri was one of three CIA prisoners subjected to waterboarding, a
brutal interrogation technique that simulates drowning that was among
10 techniques approved by the Bush administration's Justice
Department in 2002. President Barack Obama and Attorney General Eric
Holder have denounced waterboarding as torture.

"The CIA in no way endorsed behavior_ no matter how infrequent_ that
went beyond formal guidance," said agency spokesman Paul Gimigliano.
He declined to comment on the contents of the IG report.

Holder is considering whether to appoint a criminal prosecutor to
investigate the Bush administration's interrogation practices, a
controversial move that would run counter to President Barack Obama's
wishes to leave the issue in the past.

Gimigliano said the career prosecutors at the Justice Department have
reviewed the report to determine if any laws were broken and whether
the interrogators should be prosecuted.

"Professionals in the Department of Justice decided if and when to
pursue prosecution," he said. "That's how the system was supposed to
work, and that's how it did work."

Just one CIA contract interrogator, David Passaro, has been
prosecuted. He was found guilty in 2007 in the beating death of a
prisoner in Afghanistan.

The Los Angeles Times reported Aug. 9 that a CIA operative brought a
gun into an interrogation booth to force a detainee to talk. One of
the congressional officials told the AP that referred to the
interrogation of the USS Cole suspect.

The IG review was completed in May 2004. The ACLU has sought its
release since then. It was expected to be released earlier this year
but was delayed by government request.

The report casts doubt on the effectiveness of the harsh
interrogation methods employed by CIA interrogators, according to
quotes from the report that were contained in Bush-era Justice
Department memos declassified this spring. It says no attacks were
averted by information obtained using harsh interrogation methods.

The CIA detained and interrogated 94 terrorist suspects; 28 were
subjected to harsh methods. Of those three were waterboarded,
according to government documents made public earlier this year.

But former CIA Director Michael Hayden said this week at a panel
discussion in Washington that the review also credits the harsh
interrogation with yielding information on al-Qaida's basic
infrastrucutre, which in turn allowed the CIA to fight the
organization behind the 9/11 hijackings.

John L. Helgerson, the now-retired CIA inspector who spearheaded the
investigation, told the AP in June that the report is a comprehensive
review of everything the CIA did in the secret detention and
interrogation program begun in the wake of the Sept. 11, 2001,
terrorist attacks.

The investigation was undertaken in response to concerns expressed by
agency employees about the program, he added.

Peltier's Parole Denial - Running Dwon the Walls - Sept 12th

We are sad to announce that yesterday Leonard Peltier was denied parole. He was not only denied his freedom but was given a 15 year hit.

On September 12th , Peltier will be 65. It will be his 33rd birthday behind bars. Held captive for a crime he did not commit. Imprisoned because of his sense of duty to protect his people and their culture. Sadly, he is just one of many held in US prisons because of their determination to fight injustice.

On September 12th, the Anarchist Black Cross Federation of Los Angeles will also be hosting our 8th annual Running Down the Walls - a 5k run to raise money and awareness for political prisoners . We will be honoring Peltier and others like him who have suffered so greatly in the struggle for a free and just world.

As part of the run, we will also be having solidarity runs through US cities and prisons. Currently, we have ten additional runs besides LA. The locations include Albuquerque, NM; Arcata, CA ; Ashland, OR; Denver, CO; Marion, IL; New York, NY; Phoenix, AZ ; Portland, OR; Tucson, AZ ; and West Massachusetts.

Peltier was one of the first political prisoners to participate in this event at a solidarity run in Leavenworth. As described by Jaan Laaman , UFF political prisoner and someone who ran with Pelitier on that day, "We ran down the walls and ran up the sun and we were glad to be doing it."

We hope that others are outrage by fate of Leonard Peltier. We hope that others are angered by the imprisonment of this man and others like him. We hope that others are so moved by this great injustice that they will join us on our day of solidarity on September 12th.

On that day, let our voices be raised together in resistance. Let the vibrations of our feet pounding against the soil raze the prison walls. Please join us at this event.

Running Down the Walls
When: Saturday, September 12, 10 am - 2 pm
Where: Whittier Narrows Regional Park Grounds
750 Santa Anita Ave South El Monte, CA 91733-4300

Registration fees: $12 preregistration; $15, the day of the run. (Make checks out to Tim Fasnacht)

For more information contact the Los Angeles Branch Group of the Anarchist Black Cross Federation
PO BOX 11223
Whitier, Ca 90603 la

Friday, August 21, 2009

Leonard Peltier Parole Denied

From:    "freepeltiernow" <>
August 21, 2009

"When you begin a great work you can't expect to finish it all at
once; therefore, you and your brothers [and sisters] press on and
let nothing discourage you until you have entirely finished what
you have begun."--Teedyuschung, Delaware

News from North Dakota, today, is that Leonard Peltier's parole has
been denied. He won't receive another full parole hearing until
2024, at the age of 79 years.

As sad as we all are, we are steadfast, undefeated. We will not
go away. We will not be quiet.

Take a moment to reflect. Just a moment. But then put your
disappointment behind you. Gather your strength. There's much
work to be done.

* Action Item 1: Contact the Attorney General *

On June 23, 1995, Amnesty International submitted a letter of concern
about the Peltier case to the then U.S. Attorney General. There
was no response. Write to Eric Holder, Attorney General. Ask him
to conduct an executive review of the case and to finally right
the wrongs of the past. Tell him it's never too late to find the
truth. Justice delayed is justice denied.

Eric A. Holder, Attorney General
U.S. Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20530-0001

Or call the Office of the Attorney General at 202-353-1555.

And while you're at it, ask Mr. Holder why more than 140,000
documents from a 30+-year-old case are still being withheld by the
Federal Bureau of Investigation. Tell him America has a right to
know what occurred over 30 years ago and demand the release of all
documents related to the Peltier case.

* Action Item 2: Contact Members of Congress *

Use all the resources at your disposal to contact your Members of
Congress and continue urging them to support freedom for Leonard
Peltier. That support should be formally expressed in correspondence
to President Obama.

Also demand a full congressional investigation into the Reign of
Terror on the Pine Ridge Reservation during the '70s. It's long
past time for the truth to be told. See:


Do you use Twitter? Try using this service to quickly and easily
reach your Members of Congress: <>.

You also can sign the petition:


Congress will not be in session for most of August. This is a good
time to meet with your Members of Congress in their home offices.
Make the appointment now. You can find locations, telephone numbers,
etc., via our congressional directory:


* Action Item 3: Call the White House *

Call the White House comment line to express your outrage at the
outcome of the parole hearing. Demand that President Obama free
Peltier now. Call:

(202) 456-1111 or (202) 456-1112.

You also can send an e-mail to the White House. Go to

If you prefer, mail or fax a letter:

President Barack Obama
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington, DC 20500
Fax - (202) 456-2461

Better yet... Do all three.

Leonard Peltier denied parole - gets 15-year hit

American Indian activist denied parole

Aug 21 2009

BISMARCK, N.D. (AP) U.S. Attorney Drew Wrigley says imprisoned
American Indian activist Leonard Peltier has once again been
denied parole.

Wrigley says the next scheduled hearing for Peltier is 2024,
when Peltier would be 79 years old.

Peltier is serving two life sentences for the execution-style
deaths of FBI agents Jack Coler and Ronald Williams during a
June 26, 1975, standoff on South Dakota's Pine Ridge Indian Reservation.

He was convicted in Fargo, N.D., in 1977. He has claimed the FBI
framed him, which the agency denies, and unsuccessfully appealed his
conviction numerous times.

Peltier had a full parole hearing for the first time in 15 years last
month at the Lewisburg, Pa., federal prison where he is being held.

Defense attorney Eric Seitz declined comment on the U.S. Parole
Commission decision Friday, saying the Justice Department had not informed

pdf file of the parole commission's written decision Click here

Thursday, August 20, 2009

8/26 WED: Protest for Victor Toro


videos: <> <> <>


[DIRECTIONS added for 26 Federal Plaza/Jacob K. Javits Federal Building, front entrance on Broadway & Thomas St., btw. Duane and Worth Streets. Sometimes during construction & even since, protests have been pushed instead to the remote NE corner of the 26 Fed Plaza building complex at Lafayette & Worth St., near Foley Square & Centre St. But these days check Thomas & Broadway first.
J, M, Z to Chambers St. (north exit near Lafayette & Pearl then walk 2 blocks/0.2 mi. west on Duane against traffic);
#4, 5, 6 to Brooklyn Bridge-City Hall (north exit near Lafayette & Reade then walk 2 blocks/0.2 mi. west with Reade traffic & turn right/north on Broadway);
R/W to City Hall (north at Broadway & Warren then walk 4 blocks/0.2 mi. uptown against Broadway traffic);
A, C to Chambers (north exit at Chambers & Church St. then walk 3 blocks uptown with Church traffic & turn right/east on Thomas: total 3 blocks/0.2 mi.);
#1, 2, 3 to Chambers (at Chambers & West Broadway then walk 3 blocks uptown/north against West B-way traffic & turn right/east on Thomas: 5 blocks/0.3 mi.);
N, Q to Canal (west exit furthest from Brooklyn near Broadway then walk 7 blocks/0.3 mi. south with Broadway traffic)
= > BUSES: M6 via Broadway & Church; weekday M1 via Broaway, Trinity, Worth & Centre Sts.
= > Manhattan BUS MAP
= > Manhattan/Queens BIKE MAP: < > < >
MAPS <> <>.
See Foley Square entry; Javits Federal Building is unrelated to the Javits Convention Center in West Midtown.

FRI 1/18: Support Victor Toro, NYC Activist Fighting Deportation

Viernes 18 ene: Apoyemos a Victor Toro, activista peleando su deportacion

La Lucha Sigue! The Struggle Continues!

[texto en espan~ol sigue al ingles]

Demonstration, Friday, January 18, 2008, at 9am
Stop the Deportation of NYC Activist Victor Toro
26 Federal Plaza in Manhattan
(at the corner of Worth Street & Lafayette St)

Victor's hearing before immigration Judge Paul Defonzo is set for January 18, 2008, at 9:00 am, at 26 Federal Plaza in Manhattan. Please come and support him, and help us send the message: Victor belongs here in NYC!

Victor Toro is a citizen and national of Chile who was jailed and tortured there because of his opposition to the illegitimate Pinochet government (1973-1990). For more than 23 years, Victor and his wife Nieves Ayress (also a survivor of torture by the Pinochet regime) have been living in New York City and engaging in activism in the South Bronx, where they founded Vamos a La Peña, a nonprofit community organization that has served as a space for free expression and people's power for undocumented workers and other disenfranchised community members. On July 6, 2007,Victor Toro was arrested by US Border Patrol, an agency of the US Department of Homeland Security, while on board an Amtrak train in Rochester, New York. He was released on bond on July 9 and is now seeking political asylum with the help of his legal team. His wife Nieves is a US citizen; their daughter, Rosita Toro, is a legal permanent resident.

Pickets in support of Victor Toro are held every Friday (weather permitting) from noon to 1pm at the federal building in Manhattan, northeast corner, Worth St at Lafayette St. (There will be no noon picket on Jan. 18, the day of the 9am demonstration.) For more information, contact the Victor Toro Defense Committee: 718-292-6137, 212-631-7555, 646-291-2778,,,

Please give generously to Victor's campaign: make checks payable to "LasPeñitas Inc." and mail to P.O. Box 739, Bronx, NY 10454.

Manifestacion, Viernes, 18 de enero, 2008, a las 9 AM
Alto a la Deportacion del activista neoyorkino Victor Toro
26 Federal Plaza en Manhattan (esquina de Worth Street & Lafayette St)

La audiencia de Victor ante el juez de inmigracion Paul DeFonzo es programado para el viernes 18 de enero, a las 9am, en 26 Federal Plaza en Manhattan. Por favor venga a apoyarlo, y ayudenos a enviar el mensaje: Victor pertenece a nuestras comunidades, su casa es aca en NYC!

Victor Toro es un chileno quien fue encarcelado y torturado en ese pais por su oposicion al gobierno ilegitimo del dictador Pinochet (1973-1990). Durante mas de 23 años, Victor y su esposa Nieves Ayress (tambien sobreviviente de torturas bajo el regimen de Pinochet) han estado viviendo en la ciudad de Nueva York e involucrados en la lucha social en el Sur del Bronx, donde fundaron Vamos a La Peña, una organizacion comunitaria sin fines de lucro que ha sirvido como espacio de libre expresion y poder popular para los trabajadores indocumentados y otra gente marginada de esa comunidad. El pasado 6 de julio, 2007, Victor Toro fue arrestado por la Patrulla Fronteriza, agencia del Departamento de "Seguridad de Patria" de EEUU, mientras viajaba en un tren de Amtrak pasando por la ciudad deRochester, New York. Fue liberado bajo fianza el 9 de julio y ahora busca asilo politico con ayuda de su equipo legal. Su esposa Nieves es ciudadana estadounidense; su hija, Rosita Toro, es residente permanente legal

Piquetes en apoyo a Victor Toro se llevan a cabo cada viernes (cuando el clima permite) desde 12:00 mediodia hasta la 1pm afuera del edificio federal en Manhattan, esquina noreste, calle Worth con calle Lafayette.(El dia 18, dia de la manifestacion, no habra piquete al mediodia.) Para mas informacion: contactese con el Comite de Defensa de Victor Toro: 718-292-6137, 212-631-7555, 646-291-2778,,,

Para enviar una donacion a la campaña de Victor: escriba su cheque a nombre de "Las Peñitas Inc." y envielo al P.O. Box 739, Bronx, NY 10454.