Thursday, December 04, 2008

Free Jonatan

ELP has been asked to circulate the details of a new support campaign set up
for the 20-year old Swedish eco-activist, Jonatan.

Jonatan is currently on bail, awaiting sentencing, having admitted 1)
damaging a communication tower used by the Department of Defence, 2) cutting
the cables on a crane used in creating urban sprawl, and 3) damaging a
vehicle used in the logging industry.

It has yet to be decided if he will face charges for having material which
could be used in the preparation of sabotage.

At this stage it is unknown what sort of sentence Jonatan might receive and
Jonatan is feeling very nervous about what might happen to him. He has
already spent one month on remand whilst awaiting his trial and there is a
very real possibility he may be returning to prison very soon.

To enable people to send messages of support to Jonatan an e-mail address
has been set up for him. Please send messages of support to

Jonatan reads and writes English very well and really does appreciate every
message of support he receives. We therefore urge everyone to support