Latest submitted events

Two tents in the center of Chisinau


CNSM will erect on 7 October 2010 two tents in the center of Chisinau where representatives of the Confederation will provide information and give publicity on CMSM’s position with respect to the labour relations issues, will (...)

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Enlarged session of CNSM Confederal Committee


On 7 October 2010, National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova (CNSM) will hold an enlarged session of the Confederal Committee attended also by representatives of social partners, ILO National Coordinator in Moldova and NGO’s. The (...)

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Meeting of CNSM Women’s structure with Health Minister


On 29 September the CNSM Women’s structure discussed health insurance issues. This event opens the sequence of actions in framework of the WDDW 2010.

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Flashmob: Estibadores exigen trabajo decente


Bajo la consigna “Nuestros derechos no son Basura” estudiantes universitarios y estibadores de la Federación de Estibadores y Transportistas Terrestres tomaron el usaron el concurrido Jirón de la Unión para realizar un “Flashmob” para (...)

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Stand up for Decent Work

United Kingdom

Join the TUC on 7 October for a night of comedy, politics and music to celebrate the World Day for Decent Work. Presented by Philosophy Football, “Stand up for Decent Work” features the brilliant comedy of Shappi Khorsandi star of Just a (...)

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"Rethinking – Regearing – Overcoming the crisis"


Moderation: Albert Eckert 10.30 Opening Sharan Burrow (General Secretary IGB) 10.45 A New Deal for Europe Input: Prof. Dr. Gesine Schwan, HUMBOLDT-VIADRINA School of Governance Prof. Dr. Stephan Schulmeister, Economics (...)

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3 weeks ago - Vivianps (Vivian Perpétuo): RT @csa_tuca: A CSA preparou um video sobre a Jornada pelo Trabalho Decente no Brasil #wddw ajude a divulgar e dê RT

3 weeks ago - DaniOrtega13 (Dani): RT: @csa_tuca: Celebration en Haiti de la Journee Mondiale pour le Travail Decent #wddw

3 weeks ago - DaniOrtega13 (Dani): RT: @csa_tuca: Haití: La juventud movilizada en la Jornada Mundial por el Trabajo Decente #wddw

3 weeks ago - csa_tuca (CSA TUCA): Celebration en Haiti de la Journee Mondiale pour le Travail Decent #wddw

3 weeks ago - csa_tuca (CSA TUCA): Haití: La juventud movilizada en la Jornada Mundial por el Trabajo Decente #wddw

3 weeks ago - RicardoPatah (Ricardo Patah): RT @UGT_BRASIL: RT @csa_tuca: A CSA preparou um video sobre a Jornada pelo Trabalho Decente no Brasil #wddw -

3 weeks ago - andersonscampos (Anderson Campos): RT @csa_tuca TUCA has made a video about the Word Day for Decent Work in Brazil help to spread the word retweet #wddw

3 weeks ago - UGT_BRASIL (UGT): RT @csa_tuca: A CSA preparou um video sobre a Jornada pelo Trabalho Decente no Brasil #wddw ajude a divulgar e dê RT

3 weeks ago - UGT_BRASIL (UGT): RT @csa_tuca: TUCA has made a video about the Word Day for Decent Work in Brazil help to spread the word retweet #wddw