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Meredith Bragg | October 29

Corpses, Crimes, and Comic Books

Greg Beato | November 2010

Old Testament justice in the horror comics of the ’50s

By the Book

Greg Beato | October 28

How telephone directories transformed America

Killer Queen

Kurt Loder | October 28

Lisbeth Salander wraps things up in The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest. Where are the Jobs? The Parallels between Today and the Great Depression

October 28

Are We All Friedmanites Now?

Penn Bullock | October 28

The Fed is using Milton Friedman’s theories to justify gigantic interventions in the world market.

Plastic Water Bottles Won't Hurt You

John Stossel | October 28

Ignore the junk science and follow the facts.

The Incumbent Protection Racket

Steve Chapman | October 28

How gerrymandering hurts democracy

"Secret Money from God Knows Where"

Katherine Mangu-Ward | October 27

Campaign cash and finger-pointing in the post-Citizens United era Libertarian Party Candidate Dale Ogden on the California Governor's Race

October 27

Not Paying Attention? You Wish

David Harsanyi | October 27

Tea Partiers have their eyes open. That's why they're mad.

Division Dividends

Jacob Sullum | October 27

Two-party control is better than the alternative, but not much.

Will a Republican Congress Knock Science Back Into the Stone Age?

Ronald Bailey | October 26

Predicting the effect of a victory for the G.O.P. "know-nothing flat-earthers" on science policy Prop 21 - Why Californians don't need a car tax to save their state parks

October 26

China Bashing Is for Losers

Shikha Dalmia | October 26

Trade sanctions won't heal the American economy

Strange Love

Jacob Sullum | November 2010

How I learned to stop worrying and embrace the equal protection argument for gay marriage The Big Government Conspiracy - Q&A with Steve Malanga

October 25

Reasontv: Porker of The Month for October 2010 - Debbie Wasserman Shultz!

October 25

More Democracy, More Incarceration

Radley Balko | October 25

The devastating mix of politics and crime policy

Obama's False Alarm on Corporate Electioneering

Steve Chapman | October 25

Understanding the president's attacks on Citizens United

The Man Who Could Really Fire Pelosi

Brian Doherty | October 22

Meet John Dennis, Nancy Pelosi's anti-war, pro-civil liberties, pro-gay rights Republican opponent

Radio Theater

Jesse Walker | October 22

An all-star gallery of Republican politicians say they want to defund National Public Radio. We've heard that line before.

The Original Mad Man

Greg Beato | November 2010

Advertising genius Albert Lasker transformed America.

Friday Funnies

Henry Payne | October 22

Obama's energy agenda

The Government’s License to Steal

Radley Balko | November 2010

Indiana’s law barring police departments from enriching themselves through asset forfeiture would be more effective if it weren’t ignored. Author Zack Lynch on How Neuroscience Will Change the World

October 21

Public-Sector Unions Choke Taxpayers

John Stossel | October 21

It's time for reform.

Fighting Censorship for Profit

Manuel Klausner & C. Ronald Kimberling | October 1975

An interview with Bob Guccione

Rahm's Residence and the Appeal of Absent Pols

Steve Chapman | October 21

Does it matter if politicians live in the places they represent?

October 2010
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