Growing Freedom...........

...............In Our Midst

Anarchist Eco-Village

The Lardeau Eco-village is an inspiration to form an intentional community in the West Kootenay of BC at Meadow Creek. The eco-village will be based upon the social possibilities of shared land and shared economy. in a consensual and non-authoritarian process The object is to build an autonomous community based on egalitarian principles and a life style that is integrated into the surrounding ecology through appropriatetechnology. Agriculture, productive work, and social li ving activities will all be considered of equivalent importance. The aim is to value participation and constructive energy of each participant as being more important than money values or what property anybody owns. Find out more at Lardeau Eco-village or email: dimar -at-

Black Ink Society

An anarchist cultural group that networks between anarchist writers and poets and does public readings and performanences of anarchist inspired art, at coffee houses and public venues. To contact this group, or find out the schedual of upcoming events, contact Any Time Now.

Van Isle IWW

Vancouver Island has an IWW branch, the first in who knows how many years. There is also a blog to keep folks informed of branch activities and other stuff of interest to working people. See: Van Isle IWW