Defend The RNC8! Dismiss the Charges!

Defend The RNC8! Dismiss the Charges!

  • signatures:
  • signature goal: 3,000
We the undersigned call for the dismissal of the charge of "Conspiracy to
Riot in Furtherance of Terrorism," which you have filed against the RNC 8,
activists involved in organizing protests at the 2008 Republican National
Convention. This use of a conspiracy charge seeks to punish political
speech and thought. Labeling these members of our community as
"terrorists" sets a dangerous national precedent for persecuting political
activists, threatens political dissent, and greatly distorts the concepts
of violence and terrorism. We demand the dismissal of these charges and
condemn the use of police state tactics of infiltration, surveillance, and
militarization of our streets and community to suppress demonstrations and dissent.

we signed "Defend The RNC8! Dismiss the Charges!"

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