Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Write the Warden for Marie Mason!

Hey All,

As many of you know Marie has been having problems receiving Vegan meals
since entering in the Federal system almost a year ago.

We recently received a phone call from Marie during which she asked that
friends and supporters write the new warden at Waseca and politely
request she be given consistent and nutritionally adequate vegan meals. The hope
is that with the help of outside support the new Warden will be more
understanding of her situation then his previous counterpart.

A sample letter is included below.

In the Struggle,
Got Your Back Collective

Warden Ricardo Rios
P.O. Box 1731
Waseca, MN 56093

Dear Warden Rios,

I am writing this letter concerning Marie Mason, #04672-061, who has
requested the prison provide her with vegan meals to meet her health and
dietary needs. I strongly encourage you to grant this request.

Marie has been committed to a vegan diet in accordance with her
personal, moral and spiritual beliefs for many years. Like many vegans, she
considers her diet to be an essential part of her life and spirituality.

While incarcerated at Waseca, Marie has remained committed to a vegan
diet, but has been unable to receive proper nutrition. She has been
experiencing bouts of dizziness, nose bleeds, fatigue, and severe
pain in her hands. All symptoms associated with an inadequate vegan diet. I
fear that unless the prison provides her with an adequate vegan diet, she
will remain malnourished and her health may continue to suffer.

Please grant Marie’s request for a vegan diet. Thank you for your
consideration in this matter.


For the latest updates see

Ojore is out and amongst friends

January 29, 2010 by denverabc

Ojore was bailed out at 9:30pm last night and is now among friends and
comrades in Denver. Thanks to everyone that helped make that possible.

Bond was posted at the cost of $4,500. This cost has been fronted by
various amazing folks from across the country, but much of this money is
being loaned. Ojore is in major need of donations to help pay these loans

The Philadelphia Anarchist Black Cross Federation is accepting donations
for this effort. Donations can be sent via paypal to:

Ojore’s court date will be February 5th. Urgent support is needed as the
media is already starting a major war against Ojore and painting him as a
terrorist operative. We need lots of support for him and this case, as it
will become a major case in the state’s battle against the anarchist
movement. Denver ABCF will be organizing a car pool so supporters can pack
the courtroom to show solidarity with Ojore on the 5th. If you want a ride
or can offer a vehicle for this effort, please e-mail Denver ABCF at

Detroit Imam Shot 21 Times by FBI


CAIR: Autopsy Shows Mich. Imam Shot 21 Times, Handcuffed
Muslim civil rights group repeats call for independent probe of FBI shooting

(WASHINGTON, D.C., 1/30/10) ­ The Council on
American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) today
reiterated its call for an independent
investigation into the death of a Michigan imam,
or Islamic religious leader, who a leaked autopsy
report has revealed was shot 21 times and then
handcuffed during an October FBI raid in Detroit.

Details of Slain Imam's Autopsy (Fox)

CAIR, other civil liberties groups and Rep. John
Conyers (D-MI), who is chairman of the House
Judiciary Committee, have all called for an
investigation into the death of Imam Luqman Ameen
Abdullah. Earlier this month, Conyers sent a
letter to Attorney General Eric Holder to ask the
Justice Department's civil rights division to
investigate both the October shooting and whether
the FBI violated the Constitution by using
informants in mosques. A report detailing the
imam's autopsy is scheduled for official release on Monday.

in Imam Shooting to be Released Monday (Detroit News)
FBI Case on Imam (Detroit Free Press)

"The shocking details of the imam's autopsy raise
a number of disturbing questions that need to be
answered," said Dawud Walid, executive director
of CAIR's Michigan chapter. "First of all, did
the FBI agents follow established procedure when
they shot the imam 21 times? How was the imam
shot in the back? Was it proper procedure to
handcuff either a dead body or a mortally-wounded
suspect? If the agents found the imam alive
following the shooting, did they call for medical
assistance? All these questions need answers."

CAIR is America's largest Muslim civil liberties
and advocacy organization. Its mission is to
enhance the understanding of Islam, encourage
dialogue, protect civil liberties, empower
American Muslims, and build coalitions that
promote justice and mutual understanding.

- END -

CONTACT: CAIR-MI Executive Director Dawud Walid,
248-842-1418, 248-559-2247, E-Mail:; CAIR National Communications
Director Ibrahim Hooper, 202-488-8787 or
202-744-7726, E-Mail:; CAIR
Communications Coordinator Amina Rubin,
202-488-8787 or 202-341-4171, E-Mail:

Autopsy: Detroit Imam Shot 20 Times at FBI Raid

Updated: Monday, 01 Feb 2010, 9:53 PM EST
Published : Monday, 01 Feb 2010, 12:29 PM EST

Associated Press Writer

DETROIT (AP) -- A Muslim prayer leader accused of
encouraging his followers to commit violence
against the U.S. government was shot 20 times
during an FBI raid at a suburban warehouse last
fall, according to an autopsy report released Monday.

The autopsy was completed a month after Luqman
Ameen Abdullah's death, but Dearborn police were
granted a delay in releasing the results while
they investigate the Oct. 28 shooting, said Dr.
Carl Schmidt, Wayne County's chief medical examiner.

Abdullah, 53, died instantly, he said. The FBI
says agents were trying to arrest Abdullah at a
Dearborn warehouse when he resisted and fired a gun.

Schmidt said Abdullah's body was handcuffed and
on the floor of a semitrailer when his
investigator arrived at the shooting scene.

"You cannot tell by the gunshot wounds whether he
was lying down, standing up, sitting" when he was
shot, Schmidt told reporters. "It is impossible
to say which one was the fatal gunshot wound. It
was a combination of gunshot wounds."

FBI spokeswoman Sandra Berchtold said anyone
subject to an arrest warrant is handcuffed "no
matter what the circumstances" for the safety of agents and the public.

Abdullah, also known as Christopher Thomas, was
the imam of a small mosque in Detroit that served
mostly black Muslims. At the time, he and 11
allies were being pursued for federal crimes,
chiefly conspiracy to sell stolen goods in an FBI sting operation.

The FBI says Abdullah was spreading a radical
anti-government ideology that called for an
Islamic state within the U.S. His family denies
it. There were no terror-related charges.

Dearborn police still are investigating
Abdullah's death. Earlier Monday, Chief Ron
Haddad said it will take several more weeks
before detectives finish their work and share
their findings with the Michigan attorney general's office.

"I'm not going to engage in opinions on the use
of force," Haddad said when asked if agents fired
too many times. "Whether it clears them, whether
they're prosecuted, it'll be up to the next level."

He promised a "clear, honest and objective evaluation."

The shooting also is being examined by the FBI's
Inspection Division, which will send results to
the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division,
said Berchtold, who called it a standard procedure.

"This is one piece of information from that day,"
she said of the 20 shots. "We'd like to ask
people to wait for all the facts to come out to
determine an overall reaction. The events that
actually occurred in the warehouse have not been publicized."

The chairman of the House Judiciary Committee,
U.S. Rep. John Conyers, D-Mich., and the Michigan
chapter of the Council on American-Islamic
Relations want a separate investigation. Outside
the Dearborn Police Department, a small group of
protesters stood near a sign that said, "Stop FBI Terror!"

A lawyer for Abdullah's family, Nabih Ayad, questioned the FBI's tactics.

"A lot of raids are conducted when a suspect has
a gun. That doesn't mean you shoot them 20 times," Ayad said in an interview.

Schmidt said the 20 shots caused 21 wounds,
mostly on the left side of Abdullah's body, from the abdomen down.

Freedom Archives
522 Valencia Street
San Francisco, CA 94110

415 863-9977

Defending Our Lives Movie Showing in Cleveland

Updated location:

When:Saturday, February 27, 2010 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM EST (End Time Estimated)

Cleveland ABC presents:
Defending Our Lives
a movie by survivors of domestic violence
Denison Ave. UCC - 9900 Denison Ave.

Hosted by:
cleveland anarchist black cross

DescriptionSaturday, February 27th - 7pm
Cleveland ABC presents:
Defending Our Lives
a movie by survivors of domestic violence
Denison Ave. UCC - 9900 Denison Ave.

The movie Defending Our Lives is a collection of interviews with women
who have survived abusive relationships.
The women talk about the experiences they endured --
violence, death threats, stalking, as well as unhelpful interactions
with the police. The movie was put together by a group which is
working for amnesty for women who, in self-defense, killed the men who
were abusing them; many of the women in the movie are in prison. So
the documentary also discusses the response of the legal system to
women in this situation -- who have tried to defend themselves when
their lives were in peril.

The movie will be followed by a brief discussion, to air feelings that
are brought up by the film.

U.S. citizens arrested for asking Oaxaca governor about Brad Will's murder Jan 31st, 2010


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Three U.S. tourists and one Uruguayan citizen were arrested in Oaxaca
City on Thursday January 28 after approaching Ulises Ruiz in the
city's zocalo and asking him about the murder of Indymedia activist
Brad Will.

Press Release Oaxaca January 30, 2010
On Thursday January 28, at around 9 p.m. Andrea Caraballo, Guadalupe
Rodriguez Lopez, James Wells and Jennifer Lawhorne were eating ice cream
in the zocalo of Oaxaca. At that time, one of us recognized the face of
the governor of Oaxaca who was about nine feet away from us. As a friend
of Brad Will, a U.S. journalist who was killed in Oaxaca in 2006, one of
us took advantage of the governor's presence to ask him about the case of
Mr. Will, which to this day remains unresolved. We didn't receive a
response from the governor who continued walking and we continued
strolling in the zocalo with our ice creams. Five minutes later, between
six and eight police agents, some in official uniform and others dressed
in plainclothes, surrounded us, demanding to see our identifications and
made us walk with them to a municipal police truck. While the police
forced us to get into the back of the truck, we asked them why they were
taking us away and to where they were going to take us. The police refused
to give us any information. We were actually very afraid and worried for
our safety.

After traveling for half an hour, we arrived at the police headquarters of
Santa Maria Coyotepec, located outside of the Oaxaca city limits.. Once we
entered, the police took photographs of us and asked us questions. We
demanded the presence of an attorney, which was denied by the police
officials. We spent an hour there surrounded by police, faces covered with
ski masks, who humiliated and threatened us. Later, the police put us once
again in the police truck and without telling us to where we were going,
we left the headquarters. The truck stopped about half a block away from
the state General Procuradaria of Justice (PGJO in its letters in
Spanish), the police ordered us to leave our belongings in the darkness of
the street and when we refused to do that, they insisted by threatening us
for half an hour while recording us with video. After entering the offices
of the PGJO, the police ordered us to leave our belongings with them and
that we make a declaration one by one without the presence of an attorney.
We remained firm that we weren't going to do anything until our attorney

After waiting for more than an hour, we were taken to a room where we
supposedly were going to make a call to our lawyer. While in the room, a
police officer read to us a document explaining our charges and to our
surprise we were accused of scuffling and causing harm to two police
agents. In that document, our arrest was ordered and without making the
call to our lawyer, we were pushed and dragged out of the room, while
twisting the wrist of one of us. That's how we were taken to the jail
cells at 12:30 in the morning. At 1:30, we were allowed to see a lawyer,
Jesus Alfredo Lopez Garcia, who we agreed to be our legal representative.
From then on we knew that were going to spend the night in jail.
Throughout the night, the police continued to intimidate us, asking us why
we were there. We continued to state that we didn't do anything to cause
our incarceration because we never committed any crime. Confused, we did
our best to sleep on the cold jail floor.

The next day, Friday January 29, we learned that the gravity of charges
that had been filed against us had increased. One of us was taken to make
a statement when she learned that we were being accused of assaulting two
police officers and damaging a police radio valued at about $3000 (USD).
We continued to demand our right to not make a statement. At around 4
p.m., our attorney informed us that for a lack of evidence, we were going
to be set free without charges and without having to pay bail, under the
provision of passing through a review with officials from National
Immigration Institute. Upon arrival at the federal immigration offices
located in the center of the city, we presented our passports and visas
and shortly we were allowed to walk free.

After learning about the situation, the U.S. consul, Mark Leyes, invited
us to visit him at his office the same evening and told us that he was
sorry for what had happened to us. We would like to thank the attorney
Jesus Alfredo Lopez Garcia from the Mexican Protectorate for Human Rights,
our friends and family members for all of their support and care.

Andrea Caraballo, Guadalupe Rodriguez Lopez Jennifer Lawhorne and Jimmy Wells

Monday, February 01, 2010

Urgent-Ramp up letter writing campaign for Carlos Alberto Torres

Date: Mon, 1 Feb 2010

Dear Friends,

Here is some information regarding Carlos Alberto Torres, a Puerto Rican political
prisoner finishing his 29th year of incarceration. I have visited him in jail many
times and can vouch for his strength of moral character. Please consider signing the
attached support letter -- we need to bring him home!
Thank you very much for your consideration!

Nozomi Ikuta
216 624-6781

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Alejandro Molina>

Hi all:

Below is the article on Carlos Alberto parole hearing January 19 . We are ramping up
the campaign with a revised letter to the Parole Commission and have set goal of
10,000 letters within 30 days! We need to put the pressure on the parole commission
to release Carlos Alberto and this is a historic opportunity to help bring Carlos
Alberto home to us.

Please distribute far and wide. This is a new letter, so even if your friends,
families, supporters have signed one already, they need to sign another one, and if
possible send us a copy. The new letter is also attached below.

for the National Boricua Human Rights Network

Puerto Rican Political Prisoner Carlos Alberto Torres: Parole Hearing

On January 19, 2010, Carlos Alberto Torres attended a video hearing presided over
by a U.S. Parole Commission hearing examiner whose task was to consider the
disciplinary charges stemming from last January, and to make a recommendation for
what should happen with respect to his request to be released on parole. Carlos
Alberto answered the questions posed, and his attorney Jan Susler asked that the
Parole Commission release him on parole as previously recommended, regardless of
the wrongful charges. She pointed out the vast, ongoing support for his release,
and argued that there is absolutely no risk in releasing him, as evidenced by the
impressive example of his compatriots who were released by presidential commutation
in 1999. The hearing examiner then made a favorable recommendation. The Parole
Commission will make the final decision, hopefully within the next 30 days. There
is still time to write to the Parole Commission to urge them to release Carlos
Alberto. A sample letter can be found at

Alejandro Luis Molina
Skype: alejandromann

Coordinating Committee

National Boricua Human Rights Network

2739 W. Division Street
Chicago IL 60622
twitter: olrcat

Comité Pro-Derechos Humanos

Emergency Fundraising Event for Political Prisoner Ojore Lutalo!

Emergency Fundraising Event for Political Prisoner Ojore Lutalo!

Ojore Lutalo, a former New Afrikan Anarchist political prisoner and member of the
Anarchist Black Cross Federation, was arrested while on his way home from the Los
Angeles Anarchist Bookfair. He was charged with “endangering transportation” and is
facing 2 to 20 years in prison if convicted. Ojore’s crime was that he was overheard
reporting back his experiences at the bookfair to another member of the Anarchist
Black Cross Federation. A fundraising event will take place:







735: Support Carlos Alberto Torres

We have 735; we need 265 more to make our goal! SIGN THIS PETITION AND FORWARD IT

Puerto Rican Political Prisoner Carlos Alberto Torres: Parole Hearing
On January 19, 2010, Carlos Alberto Torres attended a video hearing presided over by
a U.S. Parole Commission hearing examiner whose task was to consider the
disciplinary charges stemming from last January, and to make a recommendation for
what should happen with respect to his request to be released on parole. Carlos
Alberto answered the questions posed, and his attorney Jan Susler asked that the
Parole Commission release him on parole as previously recommended, regardless of the
wrongful charges. She pointed out the vast, ongoing support for his release, and
argued that there is absolutely no risk in releasing him, as evidenced by the
impressive example of his compatriots who were released by presidential commutation
in 1999. The hearing examiner then made a favorable recommendation. The Parole
Commission will make the final decision, hopefully within the next 30 days.

The ProLibertad Freedom Campaign is launching a 30 day online petition campaign! We
want 1000 people to sign our petition within the next 30 days showing their support
for Carlos Alberto Torres.

At the end of the thirty days the petition will be mailed to the Parole Commissioner.

Sign this petition and forward it out to everyone you know!

Support the Eco-Prisoners (February 2010)

Spirit of Freedom
(February 2010)
Produced by

"The whole experience has been tough, but all the kind and strengthening
and wise thoughts from strangers made it much easier!"
(Former Swedish Animal Rights Prisoner)

Welcome to the February 2010 edition of Spirit of Freedom. As ELP goes to
print we sadly do not have a prison address for the American, Justin Solondz
who is serving 3 years in China and will, at the end of that sentence, be
deported to America where he is wanted for questioning in connection to an
FBI investigation that led to the ELF/ALF Oregon and Washington Trials.

ELP is also sad to report that new prisoners continue to join our lists all
the time. In Britain Lewis Pogson has been jailed for his involvement in a
raid on a rabbit farm (see Animal Liberation Prisoners list for details).
Whilst in Mexico three young people Carlos Orozco, Abraham López Martínez
and Fermín Gómez Trejo have been arrested accused of ELF style activity. A
fourth Mexican teenager has been confined to his parents house whilst a
fifth Mexican teenager is said to be "on the run". Sadly, following his
arrest, Carlos Orozco may of given information to the police about Abraham
and Fermin. Therefore ELP is listing Abraham and Fermin as prisoners, but
we are not supporting Orozco. ELP understands that following their arrests
there have been a number of eco-sabotage actions carried out, in Mexico, in
solidarity with the prisoners.

More bad news arrived in December when ELP learnt about three murders in
Nueva Trinidad. In December 2009, less than a week apart, Ramiro Rivera,
Felícita Echevarría, and Dora 'Alicia' Recinos, who were leading anti-mining
activist were gunned down by unidentified assassins. Alicia was 8 months
pregnant at the time of her murder and sadly her unborn child also died.
ELP's thoughts are with all of their families and friends and this
newsletter is dedicated to their memories.

But as well as the bad news, there was also good news recently involving
prisoner releases across the world, including the release of Jeff "Free"
Luers. Yes, nearly 10 years after ELP first listed him, Jeff "Free" Luers
has released from prison. This is brilliant news and we wish him all the
best for his future.

But as we smile at the knowledge that Jeff is free, let us not forget all
the other prisoners who remain locked up away from their friends and loved
ones. All of the prisoners listed below welcome letters of support. So
please, regardless of what languages you speak and regardless of where you
live in the world, please support the eco-prisoners and no compromise in
defence of Mother Earth!

If anyone notices any of ELP's prisoner details is out of date or we do not
list a prisoner who we should list, please let ELP know as soon as possible.
ELP is run by a small group of volunteers and although we try to ensure our
lists are accurate, we admit we do make mistakes. So help us help keep the
lists accurate by letting us know of any changes we need to make.


Grant Barnes #137563, San Carlos Correctional Facility, PO Box 3, Pueblo, CO
81002, USA. Serving 12 years for setting fire to a number of SUV vehicles.
The letters ELF were spray painted onto all of the vehicles. (Grant is a

Nathan Block, #36359-086, FCI Lompoc, Federal Correctional Institution, 3600
Guard Road, Lompoc, CA 93436, USA. Serving 7 years & 8 months for an ELF
arson against a Poplar Tree Farm and an ELF arson against an SUV dealership.
Also admitted his role in an ELF/ALF conspiracy. (Diet unknown).

Marco Camenisch, Postfach 3143, CH-8105 Regensdorf, Switzerland. Serving 18
years. 1) Ten years for using explosives to destroy electricity pylons
leading from nuclear power stations. 2) Eight years for the murder of a
Swiss Boarder Guard whilst on the run. In '02 Marco completed a 12-year
sentence in Italy for destroying electricity pylons in Italy. (Marco is a
meat eater who encourages organic living).

Niall Harnett, Castlerea Prison, Harristown, Castlerea, Co. Roscommon,
Republic of Ireland. Severing 4 months for non-payment of a fine. The fine
was issued following Maura's involvement in an anti-Shell petrol company
protest. (Diet unknown).

Maura Harringon, Dochas Centre, Mountjoy Gaol, North Circular Road, Dublin
7, Republic of Ireland. Severing 8 months for non-payment of a fine. The
fine was issued following Maura's involvement in an anti-Shell petrol
company protest. (Diet unknown).

Leonardo Landi, Carcere San Michele, Via Casale, 50/A, 15122 San Michele
(AL), Italy. Il Silvestre activist awaiting trial accused of robbery.
(Leonardo is a vegetarian).

Marie Jeanette Mason, #04672-061, FCI Waseca, Federal Correctional
Institution, PO Box 1731, Waseca, MN 56093, USA. Serving 21 years and 10
months for her involvement in an ELF arson against a University building
carrying out Genetically Modified crop tests. Marie also pleaded guilty to
conspiring to carry out ELF actions and admitted involvement in 12 other ELF
actions. (Marie is a vegan).

Abraham López Martínez (Jailed in Mexico). E-mail letters of support to On remand accused of a series of ELF style activities
against various trucks and businesses. (Abraham is a vegan)

Eric McDavid, 16209-097, FCI Victorville, Medium II, Federal Correctional
Institution, PO Box 5300, Adelanto, CA 92301, USA. Serving 19 years & 7
months for planning to destroy the property of the U.S. Forestry Service,
mobile phone masts and power plants. At the point of his arrest no criminal
damage has actually occurred. (Eric is a vegan).

Daniel McGowan, 63794-053, USP Marion, US Penitentiary, PO Box 1000, Marion,
IL 62959, USA. Serving 7 years for an ELF arson against a Poplar Tree Farm
and an ELF arson against an old growth logging corporation. Also admitted
his role in an ELF/ALF conspiracy. (Daniel is a vegetarian).

Steve Murphy 0910300841, Central Detention Center, 630 East Rialto Ave, San
Bernardino, CA 92408, USA. Awaiting sentencing after admitting Conspiracy
to Commit Arson following an attempted arson at a town house construction
site in 2006. The action was claimed under the banner of the ELF. (Steve
is a vegan).

Jonathan Paul - See details in Animal Liberation Prisoners List.

Justin Solondz (Address Unknown - China). American Green Scare defendant
accused of direct action activity in America. Serving 3 years in China for
drugs related offences then due to be deported back to America. His exact
prison location is currently unknown. (Diet unknown).

Jonatan Strandberg, Box 248, 59323, Västervik, Sweden. Serving 15 months
imprisonment after admitting damaging a communication tower used by the
Department of Defence, cutting the cables on a crane used in creating urban
sprawl, and damaging a vehicle used in the logging industry. (Jonatan is a
diabetic and follows a paleo diet, demanding locally sourced food).

Michael Sykes 696693, Richard A. Handlon Correctional Facility, 1728
Bluewater Highway, Ionia, MI 48846, USA. Serving four to ten years for
anti-sprawl arsons, criminal damage to a utility pole, spray-painting
political graffiti and burning the American flag. (Diet unknown)

Fermín Gómez Trejo (Jailed in Mexico). E-mail letters of support to On remand accused of a series of ELF style activities
against various trucks and businesses. (Fermin is a vegetarian)

Briana Waters 36432-086, FCI Danbury, Federal Correctional Institution,
Route 37, Danbury, CT 06811, USA. Serving six years for involvement in an
ELF arson on a University. (Diet unknown).

Joyanna Zacher, #36360-086, FCI Dublin, 5700 8th St.- Camp Parks- Unit F,
Dublin, CA 94568, USA. Serving 7 years & 8 months for an ELF arson against
a Poplar Tree Farm and an ELF arson against an SUV dealership. Also
admitted her role in an ELF/ALF conspiracy. (Diet unknown).

(All Animal Liberation Prisoners follow a minimum vegetarian diet and most
are vegan).

Jonny Ablewhite TB4885, H.M. Prison, Hewell Lane, Redditch, Worcs B97 6QS,
England. Serving 12 years for attempting to blackmail a farmer who supplied
guinea pigs for vivisection. (Jon is a vegan).

Dan Amos VN7818, HMP Guys Marsh, Shaftesbury, Dorset, SP7 0AH, England.
Serving 4 years for conspiracy to blackmail Huntingdon Life Sciences. (Dan
is a vegan)

Gregg Avery TA7450, HMP Coldingley, Shaftesbury Road, Bisley, Woking, Surrey
GU24 9EX, England. Serving 9 years for conspiracy to blackmail Huntingdon
Life Sciences. (Gregg is a vegan).

Natasha Avery NR8987, HMP Send, Ripley Road, Woking, Surrey, GU23 7LJ,
England. Serving 9 years for conspiracy to blackmail Huntingdon Life
Sciences. (Nat is a vegan).

Mel Broughton A3892AE, HMP Frankland, Brasside, Durham, County Durham DH1
5YD, England. Serving 10 years for "conspiracy to commit arson" against
Oxford University vivisection department. (Mel is a vegan).

Lauren Gazzola #93497-011, FCI Danbury, Federal Correctional Institution,
Route #37Danbury, CT 06811, USA. Serving 54 months imprisonment for helping
organise the SHAC-USA campaign. (Lauren is a vegan).

Alex Hall, Inmate #2009-06304, Davis County Jail, 800 West State St.,
Farmington, UT 84025, USA. On Remand accused of raiding a mink farm. Also
accused of breaching bail conditions whilst on bail. (William is a vegan).

Kevin Kjonaas #93502-011, FCI Sandstone, PO Box 1000, Sandstone, MN 55072
USA. Serving 72 months imprisonment for helping organise the SHAC-USA
campaign. (Kevin is a vegan).

Daniel McGowan - See details in Eco Defence Prisoners List.

Gavin Medd-Hall WV9475, HMP Coldingley, Shaftesbury Road, Bisley, Woking,
Surrey GU24 9EX, England. Serving 8 years for conspiracy to blackmail
Huntingdon Life Sciences. (Gavin is a vegan).

Heather Nicholson A3158AJ, HMP Foston Hall, Foston, Derby, Derbyshire, DE65
5DN, England. Serving 11 years for conspiracy to blackmail Huntingdon Life
Sciences. (Heather is a vegan).

Kevin Olliff, #1300931, TTCF 161 D-Pod, 450 Bauchet St., Los Angeles, CA
90012, USA. On remand accused of stalking as well as conspiracy and criminal
threats towards UCLA vivisectors and a company linked to vivisection.
(Kevin is a vegan).

Jonathan Paul, #07167-085, FCI Phoenix, Federal Correctional Institution,
37910 N 45th Ave., Phoenix, AZ 85086, USA. Sentenced to 51 months for an
ALF arson on a horse meat plant. Also admitted his role in an ELF/ALF
conspiracy. (Jonathan is a vegan).

Lewis Pogson A6454AK, HMP Lincoln, 106 Greetwell Road, Lincoln, LN2 4BD,
England. Serving 3 years for rescuing 129 rabbits from Highgate Farm.
(Lewis is a vegan).

Stergio Stefani - See Other Political Prisoner List.

William James Viehl, Inmate #2009-05735, Davis County Jail, 800 West State
St., Farmington, UT 84025, USA. Awaiting sentencing having pleaded guilty
to raiding a mink farm. He is due to be sentenced in December. (William is
a vegan).

Nicole Vosper VM9385, HMP Bronzefield, Woodhthorpe Road, Ashford, Middx,
TW15 3JZ, England. On remand accused of blackmailing Huntingdon Life
Sciences. (Nicole is a vegan).

Dan Wadham, A5705AA, HMP Camp Hill, Newport, Isle of Wight, PO30 5PB,
England. Serving 5 years for conspiracy to blackmail Huntingdon Life
Sciences. (Dan is a vegan).

Kerry Whitburn TB4886, HMP Lowdham Grange, Lowdham, Nottingham, NG14 7DA,
England. Serving 12 years for attempting to blackmail a farmer who supplied
guinea pigs for vivisection. (Kerry is a vegan).

Sarah Whitehead, VM7684, HMP Bronzefield, Woodthorpe Road, Ashford, Middx,
TW15 3JZ, England. Serving two years for: 1) rescuing a puppy from horrific
conditions. 2) rescuing over 100 animals from a pet breeder who was later
prosecuted for animal abuse. Also awaiting trial for SHAC activity. (Sarah
is a vegan)

The following people have been jailed for refusing to testify before Grand
Juries in America which are investigating ALF & ELF activity.

Carolyn Feldman, Washington County Jail., 2185 Lexington Blvd. PO Box 6,
Washington, IA 52353, USA. (Diet unknown).


Helen Woodson, 03231-045, FMC Carswell - Admin. Max. Unit, POB 27137, Ft.
Worth, TX 76127, USA. Serving 8 years 10 months for actions that focused
on the interrelationship of war & the destruction of the natural world. The
actions included pouring red paint over the security desk of a federal court
and making threatening communications. Previously Helen had served 20½
years for: 1) Using a hammer to disarm a nuclear missile silo. 2) Burning
$25,000 on the floor of a bank whilst denouncing war, environmental
destruction & economic injustice. 3) Mailing warning letters with bullets
attached to Government & corporate officials. (Diet unknown).


Elija Smith VP 7551 HMP Lewes, 1 Brighton Rd, Lewes, Sussex, BN7 1EA,
England. On remand accused of disarming a weapons factory, which, amongst
other things, makes Hellfire Missiles. The action was in protest at Israel
military action against Gaza. (Diet unknown).

The Lecce Defendants have been charged with "subversive association" accused
of damaging Esso petrol pumps to oppose the War on Iraq; sabotaging the cash
machines of a bank which funds an immigration centre; and targeting the
multinational company Benetton in support of Mapuche land rights activists
in Chile. All of the defendants are currently either under house arrest or
released on bail.


Aleksey Bychin, FBU OIK-2 IK-7 otryad No. 7, ul. Karnallitovaya d. 98, g.
Solikamsk Permskiy Kray, 618545 Russia. Serving 5 years for defending
himself against neo-nazis. (Diet unknown).

Andrei Mergenov, FGU IZ 64/1 OKB 2 komn. 73, Up. Kutyakova 107, 410601
Saratov, Russia. Serving 3 years for fighting with neo-nazis. (Diet


Pavel Delidon, ul. Timiryazeva-1, FGU IK-7, 309990 Valuyki Russia.
Anarchist/Animal Rights activist jailed for attempting to obtain wages owed
to him, but which had not been paid to him by his employer. IMPORTANT: Pavel
can only receive letters written in Russian. He is punished by the prison
if he receives a letter not written in Russian so please, only send letters
written in Russian. (Diet unknown).

Alessandro Settepani, Carcere San Michele, Via Casale, 50/A, 15122 San
Michele (AL), Italy. Co-defendant of Sergio Stefani. Arrested for stealing
a car and then remanded for "Subversive Conspiracy" and remanded into a
prison for political activists. (Alessandro is a vegan).

Sergio Maria Stefani, Carcere San Michele, Via Casale, 50/A, 15122 San
Michele (AL), Italy. Former ALF prisoner arrested for stealing a car and
then remanded for "Subversive Conspiracy" and remanded into a prison for
political activists. (Sergio is a vegan).

Fran Thompson, #1090915, CCC, 3151 Litton Drive, Chillicuthe, MO 64601, USA.
Serving Life for killing, in self-defence, a stalker who had broken into her
home. Before her imprisonment Fran was an eco, animal & anti-nuke
campaigner. (Fran is a vegan).

MOVE is an eco-revolutionary group who carried out protests in defence of
all life. All move prisoners describe themselves as vegetarians. There are
currently eight MOVE activists in prison each serving 100 years after been
framed for the murder of a cop in 1979. 9th defendant, Merle Africa, died
in prison in 1998.

Debbie Simms Africa (006307), Janet Holloway Africa (006308) and Janine
Philips Africa (006309) all at: SCI Cambridge Springs, 451 Fullerton Ave,
Cambridge Springs, PA 16403-1238, USA.

Michael Davis Africa (AM4973) and Charles Simms Africa (AM4975) both at SCI
Graterford, PO Box 244, Graterford, PA 19426-0244, USA.

Edward Goodman Africa (AM4974), SCI Mahanoy, 301 Morea Rd, Frackville, PA
17932, USA.

William Philips Africa (AM4984) and Delbert Orr Africa (AM4985) both at SCI
Dallas Drawer K, Dallas, PA 18612, USA.

Mumia Abu Jamal, (AM8335), SCI Greene, 175 Progress Drive, Waynesburg PA
15370, USA. In 1981 Mumia, former Black Panther and vocal supporter of
MOVE, was framed for the murder of a cop. He was originally sentenced to
death but is currently awaiting re-sentencing following a court hearing in

Some people listed in this newsletter have carried out violent actions
including assault and murder. 'Spirit of Freedom' does not condone
violence. But we are also against censorship & believe people can decide
for themselves who they wish to support.

ELP is an international eco-prisoner support network founded, in Britain, in
1993 to support jailed eco-activists. We support the prisoners by producing
various regular prisoner lists:

Spirit of Freedom is ELP's international monthly prisoner listing which is
circulated by e-mail.

Urgent ELP! Bulletin is an e-mail service that distributes the names of any
new eco-prisoner as soon as ELP gets their details. For more info e-mail

On-Line Newsletters - ELP has a number of websites that provide news,
prisoner lists and additional info about ELP & the prisoners.

English language ELP Website

Greek language ELP Website

North American ELP Website

Turkish language ELP Website

ELP Extra is an e-mail group that circulates the details of political
prisoners, ELP learns about, who do not fall within the remit for support by
ELP. To subscribe to the list e-mail

Australian ELP.SN is our Australian contact. For more info e-mail

Belgium ELP.SN is our Belgium contact. For more info e-mail

German ELP.SN is a prisoner led initiative run by eco-prisoner Marco
Camenisch. For more info contact Marco Camenisch, Postfach 3143, CH-8105
Regensdorf, Switzerland.

Greek ELP.SN is our Greek contact. For more info e-mail

North American ELP is our North American contact. For more information

Turkey ELP.SN is our Turkish contact. For more info e-mail

India For Selective Assassination Of It's Own Citizens?

By Trevor Selvam

31 January, 2010

Recent statements from Indian leaders and police officers gives away the new
strategy on the war on Naxalism. To make the movement "headless" by carrying
out selective assassination of its leaders with the help of Israeli

Plucky savvyness combined with unnecessary bravado has recently marked the
attempts at media interface by some Maoist leaders. There are benefits to
reap and a price to pay, as a result. On the one hand, it has been a long
time coming for the Maoists to come out of their jungle bases and give press
conferences, or invite selected correspondents to visit their bases under
armed escort. They correctly understood that their political program (and
not their military campaign only) needed to be promoted and publicized. They
realized that innovative tactics needed to be implemented to popularize
their struggles and their demands and acquire some mainstream presence. It
took them a long time to also realize that when you wish to take on the
state of India, that you must at least marginally capture the imagination of
some of those who read papers, surf the net, hang out in cafes and do
occasionally get agitated about issues of justice, honesty and
righteousness. Such people cannot be ignored. In fact their chatter can
eventually affect the mood of the nation. For too long the media in India
has been significantly successful in disorienting, deflecting and
mesmerizing the minds of urban folks into imagining a country that is not up
to par because it is behind the West in so many ways. This state of stupor
persists, but there is now an increasing awareness in some circles at least,
that India's postures about its growth, success and international stature
can overnight become a hollow dream, if the word gets around that India has
treated its first citizens with violence, deprivation, displacement and
eventual genocide. The hollowness behind the growth figures, much of which
has limited authenticity when seen in terms of the high current account
deficit, high unemployment, incredible rise of prices, is also becoming
evident even among the India- shining crowd. Despite all the bravado that
Kamal Nath and Montek Ahluwalia indulge in, in Davos (after all they would
all be seeking International jobs, very soon) the baseline figures of
India's economic progress are quite undermined with the phenomenal rise in
poverty, illiteracy, infant malnutrition, farmer suicides and poor potable
water facilities and sanitation related fatalities. It is an interesting
development that one of the Government's own bodies has declared that the
assault on India's tribals "is one of the largest land grabs since
Columbus", --that brigand, pirate and drunken sailor, who landed somewhere,
near the Bahamas and declared he had found India.

Well, a section of India's population-I daresay a large section-- also needs
to discover India. And, they are doing so. And it is because of that, there
are some magazines on the net, and on print, that are taking the time to
trek into the Naxalite bases and interview their leaders. Not everything is
lost to the vacuous, hold the crotch, ape the West, get BPO-fever
generation, MCed by the Shahrukh, Infosys, IPL and Kingfisher cultural

Initially, the Maoists' planned to let some of their spokesperson come
overground. This experiment failed, as the Governments of West Bengal (GWB)
and India (GOI) wasted no time in slapping them with Unlawful Activities
charges and put them in the slammer. No one talks about them anymore, other
than the struggling Civil Liberties organizations. They are forgotten.
Fortunately for the Maoists, there are a large number of academics and
sympathetic journalists, ( as opposed to the band of poets, actresses and
intellectuals who made a half hearted attempt to raise their voices on
Lalgarh and then withdrew into their shells in no time at the first threats
from the GWB) who have taken it upon themselves not to be intimidated and
have spoken out in fairly clear terms both on TV and as well on the web and
print media on the hypocrisy and superficiality of the mainstream media's
analysis (or extreme lack of it) in parroting the GOI's and GWB's mendacious
piety about non-violence, abjuring arms, law and order and "foreign hand."

In India, except for the alternate press and in most cases Tehelka, the
media engages in sensationalist lies or they repeat the lies of the
government and they get away with it. In India, an Inspector General of
Police blatantly concocts lies about the wealth and assets of Chatradhar
Mahato and also gets away with it, without anybody seeking litigation
against spreading such falsehood. In India, the police go after the wives,
husbands, children, brothers and sisters of those who are absconding or have
launched cases against the police. In India, police chiefs openly boast
about how to make a cold blooded execution look like an encounter and the
Home Minister meets with those same experts to discuss democracy. In India,
judges make pronouncements on corporate crime, based on whether it is good
for India's image or not! In India, an 80-year old woman's breasts get
chopped off and an 18-month old child's fingers get lopped off by
anti-Naxalite vigilantes and the press orders a martini with a twist and
watches the sunset over Juhu.

Well, the Maoists have broken some ground in bringing to the surface the
mess that lies below the pink obscenity that is the Indian parliament, where
over one hundred and fifty criminally accused thugs occupy seats. The
Maoists leaders have been audacious and dignified in giving interviews after
much planning and deployment of their own security measures. It was
necessary, because otherwise the Arnab Goswamis and the Barkha Dutts and
their unapologetic clones were having a field day, dishing out report after
report about the murderous Maoists, without analyzing what had been going on
for several years, both at Abujhmarh and Lalgarh. For too long they were
unable to convey their message to middle and upper class readers and net
surfers about what they were fighting for. Now there is sudden mainstream
discussion, on MOUs, Schedule 5 and 6, Abujmarh, Dantewada, Bastar and sites
have sprung up all over the world that follow the Indian state's war against
its own people.

It is now time for the Maoists to take stock of the situation. The Indian
state was caught off guard, both on the ground and in the airwaves. They
sent in their khaki-pant wearing, Enfield rifle toting constables after the
Maoists and they came back soon, pissing in their pants. Then they sent in
their AK-47 and Insas-rifle toting para-military forces after the Maoists.
They also have come back with their tails between their legs. Then they
deployed Special Forces with reptilian and canine names like Cobra,
Greyhound or some other fearsome moniker like Garudas. Their boats were sunk
and their anti-mine vehicles were blown up and their helicopters beat a
hasty retreat.

Enter the Israelis

It has been known for several years that India has acquired over 4,000 Galil
7.62 mm super sniper rifles, and night vision sights, laser range finders
and other targeting equipment. This is not an infantry rifle, but the
ammunition is the same as an Indian INSAS and an AK-47, purchased from
Rumania. This is also all separate, of course from thermal imaging
equipment, satellite transmission of such images and use of Unmanned Aerial
Vehicles, better known as drones. All from Israel in the main. In fact India
takes up more than 50% of Israel's arms exports. It has also been known that
India manufactures under license the Russian gas-fired, super sniper semi
automatic Dragunov SVD59. Now comes the report of a special training session
involving at least 30 top ranking officers who have just completed special
training under "foreign" instructors. Nothing works in Indian media lingo
than "foreign hand." But of course, in this case it does not matter, because
the foreign hand is only for a good cause! These trainers are not bearded
Jihadists or Asiatic desperadoes in the north east with Chinese made
grenades. A report from the PTI states the following.

"Special task force to tackle Maoist insurgency"

Kolkata: The Maoist-infested states, including Jharkhand and Maharashtra,
have set up a special task force in their bid to jointly tackle the Naxal
problem, a senior West Bengal police officer said.

West Bengal, Bihar, Jharkhand, Chattisgarh, Orissa, Andhra Pradesh,
Maharashtra and some other Maoist-hit states have selected 30 officers for
the special task force to deal with the Maoist problem, he said.

The 30 selected officers had undergone a month-long training programme at
Ghatsila in Jharkhand. Some foreign army officials, who have experience in
tackling guerrilla warfare, also imparted them training, the police officer

Mr. Chidambaram had one of his associates state recently in a press
conference that the strategy of his initiative is to render the Naxalites
"headless." In other words he stated very clearly, that the target is to
eliminate the leaders of the Naxalites. As per the same report, "a highly
placed official in the security establishment told IANS earlier this week,
"We believe there could be around 50 such leaders scattered all over. We are
targeting them to make the entire movement headless and make a serious
dent," the official said. "

In a special report cited by the BBC, the following was also stated by a
security official, "So we are specifically targeting the Maoist leadership
and you will see a lot of special operations based on specific

The official said that "almost all the states are doing their bit, and that
a special operation in West Bengal earlier this week - in which Maoist
military wing chief Koteswara Rao narrowly escaped arrest - was a good
example of that. "

It is significant that Ms. Mamata Banerjee, the Central Minister and
self-appointed Bengal-saver, (and stand-up comedian, live theatre activist
who attempted suicide with a black shawl and danced on JP Narayan's car) and
who one walked in lock-step with LK Advani, was ready to beg and plead to
the Naxalites to come and negotiate with her. She must be in on Mr.
Chidambaram's deadly game plan.

She also knows that by the time of the next polls in West Bengal, if she
cannot make a settlement in the continuously expanding Naxalite terrain, she
will have a hard time putting up candidates to fight the CPI(M) . She wants
to make a deal with the Maoists, while all along claiming that they do not
exist! She is a mockery of her own self and a pivotal Quasimodo for PCC.

Selective assassination

Selective assassination, use of UAVs, missile attacks on selected homes and
sniper fire has been a hallmark of the Israeli Mossad and Defence forces,
not only in Gaza and the West Bank, but also in different parts of the world
including South America, Iran and Europe. For the past several years it is
now well-known that India has entered into very close collaboration with the
IDF and over 32 non-disclosure arms and security agreements have been signed
with them. The Mossad has titillated gun-and ammo freaks and underhanded
counter-insurgency nutjobs with their secretive killing techniques.
Assassination and murder that goes undocumented, un-prosecuted and never
brought to light, when the Mossad is involved. The CIA fumbles, trips and
gets blown up. Not the Mossad. That is why India has chosen them to deploy
dirty tricks on India's citizens. Perhaps, Mr. Chidambaram would like to
take out the Maoists leaders one by one and he has realized that it will not
happen by sending in 100,000 troops and anti-mine trucks or IAF helicopters.
So the next tactic is to walk away from the roads and get special forces
trained to go into the jungles and "live there like guerillas" and seek the
Maoists in their hideouts. Therefore high power sniper rifles, night vision
sights have become necessary. The "headless" statement should be studied
carefully. I am wondering if it is actually code word for carrying out

The report went on to further state the following: "The force would be named
soon and it will be pressed into action as and when the training programme
is completed," Director General of Police of West Bengal Bhupinder Singh
told PTI.

"More officers would be recruited to strengthen the force after the
completion of the training of the first batch," the DGP said.

They were given training on how to use highly sophisticated weapons and
taught the technique to detect explosives, he said. They were also told how
to survive in deep forest areas for longer period of time, the officer said.
The main objective of the force will be to stay in forest areas near the
base camps of the Maoists and to gather detailed information about their
activities and their strength, Singh said."

It would be propitious of these Maoist leaders not to fall into the traps
being laid out by the security forces.