Thursday, January 07, 2010

Urgent Fundraising Appeal for Scott DeMuth

Infoshop News Jan. 6, 2010

Since our last update, Scott has succeeded in finding an awesome radical
attorney, Michael Deutsch from the People's Law Office in Chicago. A brief
bio is available here:

This is great news, but it also means that we need to raise a $10,000
retainer by next Wednesday. If you've been thinking about making a
donation to Scott and Carrie's defense fund at some point, or about
putting together a fundraiser, the need is greatest now. Scott's charge is
absurd, but the federal government is quite capable of securing false
convictions, and he needs an experienced and committed attorney in order
to fight this and win. If we're not able to raise this initial sum, it
will be a serious setback in the progress of Scott's case and support for
both him and Carrie.

Donations can be made two ways:

1. Via the Paypal button at
2. By writing a check to "Coldsnap Legal Collective" with "EWOK!" in the
memo line, and mailing it to:
EWOK! c/o Coldsnap
PO Box 50514
Minneapolis, MN 55405
(If you mail a check, please email us at and let us know
to expect it.)

Please donate, and please spread this plea far and wide. If you need help
setting up a fundraiser, contact us at

Thanks for your continued support,
friends of Scott and Carrie