Thursday, January 21, 2010

Statement from the Attempted Occupation at the Hibernia National Bank in SF Jan, 20, 2010

4 students were arrested in an attempt to occupy Hibernia National Bank in

Today, several students from Universities across the state attempted to
occupy the Hibernia National Bank building in San Francisco. This building
which has remained empty for years was recently sold for almost 3 million
dollars in a neighborhood where thousands live without homes and hundreds
die each year while lacking shelter. This space has been left empty
because of the profit motive – placing the surplus value that could be
acquired over the possible human needs that space could and should have
fulfilled. We had planned on taking this space and holding it until later
in the afternoon, when a march against homelessness and affordable housing
would end in a rally nearby. We wished to take an action that would bridge
the various movements that are taking shape from the growing discontent in
this country and found it logical that the tactic of occupation be used to
illustrate the nonsensical logic that dictates how and who uses space.

After a few hours of being in the building, a motion sensor alarm alerted
the building owner who then called the police. As we sat in a room
deciding how we should proceed the lights in the building suddenly
switched on. We began to hear footsteps and voices travelling up from the
stairs and initially attempted to hide in one of the rooms. After we
realized that there would be no escape and no possibility of adequately
hiding we revealed ourselves to the police. We were met with six loaded
guns, yelling at us to put our hands up. Even after we had surrendered
ourselves pistols were still aimed and ready to fire. The police
questioned us and berated us for our “stupidity”, one officer even scolded
another for not shooting us on the spot. This threat of violence shown
against those who were seemingly attempting find refuge from a winter
storm is ridiculous and displays the criminalization of poverty that
exists in our society. Furthermore, it shows the backward values of our
community which place the protection of private property above the safety
and well-being of people. It is doubtful that SFPD’s response to a report
of violence or sex slavery in the Tenderloin would be nearly as robust or

We entered the space earlier in the morning to barricade the doors and
with the hope of later creating an open space. The idea of an open and
notorious occupation off campus requires a closer examination but should
not be abandoned. The creation of liberated spaces in the community is
something that we strive and dream for. In our decision to take this
particular space as well to publicize it widely we wished to show to the
student community the common circumstances that exist between two issues
that are normally distant as well as show student support for those
dealing with the reality of homelessness and precarious housing. Our
failure illustrated to us how much we have to learn from those already
involved squatting.

While this attempt was thwarted by the police, we are not finished. While
currently in society we are students, we will not allow this designation
to confine our action to the University. The issue of unaffordable housing
leaves no person unaffected – all people must figure out some way to get a
roof over their head. We will of course have to reexamine how and why we
squat, but we will squat again.

We stand in solidarity with all of those without homes, those criminalized
and demonized by society, and those who have begun this struggle before

There will be a march today against homelessness and for affordable
housing starting at 11am from Justin Herman Plaza to the Federal Building