Saturday, January 16, 2010

Letter asking for Completion Funding for film on pp/pow Sundiata Acoli

From Lorenzo Ervin

Sundiata Acoli is a long term political prisoner, now 73, and entering his 37 year
of confinement in the American prison system. The U.S. Authorities seem poised to
hold him until he draws his last breath. For years, his supporters have sought ways
to bring his story forward to a mass audience, and now an exciting new documentary
film, “A Power Sun” is on verge of being released by a film company, FieldUp
Productions, led by Sundiata's god-daughter, MS. Dawn McGhee and his daughter Rita
W. Squire-Acoli, Executive Producer. This film is a docudrama of the life of
Sundiata, and a history of the Black Panther Party/Black Liberation Army. It
recounts the bloody repression of the BPP/BLA during the 1970's that brought
Sundiata and other freedom fighters to prison, and his continued importance to the
legacy that struggle.

I was in prison and was a fellow political prisoner with Sundiata Acoli during this
period myself, serving two life sentences for hijacking a plane to Cuba, and the
kidnapping of its crew and passengers. I have been where Sundiata is now, serving
hard time in a federal penitentiary, but after people all over the world heard of my
case during the 1970's, with the “Free Lorenzo” movement; the Anarchist Black Cross
and other movements managed to finally secure my release. I therefore know
first-hand the severe repression that Sundiata is suffering, and also his fighting
spirit and refusal to break. For so many years, he has fought almost alone, but this
film could be a major boost in his legal case, as well as increase the calls for
amnesty/parole. This film could educate and mobilize millions of people to put
pressure on the U.S. Government, which could secure his immediate release.

As an old friend and comrade of Sundiata's, I am asking all of those who know about
his case, and especially activists in the Anarchist Black Cross and other prison
support movements to give material aid to the film to see it finally realized.
Support the film by sending donations, holding benefit concerts, passing the hat at
meetings, making pledges and do other fundraising drives. The point is to do
anything possible to raise money to ensure that the film effort does not die, and
thus doom Sundiata's chances for freedom. Donations are the difference between this
project going forward or being halted. Please visit the FieldUp productions website,, and hit the “donate” button, or if you prefer, you can send a check
or money order to:

FieldUp Productions, LLC
P.O. Box 41329
Dallas, TX. 75241