Support Holly!!

Holly Noll is a bay area activist heavily involved in anti-oppression organizing and a number of political causes. She is a dedicated student with aspirations to teach, and a deep love for vegan food, music and bike rides and her rat terrier puppy, Ani. Upon hearing about the Oscar Grant execution that occurred on January 1st 2009 (please read more about the oscar grant case here: she felt a call to action.

Like thousands of other Oakland residents, she took to the streets to protest this cold blooded racial killing. During the melee that occurred over the next two weeks, over 100 people were arrested on false charges. Most of the charges were dropped, save for a handful of people. Holly was in this handful. She now stands as one of the two remaining members of the Oakland 100. The  wrongful arrest, and subsequent false charges placed against Holly Noll and the other members of the o100 was done to instill fear in those who would speak up against police abuse of power and to make examples of those who dare to make their resistance to a police state reality known. Holly is being charged with felony assault on a police officer with a deadly weapon, non firearm. This is a completely false charge.

Please support Holly and the other members of the O100 in any way that you can. To the right you will find a link to a PayPal account that has been set up for Holly’s legal defense fund. If you have the means, Please consider donating. If you are not able to contribute monetarily, we welcome any show of solidarity that you can think of. Whether it is something as simple as a few kind words of encouragement, reposting a link to this website, passing out fliers, throwing benefit shows, attending court dates or anything else you can think of, it all helps to support the struggle against oppression.  Please check back here for updates on the case.

“None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.”                                                                                        - Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Watch “Hands Off Oakland Rebels”, a documentary about the Oscar Grant protests.  It features interviews with Holly Noll, JR and Drew, the other remaining members of the O100:

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