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Euro Sport Campaign 2012: Union needed on stadium building site in Wroclaw

Representatives of BWI and building worker’s trade union representatives from Solidarnosc and ZZ Budowlani and inspectors from the Polish Work Inspection (PIP) and colleagues from the dutch Union FNV bouw and electrical workers union in Sweden visited the building site of the new stadium in Wroclaw in south Poland. It was the first time that members of Polish trade unions visited the stadium building, which is built by the German contractor Max Bögl. About 20 subcontructors are on the site,...

USA: Problems with trade union rights continue

The ITUC biannual report on core labour standards in the USA, coinciding with the Trade Policy Review of the USA at the WTO, revealed a poor record on workers’ protection, particularly with regard to trade union rights and child labour, areas in which serious violations continue to take place. The report notes that there is a $4 billion union-busting industry which aims at undermining trade union organising. Some 82 per cent of employers hire such companies that employ a wide range of...

Zimbabwe: The threat of violence remains – ILO’s enquiry commission puts forward a series of recommendations

“The BWI welcomes the progress made with the ILO Commission of Inquiry and will follow-up on the implementation of its recommendations." says Ambet Yuson, general secretary of the BWI. "You have been through rough and tough times and the trade union movement in Zimbabwe is still in a complex environment. Trade unions in Zimbabwe continue to face violence and intimidation despite gradual improvements under the power-sharing government. We stand by you." A meeting hosted by the Zimbabwe...

Gender participation in Asia & Pacific committee and formation of inter-affiliate women's committee

BWI Asia Pacific Regional Women’s Seminar was held in Hanoi prior to the Asia Pacific Regional Meeting to encourage and motivate women to move forward to meet the challenges of the trade union movement. Presently we see women emerging as builders of democracy in Asia, thus the theme as “ Strengthening the Political Participation of women in the BWI: A Continuing Agenda." The objectives of the seminar were to identify issues, problems and challenges women were facing in participating in trade...

Australia - Solidarity campaign continues to support Ark Tribe before the verdict

"The BWI continues to fully support Ark Tribe simply demanding better rights, rights any normal Australian should have. The right to work in a safe environment." says Ambet Yuson, general secretary of the BWI. For two and a half years, Ark Tribe and his family have struggled under the threat of imprisonment. Ark is facing six months in jail, charged with not attending an interview with the Australian Building and Construction Commission (ABCC). On 3 November 2010, the magistrate will...

BWI offers prize for a 1 minute trade union youth video on construction or wood sectors

For the first time, the BWI is launching a video contest for its affiliates around the world. A prize will be awarded for the video that best illustrates the response to the crisis on youth in the construction or wood sector. The videos will be shown at BWI’s next statutory meetings. The jury composed of BWI World Board delegates will vote on the best video. Come up with a catchy short one-minute video showing how your trade union has responded to the economic and financial crisis for the youth...

Gabon: Involving Timber and woodworkers’ unions in the Pan-African Forest Certification scheme

The virtues of good ownership of the Forest Certification mobilized the energies for the formation of a national forum of timbers unions in Gabon. About twenty representatives of three trade union federations from the forestry, veneer, sawn timber and woodworkers in Gabon have taken part in a national training workshop on PEFC scheme Forest Certification from 21st to 22nd October 2010 in Libreville, Gabon . The initiative of the BWI supported by its partner LOTCO was under the theme:...

Gabon: Hundreds of woodworkers have lost their jobs following the ban on export of logs.

Since January 2010 the export of logs is banned in Gabon. This measure, which was scheduled to go into effect in 2012, was anticipated by the new Gabonese authorities following a change at the head of state. If this measure aim is to create long term jobs opportunities and to add more value to forest products for export, in its rushed application the ban of logs export has caused the closure of some companies which main business was chopping wood , resulting in hundreds of job losses in the...

Thailand: Campaign to support migrant workers’ struggle

At least 2 million migrants from Burma work in low-skilled, dirty and dangerous jobs in Thailand from which they frequently incur accidents and disease. Since 2001, Thailand has discriminated against migrant work accident victims from Burma by denying them access to the Workmen’s Compensation Fund (WCF), even though all workers regardless of national origin are legally eligible for access to this fund. The BWI fully supports the campaign launched by LabourStart. The work accident victims...

BWI Asia-Pacific Regional Seminar promotes and defends Decent, Secure and Green Jobs

In the wake of worldwide economic crisis, large-scale job losses, climate change and growing threats to democratic trade unionism for upholding workers’ rights to decent work, the BWI as a way forward organised its Asia-Pacific regional seminar on Building Global Solidarity for Sustainable Future - Promoting and Defending Jobs. The key discussions revolved around the need for the trade unions to strategise and lobby for decent work and green jobs, to unite globally in order to protect workers,...

Company News - September 2010

The French group Spie wants to expand in Germany and Scandinavia. The Italian group Impregilo is interested in Obama's infrastructure plan. Vinci has lost its leadership in world construction, as China Railway Construction Corporation has moved into the top spot. India has cancelled an authorisation to Lafarge for the construction of a cement factory. After two difficult years, Wienerberger plans to expand in Romania and Bulgaria. Venezuela will pay $650 million to...

Projects and Contracts - September 2010

Among its projects, Ikea announced it was suspending the construction of a shopping centre in the Voronezh region (Russia) until the end of 2011. Impregilo and Astaldi are in the race to build a 1,700 km highway in Libya. Italy’s Astaldi is finalising a giant motorway contract in Turkey (6 billion). As regards contracts, Hochtief has won, through its subsidiary Leighton, the contract for construction of a highway in New South Wales (Australia). Hochtief has been awarded the contract...

Vacancy: Regional Representative Latin America & Caribbean

The Building and Wood Workers International, Latin America Regional Office is looking to hire, starting ASAP, our: Regional Representative for Latin America & Caribbean (100%) Specific responsibilities: Represent the General Secretary in the region. In this regard, he shall act and report according to the guidance of the General Secretary and in line with article 16 of the statutes and regional by laws Responsible for the political representation of BWI in the...

Resignation of Regional representative in Latin America & Caribbean

Carlos Salguero, BWI Regional Representative of the Latin America Region, announced his resignation during the Regional Committee meeting which took place in Costa Rica on 21 September 2010. The BWI Presidium and members of the Regional Committee have recognized his contributions to BWI and the affiliates in the region. As we search for the replacement, we have established a Transition Team headed by Ernesto Marval, Regional Education Secretary. Regional activities and projects will...

BWI Pan-Europe Youth Network: “Vocational Training and Decent Jobs for Young Workers are the best answer to the crisis”

“The system of vocational training is not following the needs of the labor market. A week inclusion of young people in discussions on the employment legislation that is of great importance to young people is not sufficient. Many young workers in our sectors are pushed into precarious forms of employment, short term contracts, low wages and can hardly get a first formal employment and we young people and our Unions must do something against this. Additionally, more than 70% of young people in...

ACT NOW! Solidarity Campaign – Labour Conflict in Chile

Five hundred workers employed in the construction of a new hospital in Puerto Montt, Chile, are staging protests because the building companies engaged in the project have imposed yellow unions that are blocking entry by SINTEC, which is affiliated to FETRACOMA. The workers are being threatened with dismissal if they join SINTEC. On the Puerto Montt Hospital project, the employer imposed yellow unions on the workers and a collective agreement was signed behind the workers’ backs, in which...

Investing in quality public services – the best alternative to austerity cuts

In the face of widespread cuts to public services, leaders of private and public sector trade unions, municipal governments and civil society groups have made the unprecedented joint commitment to work together to promote investment in quality public services backed by fair taxation policies as the key solution to the economic crisis, and the best way to build peaceful, equitable, democratic and ecologically-sustainable societies. It’s “our turn, our future” concluded participants in the...

WDDW 2010: Canadian Ambassador ignores labour groups on asbestos

Newly installed Canadian Ambassador to the Philippines Christopher Thornley never responded to the request of the Trade Union Congress of the Philippines (TUCP), the Associated Labor Unions (ALU) and the Building and Woodworkers International (BWI) for an appointment to receive the trade union statement on asbestos and make a brief response to it on October 7, 2010. The trade union statement: Holds the Canadian government accountable for asbestos deaths; Urges Canada to stop...

BWI Appointed to the World Urban Campaign Standing Committee

At the World Urban Campaign (WUC) Steering Committee that took place in Shanghai from 8 to 9 October 2010 in Shanghai, China, BWI was appointed to the WUC Standing Committee. The Standing Committee, which comprises of 11 members of the WUC Steering Committee acts reviews the progress of WUC, approves unforeseen expenditures, and other areas assigned by the Steering Committee. “We are extremely pleased to be part of the Standing Committee as BWI has actively been a partner of UN HABITAT...

Ghana : Fifteen (15) union representatives skilled on OHS handling in the Construction sector

A two-day intensive educational workshop on occupational safety, health and the environment has been organized for building and construction workers who are members of the Ghana Construction and Building Material Workers Union (CBMWU ) at the Errata Hotel in Accra from the 11th to 12th of October, 2010. At the opening session, Sister Marinna Nyamekye, the SASK West Africa Coordinator, urged the participants to take the educational activity very seriously so as to reduce the growing incidence...
1:European Regional Conference
2-9:Swedish Painters’ Union visit
7:World Day for Decent Work (WDDW)
12-14:CGU Conference on Quality Public Services
13:Asia Pacific Regional Women' Committee
14-15:Asia Pacific Regional Seminar
15:Asia Pacific Regional Committee
18-22:FNV Visit
25-27:BWI-EURO 2012 Campaign National Conference
26-29:Dansk El-Forbund (Danish Union of Electricians) 30th Nat. Congress
27:EFBWW Management Committee
27-29:Malerforbundet in Denmark (Danish Painters Union) Congress

Full Calendar

  • The G20 must prioritise jobs
  • No to any more anti-crisis sacrifices
  • Contre la crise ne plus accepter les sacrifices
  • There will be no solution to the crisis through flexibility and precarious work
  • No habrá salida de la crisis con flexibilidad y precarización laboral

  • Fair Games, Fair Play

    COP 15

    Euro 2012 Newsletter

    Getting the World to WORK: Global Union Strategies for Recovery

    A union guide to prevention

    Photo Album BWI sectors
