Showing newest 22 of 26 posts from December 2009. Show older posts
Showing newest 22 of 26 posts from December 2009. Show older posts

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Where the "Final Solution" Really Began

I have finished reading "War Against the Weak," by Edwin Black. One of the most disturbing people discussed in it was Edwin Kasten-Ellenbogen. What was interesting about this semi-Nazi doctor interned at Buchenwald for being a Jew was the work he did for the Nazi's. You see, Edwin Katzen-Ellenbogen was a eugenicist. But wait, he wasn't just into Eugenics, he studied at the racist Cold Water Springs. But wait, he helped Woodrow Wilson when he was a governor in the early part of the 20th century create sterilization laws for the state he was governor of in the 19teens (I forget the state).

After running from the Nazi's all over Europe, he was finally arrested and deterred at Buchenwald where he enjoyed working with his Nazi brethren as a psychologist and hypnotherapist and enjoyed killing directly, and indirectly, French Communists. Nice fella, this ally of American Eugenics, Woodrow Wilson, Genocide, and the Nazi's.

The things you learn when you read history the U.S. and other governments would much rather you forget. Forget, erased, kinda like "Nineteen Eighty-Four" don't you think. "Vaporized" I believe is what they called it in the book. But thanks to Edwin Black, folk like Edwin Katzen-Ellenbogen, their alliance not only with the Nazi's, but how their ideas of Eugenics were nurtured in America, not Nazi Germany. Hmmm?!

I have also read a bit of "Nazi Nexus" by Edwin Black. I haven't finished because after the chapter on Henry Ford, I have read the material in "War Against the Weak," "IBM and the Holocaust," and am listening to "Internal Combustion," which has some of the other material. I had not known that Henry Ford was a HARDCORE JEW HATER! Henry wrote a book called "The International Jew," a Jew hating book, in the '20's. He printed a paper for a while that he forced his car lots to promote and sell. A Jew hating propaganda paper called the "Dearborn Independent." Hitler referred to "The International Jew" and Henry Ford in the original version of "Mein Kampf." Jew Hating Henry was even awarded one of the highest civlian honors from the Reich which he refused to give up despite the protests. The things you learn when you read a book. I found it most interesting that after Henry Jew Hater submitted to Jewish protests and relented on his Jew hating propaganda and forced America to stop printing his Jew Hating book, "The International Jew," Adolf edited Henry's name out of the newer versions of "Mein Kampf," again, reminscent of "1984," by George Orwell.

Feh, all that aside, I think you should read "War Against the Weak" and or "Nazi Nexus," by Edwin Black, for the following quote:

A leading Virginia racist and eugenicist, John Powell, explained his state's inter-racial marriage eugenic prohititions in these words: "Of course, laws against intermarriage cannot solve the Negro-problem in any of its aspects--industrial, economic, political, social, biological or eugenical. They can, however, delay the evil day and give time for the evolvement of an effective solution...a real and final solution." Virginia eugenicists were determined to wipe out more than just blacks. They also wanted to do away with Indians, mixed-race families and poor whites--a group that state officials collectively called "Mongrel Virginians." In fact, the state actually published an official reference pamphlet entitled "Mongrel Virginains" to expound on the issue.

--Pg. 24, "Nazi Nexus." the quote is from the 1920's.


I am in the process of being forced, as it were, to upgrade my comments for $10. I like to call it extortion, but there you go. I could not figure out how to get the asshole Haloscan comments off of my blog and thus put up the money to upgrade, unwillingly. If I don't, I think I'd basically have to start a whole new blog in order to get just the regular Blogspot comments. I am basically a luddite and cannot figure this shit out all that easily. "Say uncle. Say uncle." ...uncle...

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Wounded Knee

Today is the anniversary date of the Wounded Knee Massacre in 1890. May we never forget, may the Lakota receive justice and remittance. It is said that at least one fella was still alive when they buried them in this mass grave.

Comments on Paul Watson

I'm not sure what will happen to these comments tomorrow, so I wanted to save them as a post. I will probably revert the comment stuff to blogger tomorrow.


Paul Watson has more compassion, more bravery and more intelligence than you.

What have you done to save the Great Whales? What have you done at all with your life?

You are taking up space that is better used by beings of compassion and intelligence.

Go away.

Gravatar Unfortunately these comments are doomed to disappear in two days, the reason being that Haloscan is now charging and I plan on reverting to the comment section offered by Blogger.

No doubt in my mind Paul is a brave dude. Compassionate, that is less measurable in this sense. Compassion is not a measurable attribute. And as far as your last comment, have you read anything else that I have written on this blog? What do you think of it if you have? My points were and are just what I stated in these posts.

It is seriously questionable Paul Watson was at Wounded Knee is '73. Wallace claimed he didn't remember Paul, did not name anyone during that siege, nor would he have given him the name already belonging to Frank Clearwater. No one that was actually there remembers Paul Watson. There is regular talk about some mysterious photos showing him there but no one will post them on the internet for the rest of us to see. We are just supposed to accept out of hand that these photos exist, that it is actually Paul Watson in them, and that it was of Wounded Knee in '73.

Gravatar Paul used "Binky" Thompson, IMO, as a way to pit Indian against Indian. A wonderful tool used from the good old days to the present to keep Indians fighting amongst themselves for the gain of a third party. It is done great and small. My wife and I have seen this type of behavior even amongst many local activists.

Paul also allied himself with some racist anti-environmental congressfolk at the time because he beleived the "enemy of his enemy is his friend." Slade Gorton and Jack Metcalf were there names. These folks openly expressed a dislike for Indians throughout their careers. Gorton made his fortune from the Gorton fisheries who purchased their fish from industrial trawlers out of Norway. Industrial trawlers lay waste to the ocean floor and thus, the environment of the whales I would assume, wouldn't you?

Paul did not go to the Makah in a peaceful manner. Like the U.S. government, he was there to FORCE his personal ideals upon a people because...well...isn't it obvious? If someone disagreed with you and you wanted them to see how you see things, wouldn't you have a talk with them? Wouldn't you open up a line of communication? Wouldn't you try to see things from their perspective? If not, would you try to force your own personal beliefs upon another or another group? What would you call that? Being superior? Arrogance? Warlike? Destructive?

Do you truly believe coming here and telling me Paul has more compassion than me changes the facts that he allied himself with powerful racist anti-environmentalists to further his attack on the Makah? That he used "Binky" as a tool for said gain like he used Slade and Jack? That he made some serious racist comments like "we've become the Indians and the Indians have become the cavalry."

In order to force his personal beliefs and opinions upon the Makah, he also did his best to disrupt ceremonies and celebrations that the Makah use. Tell me, if I came to you and whatever group/s you may belong to and try to forcefully impose my beliefs upon you, what would you think of me? What would you think of the folks that follow me?

Gravatar And as stated, what about the campaign of mis-information? What would you think if, say, I came to you and your organization and said that you are a bunch of meat eating capitalists. Then, even though you may or may not be either, started a campaign which is easily refutable?

The Makah have a treaty right to hunt whales. Treaties are the supreme law of the land according to the constitution, which means the Makah have a legal right to hunt whales and the U.S. and Paul and his buddies have no legal right to stop them. Even in the light of these facts, Paul and his buds continually informed the public without any substantiation that the Makah whale hunt was ilelgal.

The Makah, as stated got their quota from the indigenous Russian quota, a total of 120, but were held to 20 a year for five years. In that five years, how many whales did the Makah kill? One. Yet, Paul and his buds continually stated that since the Makah were going to whale again that they were going to hunt whales into extinction. Who was it that hunted whales into extinction? Was it the Makah whaling that depleted the whales to near extinction in the late 19th and early 20th centuries? Who was it that did that?

Gravatar I will probably always hate Paul. He has not truly come forward to discuss his alleged Wounded Knee II experience with any WKII vets. He has never come forward to any WKII vets to discuss the issue around his naming. He has never discussed with his own community openly why he allied with two of the most racist and anti-environmental congress types at the time. He has never discussed openly tokenizing "Binky" in order to do the age old method of getting Indian to fight amongst Indian (didn't work, BTW).

And, as with all...what do they call them...cult of personality?...folk will always hold on high Paul Watson as a great super hero without question as to any of these things. I basically have a hard time stopping myself even though I know issues such as the truth, racism, allying with racist and anti-evironmentalists, tokenizing Indians for you own gain, etc., will never stop. And folk like you will never question Paul. We all need our own personal Jesus so we don't have to take up our own responsibility. Someone else is doing it for us.

Also, never heard Paul speak out against industrial trawling. Has he? I don't know. I haven't listened to all the speeches he's made throughout his life, but those I have heard, until that event at e-law, he always talked about how the whale was killed and looked him in the eye and asked him to be the savior of all whales. No one else. I question that. No doubt he saw the whale, but he is not the whales personal savior. If he was, why'd he ally with Slade and Jack? Why doesn't he sit with WKII vets and stir their memories? Why doesn't he post those photos? Why doesn't he drag members of his crew along to tell their stories and experiences? His crew members are allgedly in it to save the whales, too. Why aren't their stories as important as his?

It is not just me whose motives you should question. It is everyone's, including Paul's. And what have his methods brought? Have the Japanese stopped whaling? Has anyone stopped whaling because of Paul? Has the environment gotten better because of Paul? What else does Paul do besides lecture and chase whalers to save the whales because it isn't just the whalers killing them? You do know that, don't you? Makes a damned good television show, though, doesn't it? How'd you like the way he was profiled then turns his face to the camera to record his great and personal glory?

Gravatar Eugene, what is the deal with Indymedia?

Gravatar Shusli corrected me and informed me that Indy Media did not censor her. They were having technical difficulties and a comment she made didn't show up for two days.

Me, on the other hand, have been rather inflammatory toward some of their great unquestioned heroes, in fact I believe it was Paul Watson. I pretty much said the same thing, but in rather colorful speech. I get a little tired of non-Indian types using Indians for their own gain. Happens all the time, great and small. Folk lie or take the little bits they want for their own. Indy Media folk told me repeatedly they were not censoring me and that they do not censor. I think what the fella called it, in fact, was "enhanced moderation" in order to keep right wing folk off of the forum.

Since then, however, Shusli and I have talked with several other folk who claim they have been censored as well by Indy Media.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Addendum to: The Not So Great, Great Paul Watson

Shusli and I have made over the years that vegans seem to accept the story of Paul Watson without question. Kind of like "the enemy of my enemy is my friend."

I have met some very awesome vegan types. We met some in the summer (who are no longer vegan) and I've known of one other who are the ONLY vegans I have personally met or been in contact with that do not consider themselves far above god simply because of their dietary choice.

I do not seem to be able to post a comment on indy media. Shusli and I both allege that we have been censored by Portland Indy Media who claimed in the past that they do not censor. For some reason, I do not seem to be able to make a comment to the forum from this computer and have asked that the author of the post in an e-mail to post a comment I have made.

This is a comment I have read on Indy Media that I will quote here from the comment section of the post of the e-law dual between Paul Watson and Ward Churchill in March of '99:

Missing authentication of venorating evidence for Paul's "Nativity" 26.Dec.2009 01:04

Vegan Cabal

Hello Jim, Thanks for commenting about this. Someone I spoke with who previously was a Sea Shepherd crew member saw the photos from Wounded Knee that Paul talks about. She affirmed Paul's story and we laughed because we've been fighting for liberation and sovereignty more determinately every day to live. That is a powerful force, to save our grace and satisfaction into the indeterminate ending. A sentiment that "there is absolutely no excuse to not set them loose" nails another clincher on the coffin of abusive industries in modernized concentration camps for "fur-wearing" beasts of the wild, all creative opulence beckoning early releases from hellish lamentation. ...

For some reason, the mysterious Paul Watson at Wounded Knee photos never seem to be shown but to a simple few. Why aren't these photos posted on the internet and circulated throught the Netosphere? Could it be because that maybe, possibly, could be, that there are Wounded Knee vets, folk who were actually there, who would see those alleged photos and refute them? Maybe? Hmm? Why is it that no one who was there (including the dozen or so "actual" WKII vets who were there that I personally asked) recall such the great and glorious Jesus Christ like savior of the "buffalo of the sea" Paul Watson. I mean somebody who claims such greatness as a white man honoring Indians and being the one and only Jesus Christ of the whales, Paul Watson, should be remembered by MANY if not ALL of the WKII vets, wouldn't you think? Tell me, military combat vets, I have heard that your memories are rather clear about the people around you at the time of combat. If that is true, wouldn't you think that during a 72 day seige where Paul Watson claims that he played many important roles and was allegedly given the name "Greywolf Clearwater" would be remembered by his comrades, especially considering his self-proclaimed heroics? Don't you think, military combat type vets? I think.

Now here is my more important point:

A friend of mine said he found a website where non-Indian folk talk about how great Indian stuff is, like sweating and "four-directions" and Love of nature, blah, blah, blah...WHATVER! So my buddy made a post on their stating that Indianness isn't a few momentary glimpses by non-Indians into our ceremonies. He said in a big part, it is about making community. These folk asked what they could do then. So, he told them all about the issues of what is going on with the Crow Creek in the IRS land grab and what is happening to their people from the power company and just exactly how they can help. What he has received since has been...silence.

Indians are for the most part only as important to non-Indians as to what meaning they have in the lives of said non-Indians. For example, if the self-proclaimed Jesus Christ of the whales, Paul Watson, was at Wounded in '73 during the seige and actually did do the heroics which he claims to have done and no one who was actually there seems to be able to corroborate, then listen to how he tells the story. It is not told like it is a plight of Indians against a far more fearsome and better armed power illegally occupying there land and supporting an illegal puppet government to the death and detriment of MANY Indian people. Paul Watson tells the story in how it enhances the true greater story, the story of Paul Watson.

Paul Watson is not the only person guilty of this type of behavior. Shusli and I see it all of the time all over the place. It happens great and small. There are also many non-Indian folk who do honest work to help indigenous people. How often do you hear their stories? Not often. Why? Because, oddly, they don't make it about themselves. Indigenous life does not become an accessory to their lives, like a turquoise bracelet or genuine Indian beaded necklace. It is not about how great they are for helping us Indians, it is about humanity and struggles for justice along side the Indian. Not so with Paul Watson's story. Listen to it.

And as far as being supportive of "liberation and sovereignty," but only for cute fuzzy animals, what about the liberation and sovereignty of the Crow Creek? Lab rats? Women? The plants you eat? The oceans? The homeless? All Indians? Poor white folks? Blacks? The middle class? Oh, that's right, it is not your specific narrow minded scope and definition of what "liberation and sovereignty" are. Thus, you being vegan and far superior to all other non-vegans and spirits and all other forms of life cannot be wrong in your own personal narrow minded scope. You are just too holy for the liberation and sovereignty of anything beyond your simple narrow focus.

The Not So Great, Great Paul Watson

If you want to know how great Paul Watson is, just ask him. He'll be more than happy to tell you.

In memory of fellow Paul Watson exposer, Peter Webster.

Inspired by a post on Portland Indy Media by Jim Lockhart.

A BIG THANKS to my wife, Shusli, for turning me on to this post.


I first heard of Paul Watson on KBOO. He was being interviewed by Andrew Geller as he was heading up the coast to go fight against the Makah whaling effort. During this conversation, Paul Watson seemed like a pretty interesting fella. Something didn't seem altogether right about him, but then show me an activist where everything is altogether right about them. Then Paul made a comment that taught me to hate him forever, "We've become the Indians and the Indians have become the cavalry." Odd, however, the Indians were not seeking to slaughter women and children as the cavalry so bravely had in the past. But after the Makah got their one and only whale, a little incident happened in Forks, Washington.

After the whale was taken in May of '99, me, Skip Mahawk, and my ex-wife headed up to Neah Bay to get some of our own answers. Skip knew a fella in Forks and we stopped on the way. There we were informed by this man's wife that she worked or volunteered for Neah Bay's Head Start. They had brought a bus load of children down to Forks to watch a local school baseball game. When they pulled into town, there was a group of anti-Makah whaling protesters. These brave and glorious protesters seeing that the words "Makah Head Start" were printed on the side of the bus bravely attacked. They hit the sides of the bus with their protest signs screaming threats to the children (all aged 6 years and under) and few adults inside as well as numerous racial epithets. The bus load of kids managed to escape before the glorious and brave protesters could tear the little kiddies limb from limb. Now, who has become the cavalry?

We had brought some recording equipment with us, and Skip's friend gave us the name of a fella in Neah Bay that would be willing to talk with us. Mr. H. (not using his full name for his and his family's safety) had a lot to say about how the community had reawakened in the renewing of their whale hunting rights. More singing of traditional songs, less drinking and drugs, less depression, etc. They also told us of how Sea Shepherd Folk managed to force themselves into schools in Neah Bay to preach their anti-Indian anti-whaling propaganda to the kids up there. Mr H. also informed us of how the great Paul Watson and his Sea Shepherd Society and the Sea Defense Alliance and others would harass their ceremonies prior to and after the successful whale hunt. Those brave SELF-PROCLAIMED white Indians Paul Watson and his various thug allies, how quaint. I also asked Mr. H. about Alberta "Binky" Thompson.

You all remember "Binky" Thompson, right? I'm sure the great Paul Watson has forgotten his little Red N**ger tool by now. As the issue of the whale hunt was coming to a head, the great Paul Watson and the Sea Shepherd Society paraded a Makah elder around to denounce her own peoples efforts. I saw "Binky" speak at the "End Corporate Dominance" conference at Portland State University. Little old grandma crying for the whales and denouncing her culture and her people. She also claimed that pro-whalers had killed her dog, though she had absolutely no proof, and I bought it, kinda, at first. I gave "Binky" a hug, and so did a whole lot of other folk. But something just doesn't sit right with me when someone accuses a specific group of committing a crime that they can't prove when they have an agenda.

Mr. H. told us what he knew about Alberta "Binky" Thompson. Makah people had little respect for Alberta Thompson as an elder because she never did anything to warrant respect from the people. I asked about her safety in Neah Bay, where she lived, considering what she had done. Mr. H. said people just leave her alone like they always did. There was no threat to her safety. (I saw her at "Makah Days" a few weeks later and she was sitting around eating and having a good time pretty much by herself).

Paul Watson attached himself and his organization to "Binky" because he realized he could use her as a propaganda tool not against her own people, but to convince non-Indians that Makah elders were against the whaling and those against the whaling were being terrorized by the pro-whaling Makah. So the Sea Shepherd Society takes "Binky" on tours of their boat and offer her all sorts of little gifts and lots of undeserved unwarranted attention for one reason and one reason only, so they can use her as a tool for their own ends of attempting to stop Makah Whaling. I have only a basic understanding of psychology and the patterns in which people behave having studied them in personal life and in the greater civilization through observation, reading, and history, and so I don't come up with this accusation by simply pulling it out of my ass. It is a common method to use someone as a tool for people to gain an ends to their own means. In my opinion, however, the ends was not, is not, and never really has been getting the Makah to stop their whale hunt, especially in the case of the great racist Paul Watson.

[side note: I wonder if in that new TV show about the great (big fat and ugly) Paul Watson if he ever has had his little Red N**ger token on, Alberta "Binky" Thompson. I kind of doubt it because "Binky," being accused (and rightfully so) of being an attention whore herself, just might take away some of the attention from where it should be, on the great Paul Watson.]

Armed with this information, I started listening carefully to lectures by the great Paul Watson. I started noticing a pattern. Paul Watson was talking about the great Paul Watson. If you get a chance, and you will if you go to the Portland Indy Media article linked above, listen to Paul Watson talk about how great he is. Whales seem only a back drop in the life of the great Paul Watson according bo Paul Watson. However, you will notice that the great Paul Watson is proven a liar by Ward Churchill.

Paul Waston wrote a book about one of his favorite subjects, Paul Watson. In this book he claims to have been at Wounded Knee during the seige of '73. Even makes a few statements about events that actually happened during this time. Claims he was given a name by Wallace Black Elk during a sweat. That name was "Grey Wolf Clearwater." Paul said that Wallace told the great Paul Watson that he was on this earth to save the Buffalo of the sea, aka, whales. Odd, however, no one who was actually at Wounded Knee in '73 remembers the great Paul Watson. Now, for anyone who has been in a high stress situation such as a seige and a firefight, you are gonna remember those around you, especially someone as great as the great Paul Watson, wouldn't you think? Why doesn't anyone who was actually there remember him? Ward does claim that Paul could have been amongst the many folk who came and offered aid to those beseiged but was gone within 24 hours. It is a possibility, but rather doubtful. Ward Churchill asked Wallace about the naming and Wallace stated that he didn't name anyone during that seige. In fact, Wallace stated he wouldn't have given anyone two names ever and he especially would not have named him Clearwater, considering Frank Clearwater. It would seem that again, Indians are just a tool for the great Paul Watson to agrandize the life of the great Paul Watson. Red N**gers are just tools, tokens, and backdrops (just like whales) in the life of the great Paul Watson.

During this time there was a misinformation propaganda campaign enacted by the anti-whaling organizations. At the e-law conference panel about the whaling just prior to the taking of the whale, the great Paul Watson was telling the folk that the hunt was illegal, a clear and provable lie. Article 6, section 2 of the U.S. constitution states that treaties are "the supreme law of the land." In the Makah treaty it states that with the theivery of most their lands under the illegal conquest and occupation of the U.S. government that the Makah maintain their right to hunt whales. To state that the Makah have no legal right is to state that the U.S. constitution is a lie.

Also stated was that the whale hunt was gonna kill more whales. The Makah received their quota from indigenous Russians. The Makah could take 20 a year for five years, even though the indigenous Russian group actually gave up 120. 1, count them, 1 whale was taken in that five year period. That means 119 whales were NOT killed during that time.

Johnathan Paul was trying to propagandize on behalf of his Sea Defense Alliance organization that the Indians were going to sell products made from the whale. Funny, the Makah had sent their lawyer to sit on the panel (the Makah were too terrified to come themselves because of the actual Cavalry mentality of the alleged activist community toward them). When asked to respond, this is what he said, and I paraphrase from memory: "It is true the Makah asked me to ask the International Whaling Commission if they could sell products made form the whale because they have a treaty right to do so. So I asked. The commission said no. I told the tribe what the commission said, and they were fine with that. They will not be selling any products made from the whale." (Later, Jonathan Paul and I almost got in a fight behind the law building at the U of O. The great Paul Watson's ex wife was even involved. I forget what her name was as she was screaming at me and those with me that she was 1/8th Cherokee and therefore had some sort of supremacy over the Makah [never clearly explained]. Then again, her name doesn't really matter in the life of the great Paul Watson). It wasn't until after our little vocal altercation was ended (being photographed prolifically by a photographer from the Register Gard, though I do not believe any were published) that I noticed Jonathan Paul's bicep was about as big as my head. I have since joked with many a person that he may have sent me to the hospital had we come to fisticuffs, but I would have left him with a nasty pinch he wouldn't have forgotten for about 2 days. Jonathan Paul is now in prison for his activist work, which is bullshit. The man should be free and roaming the earth, even though I don't personally care for him all that much.

About 2 or 3 years ago, Shusli had contacted a young Makah woman about the whaling issue, shortly after the Makah's second attempt to kill a wounded whale near Neah Bay. (The attempt failed, the Navy or some group like them killed the whale and let it sink to the bottom). Shusli and I and others had a call-in program on KBOO about the whaling issue and we were talking about the great piece of s**t Paul Watson, and what his actions against the Makah meant. I went on my usual accusatory tirades of Paul Watson being an ego maniac and a liar and that whales meant only as much to Paul in how they can elevate the life of the great Paul Watson. A fella called in claiming to have been a crew member on the Sea Shepherd and that my accusations about Paul are true. He is an ego maniac, he is a racist, and whales do only mean as much to him as how he can stand upon their greatness in order to elevate his own. I also find it interesting in how few to zero of his crew members are on any lecture circuits. I never hear him mention their names other than some are former members of the SEALS (bfd). Why can't we talk with them? Why are they never on tour with him? Why does he hog all the glory? AND WHAT ABOUT THE WHALES?

I have seen clips of Paul Watson's TV show. I've seen the video of him on the helm. I can just imagine him telling the camerafolk the proper angles to get of him, how he will turn his head at a certain time and share with the world his glorious and fat ugly face. But here is another issue I have with Paul...WHAT ABOUT THE WHALES?

Whales are facing many more issues than just whaling. Truthout did a big expose on the U.S. military dumping tons of its poison gas cannisters into the bottom of the ocean. Any mention of stopping that for the whales? Any mention of stopping the industrial pollution for the whales? Any mention of the current global climate change on the whales? Any mention of the U.S. military using their sonar on the whales? Any mention of the indigenous further north and their issues in subsistance hunting whales? Anything about whales at all? All I've seen is the great Paul Watson and his (nameless?) crew members chasing down Japanese whalers. Mind you, I do not support industrial whaling under any disguise like that which the Japanese are doing, but where are the whales? What is happening to the whales? Mind you, it is more than just industrial whaling that is killing them. And all I see are Paul Watson and crew going after whalers. Nothing more. The show is about the glory of the great Paul Watson and to a lesser extent, the Sea Shepherd Society, and to an even lesser extent, the crew members. WHAT ABOUT THE WHALES?

Paul Watson, the Sea Shepherd Society, and their whole crew and supporters can GO F**K THEMSELVES! Industrial whale hunting is only part of the problem. In my opinion, because the Makah issue was getting so much publicity is the ONLY reason Paul and crew went up against the Makah. Paul was latching on to their publicity and making it his own. Had the cameras been gone, had their been little to no attention paid to the issue, I doubt Paul would have ever shown up, nor any of those other f**king a**holes. In fact, Paul would have probably been saying, if asked, the same s**t I said above, "The Makah have a treaty right to hunt whales. They had voluntarily given up that right when the industrial whaling came close to making whales extinct. Now that they whales are coming back and they received thier quota from the indigenous Russians, not only will their at best be the same amount of whales legally taken every year, but their may be even less should their hunts not be as successful." But the Makah got a lot of media, and what better for an ego maniac in his constant personal self-promotion. Whales? yeah, Whatever.

Don't get me started on some of the alleged leaders of the alleged Peace Movement, either!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

40 States Unemployment Funds Will Dry Up Within Two Years

Read the whole story here.

I guess this, along with being cut down to 3 days a week at my job, are signs that the ECONOMY IS IMPROVING! Might be a good time to read "1984," which is next on my list.

Currently, as stated previously, I am reading "War Against the Weak," by Edwin Black. This book is about how the U.S. using eugenics as an alleged science (nothing to back it up, no studies, etc., kinda like Kennewick Man) to create a master race of white folk while elimating the rest of us, including lower class white folk, all of us being too feebleminded to be born multi-millionaires. So, here would be an interesting excercise in eugenics.

The "master race" types with Carnegie and Rockefeller money keep stating that it is natural for us lessers to be wiped out. It was a natural progression for Adolf and friends to slaughter Jews, Sinti, Roma, etc. Natural.

What should naturally happen to the lessers too feebleminded to have a job? That's right! According to the eugenics movement of earlier this century and what may remain of it today amongst the monied classes, the lessers should take their lumps and starve out and die. This is American thought of the master race, perfected with joy and help from the Americans in Nazi Germany.

This eugenics pattern seems to fit over what is happening to the Crow Creek folk, what is being done to the Palestinians by Israel, and I'm sure a whole lot more.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The Next "Mitakuye Oyasin"

On Thursday, December 24th, on "Mitakuye Oyasin," we will be talking with Tiokasin Ghosthorse host of "Indigenous Voices" on WBAI, Crow Creek tribal chairman Brandon Sazue, and Moses Brings Plenty on the illegal theft of Crow Creek land by the IRS to sell to a wind power company for development and the many other issues of oppression facing the Crow Creek today.

Tiokasin will be discussing the same issue on the East coast earlier in the morning.

WBAI NY "First Voices Indigenous Radio" w/Brandon and Moses and Eric Klein. Eastern Time 10:10 - 10:29 AM continue at 10:31 to 10:43.

Tune in, December 24th, 6-7pm PST to KBOO 90.7fm in Portland, 100.7fm in the Willamette Valley, 92.7fm in the Gorge.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Economics and Eugenics

Unfortunately, I have plenty of time to write considering I have been given the day off of work. It seems the the economy is improving so well [for billionaires] that my small company saw fit to give me the day off. You see, they aren't billion dollar bankers stealing tax dollars to maintain their misstresses after they made horrific financial errors. I mean, it's not like those billions in our tax dollars should go to the folk those assholes swindled to keep them in their homes. Fuck them! They Ain't Rich! I shall be looking for a part time job, now. Thank goodness the economy is improving...for billionaires who are given billions in our tax dollars.

So, here are some interesting bits from "War Against the Weak," by Edwin Black.

"Sanger's book, Pivot of Civilization, included an introduction by famous British novelist and eugenicist H. G. Wells, who said, "We want fewer and better children...and we cannot make the social life and the world-peace we are determined to make, with the ill-bred, ill-trained swarms of inferior citizens that you inflict upon us.""[pg. 130 "War Against the Weak"]

Margaret Sanger, for those of you who don't know, helped found Planned Parenthood. I agree with her as far as women having reproductive rights, but she was also a eugenicist, a believer in the master race. And she was IRISH! Irish aren't part of the master race! Irish and Scots I've heard referred to as the Niggers of Europe. C'MON! Margaret was still a eugenicist even after WWII, when most folk got to see what eugenics was really all about in Nazi Germany. Eugenicists here kept on talking euthenasia, but dismissing it.

H. G. Wells. George Orwell and H. G. Wells were friends for a while, until George wrote a criticism about him living in a fantasy world of visioning a utopia without seeing reality. Orwell's Utopia was what he saw in Barcelona, Spain when he arrived where everyone got along and worked together, only later to be betrayed by the Stalinist communists which eventually led to the long running Franco fascist government of Spain. H. G.'s was more along a eugenicist line, and he became a rather unhealthy great big fat fuck, didn't he?

I have other quotes, but I won't get into them right now.

What I find most interesting is that the alleged science behind the eugenics (Greek for "Well-Bred") movement was all but non-existent. Folk like Margaret Sanger, H. G. Wells, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Walter A. Plecker, musician John Powell, and so many others based their belief on was just that...a belief. There was literally little to no scientific foundation. The science seemed to be all pulled out of their racist, classist, sexist assholes. All of these folks despised charitable organizations (what the fuck is Planned Parenthood, if not a charitable organization?) because they believed that the lesser folk (aka, white trash, blacks, indians, mexicans, italians, eastern europeans, etc.) should be allowed to starve to death when it came to their time. No, we shouldn't help one another, but euthenize them through complicity. Shit, if America had it in it (and it was heading that way), there would have been gas chambers here before Adolf got them going in Europe.

"Feebleminded." What the hell is feebleminded? There is, of course, no clear definition of "feebleminded," but this helped the Eugenics movement sterilize many of the lower classes. You see, it wasn't really about the "master race," because most of the folk that believe/d that shit were a mighty fucked up and rather useless bunch of scum, except maybe Margaret Sanger who did at least struggle for women's reproductive rights. The eugenics movement made sure that you could be sterilized for being diagnosed as "feebleminded." There was, however, absolutely no clear definition of feebleminded, just like there is NO EVIDENCE that whites, let alone any other race, is the master race. But, Oliver Wendell Holmes of the U.S. Supreme Court in the Carrie Buck v. Bell case decided that Carrie Buck was feebleminded and worthy of sterilization.

Carrie did well in school, which makes one question the allegations of "feeblemindedness," but since when does actual evidence count in a U.S. court room? Carrie's mother was institutionalized by a copper in Virginia. His family generously took Carrie in because they needed some cheap slave labor, she was about 8 at the time. At around 18, Carrie was raped and got pregnant, and the copper had her institutionalized. The eugenicists wanted a test case to legalize all the illegal sterilizations they were performing already, and managed to get it all they way to the U.S. Supreme Court. They had Carrie, her mother, and her two month old daughter diagnosed as feebleminded. Not that they were, the eugenicists coerced and fabricated the diagnoses, but that is how the U.S. legal system works. Not only did Carrie do well in school, but her daughter, also taken in by the alleged generous copper, also did well in school, but died at 8 from a brief illness.

The eugenicists seem more interested in killing folk before they are born than they do in creating healthy human beings living in healthy environments.

You all have to read this book.

Even so, how much will all this shit matter in an economic collapse?

Auschwitz Sign Update

Three men who confessed to the brazen theft of the infamous "Arbeit Macht Frei" ("Work Sets You Free") sign from the former Nazi death camp at Auschwitz have re-enacted the event for investigators who said the crime might have been commissioned.

Polish media have reported, without citing any sources, that a person living in Sweden could be under suspicion.

Krakow police spokesman Dariusz Nowak did not say why investigators were looking at the possibility of the theft being organised, but said that "indeed it looks like someone is behind it".

Mr Nowak said foreign police have been notified and are working on the case but refused to elaborate.

Police found the sign on Sunday - cut into three pieces and hidden under snow in the woods - and arrested five suspects in northern Poland.

Officials said three of the five men have confessed to Friday's pre-dawn theft of the sign, which is a symbol of Nazi Germany atrocities during World War Two.

Prosecutor Piotr Kosmaty said the three who had confessed were taken back to Auschwitz to show investigators how they unscrewed and tore the sign, which weighs 66 pounds (30 kilograms), and is 16 feet (five meters) long, from the gateposts.

Mr Kosmaty said the two other men had denied any involvement and, further, denied being at Auschwitz.

In Krakow, police displayed the broken sign for journalists. It was cut into three parts, with each part bearing one of the words. Some of the steel pipe that formed its outline was bent and the letter "i" was missing from the word "Frei" because it had been left behind during the theft. It was recovered at the scene.

She said experts will be analyzing the sign "millimeter by millimeter" for clues as to how it was cut up and by whom.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Work Shall Set You Free

The "Work Means Freedom," sign from above the Auschwitz Death Camp museum has been stolen. You can link the article from English Al Jazeera above. An investigation is being done into the theft.

In my mind, I am starting to put a lot of shit together. The connections between the eugenics movement ("War on the Weak" by Edwin Black), to what is happening to the Crow Creek Indians in South Dakota, connected to WWII through eugenics, connected to corporations and fascism, to how we work today, to the Gulag system in Russia, to the Spanish Civil War, to George Orwell, to the current wars and the greed and need for corporations to steal the remaining resources of the world for the few, etc.

"Work Means Freedom." "Work Shall Set You Free." Maybe a corporation stole it to help motivate their workers?

I am currently listening to a biography of "George Orwell" by Gordon Bowker. I have yet to read "1984," but have read "Animal Farm" in high school which I also have coming in from the library in book and CD form. All of these things are becoming connected in my mind and I am unable to put the words clearly to blog. Eugenics, George Orwell, Spanish Civil War, current work environments of myself and those I Love, Obama winning the Nobel Peace Prize, World War II, World War I, Vietnam, everything around me now and into the future, for a while anyway. I can't put it into words yet, what I am seeing in my head, but I will. Give me time. Maybe lots of words, maybe just one or two.

[side note: Listening to this biography of George Orwell, I see that he was a very strange fellow, and still rather amazing. He was very misogynist yet worked best with women. He was racist, hating Scots, yet lived among them and enjoyed their company. Goofy fella. But it made me remember a time at Aloha High School where I was taking an English Literature course taught by Dean Johnson who described the odd behaviors of, if I remember correctly, Edgar Allen Poe. Tim (last name forgotten) made mention that writers seemed like rather weird folk. Dean agreed. Tim then asked Dean if he was a writer. The whole class burst into laughter.]

Saturday, December 19, 2009



Haloscan has been purchased by a company called Echo and is now charging for use of their comment software, which I would have to upgrade to without so much as being able to check it out. It is only 9.95 a year, but I just don't trust that, especially after using Haloscan for all these five or so years of writing these blogs.

So, as of December 29, Echo will more than likely obliterate all the comments posted on this blog and I will use Blogger's comments, which are just fine and cost nothing.

There's a friendly little heads up for youz all.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Theft of Crow Creek Land by the IRS

Shusli found this information on the Derrick Jensen Forum. We made mention of it on "Mitakuye Oyasin" yesterday as well. The land grab is so that a wind energy corporation can make money without having to pay anything to the Red Indians whom the land belongs to. Alleged green energy also seems to help contribute to Native American genocide, but ain't that the way the U.S. government works.

Also, check out this video made about other suffering that the Crow Creek have to put up with because they are Indians who aren't suffering enough according to the U.S. and corporations. It is disturbing (though you don't see dead bodies, you see what helps make dead bodies). Please help these folk as best you can.

Crow Creek Land Is Not for Sale

CROW CREEK RESERVATION, Friday, December 11, 2009—Brandon Sazue’s camper sitting in the middle of the prairie presented a lonely but inspiring image as we drove up Wednesday afternoon. Despite the bitter cold and wind, the young Crow Creek tribal chairman was taking a stand against the United States theft of any more Dakota lands, telling us “Crow Creek land is not for sale, and it never will be.”

Symbolically placing his camper under a wind data tower, Sazue has committed to remain on this parcel of land as long as it takes to achieve justice. The land is part of the 7,112 acres recently stolen by the United States government in what amounts to a 21st century land grab. Because the land is not currently held in trust, on December 4, 2009, the Internal Revenue Service used that as an opportunity to claim it and auction it off as a means to settle what they assert is a delinquent $3,123,790 tax bill. Though most of the Crow Creek reservation is situated within the poorest county in the United States, the land under dispute happens to contain world-class sites for the harnessing of wind power. As the world’s fossil fuels dwindle and alternative energy sources are increasingly sought after, Crow Creek lands also become increasingly more attractive to outside interests. Whoever develops the site for wind-energy stands to make a fortune. This connection is not lost on Chairman Sazue.

Anyone who understands the history of the Dakota people since invasion and conquest cannot help but be stunned by this attack on the tribal lands of people who have already suffered so much. After the U.S.-Dakota War of 1862, the U.S. federal government and the State of Minnesota initiated polices of genocide and ethnic cleansing against Dakota people in our beloved homeland. White Minnesotans hanged thirty-eight Dakota warriors, rounded-up and force-marched our populations to concentration camps in Mankato and Fort Snelling, then forcibly removed us from Minnesota to fulfill Governor Alexander Ramsey’s genocidal call for extermination or forced removal. Dakota people were loaded onto boats that went down the Mississippi River and then up the Missouri River on a journey that was so horrendous, a missionary at the time compared it to the Middle Passage of the slaves. Under gun and bayonet, our ancestors were brought to Crow Creek in 1863. Thus, Crow Creek began as a concentration camp.

The trauma to Dakota people only continued there. Within the first few months of arrival at Crow Creek, hundreds of Dakota people died from the dreadful conditions. In fact, the missionary John P. Williamson wrote “Nearly all the small children died in 1863.” The heartbreak from those events are still felt today. The people of Crow Creek live with that legacy, as do the rest of us with ancestors who were subjugated on these lands. After 1862, the United States government left our people with so little. Now, even what little we have is under attack again.

Sazue’s stand in defense of the land is a rallying cry to the rest of the Oceti Sakowin (Seven Council Fires) of the Dakota Oyate (Nation). Though fierce winter weather has so far kept supporters from camping out next to Sazue, a steady stream of allies offering prayers, songs, food, supplies and encouragement continues throughout each day and even more people show their solidarity through phone calls and emails. We know more of our people will be coming. Like Chairman Brandon Sazue, we will not allow these lands to be taken. We will stand with him.

Waziyatawin, Ph.D.

Crow Creek Supporters:

In addition to your presence and prayers, we need supplies at the encampment site. The first objective at the site is staying warm. We need people to help cut, haul or donate wood to keep a fire going, lumber for building windbreaks and shelters, sandbags, blankets, sleeping bags (especially those made for below 0 temperatures), hats, scarves, mittens, boots, tarps and tipis.

Oceti Sakowin and other Indigenous relatives, please bring flags from your communities to show solidarity with the Crow Creek Oyate. Everyone bring banners—7,100 acres is a lot of ground on which to maintain our presence.

In addition, we need food, flashlights, cookware, tools (shovels, axes, saws), concrete blocks, matches, and water containers.

We also need people who have other gifts to encourage these resistors to U.S. land theft. Drummers and singers, your presence and support would be most welcome.

Supporters may stay in the tribal hall. Please bring your own bedding and linens. Showers will be available at the motel.

If you can donate some goods, please
call this number to arrange a drop-off at a south Minneapolis location:



Crow Creek Sioux Tribe
Attn: Chairman Brandon Sazue
P.O. Box 50
Ft. Thompson, South Dakota 57339

If you have any questions you can call:

Tribal Chairman's Secretary, Carol Quilt at (605) 245-2221


"Crow Creek Sioux Land is NOT For Sale"
hosted on the web by, the free online petition
service, at:


In Minnesota Contact:

Senator Amy Klobachar: 302 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington, DC
20510, phone: 202-224-3244, fax: 202-228-2186. Metro Office: 1200
Washington Avenue South, Suite 250, Minneapolis, MN 55415, Main Line:
612-727-5220, Main Fax: 612-727-5223, Toll Free: 1-888-224-9043

Senator Al Franken, 320 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington, DC
20510 (202) 224-5641. Saint Paul Office: 60 East Plato Blvd Suite 220,
Saint Paul, MN 55107 (651) 221-1016.

White House Comment Line: 202-456-1111
Switchboard: 202-456-1414

Here’s a link that will take you to an email form:

And one to the senate:

Telling Truth Gently

Here is a link to an excellent video called "Telling Truth Gently." I no longer know how to post a video from Youtube to a blog. Enjoy!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Those Who Do Not Listen

Recently, kk made this comment on my "Hey, Climate Change Deniers" post:

What I am saying is that the statistical sample that is being used to push the man made global warming case is too small.

Talk to youer community college econ guru and ask him about the statistical sample size used for the man made global warming crowd.

If I have a contrary view, you seem to respond to my comments with personal attacks.

Climatatic fluctuations are a natural occuring event. Through history, climate has always varied and always will. 100 years of climate data is like a grain of sand when compared to the actual age of the earth. A few years ago global warming was being blamed for causing our increase hurricane activity. The past few years have seen decreased hurricane activity, and now that is being blamed on global warming. Sorry, but they can't have it both ways.

I am getting a little tired of arguing and am about to just tell kk, "okay, kk, all those climate scientists and politicians, Nepalese, Virginians, Africans, indigenous, etc., they are all wrong and you are right," simply because I am getting tired of this argument.

First, let me take offense to you calling my friend, James Craven, who has a Ph.d. in economics and is not a "community college econ guru." Jim is the head of the economics department at Clark College in Vancouver, WA. He has also been offered a position at Xinua (sp?) University in China to teach their Ph.D. students economics, a position offered to only 4 people in the world once a year. It is the at least the second time this position has been offered to him. Jim is also the Solicitor General to the Blackfoot Traditional Government, wrote the Blackfoot Constitution and the indictment of the U.S. and Canada for the crimes of genocide against the Blackfoot Nation. He was also a judge on the child sex abuse tribunal in Canada (the U.S. still refuses to admit that they raped Indian children). He has also taught law and is an expert in indigenous and international law. He is currently editing a book he wrote on the genocide of Indians and how it is connected to U.S. economics. Here is his website. So, as far as that little snide comment goes, "community college econ guru," go f*** yourself.

Personal attack? Yes, I do take these things as personal attacks. It is not only you I get this type of response from, nor only this subject. I have toned down quite a bit, to be honest, after getting fired from Boydstun Metal Works in 2003 the day that co-King George started his illegal war against Iraq. I spoke out against the war, constantly, to everyone, and pointed them to various facts, figures, etc., to do their own research and prove me wrong. The only thing I got stumped on at the time was when some fella came up to me and said that Iraq had purchased some weapons grade uranium from Africa. I had not heard of that at the time, but looky at what came of that, eh. Proven lie. I didn't think it was possible at the time, because of the heavy regulation in the nuclear industry, and it turns out that it wasn't. Iraq didn't purchase the uranium and the documents were fabrications.

Fast forward to today, I rarely talk about anything other than work and acceptable conversation at my current workplace. Recently, I stepped across that boundary a little bit and told a fella I assumed because of his looks (long hair, scraggly goatee) that he was somewhat of a lefty. When he asked me what I was doing for Thanksgiving, I told him I was doing a radio show called "Genocide Cover-Up Day." I told him of the document stating that the first annually celebrated Thanksgiving was for killing Indians. "I DON'T BELIEVE THAT!" "Even with documentation?" "I don't believe that!" He later informed me that I am not to say anything bad about cops in front of him, either. He Loves his men in blue. I have recently watched a video of cops beating, torturing, and murdering citizens for a common crime, not respecting coppers authority. Then there is the Brotherhood of the Strong here in Portland where cops have the backs of their buddies for any criminal activities they perform. And, well, I have a long list of information on those criminal organizations as well. But, I don't say anything because that could put my job in danger. I'm an at will employee, not union, and therefore can be fired for any reason at anytime.

So, that is why I take things like your comments personally. I'll probably get over that soon enough, as I grow to understand that there are many folk one cannot have a sharing of knowledge with. Heck, I've learned a lot from you in our conversation on this subject. I hadn't heard of the "Midieval Warming Period" nor have I heard of the increase in ice in Antarctica. I looked them up, and the Midieval Warming Period was only over Europe according to the studies done. Why, I wonder? You claim it was just natural. I assume you mean that whatever possible environmental causes that may have been produced by men in that area at the time are irrelevant. What is your proof on this? What does it have to do with the subject at hand (nothing according to the scientists)? You seem to state it as proof that the current climate change crisis is not caused by man. It is natural. You seem to insinuate that humans, especially civilized humans, have no effect on the natural environment.

I have heard of things like the Little Ice Age, but have not really looked into it. Sometimes wording of these things can be misleading. I may or may not study this. Again, what does this have to do with climate change today? You seem to be insinuating that since there were weather changes in the past that civilized humanity has no effect on their natural environment. That is like saying Indians killed each other in the past, therefore the U.S. genocide of Indians is OK today (yes, people actually do use that argument, unfounded as it is). You pointed me to the Harvard study on the Little Ice Age and the Midieval Warming. I haven't looked, yet, however, but I wonder if their conclusion is that since there are possibly naturally occurring climate changes in history that the current climate change is not caused by industrial and civilized humans because humans seemingly have no physichal effects on their surrounding environment.

Back even 20 years ago, I remember it being an unspoken agreement that when the issue of salmon destruction and possible salmon recovery on the Columbia River, that the issue of the dams was not to be brought up. We had the salmon wars in the '60's and '70's when the "never do anything bad or illegal" cops were beating the shit out of Indians, aka "Red Niggers." Why? Because anglers and their supporters alleged that it was Indian fishing that was depleteing the salmon. How did they come up with their conclusions? Because Red Niggers were fishing. Not the fault of the dams. Nor was it the fault, as it was actually found to be later, of the flouride dumped in the Columbia and its estuaries by the numerous aluminum smelters in the Northwest at the time. It was Red Niggers, and many anglers still believe that today. Few still look at the dams. Not the fault of man, the fault of Red Niggers, who aren't really human.

I have seen a video some 15 years ago of a Kwakiutl stream in Alaska that was being cleaned up. It used to have thousands of salmon come up it every year, but the stream was damaged by logging (which I'm sure you can explain that it wasn't), and the salmon runs were reduced to zero. In the third year of the clean-up process, they got some 400-500 salmon. It was crazy watching the salmon follow the three men up the stream as they cleared the way for them. It was like their memory was returning. Most amazing thing. Last I heard they were getting runs up to 40,000. There is a river near Chico, California that many activists keep industry away from and it is the only river that has runs in the tens of thousands every year in California.

Statistical sample? What statistical sample? I do remember about 20 years ago when I first started hearing about climate change, then called global warming, that the temps were rising rather slowly, blah blah blah. I didn't give a shit. Didn't sound like anything to me. What I did know, however, is that industrialization does have an effect on the environment to its detriment. Dams on the Columbia for example. Global blah blah blah...WHATEVER! However, the science I'm reading has nothing to do with the statistical sampling. It has to do with the shit in the atmosphere, and not just the excess of carbon, but far more serious shit up there as well. This shit has an effect on the climactic weather. I listen to what the sceintists say because I've heard how their data is gathered, what they do with it, how they figure out what it means, etc. Then I listen to the stories of the people. Some streams in Virginia folk used to be able to feed themselves off of from the fish 30 years ago. Those fish are GONE! now. Floods in Nepal where the folk there have only memories of snow in the winter, they now have rain. This, too, in the last 30 years. I've read stories of the old Indian folk from the Siletz rez that state it used to snow heavily every year, it is a rare year to have snow and even rarer for it to stick in the area these days. I watch the receding glaciers. etc.

You come here and say that climate change has happened allegedly naturally in the past, therefore the current climate change is not happening, and if it were, it is not manmade. You state that the statistical sampling is too small. Let me remind you of a statistical sampling you did fairly recently. Remember my post about the LOL woman being on her knees was sexist. Your statistical sampling to prove me asked two women friends. You did not take into consideration the way their lives are lived or how they perceive the world and how it influenced their decision to inform you that a woman on her knees is not sexist, but that is what they told you. How many women are their in the world? A couple of billion? Yet I'm wrong because two women you know whose lives I know nothing about tell you it is not sexist. Did you ever ask them to get on their knees before you? I'm kinda curious if they did and whether or not they still considered a woman on her knees (notice that men in advertising are never on their knees) is not sexist.

There are questions that I have repeatedly asked that you are not answering. Why are there meetings like that in Copenhagen? Why are polticians wasting their time and our tax dollars trying to gain dominance over this issue to protect the environmental destruction they are going to continue to do? Why, if climate change is a lie or if it is NOT manmade as you seem to allege, are they even having these meetings? Why? Can you tell me, kk, why they are having meetings about a LIE!? I've looked into the information you've passed on to me, will you offer me the same consideration, or is your intellect so superior that your conclusions are simply unchallengeable?

Why are there so many scientists coming out that climate change is real and caused by industry for the most part because of the actual shit in the atmosphere is there because of industrial output? How can they be so wrong and you be so right? You insinuate that scientists are so stupid that they base their whole study on a statistical sampling. However, the scientists I read about and listen to haven't even discussed a statistical sampling. They discuss what is in the atmosphere, how it got there, and the effect it has or can possibly have. You state that scientists have found climate changes historically and your conclusion, not theres from what I can see, states that therefore climate change does not exist today or if it does it is not manmade. It happened in the past, therefore todays alleged climate change is a lie or at the very least not caused by industrialized civilized humanity.

Then there are the issues of how climate change is effecting folk, communities that live much closer to the land than I, are now having greater difficulties in sustaining themselves. They say that weather patterns have changed so drastically that these changes have damaged villages, killed people, effected animal and plant species, etc. All of this in the last decades especially. Either they are lying, or it is just a natural occurrence and all the data scientists and that these folk are stating is either wrong or fabricated.

The receding glaciers on Iceland, in the mountains, etc., not proof, at least not to you. The fact that scientists state that the Antarctic ice increase is part of climate change, you aren't listening to. The fact that parts of the Antarctic have melted means nothing to you. The fact that the Arctic ice has receded so much that ships can now pass over North America from one ocean to the other means nothing to you.

Your main insinuation which you have thus far backed with very little evidence other than historical information with no studies into the possibilities of why said climate changes occurred, are the basis of your conclusion that civilized/industrialized humanity has nothing to do with the current climate change (should it actually exist) and that it is a completely organic incident. Personally, I need something more, but I don't believe you will come to this discussion with more.

I do take these things personally, and I apologize for that. That will change soon enough because, really, kk, if you're right, no big deal, if I'm right, those scientists are right, those politicians are right, those living closer to nature are right, there ain't nothin' gonna be able to be done about it anyway.

Last night Shusli and I had a discussion that we believe that nothing can be done anymore. We believed, even up to a few years ago, that we could change the world, turn it into a better place. Now, we see that there is nothing to be done. Climate change is still gonna happen. Genocide is still gonna happen. Economic collapse is still gonna happen. There will probably be a massive die off of humans and all forms of flora and fauna. Now, we are trying to figure out the best ways to survive this when it happens. All we have to go on is that it is gonna happen. The U.S. economy and thus the global economy is in a shambles, the natural world is being destroyed, the U.S. is going to continue its genocidal behavior until the very end. If we survive this shit, how do we survive it? What do we do now? And I am hearing the tales of more and more one time hardcore activists that they have stopped because they believe the same way. I wonder if that is why there are hadly any protests (in the states anyway) anymore? I don't plan on making a study of it, but I do plan on gathering the stories of more and more folk that have and have not given up the fight.

So, like Mike Ruppert, there will come a time when I will just stop arguing. It's coming, It will be here soon, but I still cling to that crazy idea a bit that I can somehow make a difference. That we can all somehow make a difference and create some sort of positive global change, but really...ain't gonna happen.

So, there you go, kk, my long response to your comment.

One last thing, the science on the hurricanes, I haven't looked into, and neither, obviously, have you. I listened to it at one point a few years ago, but it became a blah blah blah issue to me. Personally, I do believe you can have it both ways. I do believe nature can be effected by humanity. We are all connected. "Mitakuye Oyasin," everything is related. But there again, I don't dismiss them out of hand. To me, that is like someone coming to me stating that their spouse beats them on average once a month, but most of the rest of the time they are rather nice. Can they have it both ways? Can they be treated nice and beaten by the same person? The answer is yes. So I don't simply dismiss shit out of hand because it doesn't seem to make sense to me. I could look into, but I probably won't.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


I have always been fascinated by eugenics since I first heard about it. My knowledge has always been limited, mostly to the race hygiene movement of the Nazis and Americas work to eradicate its indigenous nations, but not much beyond. As I grew older, I realized that there were many more victims of eugenics and genocide than I ever wished to imagine, and have made a rather laymans study of the subject. Mostly I am curious about the intergenerational effects of genocide on my fellow humans and genocides that occur historically and today.

"Mitakuye Oyasin Radio Collective" member, James Craven (Blackfoot Solicitor General to the Traditional Government and Economics Head at Clark College) made mention on the program of the book by Edwin Black (author of "IBM and the Holocaust," a must read) called "War Against the Weak: Eugenics and America's campaign to create a Master Race."

I have heard and read some about the eugenics movement. In Oregon, there were many sterilization programs for various races, handicapped, and those deemed "feebleminded." Thus far, some five years ago, Oregon apologized to the folk with down syndrome for sterilizing them for the "master race," so far...not to Indians or the others they attacked with eugenics, at least not that I recall. No reparations, no taking of responsibility, no justice, no healing, no making amends... "Sorry about trying to wipe you people off of the face of the earth so we of the master race wouldn't have to deal with you. There, all better (for us of the master race)."

Anyway, the introduction and first chapter of the book are rather disturbing! One thinks they know a rather lot about the disgusting behavior of the nation they live in when they make a study of it can still be shocked and disgusted at new discoveries they make. Example: It is mentioned that the Carnegie and Rockefeller Foundations heavily funded the eugenics movement even during the Nazi regime. Harvard and Yale universities and many other institutions of academia were involved in this alleged pseudoscience.

The first chapter, and maybe if white folk read it they can get an understanding of what I've been talking about all these years, is called "Mountain Sweeps." It deals with the "hill billies" being rounded up in Virginia in the '30's by the sheriff, taken to various hospitals, and sterilized. Many of them were not told what was happening, just that it had to happen. These poor folk were seen as "feebleminded" and thus were slated for sterilization.

Over 50,000 documents were studied in creating this book with more researchers helping on this project than can fit in the ackowledgements section. The research was so thorough, that they checked it with other well known research and found that there were many errors in the research already done.

Edwin, in the intro, has asked that his book be taken as a whole, not picked at and bits of info used to create points of discussion in favor or against one thing or another, thus, until I am finished with this book, you will find occasional reviews of it here and there on this blog.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Hey Climate Change Deniers!

I heard on "Democracy Now" that the Nepalese are having villages wash away by heavy rains because, well, they used to get snow. Must be a left wing conspiratorial lie according to many folk who believe climate change to be a lie.

I am bringing this issue to the forefront again because on a previous post, "Climate Change Ain't Real?" kk posted a comment that Antarctic ice is on the increase, and thus, I looked it up on one of them there internet thingys and came up with this:

Objection: Sure, sea ice is shrinking in the Arctic, but it is growing in the Antarctic. Sounds like natural fluctuations that balance out in the end.

Answer: Overall, it is true that sea ice in the Antarctic is increasing.

Around the peninsula, where there is a lot of warming [PDF], the ice is retreating. This is the area of the recent and dramatic Larsen B and Ross ice shelf breakups.

But the rest of the continent has not shown any clear warming or cooling and sea ice has increased over the last decade or so.

This is not actually a big surprise.

In fact, it is completely in line with model expectations that CO2-dominated forcing will have a disproportionately large effect in the north. The reasons lie in the much larger amount of land in the northern hemisphere and the fact that the ocean's thermal inertia and ability to mix delay any temperature signal from the ongoing absorption of heat. The local geography also plays a dominating role. The circumpolar current acts as a buffer preventing warm water from the tropics from transporting heat to the South Pole, a buffer that does not exist in the north. You can read some more details about that here.

Does it "balance out" in the end? Not really. Sea ice in the Arctic is reaching dramatic record lows. There are other components of the cryosphere that we can look at as well, permafrost, the Greenland ice sheet, global glacier mass, and these all carry the Global Warming signal.

One must look at the balance of evidence, not just those bits one likes. And this balance is clearly in agreement with all other indicators that warming is real and rapid.

So all you climate change deniers best get your butts over to Copenhagen and expose the lies them there indigenous folk are spreading around about their subsistence being damaged because of climate change. It must be their own damned faults, right? Maybe there were doing too many drugs are they are a buncha alcoholics maybe, you think? Maybe they ate some hallucinogens and dreamed it all because deniers say climate change is a lie because Rush, Hannity, and Colmes have told them so, and we all know them good ole white guys (except Hannity, being Irish, which wasn't considered white by white folk until recently) don't need to back up anything they say with facts. In that way, they is like duh Pope!

And again, reality check...Why where there those meetings in Japan and Brazil prior to this one in Copenhagen? If it is a lie, why the heck is the U.S. government wasting our tax dollars on going to these things? Why did the U.S. fix it so developing nations have to take the brunt of the climate change issue? Of course, we all know the U.S. government doesn't want to take any responsibility for its actions, especially those that are criminal, or worse yet, may reduce the wealth of a billion by $.25. Why, climate change deniers, is the U.S. government wasting our tax dollars on a lie instead of just handing our money over to billionaires like they did the bankers? Why?


Shusli and I have seen several gloom and doom movies recently.

"The Road," based on the Cormac McCarthy book of the same name, is about a catastrophic event that leaves a family of 3 intact. The father and son survive, and it is a story about their journey down the road to get to the coast where, for some reason, they believe that they will be safe. Very dark and cruel, it gives one ideas of the possibilities of worst case scenario. Things to think about. How does one survive such a thing.

"2012" had John Cusack in it, and Woody Harrelson as a doomer living in the woods. The special effects and Woody are what made this movie for me, other than that, it sucked. It was fun watching the crazy special effects and Woody as the crazy doomer. It is about a government program to save the wealthy and the master race (eugeneics is slightly mentioned near the end) in order to stave off the complete annihilation of humanity. Did I mention the special effects and Woody Harrelson?

Speaking of Woody Harrelson, Shusli and I went to see "Zombieland" at the Laurelhurst Saturday. If you want your gloom and doom with a lot of fun and zanyness, this is one heckuva film and we enjoyed it a lot. It not only had the Twinkie searching Woody Harrelson, but also Jesse Eisenberg, Emma Stone, and Abigail Breslin. This movie was a hoot and absolutely fun. The Big BM himself, Bill Murray made a special appearance in the film. I highly reccomend this movie.

"Religulous" is a film by Bill Maher. I believe I reviewed this film before on this blog, but even so, Shusli and I watched it last night, Shusli for the first time. It is a documentary film by Bill Maher which preaches doubt. He has doubt in all religion. He questions. He questions heavily many folk from the big 3 (christian, islam, and jew) and expresses his doubts. My favorite was his conversation with Jesus, the man playing Jesus anyway, at the christian theme park in Florida. He starts the film by standing in the exact spot where he says christianity claims that the world will end and Jesus will come down and save the worthy and let the rest of us burn.

So, there are some excellent and not so excellent (2012) gloom and doom films for you all to see. Have fun before the real stuff hits, anyway.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Baby, It's Cold Outside

Rubbing the sleep from my eyes
as I hurtle down the early morning freeway,

a single icicle hangs
from an overpass
like the last
cold, wet, slippery,
of civilization.

and the sun will soon rise
on another day,
give rise,
rise up,
give rise,
to another day,
on the last
cold, wet, slippery
of civilization


everytime I step from my truck
the cold surrounds me
weaves its way through my clothes
and wraps around my skin
like a warm blanket

"the cold will make you tough,"
I've heard it said.
"the cold will make you tough."

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Human Rights and Allegations of Peace

Today is the anniversary of the signing of the UN Declaration on Human Rights.

Article 23 is one of my favorites because it illustrates that the United States Government, since it is a union busting organization, has no right to lecture others on human rights. Not to mention the violation of all the others against folk at home and abroad as well as complicity in so many violations as well.

Article 23.

  • (1) Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favourable conditions of work and to protection against unemployment.
  • (2) Everyone, without any discrimination, has the right to equal pay for equal work.
  • (3) Everyone who works has the right to just and favourable remuneration ensuring for himself and his family an existence worthy of human dignity, and supplemented, if necessary, by other means of social protection.
  • (4) Everyone has the right to form and to join trade unions for the protection of his interests.

Another thing that tickles me is the Obama acceptance speech of the Nobel Peace Prize, stating that, and hopefully I didn't write the quote down incorrectly: "The instruments of war do have a role to play in the role of peace." I guess that means folk can run rampant in the streets screaming "PEACE" while shooting one and all with a shotgun or some such weapon. The book "1984" was becoming highly recommended by many folk on the BOO concerning this speech.

Of course, Henry Kissinger won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1973. Here is some of what was read in Henry's absence in acceptance for the prize (read by Thomas R. Byrne, ambassador to Norway from the U.S. at the time):

The Nobel Peace Prize is as much an award to a purpose as to a person. More than the achievement of peace, it symbolises the quest for peace. Though I deeply cherish this honour in a personal sense, I accept it on behalf of that quest and in the light of that grand purpose.

Carpet bombing Vietnam and Cambodia, "grand purpose." Increased slaughter of Afghanis for the drug trade and Wall St., "grand purpose."

Kissinger is also wanted for war crimes.

Tom Watson, former CEO of IBM, whose technology helped the Nazi's in their genocide of the Jews, Sinti, Roma, mentally handicapped, etc. (and he knew it), was the head of the Carnegie Foundation for International Peace and his quotes are still recited today.

Well, US, violator of human rights. Nobel Peace Prize and Carnegie Foundation for International Peace, BULLSHIT! Time for the people to take over the world and stop these genocidal bastards giving each other pats on the back for their criminal behaviors.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Climate Change Aint Real!

That's why all those nations are having that big huge conference in Copenhagen, because climate change aint real. Rush Limbaugh and corporate owned scientists have said so, and we all know they wouldn't lie!

That's also why the U.S., U.K., and Denmark are trying to be top dog in the climate change arena giving most if not ALL the power to the wealthy nations to do whatever they want to the world...humanity be damned.

Thank you all you deniers for saying its not real. That means all the glaciers and polar ice caps are still in place and all that information is just propaganda from the left, enit.

Anyway, here is part of the article from Commondreams about the leaked document where next week the U.S. and its corporate owners can run completely amok with pollution and emissions because armageddon is just around the corner anyway, eh!

Copenhagen Climate Summit in Disarray after 'Danish Text' Leak

Developing countries react furiously to leaked draft agreement that would hand more power to rich nations, sideline the UN's negotiating role and abandon the Kyoto protocol

by John Vidal in Copenhagen

The UN Copenhagen climate talks are in disarray today after developing countries reacted furiously to leaked documents that show world leaders will next week be asked to sign an agreement that hands more power to rich countries and sidelines the UN's role in all future climate change negotiations.

[The UN Copenhagen climate talks are in disarray today after developing countries reacted furiously to leaked documents. (Photograph: Attila Kisbenedek/AFP/Getty Images)]The UN Copenhagen climate talks are in disarray today after developing countries reacted furiously to leaked documents. (Photograph: Attila Kisbenedek/AFP/Getty Images)
The document also sets unequal limits on per capita carbon emissions for developed and developing countries in 2050; meaning that people in rich countries would be permitted to emit nearly twice as much under the proposals.

The so-called Danish text, a secret draft agreement worked on by a group of individuals known as "the circle of commitment" - but understood to include the UK, US and Denmark - has only been shown to a handful of countries since it was finalised this week.

To read the whole article, click here.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The Phillipines

Today commemorates the December 8, 1941 attack on the U.S. occupied Philippines by the Japanese which eventually lead to the Bataan Death March. Douglas Macarthur, aka "Dugout Doug," managed to escape to Australia protecting his own hide at the expense of his men and the 99 nurses he left behind on Corregidor. Thankfully, especially to those who Love torture like that I hear is shown in the popular show "24" (which I've never seen), Doug had the foresight to incorporate Japan's famous "Unit 731." Unit 731 used to torture folk to death to see how much they could endure before they died. Now we have torture in Iraq, Guantanamo, Afghanistan, in U.S. prisons. Doug abandoned his men and women to go on and have a long life and career.

Yesterday was Pearl Harbor Day, a day I figured everyone else would remember so I made no mention (I used to work for two survivors of Pearl Harbor; Dan Mercer and Ken Hewlett). Today is the anniversary of the attack on the Philippines.

Thanks, Doug.