Thursday, January 29, 2009


One thing that I haven't heard all that much about in Israel's illegal and genocidal war against the Palestinians in December and January is the fate of the prisoners kidnapped illegally by the Israeli forces.

At the International Middle East Media Center, I found a couple of articles that ask questions about these folks and bring attention to their plight.

Report : Fate of Gazans taken during attacks remains unknown.

And this article about the post cease fire killing and kidnapping of Palestinians in Gaza by Israel:

Military forces attack Hebron area: Two civilians injured and four others kidnapped

Frech Folks Hit the Streets

To protest the proposed economic bailout package in France, the French folks hit the streets. Seems that they are mighty pissed off that the economic package doesn't help the workers as much as the wealthy. Sound familiar? It should. That is what most if not all of the proposed economic stimulus packages are, welfare for the wealthy. Kinda like co-King Bush's billions to billionaires banker giveaway of our tax dollars. And you didn't see anything like this in the streets of the U.S. Culturally, I would have to say that it seems that the folks of the U.S. are incapable of, say, hitting the streets and striking terror into the governmental folks who claim to represent them while giving their tax dollars to already wealthy millionaire and billionaire types. People here in the U.S. generally seem to think: "Oh look, my anus just got stretched another inch in diameter. Huh! Whaddyaknow? Well, it's a good thing I live in the land of freedom with liberty and justice for all."

Could you imagine if the folks hit the streets like this in the states? Yeah, there is the slight potential that folks could be hurt or killed, BUT FOLKS ARE ALREADY BEING HURT AND KILLED AND BY GUM! LET'S MAKE IT FUCKING STOP! And you know that it would be folks like you and me killing folks like you and me to protect the empire. Thus, those folks can have their hearts changed. They are not the elite, and the elite will never do their own killing, not like in the good old days when kings would ride along with their forces to fight battles. The chickenshit like hunker in a bunker that is protected from nuclear attacks, even. Not so brave folks, the elite who never pull the trigger but ask others to do their killing for them. Mostly, they are unarmed, too, because they don't do their own dirty work.

Things to think about.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Recently Iceland's government has collapsed, as I'm sure you've all read in the news.

This article in the New York Times says some 62,000 jobs were lost on January 26. I've heard the number stated even as high as 74,000, but definitely 62,000.

This article in the Seattle Times says the U.S. lost over 281,000 jobs in December of 2008, co-King George's last month on the job.

As a produce fella, I no longer make 40 hours a week. I make around 34 hours a week.

I was told yesterday a person whose workplace had a bonus program had it cut.

Listening to analysis of Obama's bailout plan on KBOO radio on Monday during an economics special, his plan is basically printing more money which means it will lead to inflation with the likely outcome of the same result we are having now. At best it would be a bandaid solution. However, what real solutions might their be.

Yesterday, I explained all of this to our daughter Felicia, 13, who has a severe lack of interest in her education. I gave her an education she didn't quite expect, nor, I'm sure desired, but she needs to know the reality behind the situation. If she doesn't graduate, her likelyhood of getting a job and being able to take care of herself in this style of economy will be severely limited. If she graduates, she'll have a better chance. If she goes to college, she'll have a better chance. Education, however, is no guarantee either.

With all this glorious information, I also informed her that I believe the most important thing is that we help each other.

Thus, I am reading "The Grapes of Wrath" by John Steinbeck for the first time.

I am not hopeless. In fact, I personally Love the idea that the U.S. government and basically this alleged "civilization" stands on a ledge with no where to go. Kinda like an economic "Highway of Death." This, of course, will force us to have to help each other. Where else can we go? Does anyone out there have any suggestions? Does anyone want to talk about this?

Gaza has been a horrific action indeed. With the U.S. economic collapse, will this lead Israel to a collapse as well? What then?

Lots of things to ponder and discuss.

Oh, and one more thing gleaned from Life After the Oil Crash who got this article off of the Internation Herald Tribune of the New York Times, "U.N. crime chief says drug money flowed into banks." Basically, the banks have not been saying no to drugs because the illegal drug trade is making them a lot of money. Remember when co-King George stated he was "allowing" Afghanistan to produce poppies for the drug trade to help finance their country's economy?

And Another Thing: Also gleaned from LATOC, Banks are fearing an unprecedented default of loans of people with previously good credit ratings. Why? The massive amounts of layoffs happening across this country. "It's the end of the world as we know it. I feel fine!"

Friday, January 23, 2009

The Great Dictator - speech

I heard this Charlie Chaplin speech from a talkie he did called "The Great Dictator." It was played on KBOO's "Wiggle Room" produced by Bill Dodge. It was so amazing and so relevant today (Like "Johnny..." and "War is a Racket"). I called Bill to get the information on the speech. He said the movie was a flop when it originally opened, but today it is somewhat of a cult classic.

It's the artists who do the work to make us aware of what the hell is going on. It's the artists who'll probably do a whole lotta savin' of this world. Comedians...whoduhthunk?

The Jewish Barber (Charlie Chaplin's character): Hope... I'm sorry but I don't want to be an Emperor - that's not my business - I don't want to rule or conquer anyone. I should like to help everyone if possible, Jew, gentile, black man, white. We all want to help one another, human beings are like that.

We all want to live by each other's happiness, not by each other's misery. We don't want to hate and despise one another. In this world there is room for everyone and the earth is rich and can provide for everyone.

The way of life can be free and beautiful.

But we have lost the way.

Greed has poisoned men's souls - has barricaded the world with hate; has goose-stepped us into misery and bloodshed.

We have developed speed but we have shut ourselves in: machinery that gives abundance has left us in want. Our knowledge has made us cynical, our cleverness hard and unkind. We think too much and feel too little: More than machinery we need humanity; More than cleverness we need kindness and gentleness. Without these qualities, life will be violent and all will be lost.

The aeroplane and the radio have brought us closer together. The very nature of these inventions cries out for the goodness in men, cries out for universal brotherhood for the unity of us all. Even now my voice is reaching millions throughout the world, millions of despairing men, women and little children, victims of a system that makes men torture and imprison innocent people. To those who can hear me I say "Do not despair".

The misery that is now upon us is but the passing of greed, the bitterness of men who fear the way of human progress: the hate of men will pass and dictators die and the power they took from the people, will return to the people and so long as men die [now] liberty will never perish...

Soldiers - don't give yourselves to brutes, men who despise you and enslave you - who regiment your lives, tell you what to do, what to think and what to feel, who drill you, diet you, treat you as cattle, as cannon fodder.

Don't give yourselves to these unnatural men, machine men, with machine minds and machine hearts. You are not machines. You are not cattle. You are men. You have the love of humanity in your hearts. You don't hate - only the unloved hate. Only the unloved and the unnatural. Soldiers - don't fight for slavery, fight for liberty.

In the seventeenth chapter of Saint Luke it is written " the kingdom of God is within man " - not one man, nor a group of men - but in all men - in you, the people.

You the people have the power, the power to create machines, the power to create happiness. You the people have the power to make life free and beautiful, to make this life a wonderful adventure. Then in the name of democracy let's use that power - let us all unite. Let us fight for a new world, a decent world that will give men a chance to work, that will give you the future and old age and security. By the promise of these things, brutes have risen to power, but they lie. They do not fulfil their promise, they never will. Dictators free themselves but they enslave the people. Now let us fight to fulfil that promise. Let us fight to free the world, to do away with national barriers, do away with greed, with hate and intolerance. Let us fight for a world of reason, a world where science and progress will lead to all men's happiness.

Soldiers - in the name of democracy, let us all unite!

Look up! Look up! The clouds are lifting - the sun is breaking through. We are coming out of the darkness into the light. We are coming into a new world. A kind new world where men will rise above their hate and brutality.

The soul of man has been given wings - and at last he is beginning to fly. He is flying into the rainbow - into the light of hope - into the future, that glorious future that belongs to you, to me and to all of us. Look up. Look up."

YouTube video of Charlie Chaplin delivering the 'Look Up Hannah' speech in 'The Great Dictator'

Mitakuye Oyasin

Shusli and I hosted "Mitakuye Oyasin" radio show yesterday. We interviewed a woman, Carrie, from the Leonard Peltier Defense and Offense Committee about Leonard's current situation.

We also interviewed Lori Goodman from Dine Care about energy corporations screwing the Navajo folks along with the Navajo tribal councils help and are moving forward, rather illegally of course, with the building of a coal fired power plant.

Most impressive of all was Shusli as she not only handled both of these interviews with an ease that you would swear she was a professional and not that this was basically her first time interviewing folks on the air. But wait, THERE'S MORE! Shusli, DURING THE SHOW, started a blog for "Mitakuye Oyasin." The address is Shusli is amazing!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Johnny Got His Gun

"Johnny Got His Gun," by Dalton Trumbo, was written in 1939 and is still as relevant then as it is now. I would rank this book right up there with Smedley Butler's 1935 book, "War is a Racket."

"Johnny..." is about a young man named Joe Bohnam who was drafted into the military to fight in WWI. Joe wakes up in a military hospital and eventually realizes something horrible has happened to him, his legs, arms, and face had been blown off and he was also deaf.

The book is totally from the point of view of Joe. All the things that happen around him are as much a mystery to the reader as they are to him.

Shusli showed me the 1971 movie on Youtube, a must see, and equally disturbing as the book though the perspective is an observer of Joe and Joe's observations instead of just Joe's perspective. These two media pieces work well together.

I found out in trying to find a picture for this post that there is also a 2008 version of "Johnny..." I had never heard of nor realized that. I'll have to see if it is available on video.

Some powerful points come out of "Johnny..." Why are our fellow workers killing our fellow workers? What is liberty? What kind of liberty did Joe have after getting blown to bits? What kind of liberty do other folks get when they are damaged by war? Why aren't we killing the folks that lead us to war but never follow folks into battle?

All in all, war is one pretty stupid act in which folks get all worked up by other folks to kill other folks so a handful of folks can make some money. So what if say, children in Gaza are slaughtered? So what if say, soldiers come back damaged and dead? So what? The most important thing is that those with the money make more of it when we "at the bottom" are killing our fellow human beings for their greed. You can get those ideas of freedom and other bullshit! What the hell is freedom when you have to kill others to achieve it?

I had a photo of the mutiliated soldier up here, too, but decided to take it off. I wonder if he was thinking, "I did my part for the freedom of my fellow Americans." Or maybe he was thinking "MY GOD! WHERE IS MY FACE AND HANDS? WHERE'S MY MOTHER? SOMEBODY HELP ME! WHAT THE HELL HAVE I DONE?"

What do you think folks in Gaza feel, those mutilated and otherwise? Do you think they are greatful that Obama stated that Israel has the right to defend itself from school children, the UN, mothers and grandmothers, and wounded in hospitals?

This book and the movie combined are great motivations to ask yourself WHY THE FUCK DO WE KILL EACH OTHER AND NOT THOSE WHO LEAD US INTO WAR!?

Saturday, January 17, 2009


Since Israel has the right to defend itself, they are defending their people from schools in Palestine. Yeah, you really have to watch out for those schools. Here in the U.S. school administrators found it necessary to strip search a 13-year-old girl for drugs.

And maybe, since it is necessary for Israel to "defend itself" from schools, maybe...JUST MAYBE...all those school shooters here in the states had it right! Maybe they were defending themselves. I mean, if Israel has the right to defend itself from hospitals, UN buildings, and schools, maybe all those school shooters were just defending themselves. Maybe all those school shooters are actually heroes of some sort of war? I think we should look into this more. I mean, if it is OK for the Nation state of Israel to kill people in schools, it should be OK for everyone else, right?

Oh, yeah, speaking of school shootings, remember that Iran/Contra thing. The Contras ("I am a Contra" --Ronald Reagan) were trained by the U.S. to hit soft targets ("Kill the Women and Children first, they're easier to kill and it strikes terror into the hearts of the men" --Phil Sheridan). Soft targets included schools and hospitals. No wonder the U.S. government thinks it is great what Israel is doing to Palestine. The U.S. used to do it as well! Of course, the U.S. never attacked Indian boarding schools where children were raped and murdered (found out St. Ignatius school even buried children in their walls), probably because they were raping and murdering Indians.

Eh, who knows. Although it is illegal for folks to go through schools on an individual basis and slaughtering as many people as possible, it is readily apparent that the same laws do not apply to nation states, especially the U.S. and Israel.

Like the Gun

Like the pistol, I turned 45. I can't wait for my 357th.

I share a birthday with the greatest, Muhammad Ali, as well as Mick Taylor (guitarist for the Rolling Stones between Brian Jones and Ron Wood), and the big BF himself, Benjamin Franklin.

After a long work day (I'm driving to Eugene...I know, I know..."Eugene in Eugene, huh, huh") Shusli and I will be celebrating my birthday by going to Todai, for an all you can eat lunch or dinner, depending on what time get back.

Shusli set up a wonderful little display for me this morning. That is so sweet!

Folks, don't forget to celebrate life.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Obama Administration Supports Israel: Don't Expect Anything to Change, Other Than the IQ Level and Good Looks

As Israel continues its genocidal attacks on the people of Palestine, killing over 1,000 thus far, mostly women and children and male civilians, the Obama administration has made it clear that it, too, will "defend Israel." Of course, taking that side means that they could really give a shit about the Palestinians, so we can expect that the Palestinians will be continuing a life of horrific suffering under the Israeli empire. But that's OK, because the relatively few people getting killed in Israel need to be defended from what can only be called a people with few arms compared to Israel's massive and nuclear armed military.

There is no mention of the defense of Palestinian hospitals or UN buildings recently blown to bits in Israel's genocidal campaign. I guess the Obama administration could really give a fuck about those folks. You know we all need to be denfended from the UN and hospitals by miltary force. I mean, you never know when a bunch of sick and wounded crazed fucks are gonna rampage from hospitals and murder us in our sleep with white phosforous and depleted uranium munitions. I mean SHIT! With all the tanks and guns and heavily trained sick people in hospitals, we really need to protect ourselves.

And those unarmed UN peacekeeping fucks! I mean, no wonder Israel murdered 14 of those unarmed East Indian UN peacekeepers in the 6 days war in '67. SHIT! THEY WERE DEFENDING THEMSELVES FROM HEAVILY UNARMED PEOPLE!

Hey, do you know some lesser armed folks you may need defending from? With the type of logic the former and now the incoming administration are gonna use on the issue of Israeli genocide of Palestinians, I think all you heavily armed folks out there better start killing all the folks in hospitals and UN buildings worldwide. You never know when those assholes will rise up and wipe us all off of the face of the earth.

Please, mother-fuckers, take a minute to think! Does Israel REALLY need to defend itself from Palestinians? Wouldn't the best defense be to stop killing their babies, sick and wounded, share with them opportunities that Israeli's have (watch "Paradise Now" to see the difference between Israeli life and Palestinian life). Wouldn't it be best to say, "Hey, let's be friends and help each other. No more killing." Wouldn't that make more sense in terms of defense?

The answer to this question if you are Israeli cabinet member or a member of the Bush or Obama administrations is a flat NO! The answer if you have compassion, empathy, and Love for your fellow human being would be Yes! If not my suggestions, something quite similar that doesn't require white phosphorous, tanks, killing of women and children, depleted uranium, blowing up hospitals and UN buildings, etc.

Play some chess, folks. That is a game that really helps to teach you to THINK! Think, that most deadly of words. I know you may get a headache, but it helps you to learn and understand complex and simplistic patterns such as warfare. Read some history, as well. If you don't exercise your brain and teach yourself to THINK FOR YOURSELF, then it would be easy to get on the Obama, Bush, Livni train and believe that blowing up hospitals and UN buildings and killing lots of women and children is a DEFENSIVE MEASURE!


Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Croesus was told through an oracle, "You shall destroy a great empire." He thought it meant that he would destroy the Persian empire. It turned out, however, to be his own that was destroyed in the end.

"Pretext for War," by James Bamford, is a book that all folks should read that want a good understanding of how co-King Bush took the U.S. government and by extension, its people, to a war both illegal and unjust. This fucking of information and those that deal with it to bring about this horrific and unjust war being continually waged in Iraq is also heavily covered in the book, "Hubris," by Michael Isikoff and David Corn, which I am listening to on CD.

Basically, all that has been alleged, about co-King Bush and King Dick wanting a war with Iraq at any cost and forcing intelligence agencies to wrap the information around that idea are, indeed, true. Many people within the administration during the genocidal decision making process of this ideal couldn't believe it was happening as it was. They were also too scared to do anything about it. Much disinformation was put out and much of it published by Judith Miller was then quoted as fact by the administration so that it could reach its desired goal of acheiving, at least in part, co-King George's revenge against Saddam for attempting to kill his daddy.

As pointed out in "Pretext..." James Bamford makes note that the mass of the intelligence gathered about this alleged assassination attempt was gleaned, most likely via torture, from the alleged head participant.

That aside, basically, folks wanted to go to war and lied to get the U.S. government, intelligence agencies, and the mass of people who are unwilling to look beyond Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter as great purveyors of truth, to back this illegal, immoral, genocidal, and unjust war. "Pretext..." and "Hubris" point this out in clear, easily substantiated facts.

Makes me think of when I got fired from a job for speaking out against the oncoming war (after several initial reasons were refuted by me, they said I just didn't fit in). One fella came up to me and arrogantly told me that Saddam was trying to get uranium from Africa, and thus the U.S. had to go to war. I hadn't heard about that at the time and told him so. I also told him it sounded like bullshit to me. Both these books go in depth into just how much BULLSHIT it actually is.

That aside, starting on page 261 of "Pretext..." there is a weighty discussion about three chickenhawks (those who support war, killing, genocide, war crimes, rape, murder, assassination, and many other dirty deeds to get their way, but are unwilling and have NEVER participated in such actions and never will [that is for us lessers]). There names are Richard Perle, Douglas Feith, and David Wurmser. They authored a plan while working under the Clinton administration called "A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm." What they wanted was for Israel to start a war with Iraq, illegal or otherwise, to secure that nation for the interests of the U.S. and Israel. Israel was also to attack Lebanon and Syria and get what they wanted from them as well, Lebensraum, elbow room. They were also to be given free reign to enact whatever measures they deemed necessary or desireable to bring about the destruction of Palestine and bring it into the fold of Israeli ideals.

Of course, what happened with this grand strategy was co-King Bush stole the election in 2000, and being revenge minded, along with King Dick's desire to return to an "imperial presidency," the leaders of the U.S. government on January 30, 2001, started making plans to start a war with Iraq. co-King George also stated that they would let Israel do whatever it wanted to solve the Palestinian problem. Today, that solution comes in the form of an all out attack against an almost defenseless peoples and slaughtering many civilians and children who were already suffering greatly under the horrific force of Israel and its ally, the U.S.

Croesus learned that greed and overextending oneself can lead to the downfall of an empire, let me point out that co-King George's desire for revenge led us into a prolonged occupation of Iraq costing approximately 4 trillion dollars thus far. I don't know how many billions has been spent on Afghanistan, and over $700,000,000,000 of our tax payer dollars was recently handed over to his wealthy banking buddies. Joblessness is increasing, jobs are decreasing, cities and states are going bankrupt, prolonged occupation is murdering millions of Iraqi's and others, massive numbers of people are suffering because of the U.S., the U.S. backed empire of Israel is ruthlessly slaughtering Palestinians to gain more Lebensraum... I think the empire is crumbling.

What say you?

Monday, January 12, 2009

Indians for Sale

Shusli saw an add in the Willamette Week for an "Indian Artifacts Auction" happening at the Red Lion at Jantzen Beach. Shusli suggested we go.

We checked out the items at this auction, and though "possibly" within legal boundaries, there are a lot of questionable items within the collection that we saw. So, we shot of a phone call to our friend David because he knows many of the legal issues behind such activities. With just the information Shusli and I passed on, he said the guy sounds shady.

We also put in a call to a member of the local chapter of AIM (The American Indian Movement). We left a message as no one answered.

We were unsure of our course of action. You see, many people, human beings, have been slaughtered in order that this fella, Steve Allard, can sell them to the public at a profit. Most of the items are on consignment. The organization putting on the auction is Allard Auctions Inc. Shusli and I went to a couch in the hallway to discuss possible plans of action. An elderly fella came out of the elevator looking for the auction and we pointed him in the right direction. He also mentioned to us that these auctions happen about once every six weeks.

Shusli suggested we head back in and we talked with Steve Allard. Shusli let her opinions be known, and Steve talked a good talk. She brought up a Lakota pipe bag that is a ceremonial object. He said it was a "Lakota style" pipe bag and we took him to look at it. He suddenly changed his tune and started talking in a panicked voice. He said it was modern and chemically enhanced to look old, then ran off to get a glass of water.

Shusli and I went to breakfast at that point, then home to discuss further plans of action against this fella with Eli, Shusli's son.

I called the AIM member again, and he was at the auction trying to get more AIM member down there and asked us to come to their meeting last night.

We attended, and Shusli told the members the story of finding the add and talking with Steve Allard. A couple of fellas there were familiar with Steve and his family's work, making profits off of Indian folks. The made allegations of theivery and other shady activities practiced by the Allard family.

But wait, there's more! Shusli, in her internet research, found an old link that stated about two years ago, Allard Auctions was responsible for trying to sell a Lakota scalp for $2000 on E-Bay. Because of NUMEROUS complaints, the scalp was taken off the auction block.

We (Shusli, Eli, me, and AIM) are in the midst of action discussions on what to do about this fella the next time he comes to town, which will be February 21.

Hey Palestinians

In war, one of the many horrific things that occurs (like rape, which I'm sure, even without confirmative evidence that the Israeli's are doing to Palestinian women because that is what happens in war, it is a consistent pattern of war) is trophy taking. No doubt, many Israeli soldiers are taking whatever trophys they can, just like the U.S. soldiers (and others) are doing in Iraq. So, you can expect your possessions that they have stolen to be sold some time in the future for their own profits. Again, these things that I am mentioning are uncofirmed in any articles that I have read, but I GUARANTEE you they are happening because they are a clear and consistent pattern of warfare.

I made mention to Shusli that they don't have "White Artifact" sales. She said, "yes they do. They're called antique stores."

One thing made little mention of is the collection of body parts. I WWII vet I knew told one of my co-workers that he had a lot of "nip ears" and other things to remind him of "the good war." Then Allard tries to sell a scalp on E-Bay. No doubt, Israeli military personel will be collecting some Palestinian body parts as mementos of their genocidal and illegal campaign of SLAUGHTER.

Maybe, Palestinians, the Israeli's will erect a statue of two racist stereotypes of your people pointing to Israel looking for "The Coming of the Israeli's." In Washington Park, here in Portland, Oregon, they have such a statue of two Indians looking for "The Coming of the White Man."

You know...I think it is about time all of us human beings put an end to such aggregious bullshit. Whaddya say, folks. Gather up your power, don't give it away, and USE IT to create a good world for one and all to live in.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

In Aljazeera English Today

Despite a call from the UN for a cease fire, Israel is just having way too much fun killing Palestinian babies. Look at this, folks. Tell me that this will bring about real and everlasting peace. Convince me that Israel wants a true peace by killing the most vulnerable of Palestinians, children.

I find it most amazing that the pro-lifers aren't up in arms about this. It has been said that pro-lifers are AT BEST pro-birth, because they don't give a shit about kids after they are born. I guess that's true. Haven't heard a single voice of a pro-lifer speak out against the actions of Israel. Of course, most pro-lifers are probably restorationsist as well. That is, they believe that Christ won't come back for a second time unless the Jews have their own state in Palestine. Therefore, they probably believe that Israeli (different that the Jewish race) military should be allowed to kill darky babies like Palestinian babies and Sephardic Jews (like using Sephardic Jews for radiation experiments, Israel irradiated 100,000 Sephardic Jews to see how it would effect their health, not to mention performed medical experiments on Black South Africans). I wonder how the pro-lifers will explain that to their pal should he make a less than triumphant return.

I like what Sherman Alexie wrote, when I liked Sherman Alexie, about the second coming. "What if I told you Jesus had already come back and been crucified again. ...He called himself Crazy Horse ...and didn't mention a third attempt."

Chris Is Back!

No, not Christ Chris, Columbus Chris! One of the things Chris and the boys enjoyed doing to upstarts who refused to kneel before is arrogant genocidal ass, was to occasionally round them up in a flammable structure, usually one of their buildings or houses, and burn them alive. Killing, to Christians, it is one of the most enjoyable things to do. OK, not to all Christians, but to the colonialist minded might is right type of Christians, killing and stuff!

So anyway, check this out, your gonna laugh, turns out that the Israeli military rounded up a bunch of Palestinians, placed them in a building, then shelled it. Funny, huh! ...oh...wait...that's not funny, that's a war crime. That is a continuation of the Israeli genocide against the Palestinian people.

And the U.S. Backs this Type of Behavior?

Of course the U.S. backs this type of behavior. Look who brought you Mai Lai, all the massacres they continue to create in Iraq, the first war in Iraq, the Pushtun massacre in Afghanistan, all the massacres in the Philippines, Wounded Knee, Mystic Lake, All the massacres in South Western Oregon, the two massacres we know of in the Silverton, Oregon area, etc. I mean, C'MON! Of course the U.S. is gonna back genocide! They even backed the genocide of the Jews during Nazi Germany by ALLOWING over 200 U.S. corporations to create profits from BOTH SIDES OF THE LINE! IBM being one of the aggregious monsters. Were it not for IBM, the Jews, Sinti, Romani, Gays, Lesbians, etc., would not have been rounded up so effeciently (that and Jewish sell-outs informing on their buds for safe passage to Palestine). OF COURSE the U.S. government is gonna back baby killing! They are pro-lifers, too! C'MON! Are you really f***ing surprised!?

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The War at Home: The Murder of Oscar Grant

In Hayward, California, a funeral will be held today for twenty-two-year-old Oscar Grant, who was shot dead on New Year’s Day by a BART police officer on an Oakland train platform. Three cell phone videos of the shooting have emerged. They show an officer pulling out a gun and shooting Grant in the back while he was lying face down on the ground. Grant worked as a butcher at an Oakland grocery store and was the father of a four-year-old daughter. Investigators have yet to interview the officer involved in the shooting.

--from Democracy Now, 1-7-09

I guess there isn't much difference between the physical structure of a handgun and a taser, and I guess they are in the same location on a police officers belt. Huh. You learn something new everyday. SOS, however, will be that this officer will have gotten away with senselessly murdering another black man. Huh, not so unusual.

Welcome to the homefront!

"Mitakuye Oyasin" is on the Air Again

"Mitakuye Oyasin" is back on KBOO's airwaves, Thursday, January 8, 1 to 2:30 pm with your hosts Eli Baseler, Shusli Baseler-Johnson, Eugene Johnson, with occasional appearance by James Craven and David Liberty. The show will air every other Thursday from 1 to 2:30 pm, PST, with a second January show airing on January 22.

For those of you out of our service area, KBOO can be heard via the web at

Thursday's topics will be the plight of the Palestindians under their current brutal attack from the Israeli Military.

We will also have an interview with Ishmael Beah, author of "A Long Way Gone," a memoir of his life as a boy soldier in Sierre Leone.

Tune in.

I Had Dreams of Giant Chile Rellenos Last Night

So, Shusli and I were going to learn some ballroom dancing last night. Since we had little in the fridge to create a dinner, and little time to do so, Shusli and Eli suggested "paleo" burritos! WOO-HOO!

Shusli stayed home while Eli and I went to La Sirenita on 17th near Tacoma in our neighborhood. They make some awesome burritos.

Shusli and Eli both got the same thing, carne asada wet burritos while I got my usual chile relleno burrito and a quesedilla.

While we were waiting, there were three of the cutest kids running around in and out of the kitchen under the watchful eye of their mother as they started to get ready. In fact, the two youngest looked kind of like the Palestinian children in the above photo recently murdered by the Israeli military. Anyway, they were so damned cute! The little girl and littlest boy were kind of shy, but not too shy as to walk by Eli and I. I would wave at them and they would smile and look shyly away. The older boy, about 6 or 7, could care less.

At one point, the older boy thought they were out the door, so away he went. I kept an eye on the kid as he walked down the street, and his mother told me, "he'll be back once he realizes we are quite leaving yet." Surez enough, away the kid comes on back, his arm over his face as it was misty and windy last night. Cute as heck!

As Eli and I wait for our dinner, the little family is actually heading out the door. The kids mother tells them, "say goodbye!" They all three wave and say goodbye to Eli and I! CUTEST THING IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD! I reminded Eli that Shusli and I want grandkids. He told me he's on it.
Now, I did tell you all how the U.S. came up with the idea of cluster bombs, didn't I? The U.S. has such clever scientists in its pockets.

So, the U.S. government hires a couple of psychologists to find what colors attract children most. Turns out to be fluorescent green and fluorescent orange.

So they make these wonderful little bomblets, just like the ones the U.S. sold and rushed to the Israeli military to use in Lebanon a year ago, that are colored fluorescent green and orange. (You're starting to get the picture, aren't you?) Then, little children, kind of like the dead ones laying on their mothers chest in the above photo, kind of like the cutest little babies Eli and I saw last night, pick up these little bomblets or play kick ball with them, and BOOM! they get an arm or leg blown off. You see, they aren't designed to kill the little buggers, their designed to maim them. I Know! Clever Fucking Scientists we have here in the U.S., huh?

So, the little kiddo gets an arm and a let blown off, what sense does that make? A whole lotta sense if you Love to kill and maim like the governments of the U.S. and Israel. What happens when a little kid gets their arm or leg blown off? That's right! Personell have to be take out of the field to care for the baby. Medical resources get used up. The potential future treat of said child, like the one in the cartoon photograph above, is removed or at least greatly reduced. And when that child grows up, its potential for productivity is limited and it will most likely be a drain on the system, again, using up resources. Goddamned great clever stuff, huh!?

Don't piss off the U.S. or Israel, they have many great methods of killing your children.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Blowing Up Schools and Killing Their Fellow Israeli's!

Israel has claimed that its bombing of a UN school was justified because they were taking fire from Hamas from the building. To be honest, that doesn't sound like something Hamas would do. And honestly, you can't really believe the Israeli military, afterall, they said that the torpedoeing of the U.S.S. Liberty was an accident in the 6 days war. The Liberty was a spy ship recording Israeli war crimes according to the book, "Body of Secrets," by James Bamford. As well, all the survivors claim the Israeli's could clearly see the U.S. Flag flying from its mast.

As well, Israel claims to be using precision tactics in this war. However, four of their soldiers have been killed by friendly fire, mistaken to have been combatants in this illegal and unjust war.

It would be nice if all sides would come to the table, but they will not. Hamas claims to have started firing rockets after the cease fire ended because the seige, 18 months long, has not ended and the suffering of the Palestinians is due in GREAT PART to the Israeli's, who, of course, are backed by their pimp, the U.S. government. The Isreali's KNEW (simple patterns of oppressive civilized warfare), that Hamas would do something under this provocation, something rockets into Israel. Thus, Israel would then allege that they had a legitimate excuse to start a mass slaughter of Palestinians, not like the seige hasn't killed hundreds, if not thousands.

Now both sides point the finger at each other instead of coming to the table. Israel, of course, with its pimp, the U.S. government, being the most sickening of all.

Mind you, what this will create in the end of it all is this: A whole lot more terrorism, and a demoralization of the Israeli military (the latter will most likely be easily recovered as Israel trains for PTSD amongst its military knowing that they are mostly killing unarmed folks and destroying the lives and limbs of many innocent peoples).

Oh, yeah, and it is claimed that Israel is using white phosphorous in its current attack on Gaza. An illegal weapon, and with their already EXCESSIVE firepower in the area, I would say is pretty much clear that it is unnecessary and being used to strike TERROR into the hearts of Palestinians. White phosphorous was also one of the U.S. most loved weapons for slaughtering Iraqi's in Fallujah.

"I kill one, I make three." --Tommy Franks referring to terrorists and his work in Iraq for the U.S. government.

There will be a lot more made with this latest assault. Again, a clear and consistent pattern, and one that is desired for folks who Love to kill by outgunning folks in unequal matches.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Lebensraum (sp?)

Recently, Condoleezza Rice, blamed Hamas for the Israeli bombing of Gaza. It is Hamas' fault because they fired rockets at innocent Israeli's, according to Rice's logic, anyway. This is called "blaming the victim." Blaming the victim is a way excusing an abusers behavior. "The bitch asked for it." "She didn't have my supper ready when I walked in the door." "Don't cower, Bitch!" Wasn't the abusers fault that his fists slammed into the face of his wife/girlfriend, it was her fault because she didn't do as her master told her.

The recent Isreaeli genocidal (using the accusatory term in its LEGAL sense) attack is no less than Israeli responsibility. Israel has been disarming (making defenseless) Palestinians since its 1948 inception. Provocations have been made in the forms of sanctions, apartheid, ignoring UN resolutions such as 242, breaking the arms and legs of Palestinians, building an apratheid wall so they can fence in Palestinians to be more easily murdered at Israeli convenience, performing radiological health experiments upon Sephardic (darkie) Jews, etc. When one watches their families and friends made powerless over a force that is allowed to steal its dignity and flaunts it in their face on a daily basis, one will eventually fight back. Wouldn't you? Would you sit their and allow your family to be starved? Would you just sit there and let armed thugs (Israeli military) break the arms and legs of your brothers for no particular reason other than to further you oppression? Would you just take it as you watch hospital supplies purposefully depleted so your people could more easily die from preventable health problems? Would you just sit there and take it while your electrical power is purposefully cut off for no other reason than to keep you and your neighbors suffering? That is what Israel has done to Palestinians. It is called provocation. It is probably done because Israel wants to invade and occupy land that is not theirs. You know, like the U.S. has done to Indian lands. Allow the miners in Indian territories to rape women and kill Indians (provocation), destroy food sources, etc., then attack the little red niggers with the intent of "extermination" so you can steal all the land and its resources for yourself. It is an age old tactic.

Recently, King George is stated to have asked for international pressure to be put on Hamas to stop firing rockets. Rocket attacks have increased with the recent illegal Israeli invasion. (Just a reminder, Israel has planned this for AT LEAST a year with many different case scenarios, some of which would have included rocket attacks on Israeli citizens. How do I know this? It is a common pattern of warfare.) Please allow me to remind you, especially those of you with short attention spans, aka Americans, that Hamas was DEMOCRATICALLY elected to lead Palestine. The U.S. and Israel are democratically overthrowing another democratically elected government because it gets in the way of things like the current invasion. Isreal needs some Lebensraum (sp?). Some elbow room. It's a small nation and thus needs to "go [east], young man. Go [east]."

In professional boxing they do what? Men are weighed to match each others mass. Their skill levels are matched to see how they can be challenged in a fair fight toe to toe. Now imagine, one boxer starves the other boxer. Imagine that the same boxer not only starves the other boxer but breaks one of his hands and two of his toes. Now that same boxer gets to take a bat into the right with him and the other boxer doesn't even get to wear his gloves. The referee is also paid off by the bat weilding boxer not to distrub him as he pummels his opponent. The news all portrays this sporting event as a "fair fight." Is it actually a fair fight?

That IS what is happening in Gaza. A people made as defenseless as possible are FORCED to face an enemy with a military might that far surpasses any forms of fairness. This enemy controls the media and has other horrific military mights (the U.S.) in its pocket.

The U.S. wants to keep Israel in power for a couple of reasons. The biggy is capitalist. Israel buys a bunch of U.S. hardware to use in their Lebensraum efforts to rid the area of Palestinians. They are also a pitbull for the oil industry which owns much of the U.S. government.

The other big reason is Protestant restorationism. Many alleged christian folks believe that the second coming won't happen unless the Jews are in control of Palestine. That is the one big thing I got out of "Power, Faith, and Fantasy."

Isn't it a violation of gods law to kill? And if Jesus does come back, is he gonna look favorably upon folks who allowed the money exchangers back into the temple and are killing using his name as an excuse to do so? This inquiring mind wants to know.