Monday, December 14, 2009


Shusli and I have seen several gloom and doom movies recently.

"The Road," based on the Cormac McCarthy book of the same name, is about a catastrophic event that leaves a family of 3 intact. The father and son survive, and it is a story about their journey down the road to get to the coast where, for some reason, they believe that they will be safe. Very dark and cruel, it gives one ideas of the possibilities of worst case scenario. Things to think about. How does one survive such a thing.

"2012" had John Cusack in it, and Woody Harrelson as a doomer living in the woods. The special effects and Woody are what made this movie for me, other than that, it sucked. It was fun watching the crazy special effects and Woody as the crazy doomer. It is about a government program to save the wealthy and the master race (eugeneics is slightly mentioned near the end) in order to stave off the complete annihilation of humanity. Did I mention the special effects and Woody Harrelson?

Speaking of Woody Harrelson, Shusli and I went to see "Zombieland" at the Laurelhurst Saturday. If you want your gloom and doom with a lot of fun and zanyness, this is one heckuva film and we enjoyed it a lot. It not only had the Twinkie searching Woody Harrelson, but also Jesse Eisenberg, Emma Stone, and Abigail Breslin. This movie was a hoot and absolutely fun. The Big BM himself, Bill Murray made a special appearance in the film. I highly reccomend this movie.

"Religulous" is a film by Bill Maher. I believe I reviewed this film before on this blog, but even so, Shusli and I watched it last night, Shusli for the first time. It is a documentary film by Bill Maher which preaches doubt. He has doubt in all religion. He questions. He questions heavily many folk from the big 3 (christian, islam, and jew) and expresses his doubts. My favorite was his conversation with Jesus, the man playing Jesus anyway, at the christian theme park in Florida. He starts the film by standing in the exact spot where he says christianity claims that the world will end and Jesus will come down and save the worthy and let the rest of us burn.

So, there are some excellent and not so excellent (2012) gloom and doom films for you all to see. Have fun before the real stuff hits, anyway.