Sunday, December 6, 2009


On Thursday, Shusli and I went to see Mike Ruppert and the new movie out about him called "Collapse."

With Michael Moore's film, "Capitalism: A Love Story," he tried to get some Wall St. type to describe derivative banking. Mike Ruppert made it almost understandable. You have a physical product, it is work "a". It can increase in value 10 times. That would be 10a. You borrow money on the 10a amount, then bundle your 10a with other 10a's and make a great big package deal on which you borrow more, all the while it is only worth "a" or whatever amount of real "a's" you have. In other words, you can have a billion dollar bank, but it's only real capital could be 50 million.

Mike Ruppert does a great job of describing as simply as possible the banking system. The reality behind it.

Mike has been an LA cop and exposed the CIA dealing in drugs and became a whistle blower. He's been an investigative reporter and had a news letter called "From the Wilderness" to inform folk of such governmental BS. The guy doesn't just pull this stuff out of his ass like say, Hannity and Colmes would. He uses documentation and expresses the facts of these documents and offers his analysis.

The movie's main point, however, is peak oil. That means we have reached the halfway point of oil. We have used up over half of the oil in the earth. With demand increasing and resource decreasing, we don't have a lot of time. Mike points out 80% of everything manufactured requires oil to do so. Food requires transportation. That transportation required oil to be created (some 7gallons of oil in every tire). Plastics. Etc. Welcome to planet earth, have a nice day.

His suggestion is mostly community. We will need each other to stay alive. Things could happen abruptly, we may ease into it, it may be something inbetween, but it is coming. Some areas will do better than others. Who knows what is gonna happen, but it is good to have the information in order to help with the future generations who will be surviving on this planet.

Afterward, Mike had a Q & A. The one thing that sticks out in my head is he was asked about Obama's surge in Afghanistan (war is not humanitarian). Mike said it is for the opium. Wall St. pays the interest on its loans with money from the drug trade. Afghanistan grows some 95% of the worlds opium. The banking system that has a controlling interest in the U.S. government wants control of that money.

I suggest you all see this movie. It is done in the Spalding Gray "Swimming to Cambodia" style and you will learn a lot. You will become aware. You will have information closer to the truth than Rush Limbaugh would give you. Information you can use to move forward, keep aware, help the future generations and each other.